VideoStudio :: Crop PiP Video Without Distortion / Stretching?

Mar 25, 2013

What is the best way to crop a pip video. FOr example if you have some squares and want to fill the squares with pip videos but not in a normal shrinking/distorting video way. What's the best practice, a mask or FX ?

Ideally it would be best to have some kind of shortcut for example that when changing size and pressing Alt key it would act like a mask (a bit like Power Clip in Corel Draw )

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VideoStudio :: Video Image Distortion

Jan 8, 2011

For several years I've had excellent results with VideoStudio 9 & my trusty old Sony Digital 8 Handycam. But not so with my most recent project, where the rendered image has vertical distortions resembling pixelation. The film is watchable but disappointingly irritating! Raw footage played directly from the camera onto the TV/into the computer is crisp. I re-processed the footage through Windows Movie Maker, importing the .wvm into VS9 to burn the disk, with the same outcome. A knowledgeable friend suggested that .mpeg drivers in VS9 might have been overwritten/corrupted by another programme so I reinstalled & went through the full process for the 3rd time, again with the same result. The only hardware/other known changes have been a new flat/widescreen TV and computer monitor.

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VideoStudio :: Distortion On Edges Of Video Clip

Mar 26, 2013

While watching some of my practice videos, I notice a blurring and or distortion on the edges of some video clips. Is this a result of a to much bright or to much color I have added, or is it a result of both.

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VideoStudio :: Audio Distortion In Rendered Video

Oct 3, 2012

I’m using VS Fx4 and I am having a problem I have not experienced before. The audio in my Music Track has an annoying “pop” occurring. The pop does not occur when viewing the project (.VSP), only after it has been shared/rendered.

At first I thought that perhaps the poor quality was due to running other processes while the video rendered or something to do with the video format being used, however rendering the videos after hours and switching video formats (.wmv & .mpeg4) have not worked. You can view one of the videos I’m having an issue with here: [URL] ... The audio pop is noticeable in the first few seconds of the video.

I have two video files that are currently having this problem, both have Music Tracks.

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VideoStudio :: How To Crop Video

Dec 4, 2010

How does one crop video, I have some clips for a video I am working on. I need the footage but I just want to crop out the unwanted part of the clip at the bottom of the footage.

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VideoStudio :: X5 - Crop Video Without Losing Quality?

Sep 5, 2012

I bought VSX5 Ultimate last week to go with my new GoPro Hero2, climbed the learning curve, and can now produce presentable videos. I've read the (not very complete) VS User Guide, checked Corel's Knowledgebase, spent the better part of thirty hours twiddling filters (rendering to a 1280x720 output file and viewing that outside of VS) and spent about eight hours searching this forum and the Interweb for the answer to no avail, so here I am:

I have 1920x1080 30p MP4 video from the camera, but want to crop it to 1280x720, and not lose image quality. Can VSX5 do this, and/or how?

I'm new to video, but very old to photography. When I say "crop" I mean "throw away the area outside of my cropping rectangle, resulting in an image of smaller dimensions."

I do not mean "fill the area outside my cropping rectangle with the color of my choice, resulting in an image of the same dimensions" as happens when using the Crop Borders filter.

Video Pan & Zoom doesn't work as the final results are abominable; as soon as I specify 150% zoom (amount needed to make a 1280x720 area fill a 1920x1080 area) quality is lost. The Cropping filter produces the same (lost) quality results. Distort Clip does the best job but still suffers some image quality degradation, and it's nearly impossible to get a precise "150%" crop (or "33% reduction" as my Photoshop brain thinks) as dragging the handles is all by eyeball. I think the problem is that all of these options entail two steps: (1) Enlarging the area I want to keep, causing it to fill the frame -- AND losing quality in the interpolation process. (2) Saving the entire frame (clip), now filled with lower-quality "larger pixels" so to speak, at a smaller size than original.

My Project Properties are NTSC drop frame (29.97fps), AVI, 24bits, 1920x1080, 29.97fps, Frame-based, Uncompressed, PCM, 48kHz, 16bit stereo.

My Movie Template that I'm using is MPEG-4, 24 bits, 1280x720, 29.97fps, Frame-based, H.264 High Profile Video: 12500 Kbps, 48000Hz, 16bit, Stereo, MPEG AAC Audio: 128Kbps.

Am I trying to do something that can't be done? Am I overcomplicating something? Am I missing the "photographic crop" filter?

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VideoStudio :: How To Trim / Crop A Video To Particular Size

Dec 6, 2012

I am trying to overlay a few videos side by side where I crop each video to a third of its size only showing what I cropped per video. I used the crop fx but the borders are solid black and the videos behind them do not bleed through. Is there a way to crop the videos ( mask them ) so that only a portion shows and the other overlays show through? ( like three slices ).

I could just overlay one over the other but the subject is not always on the left or right side of the video and may be centered so I'd have to trim the sides.

