VideoStudio :: Multi Trim Tool / Ad-Zipper And Merge CF
Nov 2, 2012
One of my soap box rants is about Owners Manuals and user guides. Most are a direct translation from the Japanese or Mandarin.
The VS User Manual also is fairly useless as it glosses over the useful detail. (previous query about files used by VS) In this case the Multi Trim tool has two unexplained buttons, the Ad-Zapper and the Merge CF.
I suppose the Ad-Zapper relates to our overwhelming desire to eliminate commercial breaks. (Have you noticed how much longer they have become in recent months? At least one brew and a slice of toast before the program restarts) But what is Merge CF? And how does Ad-Zapper know what is program and what is an Ad?
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Nov 27, 2011
Because i still don't have audio when loading a video in the timeline and go to projectmode. The audio is also not in the output file. It is when playing original clip in library and when in timeline choose the clip but not in project mode and output file.
Thats why i split audio and video in Virtualdub to wav (direct stream copy) and then load audio and video in VS4. Now i want to multi-trim the clip. But only the video is trimming the audio is not trimming with it so audio is off sync.How can one multi trim a video with the audio who is seperatly loaded in the audio track?
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Aug 17, 2013
I've just started using VS X6 Pro, after not doing much with video for a few years. I previously used VS 10 and 9.
We have a canon P&S camera which produces HD H264 mov files which I am editing for the first time and getting a weird problem. The files play fine on the time line, but when I try to use the multi-trim tool I get two issues:
1. Audio is badly out of sync in the multi trim window, like 1/2 second in a 20sec clip. (again, same clip plays fine on the time line)
2. When I make a multiple trim, the "play trimmed video" button does not work properly. eg if I make two selections from a clip with a gap between them, play trimmed video plays the whole clip to the end, then returns to the start of the second trim selection and plays that.
If I load up an mpeg2 .avi clip, the multi-trim tool works perfectly: audio is in sync and it correctly plays only the trimmed sections.
I have enabled smart proxy on the clips, and following another hint in a thread here, I downgraded quicktime to 7.5.5 but neither worked. Also I have installed sp1.
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Jan 13, 2011
I use VSX3 to edit down .mov files created with a contour HD helmet camera. I have been using a 720p version of the helmet camera and have had no issues with editing (other than the ocasional C++ runtime errors and the VSX3 program crashing randomly which just seems to be a Corel programming issue) Recently I got to use a 1080p contour HD helmet camera and have problems editing the files in VSX3. In the preview window in the edit screen the 1080p file plays fine. But when I try to trim the file down using the "multi-trim video" function the file is very jittery, takes a long time to load and the sound is in and out, almost like the program can't handle a 1080p file for editing. The "mult-trim video" works fine for the 720p videos.
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Oct 4, 2011
I made the stop motion effect by the multi trim,and every time after 35-50 sec the software crash,i have to save my work every time before the vs4 crash,what should i do?
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Feb 18, 2012
When I move the slider VS PRO X 4 gets an unexpected error and closes.Digging around I found the Ultimate version and tried the trial download. It worked for a while and then the application terminated again.
I reloaded X4 Pro and installed SP 1 & 2
I find confusing that the X4 Pro Build number without either SP 1 & 2 is:
The Build after Sp1 is:
The Build after Sp2 is:
Then this ULTIMATE version has a build of Looks like the same family and from the same department.
The GUI is also the same no mention of Ultimate - and the Sp's think it is another pgm?
What does the Ultimate do that the Pro X4 does NOT?
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Oct 16, 2013
Whenever I try to trim or merge a gradient it only divides it, but when it's solid it works. Why? I'm trying to trim/merge some artwork with a lot of gradients and it's making it impossible. Any way to do this with gradients. Here is an image of what I'm talking about showing it working with solids, but not gradients.
<a href=[URL].....><img src=[URL]....></a>
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Feb 25, 2014
When I do a data merge and select multi records it shift them way off the page. The only time it does the multi page correctly is when I use the default page size (8.5x11). This happens whether I preview it or export it with out the preview. Is there a patch coming out for this or asome setting I am missing? My CS5 did not have this issue.
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Mar 14, 2007
I have a tight head shot of a guy and I need to embed a steel zipper onto his face so that it looks like his mouth has been sealed shut by the zipper. This needs to look as realistic as possible.
I have shot both and am about to morph them together. I do not have issues with close cutting the zipper it is more about how to "embed" it so that it looks realistic.
