VideoStudio :: Unable To Create Profiles

Nov 22, 2013

I was having an issue in Corel VideoStudio Pro x4. I could not create custom video output files (profiles; see attached image). So I ran VideoStudio as admin. No luck. I reinstalled it as admin and ran it as admin. No luck. I tried manually changing the files corresponding to the default video profiles with notepad. Initially I was denied access. Through a rigorous method of trying to figure out why I was denied access to changing the files, I found out that I was denied access to even renaming the Corel folder (with nothing running corel programs).

I downloaded a better version of task manager to figure out what must be running in the background. Nothing was running anything located in the Corel folder. I still couldn't even rename the corel folder on an admin account. I booted in safe mode (and then I could change the folder name, etc), and changed one of the default video output profiles. The changes stuck even across computer reboots, but my changes were not recognized in VideoStudio (no clue why; I changed the profiles found in the profile subfolder of Corel).

So, I figured what with the sale going on, I might as well upgrade to Pro x6. Bought it. Uninstalled VideoStudio x4 completely. Deleted the Corel folder entirely from Program Files (x86). Installed VideoStudio x6. Got it launched as admin, attempted to create a profile, and got the same error. Trying to rechange the Corel folder results in the same denial of permissions that I used to have, even after running it as admin, disabling UAC, and changing the security permissions on the folder itself.

How to create a custom profile. Attached is example errors. Need tocreate a profile that is the exact same as the WMV HD 720 30p default profile, only with better sound (24 bits instead of 16 bits and/or 48/96KHz instead of 41KHz), and then direct me to which folder I should place said filed in (as changing stuff in the profile folder didn't seem to make much difference).


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VideoStudio :: Encoder Profiles - Unable To Save Changes

Dec 27, 2010

X3 on Windows 7 (can replicate this on both Home Premium and Pro). I migrated from XP and am very very happy with the way X3 runs on Windows 7 but I am having a big problem. I had a library of customized Windows Media Encoder settings (different bit rates, frame sizes, etc.) for output as .WMV files. When I try to copy or customize any of the existing encoder profiles (which all work just fine) the system does not allow me to save. I have set full permissions for the logged user and made sure the directory is not read only.

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VideoStudio :: Unable To Create DVD

Nov 4, 2013

I've been using X5 since last year and have been able to create and burn DVDs without issues. Today I tried to create a DVD (I chose "Create Disc" from the "Share" menu) and a new window came up titled "DVD Movie Factory 7". I have never downloaded this and I am unable to get past this window. Did Corel update X5 with this new software? I can not create a disc like I did 4 weeks ago. I forgot to mention that I did have to perform a recovery and reset my computer to it's original settings a few weeks back and I reinstalled X5. My computer info is as follows:

Windows 8 64 bit
8GB RAM with Intel i5-3230M CPU 2.6 GHz
750 GB Hard Drive

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VideoStudio :: Pro X2 - Unable To Create DVD

Apr 20, 2011

I have a problem trying to produce a DVD from an m2p file. I am using VS Pro X2.

My file properties are
MPEG-2 Video, Lower Field First
120,924 frame(s)
24 bits, 720 x 576, 4.3
25.000 frames/sec

MPEG Audio Layer 2 files
232,174,080 Samples
48000 Hz 16 bit Stereo
Layer 2

My Project properties are

PAL (25 fps)
MPEG files
24 bits, 720 x 576, 25 fps
Lower Field First
(DVD-PAL), 4:3
Video data rate: 6000 kbps
Audio data rate: 224 kbps
MPEG audio layer 2, 48 KHz, Stereo

I created an m2p video file with premier pro and imported it into VS and saved the project as a VSP file. It is just one complete clip of approx 1hour 20mins that needs no other editing except I added 4 chapter points and saved again.

The problem is that when I try to create a DVD by either Tools/Create Disc/DVD or through the Share Tab at the top, a window opens ok but I cannot do anything with it.

My project shows in the media clip list at the bottom (It shows black because I have a couple of seconds of black video at the start) but I just cannot find a way to get it into the preview pane so that I can use the jog slider or view the project.

When I click Add/Edit Chapter, another similar window opens and my file shows along with the 4 chapter point but I still cannot get it into the preview pane.

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VideoStudio :: Unable To Create Any Videos With Transitions

Apr 29, 2012

I have a problem creating a video file. I have HD camera and use Corel Video Studio Pro X3.

After I finished downloading all videos, I add transitions and click “create video file”. After that I select AVCHD NTSC HD-1440. I give file a name, save as “mpeg” and click “ok”. The file begins to render but then I always get an error “The program has encountered an unspecified error and has stopped functioning. Please contact Corel Technical Support and send the dump file for analysis”.