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VideoStudio :: Crop 16:9 Video Clips For Use In 4:3 Project?

Jul 24, 2011

I'm trying to integrate 16:9 HD video clips into a 4:3 project (or vica versa). Obviously it will take cropping the edges but how? VS does not appear to be up to the task that I can figure. Maybe a third party utility?

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VideoStudio :: Way To Crop A Video Than Using Cropping Filter?

Dec 3, 2011

Is there an easier way to crop a video than using the cropping filter? I'd love to flip some bit that makes dragging in the border of a video crop instead of distorting the aspect ration. Is there a faster way?

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VideoStudio :: Simple Process To Crop Video?

Aug 22, 2013

As I did all my recording, I noticed a distracting element in the bottom right corner of the image and I would like to crop it out. I calculated that I could use the crop filter at 90% and it gets rid of that annoyance. However, this leaves some black space around, which I don't need. Maybe I need something more like a zoom-in so I can only see 90% of the original image, but taking up the whole space available (without that frame around). I would assume that exists but I cannot find it, or if there is a different process, I have not figured it out.

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Photoshop :: Why Is Distortion In Perspective Crop

Dec 18, 2012

Here are two crops of a banal subject, our dryer and its circular control knob.  Both done the same way, but look at the difference.  First result, with size 1876x1419, which is reduced  for this post, is obviously a distortion:

I wasn't surprised or upset to see this distortion, since I'd seen it many times before.  It's easy enough to remedy: just Perspective Crop again.  This time the image was 1871x1000, which is much better:

Photoshop, we have a problem!  Why can't this be corrected?

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Lightroom :: Can't See The Grid Lines In The Crop Lens Distortion Correction Overlays

Jan 13, 2012

Can't see the grid lines in the crop lens distortion correction overlays?

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Lightroom :: Unable To See The Grid Lines In The Crop Lens Distortion Correction Overlays?

Mar 8, 2012

Can't see the grid lines in the crop lens distortion correction overlays?

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VideoStudio :: HD Footage - IPod Audio / Background Distortion

Jun 4, 2011

I've been working on a project (original is HD footage) and got a successful render to SD DVD. In trying to render a copy for my ipod i get an added audio problem no matter what ipod setting VSP x3 offers me. It's a background distortion, similar to that of clip that goes in very slow motion and the audio is echoing with reverb. The background noise appears to be in continual " waves".

However, the clip does look excellent otherwise in picture, vocals, musically etc.

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VideoStudio :: Sound Distortion On Burned Disk Playback

May 2, 2011

Completed my film, created video file and burned it successfully. For this film I used copyright free music. Unfortunately, when playing back the burned disk, the sound "skids" and sounds somewhat distorted in places. Less so but still distorted is some of the spoken word in the film (ie the person on the film not voiceover). (Everything is fine when playing back the project in VS.) It's not so bad you can't play or hear it but obviously not satisfactory to my own pride! - letalone the viewer.

I do not use the "normalise audio" function and wonder if this would make a difference? I had presumed until now that the normalise audio function would merely make all audio the same level - on whatever work I had done to make the sound/voice overs different, e.g. lowering sound at the point of voice-over etc. I should say I have used a lot of visual effects in the film - 6 overlay tracks - and wonder if I have exceeded the bounds of sensibility!

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VideoStudio :: Split Single Video File Into Multiple Video Files?

Feb 13, 2011

I recently purchased Video Studio Pro X3 - and after going through the knowledge base and product read me, I have been unable to find an answer to the following problem I have:


I have a number of videos (HD 1080p) that I have recorded. Each video is on average 50 minutes in length - what I want to do it to be able to do is to slice this video into 10 x 5 minute videos (based on topics discussed in the video), (so essentially clip the video into these segments and edit each one) and then when producing the video file - actually create 10 separate video files (all with editing in place) instead of one single large file.

As far as I have been able to work out, I need to go through the whole file, clip relevant sections, edit them, and then save project. I then need to go trim the saved file 10 times, to extract each time the single 5 minute video I want to create. This is a fairly manual and time consuming process, hence my hope that I can create 10 files based on the clips I have made in the larger 50 minute file in one go.

as I have 30 videos to edit, so looking for ways to save time!

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Premiere Pro :: How To Crop Part Of A Video

Mar 27, 2014

So I want to take part of a video, and crop it so I only see the person moving, and delete everything else in the background.

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VideoStudio :: Video Filter For Specific Times In Single Video?

Feb 24, 2011

I have a LIVE show recorded and I want to add Video Filters in various places within a single 4 minute video. Do I need to cut up my video to segments to add filters too or can I apply them to different spots in a single video?

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Photoshop :: Crop Character Background From Cartoon Video

Jun 28, 2012

I want to take a cartoons video,from where I want to take a character,I mean,to crop the background around him(so,everything will be transparent,except the character).

