VideoStudio :: Pro X4 Error - Unable To Switch To Capture Mode?
Apr 5, 2013
VS starts in Edit Mode. After connecting the video camera by a iLink cable to PC and switching the camera to Play mode, clicking on tab "Capture" an error message appears: "Unable to switch to Capture Mode. Check if your video capture driver is working properly" Question: How do I do it? I am not a computer savvy person, just want to capture, edit and finally burn my videos taken with the camera.
I'm trying to convert VHS to DVD. I have VS4Pro and a Hauppauge Collosus capture card and I get the error "unable to switch to cpature mode" when I'm in the capture tab and click capture video. VS4Pro recognizes the card but pops up the error "unable to switch to capture mode". In device manager, the drivers for the card appear to be installed/operating correctly.
Been using VidoeStudio Pro X5 for couple years and just picked up a used PC. It had XP and could capture with installed VS X5 with no issues. Today i upgraded to Windows 7, reinstalled VS X5 and cant get past the "Unable to switch Capture" error. I can capture using my Canon Vixia HV40 and Sony FX1000 via Firewire with no problems using HDV Split, Roxio Creator and Cyberlink Powerdirector, so problem must be somewhere with VS X5.I can "control" the camera (stop, play, rewind,etc) through VS X5, but the Capture and Option buttons are grayed out and no image in preview window.
I have tried googling and downloaded a few codecs and drivers but no joy. Naturally I have rebooted and tried fresh install as well
When I connect my camera and select Capture Video, I receive the error:
Unable to switch to capture mode Check if your video capture driver is working properly 15023:4:2
I select OK and it properly identifies my camera in source as Canon HV30
Using the VS Pro X3 software, I can play, ffwd, pause, etc the camera however, it will not Capture the video at all
This is on my dads pc. he is running:
- Video Studio Pro x3 Pro which has had all patches applied. - PC is an intel i5 2500 on a Asus P8P67 Pro motherboard. - 64 bit Windows 7 Home premium all patches applies - Canon HV30 connected via firewire
Note, I have used this camera with VS Pro x3 on another pc with no issue.,
not sure if i have got a setting applied incorrectly in vs pro x3 or not.
I have a windows 7, 64 bit quad core with 8 Gigs of ram, and 500 gigs of hard drive. I'm using the latest Video Studio Pro x5. After some time, and not always at the same time, it stops capturing, and says "unable to capture video because it is copy write protected". It's not copy write protected, and I cannot figure out how to get it to stop doing that.
I'm capturing an old VHS tape using an Easy Cap (the one that is new, and works). Apparently there are some old Easy caps that do not work.
I am using X2. I have been capturing video from my camera with no problems. Today, I set it up again and now can't capture. When I press capture video, it runs for 10 seconds and then give a message that capture failed, file is corrupted and unusable and of course stop capturing.
I can't figure out anything that I am doing different than before when I captured successfully. I have restarted my camera, my computer, and video studio all with the same results. During the 10 seconds, I am getting video to my computer.
Corel VSX4 now says "Either no video capture driver is installed in this system or do device is connected" now I am unable to capture new video from any source. W7 64B and I have downloaded the latest updates.
In capture mode, choosing "capture video"I get error message "failed to initialize the video capture plug-in another program may be using it or this file has been moved" " open driver failed" 15023.4.2 my video capture device is a USB WDM 2860 and shows in the "source" window but no "format" can be chosen and no video comes through. The operating system is windows 7 64 bit. I have "Magix movie edit pro 17" and "Cyberlink Video Director" and both of these programs work with the same device and capture. Neither one of these applications are running while using Video Studio. I checked and nothing else is utilizing this USB WDM 2860 device. I reinstalled the software, installed the patches, and uninstalled the USB drivers and reinstalled them.
I'm using Panasonic NVGS-25 camera + windows7 home premium + videostudio X5. When i connect my cam via FireWire, system see it and opens new window with proposition to capture video with VideoStudio, but when VS runs, it says that no devices detected or no drivers for it.
