Photoshop :: Converting RAW Files With Camera RAW / DNG - CS4 Mac?
Nov 4, 2012
I am using CS4, with Camera RAW 5.7 and Adobe DNG 5.7. These are the versions listed as compatible with CS4. I am using a new Canon Powershot S100. Can I use newer versions of the RAW/DNG with CS4?
How do I go about converting MOV files into DV or mpeg files to edit? When I import the files are choppy I downloaded the quicktime, dvx and direct x files. No success.
so many tools and option here, and yet I can't seem to figure out how to convert old PCD files! Do I really have to buy something like Graphic covnerter to open these, and then move them into PS?
As an organization, we have opted to go with STB as we have some complicated requirements that CTB doesn't accommodate. The wisdom of that decision is a moot point and I'm aware of the vast array of opinion.
We have a legacy of CTB drawings that occassionally need to be brought forward when projects get resurrected (state government highway designs are prone to getting shelved).
Up to AutoCAD 2009, I've had a VBA routine that performed a few operations on a list of files stored in a text file:
- Open the file
- Convert to STB using "CONVERTPSTYLES" with a specified STB file.
- Run a script to load a layer state file to change the plot styles from Style1, Style2 etc, to their correct named plot styles.
- Manage a recalcitrant layer that refused to play ball.
- Save and close the document
- Get the next file........
This was all fine until 2010 came along with the announcement that VBA was to be phased out. 2010 is OK with the VBA enablers, but now I've got some work to do.
Our organisation's development language is C# and I'm using Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition to develop my C# .NET code.
Is there another mechanism than "SendStringToExecute" for sending a command such as convertpstyles to AutoCAD and getting .NET to wait for it to finish before proceeding.
I've got CommandEnded code that handles waiting for MTEXT and DTEXT commands to finish and I've tried constructing a CommandEnded for CONVERTPSTYLES, but it seems to me that commands that throw dialogue boxes such as CONVERTPSTYLESand SCRIPT aren't handled the same way.
I've tried setting FILEDIA to 0 prior to running the CONVERTPSTYLES command, however the message box that CONVERTPSTYLES presents before asking for the STB file appears to be getting in the way.
Is there a way to convert a bunch of files at the same time from one image file format to another? I am converting JPEG to PDF. I had it all finished (I did it manually),
I have a Canon G-15 and want to download Camera Raw 7.3 so that I can open my raw files. I downloaded DNG but this requires converting my raw files to DNG.
I'm looking for a good tutorial for converting PSD files into HTML emails. I know the basic steps such as slicing up the document, how to optimize the images, save as an HTML file and images but after that it gets fuzzy. I'm struggling with how to have text blocks in photoshop show up as text rather than be an image in the HTML.
I've searched on, YouTube, and quite a few other sources but can't seem to find anything that goes over it in depth. I'm a novice when it comes to HTML.
I have always used Elements 10 to convert RAW files to jpg by opening the RAW file in the editor, making changes, and then choosing Open Image tab, and then choosing jpg format in the drop down box to save it. For some reason it is no longer an option, I have not changed any settings.
I downloaded a m4a audio format from iTunes and my elements 9 slide show can't read it. What is the best solution to convert to an mp3 format that the slide show can use? I'm running windows 7.
I shoot in RAW but for some strange reason Elements 10 has started to convert the files to JPEG. For example, if I open the file in iPhoto the file extension is shown as RAW. If I then import the file into Elements Organizer and then subsequently try to edit that file it shows the file extension as JPEG! Previously a RAW file would automatically open for editing in Camera Raw so I have clearly altered something somewhere!
I have got a number of photoshop files which i cannot use because i dont have Photoshop. So i downloaded the trail version of Photoshop (MacOSX) to convert them to something that i can use with other programs. What file format can i export them to?
I need a format that keeps all the information about the layers and all the other stuff - So i guess this is called workable file. What format does exist in Photoshop so that i can export it for later use with any other (means NON-Adobe) programm? URL....
I'm taking the time to edit some of my nicer/older outdoor photos that were taken in jpeg format in Photoshop CS3 and then on to printing with an Epson 3800. I've been told that files I want to print I should make sure that I'm set to an RGB color space (1998), get icc profiles for paper, have photoshop manage colors, etc.