And than edit it into After Effects to add the character on a "real life" video made by me with camera. I'm pretty good in After Effects but I'm new with Photoshop. So,how can I crop that background,and remain only the moving character?

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Premiere Pro :: Crop Video Clip To Correct The Horizon?

Jan 29, 2014

how do i crop a video clip to correct the horizon?

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Photoshop :: How To Blur Or Crop Out Distracting Audience In Video Footage

Aug 24, 2013

I only have Photoshop CS5 and would like to edit video footage I have of my college fashion show, my portion of which is about 3-4 minutes long.  One video I have is taken by a  hand held camera and I would like to somehow blur or crop out the distracting audience, which I know will be difficult because the camera is a little unsteady.

My other footage is from the official DVD and is taken straight on from a steady camera. I want to splice the two videos together so you can see all angles of my designs. I think I will need to overlay a new soundtrack (just a song in my library) as well.  How much of this is possible in Photoshop, and for an advanced Photoshop user but a complete novice at anything video related, how difficult will this be to acheive? How time intensive? Before I delve into researching tutorials and online resources, I really would like to know if it's even a feasible project.

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VideoStudio :: Crop Into HD To 320x240 With X4?

Jun 28, 2013

I want to crop into a wide video recorded in AVCHD to WMV at 320x240.

I did a short test using the Crop filter and I got my entire video frame with black bars instead of my small area at 320x240. Can VSP X4 render just the subset of the entire frame at 320x240? If so, what tool(s), filter(s) should I use?

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VideoStudio :: Pro X4 Crop MTS Files To 4:3

Oct 24, 2012

Is there any way to crop/convert mts files from 16:9 to 4:3 so it can be used for TV broadcast? We produce a PATV program & some of our partners only output 4:3 so our shows are compressed.

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VideoStudio :: Crop Overlay Images

Mar 31, 2012

Is there any way to crop a video clip in an overlay track-not just change the size of the entire image keeping it intact.

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VideoStudio :: Push Video In Video Track After Title Track Is Completed?

Feb 16, 2011

Is there any way to push the video in the video track after the title track is completed ....

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VideoStudio :: Crop Borders Crashes Pro X4 Every Time?

Jul 24, 2011

As soon as I click on edit properties of a Crop Borders xf, Pro X4 crashes.

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VideoStudio :: Video With 20 Fps

May 30, 2011

Is there a way to set 20 fps for my video in corel video studio x3 ?

i made a 3d animation and rendered about 3000 single frames as .bmp . Now i want to put them together to a video. the speed of the animation is preset, so i need every frame to show up for 0.05 second..... 20 fps not 15, not 24, not 25 and not 29.97, but exactly 20 fps. i don't know if i am just very stupid, but i can not find the settings for this.

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VideoStudio :: Blu-ray Video Formats

Jul 25, 2011

With the installation of SP1 (VSX4), the options to create a blu-ray video file (assuming 1920x1080 only, though the same options exist for 1440x1080) are now:

Blu-ray (1920 x 1080)
Blu-ray H.264 (1920 x 1080P)
Blu-ray H.264 (1920 x 1080)

Now, I want to create a 'standard' Blu-ray disc of family videos. My camera is a Canon Vixia HF20, recording in 1920x1080 in the '60i' mode. The camera creates AVCHD formatted files. I know I don't want the progressive option, however, what is the difference between the other two options (is it MEG4 vs. AVCHD? If so, what should I choose when creating a new disc?). I want my disc to support as many blu-ray players and HDTV's as possible since I will be giving copies to various family members (meaning I don't want a format that supports only the latest releases of blu-ray players).

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VideoStudio :: Editing 3D Video In X5 (SP2)?

Mar 28, 2013

Can it actually be done? If I so much as drop 3D file onto the timeline and tag it as 3D (SBS L-R in my case), I get the "... lost 3D attributes..." message when I try to create a 3D file. I tried tagging a 2D file as 3D for S&Gs and got the same result. In case it matters, the files are in .avi format (and even rendering a 2D version of these makes a jumpy video, but I digress...).

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VideoStudio :: Convert Video To 4:3

Mar 3, 2013

Is there anyway to convert the video to 4:3. When I save it 4:3 file it doesn't cut it down. It makes the video look back. Can I cut the outside edges to make the video 4:3?

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VideoStudio :: How To Capture Video

Dec 18, 2010

I just purchased Video Studio Pro X3 and I love it . In my opinion it is possible to capture video from the video camera. I have a JVC HD camera

This the camera I purchased.


I would like to hook my camera up to my computer


How do I do this. Now of course my camera records off an SD card and I can just stick it in there and edit. The reason I am hoping I can capture video just like I can with a webcam is because the view screen on my camera no longer functions so therefore I can only point in my general direction and center up the shot in post edit.

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