Photoshop :: How To Edit RAW Files From My Digital Camera
Nov 11, 2005
I want to shoot RAW images on my digital camera but I'm at a loss when it comes to how to edit RAW files.
I don't really want to use the RAW software that came with my camera but have read somewhere that you can edit RAW files in Photoshop. I have Photoshop CS but can't figure out how to use the RAW plug in.
Would the Photoshop CS RAW plug in work in the same way as the RAW shooter software I got with my camera? I mean if I used the Photoshop RAW plug in it's not going to compress my images. The reason for shooting RAW is that they are like a digital negative.
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Nov 7, 2013
I cannot open new files from Photoshop CS6.
I have to go outside of the program and open them by dragging the file onto the dock icon. This means I cannot open any of my digital camera files (transferred into Nikon Transfer into "Pictures") from the program. So, I have to go 'outside' of PS, and then back in – and this eats up a good deal of time, and this latest version isn't as quick as it used to be.
Sometimes, it won't even let me open a file I'd worked on only a few hours before. Again, I can open them 'outside' PS, but I keep getting this error when I try to access them from via command-O:
"Could not complete your request because of a program error."
I've reset the defaults twice. Fresh operating system. Clean user account.
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Jan 12, 2014
I just applied the Lightroom 5.3 and Camera Raw 8.3 updates and now am no longer able to open RAW or DNG files into Photoshop CC. When I select a file and choose "Edit In" Photoshop, photoshop will launch, then nothing will happen. After 2 to 5 minutes, an error will popup in Lightroom saying "The file could not be edited because Adobe Photoshop CC could not be launched." An error I've never seen before. When I click "Ok", Lightroom will show that it's "preparing a file for editing" in the upper left, it will create and save a psd to disk and in the catalog (another new behavior), then it will open in photoshop. All other file types (jpgs, tiff, psd) seem to work/open fine between applications. No difference if I open photoshop prior to selecting "Edit In". Selecting "Edit In" other applications, like Viveza, work fine.
I tried first deleting preference files in both applications. No luck. Ditto for plugins. Notta. Eventually I completely uninstalled and fresh installed Photoshop, Lightroom, and Bridge from the cloud. Same deal...can't open raw/dng files into Photoshop.
I'm on a PC running Windows 7 64bit.
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Jul 15, 2004
question regarding the quality of a digital picture. If I take a picture in 2048 x 1536, when I open in Photoshop it says 72 dpi. This is my question:
I want to take this picture and use it in a graphic ad that is going to be printed in a final output of 300 dpi. Do I need to change the resolution to 300 dpi? Will this be a true 300dpi image?
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Oct 29, 2004
I have a friend who is interested in purchasing a Digital Video Camera. They would like to keep the budget around $500 USD if possible. I, myself, would have offered her my advice, but in all honesty, I'm not too up to date on the latest happenings for that product line.
Since there are many great artists here, if anyone has delved into digital video, and can recommend to me a good camera, please let me know so I can tell her (they want this camera to take video of their first child!) They would like something that is simplistic to operate (she knows her way around computers though), and preferably something that converts to an easy-to-view media format.
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Apr 26, 2004
I just got a new digital camera today (Canon Powershot Pro1). source that explains print resoultion?
My camera is 8 megapixel and I'd like to be able to print some of my images after doing some minor adjustments to the images. I have never had to print from photoshop and want the best quality possibe.
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Nov 11, 2002
Is there a good technique to remove or prevent a moiré pattern from a digital camera capture? I work for a small real estate newspaper and lately the majority of images we have received from Agents have been unretouched jpeg files from digital cameras. In many of them we are seeing a distinct moiré pattern, usually where the repeated geometric patterns in the design of the house exist. Typically this is usually the roof tiles, or siding of the house. I have tried to remove the moiré in PhotoShop using the filter>noise>deskpeckle, the filter>blur>gaussian blur and the filter>noise>median, and Katrin Eismann's LAB method all with limited and unsatisfactory results.
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Oct 19, 2012
How can I resize my personal pictures taken with a digital camera with a photoshop product?
