I need to be able to convert documents (.pdfs or anything else really) into multi page, CCITT group type 4 .tiffs. I've read that this is possible to do in Photoshop, but when I tried downloading a trial on my computer, I wound up with a corrupted hard disk (unfortunately, this is also on my personal, not my work computer), but no functional software. How to get Photoshop to run without destroying my hard disk, I'd like to find out if it's worth the trouble.
Gimp open a multipage tiff as a multilayer image and i can edit it. But wheni save it, all layers are merged into one and i've get a onepage tiff. Howcan i save a multipage tiff?
I have a high resolution (300 dpi) JPG image, but my printer wants me to supply him with TIFF images. If I saved this high-res JPG image as a TIFF would that be sufficient to convert it, or is there something else I have to do?
I have a 16 bit, ProPhoto tif file in .psb format. My question is, if I convert it to sRGB and then back to ProPhoto will I get the original ProPhoto colorspace or will it be lost? BTW, does the same hold true for converting in .dng?
Suddenly I can't save my PSD files as JPEG file without CS6 wanting to turn them into tiff files. Keeps prompting me to to choose from a drop down menu as Maya or Amiga files.
I've checked to be sure my file is set for 8 bits and srgb. Not working with video files of any sort. In fact, I've tried saving past PSD files as JPEG and it's giving me the same iff prompt.
I'm taking the time to edit some of my nicer/older outdoor photos that were taken in jpeg format in Photoshop CS3 and then on to printing with an Epson 3800. I've been told that files I want to print I should make sure that I'm set to an RGB color space (1998), get icc profiles for paper, have photoshop manage colors, etc.
This is all going great! However, I've recently read online that to truly show the full potential of one's photos, those jpeg's should be converted to a TIFF file format...especially when printing (I'm now taking everything in RAW format, but I still have to take care of some of these nicer jpeg's).
Have done several prints comparing same photo in jpeg & tiff and tiff definately is higher quality. Now..my questions concern some of the settings in CS3 when I chose 'Save As' - 'Format' = tiff. Code:
I've been opening my RAW images in Irfanview, converting them to .tif images, and then opening the .tif images in GIMP for processing, but I've been getting a pop-up window (see screenshot) that says:
"Calling error for procedure 'gimp-image-set-resolution': Image resolution is out of bounds, using the default resolution instead."
I am trying to find an efficient method for converting PNGs to TIFFs for management in LR 4.4. I have tried using Automator for Mac for this purpose. However, the converted TIFF files appear corrupt when imported into LR, although they still work when imported to Photoshop.
Any reason why Automator's conversion would not be acceptable?
Similarly, I tried using GraphicConverter 8 and had the same results.
Is there any way of running a batch process to convert a number of AutoCad drawings into Tiff format, at once? Also, if a batch process is not available, can we save our plot settings for conversion to Tiff so that they can be recalled at a later stage? We would like to be able to transfer the same plot settings to other PCs so that we are all producing the same formatted files. Are the plot settings transferable?
I scanned my signature into my computer as a TIFF file. I then edited and cleaned it up in Photoshop. Then I placed it into Illustrator and turned it into a Vector file. The problem with this though is that there are vector paths around the perimeter of the signature and not down the middle of the letter strokes as would be if I had made it in Illustrator. Is there a way that I can still make this happen?
I just converted it back to a tiff file becuas the vector lines were turning into double lines in places. I just enlarged them enough that it hid any gaps and then converted it into a tiff file to have another try at it. Would much rather work with one line though.
I noticed that converting tiff to dng makes the files smaller.Is there any reason not to convert them? Is the compression completly lossless? Will it be slower?
I am cleaning up the Hard Drive on my Mac G4. My scanned images are taking a great portion of the 80 Gig drive. I finished clearing my external drive by removing nearly 60 gigs of images by storing them on DVD. I will do the same for the Mac drive.
My trouble is that all my images are stored in TIFF format which takes up enormous space no matter the storage. Since I output images in various sizes, mainly prints, to 30 x 40 inches, I need a master image archived in the best format for such. However, I do not want to fill my drives, or DVD, with large files. Code:
I have Photoshop 7 and converted some jpg scans to pdf files, then combined them into a multipage single file. I wanted to edit one of the pages, but can not recall how I created the multipage file.
i was using Photoshop Cs3 in work and they upgraded all the photoshop versions to CS5 . Now i can't find where i can create a multipage pdf. I was using the pdf tool so often it's important for me.
Is it possible to do a multipage scan in Photoshop 7 and to have all the scanned pages saved as one PDF file. At the moment I can only find a way that gives me the same number of files as I have scanned in.
The reason I am having to do this is because I am having a problem with the scanning facility in Acrobat 8.