This is all going great! However, I've recently read online that to truly show the full potential of one's photos, those jpeg's should be converted to a TIFF file format...especially when printing (I'm now taking everything in RAW format, but I still have to take care of some of these nicer jpeg's).
Have done several prints comparing same photo in jpeg & tiff and tiff definately is higher quality. questions concern some of the settings in CS3 when I chose 'Save As' - 'Format' = tiff. Code:
I am creating an image in photoshop that a printer is going to use to make a postcard to advertise my website. He needs it in 300dpi resolution in order for it to print correctly. I have already created the vector image that is in 300dpi res, but need to add photos to the image. He said that everything needs to be in 300dpi resolution, including the photos that I add to the image.
I already have one photo that is in jpeg format that is at 300dpi, but I did not create that. I scanned in a photo at 300dpi as a tif file, and would like to convert it to jpeg while preserving its 300dpi resolution. I have tried everything in Photoshop that I know (which is not all that much) to try to accomplish this task, but to no avail.
I forgot to change my options for xmp sidecar files in bridge last time I installed it. For a good two months it's been saving xmp data in the camera raw database instead of in sidecar XMP files.
Now I need to move a whole bunch of raw files to a new computer and I don't want to lose all the camera raw adjustments. Is there a trick to write out the info it has in the database to XMP files along with the corresponding raw files?
As the title says my 32-bit HDR files open as 8-bit in Camera Raw 7.3. I have a Win 7 32-bit system. I create the 32-bit HDR and then save it as a 32-bit TIFF but when I open it in PS CS6 via Camera Raw 7.3 it comes in as only 8-bit.
Wondering if there is any guidance on retention of .dat files in the folder called UserLocal SettingsApplication DataCameraRawCache. I have close to 1 GB of .dat files in that folder, and am looking for ways to keep down the storage in my O/S (boot) partition.
I copied some videos to a DVD using a Panasonic DVD recorder and was trying to put them on my computer for storage and playback. It was three TV shows in VOB format with IFO files in the folder as well. Initially, the only way I could get anything to play was with the video TS file with windows media player, as my computer does not recognize VOB. This doesn't really work as they need to be stored separately given that they are different shows. Further complicating it is that instead of 3 VOB files, there are 5, so the episodes are spilt in the middle of some of them.
I came across this old thread viewtopic.php?f=1&t=19926&view=previous . I can't import from DVD because it reports it's not a valid format. I was able to rename them to mpg files, but have some issues. When played individually with windows media player, file 01 only plays 5 minutes of the video (About 20-25 minutes are just missing despite being over 1 gig) and the actual video is missing, just the audio plays (the video for that 5 minutes does play in vs x4, it is complete and works fine when playing from the video_ts file in windows media player). The others work fine. Each episode is about 42 minutes. Also noted that 01 is listed as being half of the resolution of the others.
When I try combining files and saving as various mpg options or flv, I either lose audio altogether at certain parts, or it is badly delayed/mismatched and the part that is not showing when I play file 01 alone is missing from the combined video as well. I also tried it in windows moviemaker, but it can't play the files at all.
I been having a problem with 3ds Max 2010 crashing in Mental Ray. Not enough memory problems. I know you can use Photoshop and convert your jpegs into Targa files at 32 bit and a image size that is easy for 3ds Max 2010 to understand without crashing mental ray. I forgot the Image size. I ran across it in another forum, on another website, but lost the link to the forum. It's been years since I remember the site.
what they do for texture images in Material Editor in 3ds Max 2010. I am messing with image size around 2000 x 2000 or 4000 x 4000, which are Poser 8 texture maps.
I am using AutoCAD lt 2004. I used to easily save files to pdfs using the plot command. My previous HDD was C:. Since replacing the drive and a few other things my HDD is now H:
When I try to save(plot) a file as a pdf now I get a message saying "windows is unable to read drive C;. Make sure there is a disk in the drive and that the disk is formatted and free of errors".
How do I convert a shape file (.shp) from GIS into a file format that I can use in Autocad (dwg, dxf)?? I use Autocad 2002.I am trying to convert a GIS county land use map that shows things like roadways, waterways, etc. into Autocad.