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Dec 21, 2012
I don't really understand digital -photography- that well---which is quite different I realize than film. I'm trying to get better colors from a pocket digital camera (Canon Elf 310) which (supposedly) has 12MP. The pictures I want to take for the job I have in mind involve clouds and landscapes and I gotta take a pocket came because we're camping/fishing.
Anyway, they -could- be very cool but the tests I've done show that the colors are going to be just -wrong-. And by 'wrong' I mean everything either seems -under- saturated or hyper-statured. For example... the subtle pinks in clouds are rendered as washed out or will be overly contrasty (hyper) yellow to orange.
The detail is quite sharp, however so does that mean there's something 'there' there which can be properly corrected? And if so, how?
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Nov 7, 2011
Windows 7 (64 bit) Q6600 Intel 2.4 Quad / 8 GB DDR2 RAM
I have a G6 Canon digital camera that I primarily shoot JPG images with, and wanted to experiment with raw images.
I took about 15 RAW images the other day with this camera and tried to open up. I went to canon and downloaded their Zoombrowser 6.0, which I can view the RAW files, but it does not edit them. I'm looking for something similar to Adobe Camera raw to hopefully view and edit them.
opening the photo. I had to remove the photo for obvious reasons.
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Aug 19, 2004
can anybody help with a suggestion for making a picture taken with a digital camera at 72dpi and changing it to 200 or 300dpi? I am trying to incorporate this photo in a logo that will be used for print.
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Nov 30, 2005
Wondering what techniques, or actions anyone uses to achieve the rich and saturated colors that I see in many images.
When I've messed around with saturation in my images I often wind up jacking up the skin tones, among other things. I know that on one or two images I can isolate the areas that I want to saturate but on many images this is not practical. I shoot with a 20D and a variety of Canon and Sigma lens, primarily a Canon 50 1.8, 85 1.8 and Sigma 24-70 2.8 and 70-200 2.8.
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Aug 7, 2012
I've taken a photo of a display frame, and I need to align it perfectly horizontal in order to not crop off parts of the frame when editing out the background. I know how to move images back and forth with the crop tool, but it's not very precise, and I definitely don't want the frame in the image partly chopped off because I can't get it angled just right.
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Jan 20, 2013
I have numerous subfolders that contain "Thumbs.db folders or are empty;" can I safely delete them?
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Feb 1, 2014
I'm still having a difficult time understanding how to use layers to edit digitial photos in photoshop. Based on every tutorial I've tried, I have found a common theme: the best way to edit photos is by creating copies of the original image and making different types of edits to each copy and then merging these edited copies into one final image that reflects all the edits combined. I have been lead to believe that the reason for making copies of the original image is so that edits can be made to each individual "layer" and not to the original photo. This way the edited layers can be compared to the untouched original to make sure everything looks the way its supposed to. Here is what is frustrating me to death. No matter how many "layers" I create of my original image, every edit I make shows up in every other layer I create along with the original. I thought that any edits I make to the active layer are only supposed to show up on that layer and no where else. Is this true? If so, how do I set up my editor so that the edits I make only show up in the layer I am actually working on? It seems to me if the edits I make are going to always show up in every layer I have created, and in the orignal image, then there is no point in using layers at all when I edit my photos.
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Jan 31, 2014
I am having trouble figuring out how to use layers to edit digital photographs. Based on the online tutorials I've viewed, I'm under the impression that in order to edit parts of a photograph without affecting the original background image, I am supposed to create a layer for each set of edits I want to make and then merge these layers together to form a complete edited image with all the touch ups I want to make. I am also under the impression that any edits I make to the layers I create should not be showing up in the original background image, otherwise I have no way of comparing the original to the edited parts of the image to see if everything looks the way I want. Is there any way to make edits to image layers without these changes showing up in the original image and if so, how do I do it?
