VideoStudio :: X5 /Panasonic NVGS-25 Camera - Unable To Capture
Aug 27, 2012
I'm using Panasonic NVGS-25 camera + windows7 home premium + videostudio X5. When i connect my cam via FireWire, system see it and opens new window with proposition to capture video with VideoStudio, but when VS runs, it says that no devices detected or no drivers for it.
I am using X2. I have been capturing video from my camera with no problems. Today, I set it up again and now can't capture. When I press capture video, it runs for 10 seconds and then give a message that capture failed, file is corrupted and unusable and of course stop capturing.
I can't figure out anything that I am doing different than before when I captured successfully. I have restarted my camera, my computer, and video studio all with the same results. During the 10 seconds, I am getting video to my computer.
I'm running VSproX2 and I'm trying to capture video from my Panasonic DVX100 camera. I have some Christmas stuff I want to edit. I cant seem to get VS to recognize the Camera. I dont know if it's a setting in the camera or a bad firewire (4pin) port.
Does the camera need a driver to be loaded? Should the PC have recognized the Camera when it was plugged in (like USB devices)?
I have the camera set to VCR mode. In VS, I go to Capture and select Capture Video. It says "Either no device is installed, or the device is not connected". Nothing is listed in Source or Format.
I enjoy the Video Studio Pro X5 over X3 and I finally got the machine to accept the driver for the samsung minidvd video camera. I selected capture video and started playing the video and hit start capture. It appears to work, but it only records and saves maybe 30 seconds of video. I did a 15 minute tour of a cave but less than 30 seconds of the video is saved.
Using Pro X3. I capture from DV camera using DV setting. I edit in AVI project properties. When I convert to MPEG and burn to a DVD the result is not very clear-not a sharp image. Should I capture or edit in MPEG? Our projects are for Public Access TV broadcast.
When I connect my camera and select Capture Video, I receive the error:
Unable to switch to capture mode Check if your video capture driver is working properly 15023:4:2
I select OK and it properly identifies my camera in source as Canon HV30
Using the VS Pro X3 software, I can play, ffwd, pause, etc the camera however, it will not Capture the video at all
This is on my dads pc. he is running:
- Video Studio Pro x3 Pro which has had all patches applied. - PC is an intel i5 2500 on a Asus P8P67 Pro motherboard. - 64 bit Windows 7 Home premium all patches applies - Canon HV30 connected via firewire
Note, I have used this camera with VS Pro x3 on another pc with no issue.,
not sure if i have got a setting applied incorrectly in vs pro x3 or not.
Been using VidoeStudio Pro X5 for couple years and just picked up a used PC. It had XP and could capture with installed VS X5 with no issues. Today i upgraded to Windows 7, reinstalled VS X5 and cant get past the "Unable to switch Capture" error. I can capture using my Canon Vixia HV40 and Sony FX1000 via Firewire with no problems using HDV Split, Roxio Creator and Cyberlink Powerdirector, so problem must be somewhere with VS X5.I can "control" the camera (stop, play, rewind,etc) through VS X5, but the Capture and Option buttons are grayed out and no image in preview window.
I have tried googling and downloaded a few codecs and drivers but no joy. Naturally I have rebooted and tried fresh install as well
I have a windows 7, 64 bit quad core with 8 Gigs of ram, and 500 gigs of hard drive. I'm using the latest Video Studio Pro x5. After some time, and not always at the same time, it stops capturing, and says "unable to capture video because it is copy write protected". It's not copy write protected, and I cannot figure out how to get it to stop doing that.
I'm capturing an old VHS tape using an Easy Cap (the one that is new, and works). Apparently there are some old Easy caps that do not work.
I'm trying to convert VHS to DVD. I have VS4Pro and a Hauppauge Collosus capture card and I get the error "unable to switch to cpature mode" when I'm in the capture tab and click capture video. VS4Pro recognizes the card but pops up the error "unable to switch to capture mode". In device manager, the drivers for the card appear to be installed/operating correctly.