After that the programs shuts down. I am unable to create any videos with transitions. I can though make video with no transitions or other effects. I have a copy of the "dump" file but cannot attach it here, the system won't let me.

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VideoStudio :: Unable To Create Space Between Clips

May 8, 2013

Using VS exclusively now, so here come all the questions.

I cant seem to "drag" a simple space between 2 clips on the same track. I wish to have a 5 second delay in between two clips.

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VideoStudio :: Unable To Create Output Video (Share)

Mar 23, 2012

I have upgraded to X5 ( Windows 7 64-bit QuickTime Player 7.7.1 K-Lite_Codec_Pack_840_Basic.exe

I am using an input file of:

a 30 second .avi file, frame size 1440 x 1080 15 frames/sec
Video compression Microsoft DTV-DVD Video Decoder, 24 bits, total 450 frames
Audio compression PCM 32.000 kHz, 16 bit Mono 960,000 samples.

I was using X3 version [URL].......

If all I do is clip the .avi to a 10 second output (eg .mpg, .mpg, .wmv) with no editing, I get a jerky movie (which appears to be one frame per second).

I have put up a 10 second clip here to show a sample of the jerkiness (which was created using x3) but it is the same jerkiness.

PS MediiaInfo
Complete name : D:2012_03_22 Lorikeets.AVI
Format : AVI
Format/Info : Audio Video Interleave
File size : 25.6 MiB
Duration : 30s 0ms
Overall bit rate : 7 167 Kbps

ID : 0
Format : AVC
Format/Info : Advanced Video Codec
Format profile : Main@L5.0
Format settings, CABAC : Yes
Format settings, ReFrames : 1 frame
Format settings, GOP : M=1, N=15
Codec ID : H264
Duration : 30s 0ms
Bit rate : 6 519 Kbps
Width : 1 440 pixels
Height : 1 080 pixels
Display aspect ratio : 4:3
Frame rate : 15.000 fps
Color space : YUV
Chroma subsampling : 4:2:0
Bit depth : 8 bits
Scan type : Progressive
Bits/(Pixel*Frame) : 0.279
Stream size : 23.3 MiB (91%)

ID : 1
Format : PCM
Format settings, Endianness : Little
Format settings, Sign : Signed
Codec ID : 1
Duration : 30s 0ms
Bit rate mode : Constant
Bit rate : 512 Kbps
Channel(s) : 1 channel
Sampling rate : 32.0 KHz
Bit depth : 16 bits
Stream size : 1.83 MiB (7%)
Interleave, duration : 1000 ms (15.00 video frames)

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VideoStudio :: Unable To Change Menu Template Or Create DVD

Sep 6, 2012

On a particular project, when I go to 'SHARE' CREATE DISC' DVD' NEXT' I am unable to change the Menu template. An error message box tells me 'Failed to change menu template'

Program then hangs, if I try to close, I get another error message 'The program has encountered an unspecified error, Contact Corel technical support and send the dump file for analysis' The message goes on to specify an address for the dump file which I can not find.

Other projects work normally, I am able to change menu templates and create DVD discs.

Even with the offending project, I am able to create a Video file without problem.

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VideoStudio :: Unable To Burn DVD / Couldn't Create Video File

Apr 11, 2013

I couldn't create DVD disk, or, couldn't create video file either. It would go to about 99% & then hang the system for hours (until stopped with Task Manager).

I had installed all of the updates, including SP2. I've uninstalled today & I will re-install in the next day or so to see if it works.

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Lightroom :: Unable To Load Icm Printer Profiles

Sep 29, 2013

I am unable to access correctly loaded RGB printer profiles in Lightroom 5.  In the print module when color management profile "Other" is selected no loaded profiles appear; and Lightroom usually freezes. Using Photoshop v6 on same computer I can access all loaded printer profiles. I have reloaded LR5.

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Lightroom :: Unable To Download Lens Profiles

Jul 28, 2013

I've installed Adobe Lens Profile Downloader and found the lens I'm after but just can't download. The "download" button remains grey and unusable. I'm using Lightroom 3.

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Photoshop :: Unable To Print After Using Profiles And Calibrating Monitor?

Mar 18, 2013

I'm printing notecards on Moab Entrada 190 wt. bright white paper. I've calibrated the monitor with a Color Munki and downloaded the paper profiles for the Epson 220. When I first printed it came out dark. Then I decided to update the printer driver and print change. Then I added an adjustment layer to brighten the image and print. Two problems came about: the colors all of a sudden had a lavender tint in the grays and the image was smaller.Then, I removed the adjustment layer and the size returned to normal, the darkened image returned and the color shift was gone. How can I get it to print what I see on the monitor, so that it isn't dark? Also, I printed the image in Windows Picture Viewer and it came out fine as I saw it on the monitor!

