AutoCAD LT :: Converting Files To PDF?
Feb 28, 2013
I am using AutoCAD lt 2004. I used to easily save files to pdfs using the plot command. My previous HDD was C:. Since replacing the drive and a few other things my HDD is now H:
When I try to save(plot) a file as a pdf now I get a message saying "windows is unable to read drive C;. Make sure there is a disk in the drive and that the disk is formatted and free of errors".
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Nov 19, 2009
As an organization, we have opted to go with STB as we have some complicated requirements that CTB doesn't accommodate. The wisdom of that decision is a moot point and I'm aware of the vast array of opinion.
We have a legacy of CTB drawings that occassionally need to be brought forward when projects get resurrected (state government highway designs are prone to getting shelved).
Up to AutoCAD 2009, I've had a VBA routine that performed a few operations on a list of files stored in a text file:
- Open the file
- Convert to STB using "CONVERTPSTYLES" with a specified STB file.
- Run a script to load a layer state file to change the plot styles from Style1, Style2 etc, to their correct named plot styles.
- Manage a recalcitrant layer that refused to play ball.
- Save and close the document
- Get the next file........
This was all fine until 2010 came along with the announcement that VBA was to be phased out. 2010 is OK with the VBA enablers, but now I've got some work to do.
Our organisation's development language is C# and I'm using Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition to develop my C# .NET code.
Is there another mechanism than "SendStringToExecute" for sending a command such as convertpstyles to AutoCAD and getting .NET to wait for it to finish before proceeding.
I've got CommandEnded code that handles waiting for MTEXT and DTEXT commands to finish and I've tried constructing a CommandEnded for CONVERTPSTYLES, but it seems to me that commands that throw dialogue boxes such as CONVERTPSTYLESand SCRIPT aren't handled the same way.
I've tried setting FILEDIA to 0 prior to running the CONVERTPSTYLES command, however the message box that CONVERTPSTYLES presents before asking for the STB file appears to be getting in the way.
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Nov 29, 2004
How do I convert a shape file (.shp) from GIS into a file format that I can use in Autocad (dwg, dxf)?? I use Autocad 2002.I am trying to convert a GIS county land use map that shows things like roadways, waterways, etc. into Autocad.
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Oct 15, 2013
I'm looking for an application (retail) that does a good (accurate) job of converting PDF files to DWG or DXFs. I realize that it is not an exact science and each program has its strong and weak points.
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Jun 8, 2011
I have an aerial ortho image with a world file and a .dwg that is in UTM NAD83 17N and some shapefiles that are LL83.
I know that these shapefiles correspond to the subject area, but right now these are not lining up at all because the shapefiles are in lat and long ie. -73.xx, and the UTM coords are i.e. 4870562.56, 555859.08.
How to do the transformation?I have tried to assign the NAD83 projection to the shapefiles, but they remain in the same lat long coordinate space.
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Nov 14, 2011
I have been building a library of beams for our robotics department for my work. They need iges files to put into weldpro. When I am converting to iges sometimes i get this error message, Unsupported photometric object light type. Not really sure how to fix it, like I said sometime this happens and sometimes it doesn't.Here is the command box text,
Command: _EXPORT
Select objects: Specify opposite corner: 1 found
Select objects:
Unsupported photometric object light type.
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Jun 20, 2013
I created a few files using the student version of Inventor hoping to have a local water jet place do some cutting for me. Unfortunate, they can't read ipt files. They wanted it in dxf files.
How to convert ipt files into dxf files.
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Dec 18, 2013
I have autocad 2011 and trying to convert my 3d files to stl files so I can print my objects in my 3d printer makerbot.
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Mar 28, 2012
I have to sometimes make files for a router table, water jets, and plasma cutters. Some of the shapes are created from splines and or polylines. Our router program and some of the programs that our vendors use (water jet and plasma cutter) programs that have major trouble with the amount of control points (nodes) that are required to hold that shape as it should be. When I try to remove the nodes in autocad the shape changes.
One of the methods I have to use is to import the DXF file into Corel Draw X3 and remove all the extra nodes that the program will allow me to delete without changing the shape of the item. This works sometimes depending on the program that the vendor is using. I have to do different things for different vendors, and as I said this only works 50 percent of the time, and I will not know if it worked or not, until the vendor starts complaining about open files or not. On one occasion the final product came in from the vendor, and it was a mess, inside corners were blown out in large circles, and outside corners were rounded off into large circles.
The in house router table issue has been overcome, it is the water jet vendors and plasma cutter vendors that we are still having issues with.
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Sep 7, 2012
I'm used to using AutoCad R14 and just recently had to purchase AutoCad 2010. The printing service that I have to use has to have the drawings in a PDF format and I found out how to make the conversion. However, the lineweights, the linetypes and the linetype scales are all out of wack. I have read about setting up a CBT file, but apparently I'm missing something someplace. I want to plot by color to achieve lineweight. Linetypes and linetype scales are set when the object is drawn, where the default is Continuous and 1 respectively.