Corel VSX4 now says "Either no video capture driver is installed in this system or do device is connected" now I am unable to capture new video from any source. W7 64B and I have downloaded the latest updates.
VS starts in Edit Mode. After connecting the video camera by a iLink cable to PC and switching the camera to Play mode, clicking on tab "Capture" an error message appears: "Unable to switch to Capture Mode. Check if your video capture driver is working properly" Question: How do I do it? I am not a computer savvy person, just want to capture, edit and finally burn my videos taken with the camera.
In capture mode, choosing "capture video"I get error message "failed to initialize the video capture plug-in another program may be using it or this file has been moved" " open driver failed" 15023.4.2 my video capture device is a USB WDM 2860 and shows in the "source" window but no "format" can be chosen and no video comes through. The operating system is windows 7 64 bit. I have "Magix movie edit pro 17" and "Cyberlink Video Director" and both of these programs work with the same device and capture. Neither one of these applications are running while using Video Studio. I checked and nothing else is utilizing this USB WDM 2860 device. I reinstalled the software, installed the patches, and uninstalled the USB drivers and reinstalled them.
upgrading to either one of these products as my current versions do not appear to support the panasonic raw file format rw2 but would like to know if the latest versions do support this format before I buy.
I have Corel VideoStudio Pro X3 as well as the trial version of X4 which I have just downloaded. I am having the same problem with both versions. When I go into Capture, there is no image coming through the Capture Window, it is just black. When I hit Capture Video, it does start capturing and it does record video correctly, however when I stop capturing, the preview window turns black again.
How can I get the video to be seen in the Capture preview window?
My computer is Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit edition. I am using a USB capture device, the Diamond Multimedia VC500 One Touch VHS Video Capture USB 2.0.
Earlier this year I purchased a Panasonic HDC-DS800 high definition camcorder. After years of editing ATI files, I'm going to use my VideoStudio (X4) to edit AVCHD files.
To get the files from the camcorder to the computer, there are 2 options. One is to go directly to the SD card on the camcorder through the My Computer option. This gives me .MTS files, which I can transfer to my hard drive.
The other option is to use the software supplied with the camcorder, which is HD Writer AE 3.0. This transfers to my hard drive .m2ts files. Along with the .m2ts files, it also transfers (or creates) .tmb files, .pmpd files, and .cont files.
Have put VideoStudio4 on my PC.I'm trying to use it with a new Panasonic HDC SD900.
I used the camera's software to download my video files on to my PC.
Corel VideoStudio 4 has a capture mode and an edit mode. I’d been using edit and then trying to browse for my files so I could add them into my library for use in that film. It couldn’t see the .mt2s files.
I’ve now tried connecting the camcorder and using Corel’s capture mode. Someone had suggested that to find my files I needed to follow private, then AVCHD, then choose BDMV, then choose the folder STREAM. But there’s nothing there.
Following Lesson steps in the Marc Bech book (Picture Yourself) Lesson in Stop Motion.When I go to 'CAPTURE' > 'STOP MOTION', I get the message "No Camcorder Device is Available"
The camcorder is a Panasonic HDC-SDT750 and it connects to my computer without problem and is recognised by Windows (7) MY Computer is a Hewlett Packard S5206, Windows 7 64 bit.
I am using VSX5 and have downloaded the latest version of Hewlett Packard's video drivers and the latest version of Direct X.
I have just upgraded to VideoStudio Pro 5 (from 4) as 1080/50p editing is now available in the upgrade; I shoot my source footage on a Panasonic HS900. Whilst I will edit my footage at 50p I cannot, of course, create a video file to burn to a BD without losing image quality, with Blu Ray only accepting a 24 fps frame rate. I understand after editing my footage in 50p I will then need to re-encode the video file to back to 24 fps if I am to maintain full '1080' quality and I'm wondering which of the 'drop-down' video file templates I should be using to achieve this?
I cannot seem to find anything in FAQ that exactly 'hits the spot'.
