VideoStudio :: How To Trim / Crop A Video To Particular Size
Dec 6, 2012
I am trying to overlay a few videos side by side where I crop each video to a third of its size only showing what I cropped per video. I used the crop fx but the borders are solid black and the videos behind them do not bleed through. Is there a way to crop the videos ( mask them ) so that only a portion shows and the other overlays show through? ( like three slices ).
I could just overlay one over the other but the subject is not always on the left or right side of the video and may be centered so I'd have to trim the sides.
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Jun 5, 2013
Any way to change the point size and length of trim/crop marks in cs5 above?
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Jan 13, 2011
I use VSX3 to edit down .mov files created with a contour HD helmet camera. I have been using a 720p version of the helmet camera and have had no issues with editing (other than the ocasional C++ runtime errors and the VSX3 program crashing randomly which just seems to be a Corel programming issue) Recently I got to use a 1080p contour HD helmet camera and have problems editing the files in VSX3. In the preview window in the edit screen the 1080p file plays fine. But when I try to trim the file down using the "multi-trim video" function the file is very jittery, takes a long time to load and the sound is in and out, almost like the program can't handle a 1080p file for editing. The "mult-trim video" works fine for the 720p videos.
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Sep 27, 2012
Many of my videos seem to be trimming and saving to a file. With a HD video at a high data rate, all I do is trim the video and save back to a file. However, I select the "Same as first video clip" to save to a new file. What I usually do is save the file and use a third party software to reduce the video the data rate I need.
In other to reduce the re-rendering time, I wish both processes could be done in VS's 'Options' button.
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Jun 12, 2011
1.I am using the latest version of videostudio which I upgraded today today June 11, 2011.
2.I am using a Sanyo Video Camcorder PD2, which I am recording in 1280 x 720 29.97 frames per second.
3.I’ve imported the video, into the program, and I am simply trying to “join” the video by using step three that is “Share.”
4.I am clicking option “create video file” and then the option “same as first video clip” because I would like to preserve the same video settings. There are other ways I could join the clips, but these ways do not preserve the video settings. So when I choose “same as first video clip I get my error message “The frame size of the video (1280 x 720) does not match the settings and therefore cannot be trimmed.’
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Dec 4, 2010
How does one crop video, I have some clips for a video I am working on. I need the footage but I just want to crop out the unwanted part of the clip at the bottom of the footage.
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Sep 5, 2012
I bought VSX5 Ultimate last week to go with my new GoPro Hero2, climbed the learning curve, and can now produce presentable videos. I've read the (not very complete) VS User Guide, checked Corel's Knowledgebase, spent the better part of thirty hours twiddling filters (rendering to a 1280x720 output file and viewing that outside of VS) and spent about eight hours searching this forum and the Interweb for the answer to no avail, so here I am:
I have 1920x1080 30p MP4 video from the camera, but want to crop it to 1280x720, and not lose image quality. Can VSX5 do this, and/or how?
I'm new to video, but very old to photography. When I say "crop" I mean "throw away the area outside of my cropping rectangle, resulting in an image of smaller dimensions."
I do not mean "fill the area outside my cropping rectangle with the color of my choice, resulting in an image of the same dimensions" as happens when using the Crop Borders filter.
Video Pan & Zoom doesn't work as the final results are abominable; as soon as I specify 150% zoom (amount needed to make a 1280x720 area fill a 1920x1080 area) quality is lost. The Cropping filter produces the same (lost) quality results. Distort Clip does the best job but still suffers some image quality degradation, and it's nearly impossible to get a precise "150%" crop (or "33% reduction" as my Photoshop brain thinks) as dragging the handles is all by eyeball. I think the problem is that all of these options entail two steps: (1) Enlarging the area I want to keep, causing it to fill the frame -- AND losing quality in the interpolation process. (2) Saving the entire frame (clip), now filled with lower-quality "larger pixels" so to speak, at a smaller size than original.
My Project Properties are NTSC drop frame (29.97fps), AVI, 24bits, 1920x1080, 29.97fps, Frame-based, Uncompressed, PCM, 48kHz, 16bit stereo.
My Movie Template that I'm using is MPEG-4, 24 bits, 1280x720, 29.97fps, Frame-based, H.264 High Profile Video: 12500 Kbps, 48000Hz, 16bit, Stereo, MPEG AAC Audio: 128Kbps.
Am I trying to do something that can't be done? Am I overcomplicating something? Am I missing the "photographic crop" filter?
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Jul 24, 2011
I'm trying to integrate 16:9 HD video clips into a 4:3 project (or vica versa). Obviously it will take cropping the edges but how? VS does not appear to be up to the task that I can figure. Maybe a third party utility?
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Mar 25, 2013
What is the best way to crop a pip video. FOr example if you have some squares and want to fill the squares with pip videos but not in a normal shrinking/distorting video way. What's the best practice, a mask or FX ?
Ideally it would be best to have some kind of shortcut for example that when changing size and pressing Alt key it would act like a mask (a bit like Power Clip in Corel Draw )
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Dec 3, 2011
Is there an easier way to crop a video than using the cropping filter? I'd love to flip some bit that makes dragging in the border of a video crop instead of distorting the aspect ration. Is there a faster way?
