Photoshop :: Unable To Open Any Digital Camera Files From Within CS6
Nov 7, 2013
I cannot open new files from Photoshop CS6.
I have to go outside of the program and open them by dragging the file onto the dock icon. This means I cannot open any of my digital camera files (transferred into Nikon Transfer into "Pictures") from the program. So, I have to go 'outside' of PS, and then back in – and this eats up a good deal of time, and this latest version isn't as quick as it used to be.
Sometimes, it won't even let me open a file I'd worked on only a few hours before. Again, I can open them 'outside' PS, but I keep getting this error when I try to access them from via command-O:
"Could not complete your request because of a program error."
I've reset the defaults twice. Fresh operating system. Clean user account.
I have a G6 Canon digital camera that I primarily shoot JPG images with, and wanted to experiment with raw images.
I took about 15 RAW images the other day with this camera and tried to open up. I went to canon and downloaded their Zoombrowser 6.0, which I can view the RAW files, but it does not edit them. I'm looking for something similar to Adobe Camera raw to hopefully view and edit them.
opening the photo. I had to remove the photo for obvious reasons.
I want to shoot RAW images on my digital camera but I'm at a loss when it comes to how to edit RAW files.
I don't really want to use the RAW software that came with my camera but have read somewhere that you can edit RAW files in Photoshop. I have Photoshop CS but can't figure out how to use the RAW plug in.
Would the Photoshop CS RAW plug in work in the same way as the RAW shooter software I got with my camera? I mean if I used the Photoshop RAW plug in it's not going to compress my images. The reason for shooting RAW is that they are like a digital negative.
While I'm in ps cs5 and have converted a layer to a smart object, when I click/double click on the layer or the icon it will not open into camera raw. I have tried this with jpgs, tiffs and psd files, I have no other problems with raw, bridge of Photoshop. I have also downloaded the latest patch from Adobe.
When I try to import photos from a camera or files I get this message The ODBC data source reported the following error: (internal error;data not found) Â Why am I getting the error message and is there another way to import?
All working OK until 8 days ago, then bridge just disappeared completely. Looked like it had opened but would disappear when I clicked on the icon. Re-installed, Bride now visible but unable to view .CR2 files in camera RAW or in Photoshop, comes up as "unable to open".
Have tried to install the 5.7 camera raw update, extract files, click on application, then Photoshop opens and advises "invalid file type". Not sure what to do now and have a large number of wedding files slowly building up .
As the title says my 32-bit HDR files open as 8-bit in Camera Raw 7.3. I have a Win 7 32-bit system. I create the 32-bit HDR and then save it as a 32-bit TIFF but when I open it in PS CS6 via Camera Raw 7.3 it comes in as only 8-bit.
I noticed that if you have a ".psd" file even if it is Flatten, it will not open in camera raw. I can easily save it to a Tiff or other formats and open it in camera raw, but I wonder why .psd file does not open in camera raw.
I made a picture in HRD Pro, and i want to work on it. I saved it as a .psd and also as a .tif, but I cannot open nor the .psd, nor the .tif in Camera Raw? If I save it as a .Jpg I already lose quality..?
I've replaced my Ps 5.5 by Ps 6. Now I'm having problems with opening psd files in Camera Raw; in Ps 5 I worked from Bridge and could open that type of files from Bridge to ACR.
I just found out how to open it in Photoshop: open as....RAW file. But I want several psd-files opening in ACR simultaneously, because I want to synchronize them. That is not possible; I can only select just 1 file.
I have photoshop creative suite version 12.1 - just bought a new mark iii camera and my raw files won't open in my photoshop version....what can i do??
I have read in numerous articles that I can open jpg files in ACR from within Elements 11. They all state to go File>Open, then browse to the jpg you wish to open, select Camera Raw from the file type and select the jpg. When I select the Camera Raw file type then all the jpg images disappear in the selection area or if I click the jpg first and then select Camera Raw and open then it says file not found. Am I doing this wrong or are the articles I am reading incorrect?
question regarding the quality of a digital picture. If I take a picture in 2048 x 1536, when I open in Photoshop it says 72 dpi. This is my question:
I want to take this picture and use it in a graphic ad that is going to be printed in a final output of 300 dpi. Do I need to change the resolution to 300 dpi? Will this be a true 300dpi image?
After getting no support from your phone support line. I am writing here in hopes that this issue can be resolved. I cannot open files or create new files in Photoshop CC trial.
I am not able to see or open Raw files from my Canon 40D in either Photoshop CS3 or Bridge CS3. At first I was able to open RAWS in Photoshop and then I followed directions on the internet at how to manually replace a Camera Raw Plugin so I could open it in Bridge and now neither of the apps work with RAW. In photoshop It says that the file is not supported. Â I looked up what plug in I needed and it said 4.2 for a Canon 40 D. I also followed the instructions in the read me file that was with the plugin download. No results from it. I even tried to switch it back to the old plug in to see if I could atleast get back the capiblility of opening it in Photoshop even though bridge was not working...still can't open it in either. What am I missing?
I upgraded to Photoshop CS6 from CS5.X and I can not open RAW files in Camera RAW for my Nikon D800. It functioned properly in CS5 with the latest RAW release but won't work in CS6.
When I open a .NEF file, the Camera Raw window pops up and I save the file in a .dng format. Â But then, I cannot open the .dng file with Photoshop Elements (Camera Raw pops up automatically). Â how can I open the .dng file in Photoshop Elements?
I have a friend who is interested in purchasing a Digital Video Camera. They would like to keep the budget around $500 USD if possible. I, myself, would have offered her my advice, but in all honesty, I'm not too up to date on the latest happenings for that product line.
Since there are many great artists here, if anyone has delved into digital video, and can recommend to me a good camera, please let me know so I can tell her (they want this camera to take video of their first child!) They would like something that is simplistic to operate (she knows her way around computers though), and preferably something that converts to an easy-to-view media format.
I just got a new digital camera today (Canon Powershot Pro1). source that explains print resoultion?
My camera is 8 megapixel and I'd like to be able to print some of my images after doing some minor adjustments to the images. I have never had to print from photoshop and want the best quality possibe.
Is there a good technique to remove or prevent a moiré pattern from a digital camera capture? I work for a small real estate newspaper and lately the majority of images we have received from Agents have been unretouched jpeg files from digital cameras. In many of them we are seeing a distinct moiré pattern, usually where the repeated geometric patterns in the design of the house exist. Typically this is usually the roof tiles, or siding of the house. I have tried to remove the moiré in PhotoShop using the filter>noise>deskpeckle, the filter>blur>gaussian blur and the filter>noise>median, and Katrin Eismann's LAB method all with limited and unsatisfactory results.