Here is Mediainfo for file that VS X6 nor X5 can handle. It simply dies as soon as the file is placed on the timeline. Any reason this Panasonic GH3 created file can't be used in VS? (60p editing is enabled)
General Complete name : P1020993.MP4 Format : MPEG-4 Format profile : Base Media / Version 2 Codec ID : mp42 File size : 70.1 MiB Duration : 21s 21ms [Code] ......
Just got a new Panasonic SD700. It should effectively be the same as the other Panasonic 700 camcorders like TM700 and HS700, but this one stores on memory cards only.
Now, with my VS 11.5+ (Windows XP SP3), clips whose length is 1 minute or less work fine, clips that are 2 minutes cause my VS 11.5+ to crash when I try to preview them. So, I can insert all my clips in the VS timeline. SmartProxy is on and with SmartProxy Manager I can check that the proxy files are created (although it takes a very long time).
Then I do nothing but try to play a preview of the clips. Clips that are 1 minutes or less play well. Then I have two clips that are almost exactly 2 minutes. These 2-minute clips play for some 5 or 6 seconds, then the picture halts but sound goes on for another few seconds and at roughly 10 - 12 seconds I get the typical message "this software failed, do you want to send a report to Microsoft ".
The same problem occurs whether I directly copy the MTS files from the memory card and then insert in my timeline in VS or download the clips to my hard disc with the HD Writer software that shipped with the camera and that renames them to M2TS.
This is repeatable. Rebooting does not work. I installed the latest directx today. The total duration of my test projects have been 2 - 4 minutes.All my test clips are 1920 x 1080i PAL, with a bit rate of 16800. The Panasonic software is able to play the clips well. Project settings are default DVD.
I'd like to be able to make AVCHD discs of my footage as well as standard DVDs for friends and family who don't have BlueRays yet. A year ago I was able to edit some footage from a friend's camcorder and produce both DVDs and AVCHD discs from that material. The clip properties then were close to the same as what I am using today. But now I cannot even get started.
I have VSP X4 Ultimate and a Panasonic TM900K. I have been recording mostly in 1080p for the best quality, but I have notice when compared to VLC or another editor, the preview window's quality is very poor. On my 1080P monitor it looks no better than a DVD. This, in of itself, is not a big issue, but it does make it hard to use VSP X4 to do fine video corrections.
The one that is is when I play down-converted videos from VSP X4 (To 7Kbps DVD) the quality is visibly worse than with my other editor. I have been testing on my playstation (just playing the mpeg 2 files via my media server) (the PS3 is set not to up-convert). When I try to do the same thing on my computer using VLC I do not see much of a difference, but VLC is doing a lot to render on the PC (de-interlacing and all).
In Capture One 6.3.4, my backgrounds read 253-255. When I open the RAW file in Camera RAW 7.1, the background reads 241-245. Profile is the same (Adobe RGB).
I have a Canon Rebel T4i, Lightroom 4.2 running on Mac OS 10.8.1. When I connect the camera to the computre and select Tethered Capture, I see the camera name in the tethered capture window, but the values for the settings are "--". When I mouse over the shutter button, the curson becomes a gloved hand with pointed finger and if I click on the shutter button it changes shade, but does not fire. When I look in the view finder, "Busy" flashes and I can't use the camera shutter.
Can I add the time and date to a capture it is on my camera and will only show if I was to print but not when I send by e-mail. I have a FujiS5Pro and use Elements 7 the pictures taken will go to UK Courts and used as evidence in our Legal system.
I just installed Light room 5 and try to use the tether funtion from Light room 5. But it shows "No Camera Detected" I checked the USB cable and it is connected correctly. Is there any solutions to fix that? Or Lr 5 does not suport Nikon D3000?
I'm not able to assign a Hotkey to enable me to use Corel Capture. No matter what I use, it tells me that the Hotkey is already being used by this system. I have deleted Hotkeys and then then tried to reassign them to no avail.