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Aug 22, 2013
As I did all my recording, I noticed a distracting element in the bottom right corner of the image and I would like to crop it out. I calculated that I could use the crop filter at 90% and it gets rid of that annoyance. However, this leaves some black space around, which I don't need. Maybe I need something more like a zoom-in so I can only see 90% of the original image, but taking up the whole space available (without that frame around). I would assume that exists but I cannot find it, or if there is a different process, I have not figured it out.
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Nov 6, 2013
I recently purchased Corel Video Studio Pro X6. So far it has worked great except for one issue. When using it to make DVD's, the file take up far more room than the actual file size is.
I've converted old VHS tapes to .mpg files and I planned on using Corel to create DVD's, with menus, for my family. I ran into the issue of the files being far too big, so after some research I discovered that .mpg files were not size efficient. I then used Corel to convert them to .mp4 files. So now, for example, a file that was 1.06GB (.mpg) is no 70.7MB (.mp4). So on disc the files are considerably smaller, with little to no video/audio loss. But, once I opened up Corel and started a new project and tried to use the new smaller files they still take up just about the same amount of space on the DVD's. On my HDD all of the converted files take up the same amount of disc space as just a few of the original files. Yet on the DVD I can still only fit 3-4 videos.
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Jun 21, 2013
I'm new to Corel. I have done some video editing. I have used Premiere in the past. I am importing dv video and the size captured is 740 x 480 from my Sony DV camera. It is an older camera. First Digital Hi-8. When I produce a video and play it in a player on the pc it is displayed in whatever size I want, including full screen. When I burn a dvd it only plays in a small window, I'm assuming 740 x 480. Is there a way to produce a video that will take up the entire tv screen. I'm only concerned with 4:3 ration, not widescreen at this time.
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Jan 21, 2012
With the project settings at 16:9 it is possible to insert photos of a different ratio and the customize pan and zoom will allow them to the cropped to 16:9.
I thought I had done the same thing with 4:3 video clips in a 16:9 project by using Video Pan & Zoom in the filters [and I tried the other crop filter as well], but maybe not, as when I tried to do this with a 1280x1040 AVI clip from a time lapse camera the only cropping box it would offer was in the same ratio as the clip. I also tried it with the same clip converted to mpeg, with the same result.
crop a video clip to 16:9 in a 16:9 project in VS14?
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Feb 9, 2013
I did not know there would be a size limit to fit a video file to a DVD. I thought the premise would be to fit any size video file to a DVD, and the the sell-out would be the larger the video file the poorer the DVD quality.
I got two error messages:
"The miminum size be reducing the bit rates still cannot fit once disc."
"Convert step got some problems."
What are the minimum requirements for fitting a video file to a DVD?
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Jul 13, 2012
I don't understand why a video increased in size so that I cannot burn a DVD. The video was originally a 1 hour 26 min TV show on a VHS tape. I used a VCR/DVD combo unit to create a DVD, and created a MPEG2 on a hard drive using a conversion program. The size of the DVD is 2.89GB and the size of the MPEG2 is 2.85GB.
I imported the MPEG2 into a library folder in VS Pro X5, and dragged it into the video track. A right click to look at Properties in both the library and video track shows a size of 2,998,518KB, which is 2.86GB. I went straight to Share without adding titles or anything to the video. I selected Create a Disc and took the basic defaults for the menu in Share and didn't edit any of the menu text. When I get to the Output section, the Required/Available Disc Space is in red and has the following information:
Where did I get the 2.23GB in video growth? I saw a post from Jan 2012 that mentioned data rates for a 60 min. and 120 min. DVD. My Properties shows a data rate of Variable bit rate (Max 6124kbps). Could this be a reason for the growth? If so, how do I change it?
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Dec 15, 2006
Is there a way to have Photoshop automatiaclly trim out excess background of an image captured from a camera? I am currently taking a bunch of pictures agast a white backgron and have to crop them manaually.
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Dec 7, 2010
I made a 8GB video in PAL sometime ago. Some of my relatives in Canada cannot view it. As I do not have the original footage, I imported the DVD into X3 and tried to create a DVD in NTSC format. The final size came to 9.3 GB and it appears X3 will not burn or create VIDEO_TS folders if the size is more than 9GB. I was hoping I could use DVDShrink to reduce the file size to fit a 8GB disc once the VIDEO_TS folder is created on the computer.
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Oct 8, 2011
I thought the best way to construct my video would be to 'cut' out all the sections of video I wanted to use, and save them in the library. When I had them all, I could then bring them down to the timeline where each needed to go. The videos I am working from are 512x288, and when I try to use the 'save trimmed video' function, it comes back saying my frame size is not per the settings.
I haven't seen a way to make the project accept a different frame size, that option is grayed out under preferences. Is there a way for me to cut out the sections I want and save them individually?