I have the VS X3 version and am trying to capture a VHS tape to VS. I'm using the ION "Video 2 PC" capture card and I have hooked up the 3 RCA cables (red, white and yellow) to the capture card and then via a USB port attached the capture card to the computer. The USB device is recognized in Source by VS X3 and is called "USB 2861". The Format automatically is automatically set to "DVD". The capture video icon is blinking and when I click it to capture, I get the error message "cannot start the capture graph". I can't go any further from this point. what I should do or check or what this error message means?
I just installed VideoStudio Pro X4 on my Dell laptop with 64BIT, Windows 7 Home Premium. I am TRYING to use an EZCAP 64BIT device with my 8MM camcorder connected to it and "Composite" input selected as is appropriate in this connection. VideoStudio loads fine; select Capture tab, fine; click Capture Video, that loads fine with "Capture Video" flashing and waiting to be clicked again to begin capture, fine; I click "Capture Video," the icon changes to "Stop Capture," fine; I press PLAY on my 8MM camcorder; the video and audio begin, and I can see and hear it on my machine for approximately 8 - 10 seconds, then a box pops up with the message, "Unable to capture the file because it is copyright protected. OK"
After not having much luck with the last video card, I changed my video card to a device with the Philips 713x chipset
Now when I select video capture I get the following message: failed to initialize the video capture plugin Open driver failed (15200:43:0) (15023:4:2) cannot create the video capture filter
I have just installed card (SAA7130 TV PCI card) with latest drivers excluding the software so Video Studio 12 pro is the only capture software on the machine . I also re-installed both card and Video Studio after doing a complete system restore and used CC cleaner to remove any residual data before re-installing.
I need to use video capture within the Video Studio software as I need to use the scene detection functionality.The reason I had to change the card in the first place is that video studio only allowed me to capture in AVI 320x240 and gave 'capture failed' errors with anything else.
If I have project properties set to anything but the default, I am unable to scrub through a clip when in clip mode if the clip has the second icon indicator, as shown in the screen grab below. This second icon (double diagonal frames) does not appear immediately. Before it appears, I can scrub in clip mode, but after it appears, I cannot. What that icon represents? My video files are from Canon HV20 (m2t 1440x1080) and my project properties match them.
I have a suspision that it has something to do with proxy files, and that once the proxy file is made, I lose clip scrubbing.
I just tried turning off smart proxy, and wouldn't you know it, I can scrub in clip mode.
I restarted X4 and clip scrubbing is fine. I enabled Smart Proxy, and clip scrubbing doesn't work again.
I have Corel VideoStudio Pro X3 as well as the trial version of X4 which I have just downloaded. I am having the same problem with both versions. When I go into Capture, there is no image coming through the Capture Window, it is just black. When I hit Capture Video, it does start capturing and it does record video correctly, however when I stop capturing, the preview window turns black again.
How can I get the video to be seen in the Capture preview window?
My computer is Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit edition. I am using a USB capture device, the Diamond Multimedia VC500 One Touch VHS Video Capture USB 2.0.
I have some files that were originally edited in LR3. They appear in my LR5 library, but with the old LR3 density tools (i.e. 'fill light' and 'highlght rescue'). How to I switch to the LR5 density mode (i.e. 'shadows' and 'highlights')?
I have come to find that there is a small segment in my project that says unable to read string and I have deleted the files in that area to see what was causing this error and it does not seem to be video or music in this area.
Because I move the playback marker to the opposite sides of this area and it seems to work fine but once I delete the files in this area and playback it does the same thing to the files that where on the other side of the files once there as the move in. Is there anything that can be done to fix this because I need this video t convert so that I may send it to my professor by January 1 or I will fail the course.
I switched to 43 bit mode in CS5 clicking the checkbox in the info. section. I want to switch back but the check box is no longer visible! Where did it go and how can I switch back?
when saving images for the web i try save them as indexed png's to save space.
however, when switching to indexed mode GIMP will alter my colours if i choose to use a palette with less colours than i have in the image. This is the most noticable if for example i have an image with bacgkround #ffcc00 and a multicoloured icon in the middle. due to the icon the image probably has over 100 colours. if i then choose 64 colours not only will it affect the colours in the icon, but change the entire, large, unicoloured background area to maybe fec50a (just an example). is there anyway to force GIMP to only use colours already present in the image?