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Unable To Extrude Sketch Profiles

Mar 23, 2012

I made a sketch. In order to make a hole in the middle of the "triangle", I had to create a tangent circle based on the triangle edges. And then make a new circle (to be the hole I need) and constrain it to the first tangent circle.

This way, if I change the size of the triangle, the hole I need (the inner one) will always stay in the middle of the triangle.

Anyway, when I try to extrude the different profiles of my sketch, something strange happens. As soon as I select the middle circle (not the inner one), 2 of the side outbreak's lose their extrusion.

Second question I have is why did my sketch (except for 2 blue lines) turn from blue to green after fixing loop problems?

(Screenshot’s and sketch file are included.)

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AutoCad :: Polyline Edit - Unable To Close Profiles

Apr 22, 2012

I've created a bunch of lines which are touching each other but I can't seem to close them into a closed polyline area as I am trying to find the area of each individual profile.

I have tried moving the grips away and re attaching them, I have also extended all the lines and attempted to retrim them to ensure that they are closed, but none of this works.

The Fuzz distance is on 0, but I don't know if I am changing the profile in the units of millimeters so I am tentative to change this. But I just can't close the profiles.

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VideoStudio :: Pro X2 Can't See Ulead WMV 9 Profiles

Mar 31, 2011

When I try to create a WMV HD 1280x720 file, VSX2 tries to use this:

Windows Media Video
24 bits, 208 x 160, 20 fps
22.050 KHz, 16 bits, Stereo
Windows Media Video 8 for Color Pocket PCs (225 Kbps)

When I try to create a CUSTOM profile, only WMV 8 profiles are shown. No WMV 9 or Ulead profiles.

Checking my C:, WMV 9 profiles are all present here: C:Program Files (x86)Windows Media ComponentsEncoderProfile

I've installed the latest versions of WMV 9. Still no luck.

VideoStudio Pro X2
Windows 7
AMD Phenom II X6 2.6 Ghz
6 Gig Ram

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Lightroom :: Lens Profiles Missing - Unable To Locate Matching Profile Automatically?

Feb 6, 2014

I have Lightroom 3 and just this morning noticed that all of the preloaded lens profiles are missing. I've been using the program for 3 years now and they've always been there previously. The only one available is SIGMA. I have a Canon, so all of those are gone. At the bottom of the box in "Develop" it says "Unable to locate a matching profile automatically."
I am running on Windows and tried repairing, but it seems to be missing the installation file that it needs.Is there a way to download and install the profiles for just the lenses I have? Or, do I need to completely re-install? If that's the case, will all of my libraries stay in tact?

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Photoshop :: How To Create And Save ICC Profiles

Apr 12, 2013

How do you create and save ICC profiles using Photoshop?

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Lightroom :: How To Create Camera Profiles

Mar 27, 2014

I don't know how to create camera profiles in Lr though I've been using it for years.

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AutoCad :: How To Create Cross Sections And Profiles

Sep 21, 2007

I am using Land Desktop 2005 w/ Civil 2005 and how to create a profile/cross section. My scope of work is as follows: The land for survey is approximately 1,500 feet by 110 feet. The survey shall consist of cross sections every 200 feet along the length of the rectangular shaped piece of land equating to no more than 8 cross sections. I am use to just doing regular topos and boundaries.

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AutoCad :: Create Multiple Shortcut Profiles?

May 18, 2013

I would like to know if it is possible to create more then one shortcut key profile in acad2011.

I need more then one acad.pgp file with different configurations that i can load via express => tools any time I want. Tried to make a copy and name it acad1.pgp, acad2.pgp, etc... but when I start up express tools, cmd editor, the option file => open does not give me the result I was hoping for. Does nothing actually, just allows me to view the shortcut configurations in the particular file. Hope that this explains my predicament

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AutoCad :: How To Create Flat 2D Profiles From 3D Solids

Jan 21, 2003

I need to create flat 2d profiles from 3d solids and was wondering what is the best way to do this? I know it can be done by plotting to a DX file but even with the hide lines on I end up with a lot of unwanted lines that need to be cleaned up which can take up too much time.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: How To Create Profiles Through Bridge Or Tunnel

Jan 21, 2013

I'm totally new in Civil 3D. I'm using 3D laser scanner to measure and lately draw 3D "as build" models of tunnels, bridges etc. So now I have 3D model of bridge, which is simply created with layers, 3d faces, boxes etc. - primitive ACAD 3D modelling.

