Photoshop :: Converting Jpeg Photo Files To TIFF Format
Apr 4, 2008
I'm taking the time to edit some of my nicer/older outdoor photos that were taken in jpeg format in Photoshop CS3 and then on to printing with an Epson 3800. I've been told that files I want to print I should make sure that I'm set to an RGB color space (1998), get icc profiles for paper, have photoshop manage colors, etc.
This is all going great! However, I've recently read online that to truly show the full potential of one's photos, those jpeg's should be converted to a TIFF file format...especially when printing (I'm now taking everything in RAW format, but I still have to take care of some of these nicer jpeg's).
Have done several prints comparing same photo in jpeg & tiff and tiff definately is higher quality. questions concern some of the settings in CS3 when I chose 'Save As' - 'Format' = tiff. Code:
Suddenly I can't save my PSD files as JPEG file without CS6 wanting to turn them into tiff files. Keeps prompting me to to choose from a drop down menu as Maya or Amiga files.
I've checked to be sure my file is set for 8 bits and srgb. Not working with video files of any sort. In fact, I've tried saving past PSD files as JPEG and it's giving me the same iff prompt.
What is the best format to save high resolution black and white photographic work? Tiff? JPEG? Also, I'm confused about the Tiff save dialog.
When saving as Tiff, there is a box I can check labeled "ICC Profile: Grey Gamma 2.2". What does this do?
Also, later I'm asked if I want LZW compression. I want as high resolution as possible, file size is not an issue. So I assume I'm not interested in compression.
I am cleaning up the Hard Drive on my Mac G4. My scanned images are taking a great portion of the 80 Gig drive. I finished clearing my external drive by removing nearly 60 gigs of images by storing them on DVD. I will do the same for the Mac drive.
My trouble is that all my images are stored in TIFF format which takes up enormous space no matter the storage. Since I output images in various sizes, mainly prints, to 30 x 40 inches, I need a master image archived in the best format for such. However, I do not want to fill my drives, or DVD, with large files. Code:
I am trying to continue an assignment that I started at school today, but the Photoshop CS6 (64 bit) that I have on my laptop will not let me open any files. Not, JPEG, TIFF, PSD, PNG, nary a one of the photo types can be opened. It doesn't give me any signs of trouble or error messages. It just wont let me open a file or make a new file. I just sits there in all its power staring me down. why must Photoshop all of a sudden despise me so?
My camera out put is in JPEG I have no choice. While I can process jpeg with no problems in CS5 is there a better way to do this? would I be better off converting the JPEG to either tiff or psd and then process the file and then reconvert back to jpeg as the final product. I have heard so much about "lossy"(jpeg) vs "non Lossy" (tiff and psd) which are the ones I want to use?
I scanned, as a tiff file, a full-center spread of a large newspaper. This had to be scanned in eight sections, the pages were so big on my A4 scanner window. When I joined all the sections up in Photoshop CS5, the size of the file was huge (about 21 inches by about 19 inches) It is also digitally large (about 320 MB, since the resolution is 300 dpi).
Because I want to keep the composite photo but don't want the file to be so digitally large, yet need the good resolution, I thought it would be a good to save it as a JPEG file, which would give me the dimensions I need but not be so digitally bulky as the original. On pressing the drop-down menu for Saving As, the JPEG option did not appear in the dialogue box. Why is this, and how may I save the file in JPEG format?
Is there any way of running a batch process to convert a number of AutoCad drawings into Tiff format, at once? Also, if a batch process is not available, can we save our plot settings for conversion to Tiff so that they can be recalled at a later stage? We would like to be able to transfer the same plot settings to other PCs so that we are all producing the same formatted files. Are the plot settings transferable?
I noticed that converting tiff to dng makes the files smaller.Is there any reason not to convert them? Is the compression completly lossless? Will it be slower?
Photoshop CC is not among the programs listed and Windows won't let me add it to the list. Oddly, Illustrator CC is listed. How do I rectify this? I have Photoshop CS6 installed and that is listed. I'm running Windows 7 Ultimate.
I have got a number of photoshop files which i cannot use because i dont have Photoshop. So i downloaded the trail version of Photoshop (MacOSX) to convert them to something that i can use with other programs. What file format can i export them to?
I need a format that keeps all the information about the layers and all the other stuff - So i guess this is called workable file. What format does exist in Photoshop so that i can export it for later use with any other (means NON-Adobe) programm? URL....
I shoot in RAW but for some strange reason Elements 10 has started to convert the files to JPEG. For example, if I open the file in iPhoto the file extension is shown as RAW. If I then import the file into Elements Organizer and then subsequently try to edit that file it shows the file extension as JPEG! Previously a RAW file would automatically open for editing in Camera Raw so I have clearly altered something somewhere!