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May 15, 2011
I have tried to insert a mp4 video file into the timeline and it just does not see the file and if I navigate to it and try open it does nothing
I have download all patches This videostudio pro x3 came loaded on the laptop the mp4 file is from a olympus sp-800 us - I took it from the sd card and put it in a folder on the hard drive
I read all the things people have written I am not at the point of trying to create file I can not import the file at all
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Sep 19, 2012
Trying to get an 8x10 print from a digital camera photo on a letter size paper. Reguardless of what we do, the print job only comes up to 8x6.5. How do we get an 8x10???
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Jul 14, 2012
The caption field of Metadata automatically fills with OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA. How can I prevent this? How can I get rid of this on my 3000 pictures of Turkey without manually deleting each caption? I am new to Lightroom, and have version 4.1. I use an iMAC, OSX10.6.8.
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Jun 13, 2013
Photoshop CS6 Extened won't play or process Dolby Digital (AC-3) Audio Files from my AVCHD video files.The video plays fine just no sound at all. When processed still no sound. Are there any (AC-3) audio codecs I can download and install. How would I install them. Do I need to convert audio files to another format & if so how & what format.
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Sep 22, 2013
I was wondering if there is a plugin or app that I can use to either edit or erase the Exif camera data in Mac.
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Dec 5, 2012
Can I edit my camera raw photos in both Photoshop elements 9 and light-room 4?
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Feb 9, 2014
I have elements 11. It was working just fine. I went to edit a photo and camera raw is missing. I did the update, but it's still not there.
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Jul 12, 2011
Is it possible to import Lego Digital Designer files into 3ds max design 2011? I'm having to model each individual brick and it is taking forever to create my scenes. It would be much faster if there was a plugin or something to import them. The file type is .lxf.
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Jun 24, 2013
Every time I try to open and edit a picture (specifically using a raw file in camera raw) after double clicking on it to open it, I get this message, "could not complete your request because of a program error" I have tried over and ove again and it wont work!
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Dec 17, 2012
I have PSE 10 and I recently decided to start some shooting in RAW. However, when I open my photos( I have a Canon Rebel T2i so the file extension is .CR2), it says, "processing Camera RAW file" and then opens the photo in the full edit mode instead of the Camera RAW dialog box. I checked my plug-in, and I have version 6.7 of the Camera RAW plug in. I'd really like to start working with Camera RAW! Oh, and I am working abroad for a couple months and do not have my installation disks with me, so uninstalling and re-installing PSE is not an option.
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Oct 23, 2010
I currently have a copy of Corel Video Studio Prox2 that runs on my Windows XP. I'm planning to purchase a mini camcorder (KODAK Zi8 Pocket Video Camera) which, according to the specs, has video formats as: H.264 (MOV), AAC LC.
Will I be able to import and edit my recordings from the camera? I don't want to convert mov files into different formats so the quality remains the same.
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Feb 28, 2012
I've been using Corel Video Studio X4 to edit the footage from my Muvi HD camera which is usually mounted on my bike frame or cycle helmet.
If I upgrade to X4 Ultimate it comes bundled with some software that is supposed to stabilise the recorded video. (proDAD Mercalli SE)
Any experience of this software plugin, is it worth upgrading for this component, or any alternatives to steady video recordings?
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Jul 23, 2013
I'm trying to edit multiple camera videos on main and overlay tracks switching between them. I cannot seem to be able to leave a gap on the main video track at all whether ripple is on or off. What do I do to leave a gap in the main video track (with the video at that point in the overlay)?
Also I noticed the Track Manager has a greyed drop down to add video tracks. Is there a higher priced version to have more video tracks as opposed to overlay tracks?
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Jul 25, 2012
I forgot to change my options for xmp sidecar files in bridge last time I installed it. For a good two months it's been saving xmp data in the camera raw database instead of in sidecar XMP files.
Now I need to move a whole bunch of raw files to a new computer and I don't want to lose all the camera raw adjustments. Is there a trick to write out the info it has in the database to XMP files along with the corresponding raw files?
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Nov 4, 2012
I am using CS4, with Camera RAW 5.7 and Adobe DNG 5.7. These are the versions listed as compatible with CS4. I am using a new Canon Powershot S100. Can I use newer versions of the RAW/DNG with CS4?
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