Now I want to create sections on multiple stacions. How to start? Is there any step by step tut with this feature?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Create Vertical Offset Layout Profiles Dynamically

Sep 14, 2012

I am creating construction plans sets that require 3 road profiles for the left edge, center and right edge.  I would like to dynamically link the center line profile with the edge profiles. 

I have created alignment offsets to obtain the existing surface at the offset location.  I would like the edge profiles to have a vertical offset from the center profile.  Also if I modify the center profile I want it to dynamically adjust the edge profiles.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Can't Create Intersection - One Or More Of Secondary Road Profiles Cannot Be Locked

Oct 1, 2012

I have made 11 successful intersections in my subdivision, but there is one that just won't work!

When I get to the point where I want to set curb return parameters, the dialog box pops up but there is nothing listed under the quadrants.

If i go ahead and try to make the intersection anyway, I get this message:  "one or more of the secondary road profiles cannot be locked".

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Intersection Wizard Will Not Create Profiles If Horizontal Alignments Selected

Jun 28, 2012

Is there a particular reason that the intersection wizard will not create the profiles if you select the horizontal alignments rather than let it create them by offset??  My EOP is not always parallel to the centerline.  Why bother giving the option to pick out a name if it isn't going to work.

Civil3D 2012
Windows 7, 64 bit

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: 2013 - Dynamic Surface Profiles Acting As Static Profiles

Nov 14, 2012

I am having some issues with surface profiles on a dreffed alignment no updating dynamically.

Currently it requires me to set them to static, then back to dynamic and they update.

I am well aware of the issue of dreffed surface profiles staying static. I am using the work around of dreffing in the surface and sampling in the drawing using the dreffed alignment.

Civil 3D 2014 (SP1)
Win 7 Pro x64
DELL Precision Workstation T3500
Intel Xeon 3.3GHz (w3680)
24Gb Ram
NVIDIA Quadro 2000 (1GB)

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Photoshop :: Find ICC Profiles / No Scanned Profiles Are Available

Mar 31, 2013

Trying to find ICC Profiles. I am a college student going for my BS in Photography. Our assignment is to take photo paper from three different manufactures and download the ICC Profiles for each of our papers chosen. Let me tell you this is not as easy as it seems! Where I can find the profiles for Adobe PS for different types of photo paper. Each manufacture only gives the ICC profile for their products. No scanned profiles are available.

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VideoStudio :: Unable To Render MP4 HD

Feb 5, 2011

I have WMV 1080p30 source files that I am trying to render to an 5-6min MP4 HD file for upload to Youtube. I am able to make WMV HD files, but wanted to see if MP4 HD files would make a better final outcome on Youtube (Youtube seems to add a lot of jaggies to my WMV uploads). However, whenever I try to render anything to MP4 HD, VSX3 crashes (it never gets past the "Creating files" message). The windows error log states that the faulting modules are kernel32.dll and ntdll.dll. I have QT 7.6 (not the latest) installed. I have XSVX3 updated to SP2 (although the file downoaded was patch3.exe). In the Make Movie template and in Share/Custom , I don't get the option to see/manipulate any MP4 HD formats or even use H.264 compression. When I bring up Mpeg-4, it allows me to use mainly standard-def or non-HD resolutions and on-H.264 codecs. Is it not seeing the profiles/codecs for HD H.264 from Quicktime? Do I need QT Pro or just the free QT? I can render MP4 non-HD. As an aside, I see no sign that CUDA is being utilized.

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VideoStudio :: Unable To Set œ Character?

Jan 5, 2012

I need to put an ALT + 0156 character (œ) but it does not work.

When I create one with Work and copy/paste, only the o appear.

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VideoStudio :: X5 - Unable To Import DVD?

Nov 7, 2012

I am unable to import a DVD into VSX5.

DVD Properties only show as 195 MB udf file system / It is not copyright protected .It plays OK in Power DVD and Windows Media Player and lasts about 5 minutes .It is a free promotional DVD.

To try and import it into VSX5 I go import file -insert media to library -insert digital media -select drive, -start- when I select or get near the small boxes in the top right of title I or chapter1 boxes with the cursor - the screen goes black and the PC reboots loosing any unsaved data..

If I try to do a screen capture of a paused DVD screen either via print screen-paste as new image, or the dedicated screen capture feature in Paint Shop Pro X- the captured screen area only shows black....

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VideoStudio :: X2 Unable To Burn DVD

Feb 28, 2011

When I get to the step where one edits the main and sub menus, I am only given the option to RETURN. The NEXT button is missing. This problem appeared after I was forced to re-install VSX2 following a computer crash. I am now running it on Windows 7 Home Premium.

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