I am using PSE 12 as an external editor for Aperture. When I ask to use an external photo editor, Aperture creates a .tiff file in my Aperture folder, launches PSE 12 and tells it to edit that .tiff file. This all works great. When I am done editing in PSE 12, I ask it to save the file and it saves it back to the original Aperture folder with a .tif extension. I can instead say "save as" and then it suggests the file name with a .tif extension. When I correct the extension to .tiff it warns me that I'm going to overwrite the file (exactly what I want!). I say yes and then I find out that PSE did not overwrite the file, but wrote it as a .tif file anyway. I have to go to the folder, delete the .tiff file and rename the .tif file to .tiff and then everything is fine - but what a hassle.
I found myself in the situation today of having to make a multipage pdf document from many individual images. There were over 100 images of each page and I didn't like the idea of manually creating new pages, dragging the images on, resizing and aligning each time etc. probably about an hours work or more. Luckily there's a way to do it in less than a minute using the autoreplace name used in photo galleries.
Here's the steps on how to do it.
1: On your first page drag on any one of the images, position and resize it accordingly.
2: Apply the name autoreplace to the image
3: Select and drag all the images from your folder onto the first image
4: Choose duplicate page from the dialog that pops up
presto a 100+ page document that can now be saved as a pdf.
I was victim to the MS update that wiped out all the fonts. I undid the damage with a restore, it was the only way for my X64 Win 7 system. Now, suddenly, making multipage PDF's is a nightmare. I have always used the same process and settings on the PDF converter (been doing it since X3 with no issues) Now, I cannot set the settings to get a normal sized PDF... they usually are 5 megs for a 5 page pdf... now they come in at 35 megs? It's always ignored the graphic items I have placed off of the page... now, it appears it's including these items and I cannot figure out how to adjust the settings - I've tried everything.
The only work around was to save the file under a new name, delete all extraneous graphics off the page, then make the PDF. It comes out as it should if I do that. I've never had to do that before... it's always simply used the graphics on each page when it's checked as "pages 1-5".
If you have a multipage document such as the plans for a house you can have a different scale factor on each page if you turn off "All pages in document the same" in the Options dialog's "Page Size" tab.
Then you can set different scales on different pages. E.g. 1:100 for house floor plans and 1:500 for site layout plans.
Every day at least a dozen times I print spot color separations for film through the print dialogue to pdf, and every single time I have to either print the spot colors one at a time, or open the multipage pdf in Acrobat and use the clunky extract page function to get separate files. Is there any way to just get it to print separate pdfs?
Then I have to rename each sep to have the color in the file name. If there was a way to automate that?
I'm using Illustrator for work and I love it, I never needed scripts yet. Now I have couple houndred svgs coming in per day, I would like to have a script that opens every svg one by one in the selected directory and add them to a pdf as pages of the same size and than save it.
Often times when designing a logo I create different versions and variable options on layers. This can result in several layers in one Illustrator file. Is there an easy way or an existing script that will allow me to (with one click) create a multi-page PDF consisting of all the layers within my .ai file? The current method is turning on each layer, performing a save-as (PDF), then turning off said layer and turning on the next layer and repeating the task and so-on-and-so-forth, etc … It becomes tedious and quite often I save over the previous version, forgetting to re-name it or forget to perform a save on a certain layer. I have never written my own script before but am not opposed to trying, where do I begin?
I have multipage (16 pages) document with linked frames of paragraph text. Every page consists of 2 linked frames of paragraph text and second one is linked to the first one of the next page. When printed, it prints only first two pages as a whole. And the 3-rd and all the others prints only first frame of the page and two rows of the second frame of the page.
Is this my printer (Canon LBP3010) or the CorelDRAW ?
BTW: Paste 16 pages from WORD to Corel X6 takes infinity and crashes. In Corel 9 it takes about a minute for 80 pages!
do enough basics to layout a 32 page quarterly magazine. Quark is fairly simple and I can do the basics with Photoshop. I have a question about the tiff format. My printer guy says I need to change all photos into CMYK and save them as a tiff. When I take a 853kb file and save it as a tiff the size goes to 12mb. Usually I don't worry about it, but this issue our members are submitting photos and I have a lot to change and put in. The size of the magazine file will be ridiculous.
I always thought it's a raster-only format. But if you can save your Photoshop project as a TIFF instead of a PSD - preserving all of your layers, effects AND! shapes - that means it does right?
if it does contain vector data, then
2. Does a flattened project saved as Tiff, still does?
I'm asking all of this, becouse I have A4 300dpi project for a newspaper and I was asked to send it either as a EPS or TIFF. I was also asked to convert all the texts to vector (shapes). So the project contains both - raster and vector data. If I save it as a EPS file, Photoshop cannot reopen it again (don't know why -
The only option left is to save the project as TIFF. But if I save it as TIFF do I loose the vector data of the texts (are they rastarized upon saving?) in the project?