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Sep 19, 2007
I always have problems converting .dwg files to Mapinfo .tab's.
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Nov 20, 2013
I have an archicad file that I want to convert to autocad,
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Jul 21, 2011
How do I go about converting MOV files into DV or mpeg files to edit? When I import the files are choppy I downloaded the quicktime, dvx and direct x files. No success.
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Nov 11, 2009
I'm doing an internship at school and need to convert alot of .tiff files and .dpf files into drawings. I also experimented with a program that converted the files from raster format into vector format. This is what I've found so far...
Able2Extract – Works very well when it does. Creates everything on 1 layer. Has options to use Autocad 2000 color palette or Autocad 2004 color palette. 2004 palette usual fails. Program works 50% of the time.
Aide PDF to DXF – Worked very well, once. Tried multiple floor plans and it came out chicken scratch.
AutoDWG VectorNow - Terrrrribllleeeeeee.
AlgoLab Raster 2 Vector – Miserable failure.
Any decent programs to convert these files?
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May 31, 2012
I'm having problems plotting to PDF's and maintaining the line weights etc.. that I get when I print to my plotter. It seems like Adobe Acrobat Pro 9 converts based on the color of my pens.... the lighter color value i.e. yellow, the lighter the grey tone. white is darkest. It ignores my lineweight settings, so I have no control on the quality of the output. Is it possible to get it to use the .ctb files that my plotter uses when creating it's PDF? I'm using AutoCAD LT 2010.
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Nov 16, 2011
I have had a client send me over some information about a site we have out in the middle of nowhere, Australia, and they've sent over the info in a bunch of .shx files. The types are shown as Shape Source and Compiled Shape. So, is there a way for me to change the .shx files to .dwg or .dwf files without downloading a piece of software for $150-250USD without knowing if it really works? I've looked through the forums, but I don't want to convert the files from .shx to .shp, I also tried a couple of trial downloads for converters, but for some reason have only found downloads for 32bit machines, whereas I'm working with a 64bit machine, or they don't do what they say they do.
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Feb 19, 2013
I am trying to convert a 2013 ACAD file to ACAD 2010LT but some objects are not viewable in the converted file. I used DWG Truview to convert the 2013 file to 2010LT.
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Dec 20, 2011
I'm looking to start offering laser cut pendants and such. Laser cutters require AutoCAD files, and I have no idea how to use any of the AutoCAD software (I intend to learn, eventually) but I heard you can take Illustrator files and convert them into the necessary formats. I have experience with Illustrator so I thought that was brilliant.
I took my Photoshop sketch and brought it into Illustrator and traced all the lines on one layer using the Pen tool. It's all straight lines. I temporarily deleted the layer with JPG artwork, then chose the Export option and selected dxf.
I didn't change any of the default options, so AutoCAD version was set at 2000/LT2000, colors set at 256, and raster file format was left at BMP. The "Export Selected Art", "Alter Paths for Appearance", and "Outline Text" options were all left unchecked.
Upon sending the file to my laser guy, he said that when opening it, there were no entities. I don't know what I did wrong. I just exported it as a DWG as well and sent that to him.
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Oct 10, 2012
I need to convert shapefiles to a pretty old version of dxf. Shapefiles is a file format used in geographical systems.
For example a shapefile could contain points, lines or polygons, and attributes for each point/line/whatever.
Now I need to convert shapefiles to an old version of the dxf format, I don't even know exactly what version so I'll have to find out by trial and error I guess. (But a gut feeling says somewhere in the 90's.)
Luckily there are tools to convert shapefiles to the modern versions of DXF, but where do I go from there?
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Jun 20, 2001
Is there any way of running a batch process to convert a number of AutoCad drawings into Tiff format, at once? Also, if a batch process is not available, can we save our plot settings for conversion to Tiff so that they can be recalled at a later stage? We would like to be able to transfer the same plot settings to other PCs so that we are all producing the same formatted files. Are the plot settings transferable?
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Sep 20, 2013
I had a question as to whether or not there are any upgardes / improvements / options in any of the later Autodesk versions (2013, 2014) have the ability to convert 2D drawings from NX/Catia/Solidworks to Inventor. Is it possible to convert 2D drawings from these other software to extensions that are compatible with Autodesk software? I'm running an earlier version of Inventor on my machine but it seems as though even those at our other locations running Autodesk 2013/2014 are having trouble converting 2D files properly.
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Feb 8, 2013
I've over 400 old AutoCAD 14 files that I want to batch process into pdf's at an "C" sized landscape layout.
I've tried tools in Adobe and CAD but can't seam to find the one that will open each file and export out a C print at the extents of each file.