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Jul 23, 2013
I have VideoStudio SE, packaged with Sabrent USB-AVCPT cables. I was able to capture video for a while. Now when I try I get the following message. "Capture video bit rate is 300. Frame size is 640 X 480. When using this frame size the video bit rate should be between 1578 - 8838."
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Mar 31, 2012
I edit an mp4 video and produce a new mp4 video. If I produce the new mp4 while I open the project, the screen size is normal. (c_not_use_batch.jpg) If I produce the new file using batch convert, the screen size is reduced (c_use_batch.jpg) However, the setting for producing the files are the same (c_setting.jpg)
The files and settings are the same. The only difference is using batch convert or not.
This happens to Video Studio Pro X3 and X5.
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Jun 25, 2011
how to make my edited mp4 video files smaller so that They upload and download much quicker. I did some editing to some MPEG-4 video files and when I was finished I found out that the file sizes of each video blew up to huge numbers. During the editing I did add some transitions and .MPEG photo images. I didn't think that the video size would grow to that amount. I really would like to keep the MPEG-4 format for the convenience to the viewer. I just need to have it in the smallest file size possible. how I can get my "MP4 H264 - MPEG-4 AVC Resolution 640x480" videos to an acceptable file size?
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Jul 2, 2012
In Illustrator CS5+, I'm looping through the objects in a document, exporting each of them to an image using exportArtBoardasImage(). They need to be trimmed afterwards, as they generally have a tonne of whitespace. Normally, I run an ImageMagick shell script (mogrify -trim). It'd be awesome if I could reproduce this functionality from within illustrator. I've seen people handle this by copy-and-pasting each object into a new file, sizing the artboard to that object, exporting, then closing the file. I'd rather not do this, as it's *way* too slow.
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Aug 23, 2011
When first making the video in Edit mode, is there any way to see the final output size before or after selecting Create Video File before the file is created.
If I choose Create Disk it will show the output size.
If not what would the maximum running time be for DVD output?
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Oct 21, 2007
I have some video in mpg format I'm trying to split into scenes, and then save off a separate videos. When I try to save one of the trimmed scenes using "Save trimmed video," I get the error: "Unable to compress video with the specific frame rate or frame size." It's all set in 16:9, and it's all set to 29fps, etc.
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Jul 1, 2013
I am a labtech at a community college and look after 48 mac pros in which the students use the entire creative suite. (I only mention this becuase any answers need to consider variations in system settings or photoshop settings. college students get into everything!)
But the issue is when you select the crop tool and enter a custom constraint and crop
The image size is sometimes a full 2 inches off of what you set as a crop?! I havn't run into this before
[I do know you can use the drop down box and use {size and resolution} but I want to know why it doesnt work under custom and unconstrained]
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Jun 14, 2011
I am using photos for a slideshow. How do you resize a photo or video on the overlay track to the exact size on the timeline? I know you can use the resize handles but is there a faster way?
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Aug 5, 2013
Using LR4.4 on Windows7 64-bit Pro, and I am new to video. I shot a 1 minute segment and used the tools in Lightroom to trim that to about 16 seconds. I made no other changes in QuickDevelop. Then I exported to a location on my hard drive, specifying "Original" in the format choice.
The file that emerged was the full 1 minute length when inserted in ProShow Gold and ran the full clip as shot.
I have looked over the video tools documentation and it seems to confirm that length is a parameter of export. Why the file that exported retained the original length?
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Sep 19, 2013
I was given these instructions :
The booking is for a full page and the dimensions are as under: height 262mm x width 191mm, trim size height 278 x width 216 & add 5mm bleed on all sides.
When I create a new illustrator doc which dimensions should I enter? 262mmx191mm with 5mm bleed? or 278mmx216mm with 5mm bleed?
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Nov 27, 2011
Because i still don't have audio when loading a video in the timeline and go to projectmode. The audio is also not in the output file. It is when playing original clip in library and when in timeline choose the clip but not in project mode and output file.
Thats why i split audio and video in Virtualdub to wav (direct stream copy) and then load audio and video in VS4. Now i want to multi-trim the clip. But only the video is trimming the audio is not trimming with it so audio is off sync.How can one multi trim a video with the audio who is seperatly loaded in the audio track?
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Jan 15, 2013
Version in use - X5 Pro Ultimate.This is about trim handles that seem to re-locate - from a clip to a whole project - for no obvious reason, and once it occurs the only fix is a program restart.
I have noted when working on projects that periodically the clip trim handles - those orange icons that sit at the end of the white clip strip timeline that appears in the view panel when clip mode is selected - will re-locate from the clip view to the project view. That is, they no appear in clip mode, but reappear when project mode is selected; and they then operate on the whole project. That's a trap - the first time it happened and I was trimming a clip, it trimmed the whole project. Ruined it completely, start again was the order of the day. Now, I keep an eye on that: when it happens there isn't an obvious way to get the handles back to the clip view, and the only option then is to NOT do any further changes, save the vsp and close VS down. Re-opening VS and re-loading the vsp breaks whatever condition caused the relocation of the trim handles, and gets back to condition where the trim handles being displayed in the clip view, and trimming of a clip can be done without damaging the whole project.
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