I am trying to batch convert several thousand TIFF files to lossless JPEG-2000, but I can't get it to work.
When I open a single file and "Save as" JPEG-2000 with the lossless option checked, the result is truly lossless. But when I record this as an Action and then Automate/Batch this action, the output is not saved as lossless.
I am creating an image in photoshop that a printer is going to use to make a postcard to advertise my website. He needs it in 300dpi resolution in order for it to print correctly. I have already created the vector image that is in 300dpi res, but need to add photos to the image. He said that everything needs to be in 300dpi resolution, including the photos that I add to the image.
I already have one photo that is in jpeg format that is at 300dpi, but I did not create that. I scanned in a photo at 300dpi as a tif file, and would like to convert it to jpeg while preserving its 300dpi resolution. I have tried everything in Photoshop that I know (which is not all that much) to try to accomplish this task, but to no avail.
I can't see a way to search for this issue that seems faster then looking manually. X4 will open X3 jpg's, but not X3 TIF's. X4 will open the older PSP files, but X3 TIF's show up as black rectangles in X4 workspace and won't open. I've uninstalled X3 already, but do not consider re-installing it as a solution. Previous versions of PSP have been backward compatible for me. If I open a RAW file, edit it and save as a TIF, it will open.
In CS6 I work with .tiff files and then export them to LR4 for editting. When I try to export the files back to CS6 they are converted to .jpeg files. Why?
I suddenly got problems with saving files in .jpeg format. I use camera raw in my camera, and edit photos in Element, and then save a .jpeg version of the photo, and until recently that operation has went on without problems, but suddenly I got no other alternatives than .psd. Why?
I just recently shot a session in raw (also new to that) to expand my editing process. I downloaded them to my laptop, edited them, and exported as a jpeg file. When I went to move the edits to my terabyte the files copied over as "untitled CR2 files". I don't know how to get them back as a jpeg.
I run Lightroom 4.4 under Apple OS X10.4.4..When I export files Exif Tool (in Graphic Converter) under ICC header shows for Jpeg "Primary Platform = Microsoft and for = Tiff Apple; and under ICC Profile Color profile for Jpeg = HP but Adobe 1998 for Tiff. I can see that there is a difference between the profile for Jpeg and Tiff (eg sRgb and Adobe1998) but don't follow why the Primary platform differs and shows Microsoft for Jpeg and that the jpeg profile is HP
I'm converting batches of my EPS files to JPEG. I've created a keyboard shortcut, but still need to select JPEG in Format (default is PNG), then select 'Use artboards', then image type, resolution, etc.
Although it's quite quick to do, it's very repetitive and I don't want to miss a step if I lose concentration.
I've seen a script that does a batch conversion, but that has to have the file type that you're opening and the location. I still want to open each file individually and use a keyboard shortcut to execute that script.
If no ready script, how can I change the default from PNG to JPEG?
1) From LR export to PS 2) Do all essential editings. 3) Save. File become 'xyz.tiff' now. (I want to keep this as master copy) 4) Crop to 4r, Save a Jpeg copy as 'xyz 4r.jpg' 5) PS save it as a copy, but do not automatically open the Jpeg copy. The tiff remains opened. I have to manullay Open, browse to it, and open the Jpeg. The 'Open Recent' list also do not list 'xyz 4r.jpg'. 6) Do 4r sharpening for the 'xyz 4r.jpg', save it.
Basically the files I want to keep and worked on is like this: NEF -> xyz.tiff -> xyz 4r.jpg -> xyz sml.jpg(maybe)
Now, it there a way in step (5) to have PS save the JPEG copy, and automatically open it? I don't care if the Tiff copy remains opened or not, I am done with it.
I am adjusting colours on photos with Photo Paint X6. When I try to save with original settings the OK button in the "Export to JPEG" dialog box is grayed out. There are no error messages or hints on the screen as to what to do to proceed with the save JPEG with orginal settings.
Question: How do I “Add” multiple TIFF files to a Batch Process so I don't get the "what page" question?The PP9 Batch Process Added – OPENED - files, processed according to my script, then saved the result to new type & folder.
X5, a recent purchase, does an IMPORT of TIFFs instead of an OPEN and wants to know what page I want to load. Answering this on each file defeats the purpose of batch processing. How I should write the script?
I have a high resolution (300 dpi) JPG image, but my printer wants me to supply him with TIFF images. If I saved this high-res JPG image as a TIFF would that be sufficient to convert it, or is there something else I have to do?
I need to be able to convert documents (.pdfs or anything else really) into multi page, CCITT group type 4 .tiffs. I've read that this is possible to do in Photoshop, but when I tried downloading a trial on my computer, I wound up with a corrupted hard disk (unfortunately, this is also on my personal, not my work computer), but no functional software. How to get Photoshop to run without destroying my hard disk, I'd like to find out if it's worth the trouble.