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Feb 7, 2012
I have a problem with some step files I recieved from a vendor for an assembly. Basically what is happening is I download the step file. Then bring it into Mechanical Desktop. When brought into Mechanical desktop, it is downloaded in metric where my entire assembly is in standard/english format. What I did when I had Inventor 2011 is bring the step file into inventor, go to document settings and switch the unit to inch from mm. Then save the step file and when I brought it into Mechanical desktop it was in the correct unit and scale.
Now with 2012 Inventor, when I bring the step file in, it is automatically in english/standard format. So I save the step file out and try to open it in Mechanical desktop only to have the file back into mm and 25.4x the actual size it should be.
how to save the step file out like in 2011 to make sure the unit is saved in the correct format. This is extremely aggrevating and waste of time. I would have had the part reverse engineered by now if i quit trying to use the vendors standard step files.
This problem doesn't only happen with a certain vendor's drawings either, it goes for all step files I have recieved since getting Inventor2012.
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May 19, 2012
I have installed the student version of Autocad 2013. My professor has asked me to convert my dwg files into 2010 format, as she is unable to open them. When I attempted to do so, Autocad informed me that I cannot convert files with the student version. Is there anything I can to to fix this? Or, can she somehow convert them on her end?
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Nov 19, 2013
I have some DWG files which contain walls of old castle some of the vertex are missing so I have to join them manually or found software to generate them automatically Does solid works have this functionality ?
After joining vertex how can I convert walls to meshes?
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Nov 9, 2011
We are a water utility and have thousands of detail drawings of service taps and hydrant connections (maybe 11,000 total). These are in the old Microstation J format. Each drawing is divided into a top half and bottom half. The bottom half of the drawing is the actual drawing portion.
The top half of the drawing is text that comes out of an Old Oracle database, into Microsoft Word 2000 through mail merge then is copied and pasted into the top portion of the card. Newer drawings done like this and opened in AutoCAD have the top portion identified as an OLE object (embedded object), while the older drawings just look like a drawing in the top.
I'm looking to update the system to ArcGIS and AutoCAD. The data will be moved to a Microsoft Access database (probably later SQL Server), and I want to convert all the old Microstation drawings into an AutoCAD format. ArcGIS will provide the basemap and be linked to the database, with clickable hyperlinks to open the AutoCAD drawings. I would like to be able to keep the bottom drawing half while changing the top half of each drawing to reflect updated data in the database. If this can be automatically updated, that would be awesome.
One is the best program to automatically bulk convert the drawings from Microstation J to AutoCAD (I have 2011). Also, I'm looking for a method to display the text from the database in the top portion of the card using either mail merge with AutoCAD or some automatic method of pulling the info out of the database. Can I just copy-paste this info into AutoCAD as we did with Microstation or is there a better way?
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May 6, 2013
so many tools and option here, and yet I can't seem to figure out how to convert old PCD files! Do I really have to buy something like Graphic covnerter to open these, and then move them into PS?
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Sep 24, 2012
If I have a bunch of jpg's and want to convert them all at one time to PDF's in CS6; how do I do that?
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Nov 20, 2013
I copied some videos to a DVD using a Panasonic DVD recorder and was trying to put them on my computer for storage and playback. It was three TV shows in VOB format with IFO files in the folder as well. Initially, the only way I could get anything to play was with the video TS file with windows media player, as my computer does not recognize VOB. This doesn't really work as they need to be stored separately given that they are different shows. Further complicating it is that instead of 3 VOB files, there are 5, so the episodes are spilt in the middle of some of them.
I came across this old thread viewtopic.php?f=1&t=19926&view=previous . I can't import from DVD because it reports it's not a valid format. I was able to rename them to mpg files, but have some issues. When played individually with windows media player, file 01 only plays 5 minutes of the video (About 20-25 minutes are just missing despite being over 1 gig) and the actual video is missing, just the audio plays (the video for that 5 minutes does play in vs x4, it is complete and works fine when playing from the video_ts file in windows media player). The others work fine. Each episode is about 42 minutes. Also noted that 01 is listed as being half of the resolution of the others.
When I try combining files and saving as various mpg options or flv, I either lose audio altogether at certain parts, or it is badly delayed/mismatched and the part that is not showing when I play file 01 alone is missing from the combined video as well. I also tried it in windows moviemaker, but it can't play the files at all.
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Apr 16, 2008
I have Photoshop 6.0 operating on Windows NT.
I need to be able to save files as PCX 8 bit 256 color for use on Chyron Codi version 1.5,
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Oct 25, 2005
I'm running Photoshop (CS) V.8 in Win-XP.
I've got a CD-R with a bunch of image files which were originally scanned into a Mac version of Photoshop.
The file "properties" window says that the original files are "Photoshop V.7 or earlier."
How can I convert these files so I can open them in Photoshop CS Win?
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