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Jan 15, 2013
Version in use - X5 Pro Ultimate.This is about trim handles that seem to re-locate - from a clip to a whole project - for no obvious reason, and once it occurs the only fix is a program restart.
I have noted when working on projects that periodically the clip trim handles - those orange icons that sit at the end of the white clip strip timeline that appears in the view panel when clip mode is selected - will re-locate from the clip view to the project view. That is, they no appear in clip mode, but reappear when project mode is selected; and they then operate on the whole project. That's a trap - the first time it happened and I was trimming a clip, it trimmed the whole project. Ruined it completely, start again was the order of the day. Now, I keep an eye on that: when it happens there isn't an obvious way to get the handles back to the clip view, and the only option then is to NOT do any further changes, save the vsp and close VS down. Re-opening VS and re-loading the vsp breaks whatever condition caused the relocation of the trim handles, and gets back to condition where the trim handles being displayed in the clip view, and trimming of a clip can be done without damaging the whole project.
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Nov 30, 2011
I have been trying for an hour to clip a few frames off the beginning of a video & save. I want to keep everythis as-is. Just trim & save. Everything I try requires recompiling & I loose a generation of quality. When I use "Save Trimmed Video" I get an error that says "Unable to get samples.(osErr=-9461)".
I just want to trim & save.
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Mar 8, 2012
I recently upgraded my Corel VideoStudio X2 to Corel VideoStudio x4 Pro. After removing the old program and installing the updated version,I then restarted my computer and attempted to use it to edit a video. I placed the youtube video that I'd converted to AVI format into the timeline on the program. I then proceeded to attempt to trim <cut> the video at the first place that needed to be fixed and also at the end of the area to be repaired. After fixing it,I then reset the video to the beginning and watched for the expected changes. Much to my surprise,there was audio all way to the first cut spot on the video and absolutely nothing for the entire rest of the video;even in the cut or changed area. I was naturally puzzled as I never had this issue with the previous version. I then checked all my system audio controls and those of the program to make sure that nothing had changed or been accidently muted;including all audio settings were at proper levels,and everything was on and working as should be. I then checked the device manager to see if I found any yellow "?" marks on it for some strange reason to insure that all drivers were installed correctly;and found nothing amiss there. I then went to youtube and played a video and then a music CD in my computer to insure that my audio system was still functioning correctly and,as expected,they both worked fine and gave me audio output. Puzzled,I closed out the VideoStudio and all programs and re-started my computer. I then re-opened VideoStudio and tried again. I placed the same video on the timeline and played it without any changes. It played perfectly fine and I had audio thru-out the entire video. I then re-tried to adjust the video by clipping it and once sound for the rest of the video. I re-checked all drivers and audio connections without finding anything amiss. I even tried other videos that I'd converted to AVI format in the program timeline,that I still had on computer with the same exact results after picking a spot and clipping them as audio. I even tried clipping the video in different spots;both by clicking on the scissors and with the editing options located in the program interface with the exact same audio after the cut. I searched thru the program interface. I enjoyed the previous version immensly so was looking forward to using the updated version;but can't unless I can get this problem reesolved. Worse case,I can go back to the old version that worked fine for me but I hope not to.
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May 11, 2011
I need to Trim or Extend Sketches. Is there any API to access the Trim/Extend Tool?
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Feb 24, 2012
I just tried out to trim two NURBS-Objects (e.g. 2 Spheres), but nothing happens.If i select both spheres and go to "Edit NURBS -> Trim Tool" => NOTHING or also if i try to use Trim Tool (without any Object selected), i'am not able to select a NURBS-Object.
I've used the Trim-Tool very often, but now it's not working anymore.
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Jun 11, 2013
I think I remember this is possible in Illustrator, that you can make strokes that are for maps, like railroad tracks and the like. I need to make a 'zipper' and even the most simple line with cross perpendicular lines at regular spaces would do the trick for me. It's rather tedious to try to make these on a random direction path, but I need to know, is it possible to make a stroke that does this?
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Jun 12, 2011
1.I am using the latest version of videostudio which I upgraded today today June 11, 2011.
2.I am using a Sanyo Video Camcorder PD2, which I am recording in 1280 x 720 29.97 frames per second.
3.I’ve imported the video, into the program, and I am simply trying to “join” the video by using step three that is “Share.”