Today I encountered a weird problem with Lightroom. When I switch from Library to Develop to edit photos, immediately, the photo changes. I get strange blue highlights appearing in an area that is largely black, and red, where there is white.If I do a command Z (on a Mac), it just changes back to Library mode.
I'm only a few seconds in to my video and a few clips in... and when I play it back I get weird audio feedback like a repetitive noise that appears to be an artifact of decompression. I tried to produce an output to see if it shows up there as well (as opposed to my project view playback) and near the end of processing the short clip, I get an error message:
When I'm working in guided or quick edit I'm fine but if I switch to full edit mode I lose the gray background and my workspace turns parent with my desktop showing through. I can still work on the photo but the workspace itself is changed.
I need to shoot in tethered capture mode and have found that my D90 in not fully supported in this mode. A D7000 is fully supported, but will cost somewhat more than I had hoped to spend. The new D3200 would be an excellent match for our needs (dental photography). My question: Do this camera is supported in tethered capture and if not, does Adobe plan on adding it as a compatible camera anytime soon?
There used to be an option called 'Switch to horizontal ribbon' in the right click menu when having the entire ribbon as a floating window. Looks like they removed it, so now I'm stuck with a vertical floating ribbon (?).
I'm running Photoshop Elements 5.0. Everything was working fine til this mornin. I've had the program for about a year now. When I tried to open it this morning I got this error message that popped up.
It says:
Unable to continue because of a hardware or system error. Sorry, but this error is unrecoverable.
I've tried repairing the program. That didn't work. Restarted my computer. That didn't work. Uninstalled the program and tried opening it again. That didn't work. I'm at a loss! I really need to get into my program b/c my work is there. I tried opening some of my files (they are located in my Pictures folder) and they pop up with the same message.
I am trying to switch component rows within my assembly file but can't seem to do so. All of the files are generated, yet and still I am not able to change component rows based on user parameters. Files are attached.
My code is as follow in Ilogic
MultiValue.Setlist("Material", "1", "2") If Material = "2" iPart.ChangeRow("RING", "RING-03:1") End If
After I have re-imported a corrupted xml file with print templates, LR starts with error "An error occured while trying to switch between modules" (or so, translated from german).This happens after selecting a catalog - however, regardless of the catalog choosen (even after creating a new one).Funny enough, for other users on the same system, the problem does not occur.
-> What can I do to get rid of the problem? -> Do I have to reinstall / change or delete files?
I want to work with more then one picture at the same time and I want to be able to open more pictures during my work. With version X3 I could switch between Manager and Edit to open more pictures. Now the program closes all opened pictures if I switch from "Edit" to "Manage". Is that as it should work now?
How can I open the browser inside the Edit area? I could not find a function or Icon to do that. I just found the possibility to use the function 'Dual Monitor'.
If I select the function 'Dual-Monitor' the program changes my selected setting (Thumbnail Mode) to Preview Mode and I cannot change it anymore. Is that as it should be or is it a bug? I want to work with Thumbnail mode and not with Preview Mode.
I have Dual-Monitor switched o and restart the program. Now the two tasks are not opened on my two screens. I currently see the Edit screen and cannot switch to the Manager. Even with the task manager I cannot switch to the Manager of PSP. When I closed the program after switching on Dual-Monitor I had both tasks on different screens and so I would have expected to get it with the next start of the program.
If I open more then one picture I get a task in the taskbar for each opened picture. That seem to be very strange for me. I do not have more then one task of the program. I have several opened pictures in own windows (not tabbed) in one program.
I've been using my LR3 for a few months but this is the first time that I got an error message when I was switching from the Library module to the the Develop module. I have a macbook pro with 500 GB HD. I am currently using 450 GB already.
I'm not able to assign a Hotkey to enable me to use Corel Capture. No matter what I use, it tells me that the Hotkey is already being used by this system. I have deleted Hotkeys and then then tried to reassign them to no avail.