4.I am clicking option “create video file” and then the option “same as first video clip” because I would like to preserve the same video settings. There are other ways I could join the clips, but these ways do not preserve the video settings. So when I choose “same as first video clip I get my error message “The frame size of the video (1280 x 720) does not match the settings and therefore cannot be trimmed.’
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Dec 6, 2012
I am trying to overlay a few videos side by side where I crop each video to a third of its size only showing what I cropped per video. I used the crop fx but the borders are solid black and the videos behind them do not bleed through. Is there a way to crop the videos ( mask them ) so that only a portion shows and the other overlays show through? ( like three slices ).
I could just overlay one over the other but the subject is not always on the left or right side of the video and may be centered so I'd have to trim the sides.
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Jan 5, 2013
I shoot vacation video with out tripod and at the beginning of each clip, I have shaky video because of pressing the record button.Same apply to end of the clip when I stop the recording.
How can I trim beginning and end of the clip for first one second length?
I have Video Studio X5 and the video format is AVCHD (Canon HF S200).
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Jun 11, 2011
Half the time I use TRIM tool vector on top of vector it doesn't work.
I can't seem to figure out why in some cases trim works and in others it simply puts the top object under the bottom one instead of trimming it from the bottom one.
Does same thing in X3 X4 and X5?
I've tried everything from making sure both were filled with solid color - all curves closed, nothing else grouped with them - nothing - sometimes I have to try a couple times doing same thing and it will work, other times not at all - even after trying a save (which sometimes works)
Both top and bottom show on layer one in properties too!
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Sep 27, 2012
Many of my videos seem to be trimming and saving to a file. With a HD video at a high data rate, all I do is trim the video and save back to a file. However, I select the "Same as first video clip" to save to a new file. What I usually do is save the file and use a third party software to reduce the video the data rate I need.
In other to reduce the re-rendering time, I wish both processes could be done in VS's 'Options' button.
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Feb 22, 2012
I was looking for a simple piece of software to do basic but frame-precise clip editing like trimming and I learned about Corel VS. (Well, I was looking for a tool to work with less common formats like flv, f4v but...)
Anyway, I stumbled upon this message that reads like: "the current operation can't be completed because the current clip's duration is less than 3 seconds". I tried both in easy and advanced edit but I simply can't trim a clip.
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Feb 28, 2011
I am having a problem trying to create a DVD with multiple "independent" videos. I want each one to be selectable on the main menu and to act independently of the others. When the selected video is finished, rather than going on to the next video, I wanted it to return to the introduction screen for the user to select another video or exit.
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Apr 17, 2011
Does VSPx4 support multi cam editing ?
I did visit the product website but could not find any reference to multi cam support.
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Oct 29, 2011
Is there a way to edit using a multi camera "technique" ? ( having several videos synchronized with an audio track and just switching between the video tracks) or is there some way to do that ?
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Jul 3, 2012
I can consistently get VSP X4 to crash if it slows down during mouse click inputs in the multi-edit window trying to advance frames and I put too many clicks into the buffer.
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May 20, 2013
I am using autocad lt 2014 and have some multi leaders on a tool palette that work fine but if I hit enter or right click for enter the multi leader will use what ever leader is set from the multi leader style that is set on the multi leader style control, but only the leader will come in wrong the text will come in correct.
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Aug 3, 2013
Basically I do a lot of dog rescue/foster stuff and doing videos (even if they are slide shows) of the dogs really get adopted. I am "ok" at doing a normal slide show. Here's a link for one I have already done
But, I would like to "spice" them up a little. One thing someone suggested was doing a slide show, like above, but having multiple pictures on the screen at once. For instance a picture appears in the Upper left, then upper right, then lower left, then lower right. So there are 4 pictures that are on the screen at the same time, but appear at different times. Like if you were showing some one snapshots and setting them on a table, with some covering up others.
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Nov 18, 2013
I can compose my own multi track music, but how to I get it into a format that Corel Video Studio could use -- to allow me to use Set Mood to adjust the layers?
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Apr 13, 2012
I'm trialing VS ProX5 and have uploaded multiple video files and have trimmed them and multi trimmed them and now would like to join them together to make one video and put a voice over on top. Is that possible?
I haven't tried the voice over bit yet cause I haven't been able to figure out how to join the videos.
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Sep 15, 2011
...because I can not find the multi color gradient tool, plugin, killer robots, nothing.
I used the search function but it yielded nothing. I am working(playing really)
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Dec 6, 2012
what photo shop software has the merge paint tool? I have photo shop elements 11,but I can't locate the merge tool.
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