Photoshop :: Unable To Print After Using Profiles And Calibrating Monitor?
Mar 18, 2013
I'm printing notecards on Moab Entrada 190 wt. bright white paper. I've calibrated the monitor with a Color Munki and downloaded the paper profiles for the Epson 220. When I first printed it came out dark. Then I decided to update the printer driver and print change. Then I added an adjustment layer to brighten the image and print. Two problems came about: the colors all of a sudden had a lavender tint in the grays and the image was smaller.Then, I removed the adjustment layer and the size returned to normal, the darkened image returned and the color shift was gone. How can I get it to print what I see on the monitor, so that it isn't dark? Also, I printed the image in Windows Picture Viewer and it came out fine as I saw it on the monitor!
My pictures show up much lighter at home than they do at work. Do I need to recalibrate my monitor? How do I do this to make sure that the picture isn't as dark?
I've just installed a new Dell 2408WFP wide gamut monitor and will be using it with PS photo editing. I plan to purchase an Xrite i1Display2 for calibrating this monitor. I'm a bit confused by some postings in other forums about whether a WG monitor can be properly calibrated by this (and similar) colorimeters.
Why can't I get my Epson Printer to print the colors on the monitor> First time this is happening. Printer is okay...and history with the printer has been okay. Took some photo's heron, picking up a fish in a pond. Water is blue...heron is grey and white and has other yellowish and maroon coloring as well. The fish he caught was a gold fish. The colors on the monitor are wonderful.
The photo's were cropped severely. But are still clear. Now the water is pink...and the heron is a disgusting color of grey green. Have chosen ICM...chosen Adobe color profile. Used premium glossy white papers, Epson inks.
Tried printing it out without ICM and with different papers....still the same...Either everything is hot pink, or dull gray brown. This was my first ever heron photo that had any merit, and I so want to print it out for everyone to see. I was so lucky to catch the fishing capture. Does the cropping have anything to do with the printing of the photo?
Running CS6. 13.0.1 on a Windows 7 64 System. Using two monitors, the main one, an LG Flatron, is calibrated using an Eye One Display 2 and the second display is using the makers supplied profile. This problem only started recently, nothing has been changed on the machine. Working on Sony ARW files I have the CS window on the main monitor and ACR opening on the second monitor. Any image that opens in ACR looks just as it should with the expected colours, but when I open the image in CS6 on the calibrated monitor there is a large shift in colour, rather as though a red filter has been added. Dragging the image back over to the second monitor corrects the colours. This would seem to be due to a faulty, or unapplied, monitor profile - but no!
If I stick with the main monitor and select 'Print' from the Canon Photo Print Pro the image opens in the PPP window but with all the correct colours, no red veil, and the image then prints correctly. I can see the opened image behind the PPP dialogue, still with the colour shift. Two different colour renderings on one monitor! The same thing happens if I open a jpeg in CS6 which opens correctly in Firefox.
colour management and my monitor showing one shade? of colour and the print another, I have bought Spyder express 2 suite to try and bring to two together I am using photoshop 7 and XP.
My printers are an Epson R200 & R2400
In the color settings window in photoshop currently are a custom setup working spaces spaces RGB 1998; euroscale coated; gray gamma 2.2 and dot gain 20%
Color management all set to preserve embedded profiles
Are these settings an acceptable starting point or are their better settings
Is there a quick way to toggle between the brightness I see in the monitor and what is on the print? The image on the monitor looks great, but when I print it always seems to be 1.5 steps too dark. I know I can just keep dialing in a compensation, but is there not a simpler way?
I have several ICC profiles installed in the Colorsync>Profiles folder. They are QTR ICC profles for B+W printing. CS5 sees these profiles when assining custom profle for soft profing and when choosing a profile for printing.
CS6 finds the profles in the pulldown window only when soft profing. They are missing from the list of profiles in the printing menu. If CS5 can find them why not CS6. Are hey in a diferent location?
I wish to check my understanding of embedded profiles. I will have to print out from a second machine that I will not have the ICC profile I am using installed.
You use Edit>Convert to Profile Edit>Color Settings is set to preserve profiles File>Save As is has the color management box checked with the correct profile.
When you open the file on a second machine you use Print with the following settings:Photoshop manages Color Printer Profile - If the profile is not installed on that machine will the original people appear?Disable Printers color management.Will the image print out in correct profile? What about point 6.
I cannot seem to see the custom Printer Profiles I have for certain papersin the Print Dialog.I have added the Print Profiles to Library > Application Support > Adobe > Color > Profiles (and also in Recommended)
But in the Print Dialog under Colour Management > Photoshop Handles Colour > Print Profile - they are not showing. I have done things like restarting Photoshop and converting the image to CMYK from RGB.
I can see the profiles in the Proofing menu and am able to select them.without using the profiles my colour management is completely off kilter.Also, can I confirm that I am putting the printer profiles in the correct folder?
What color settings, profiles and configurations are suitable for print publications in Europe?How do I set my Photoshop CS5 (Windows) to print quality?
I recently upgraded to PhotoshopCS5.5 and find that I can't print on my HP Photoshop Premium printer. I'm using a MacBook Pro with Mac OSX 10.6.8. I also am unable to open 2 images at the same time.
I am trying to add new Epson ICC profiles to my lightroom4 print module. I downloaded them from Epson but I do not see them in my ICC list that exhists in the print module uner Other for color managment
I was having an issue in Corel VideoStudio Pro x4. I could not create custom video output files (profiles; see attached image). So I ran VideoStudio as admin. No luck. I reinstalled it as admin and ran it as admin. No luck. I tried manually changing the files corresponding to the default video profiles with notepad. Initially I was denied access. Through a rigorous method of trying to figure out why I was denied access to changing the files, I found out that I was denied access to even renaming the Corel folder (with nothing running corel programs).
I downloaded a better version of task manager to figure out what must be running in the background. Nothing was running anything located in the Corel folder. I still couldn't even rename the corel folder on an admin account. I booted in safe mode (and then I could change the folder name, etc), and changed one of the default video output profiles. The changes stuck even across computer reboots, but my changes were not recognized in VideoStudio (no clue why; I changed the profiles found in the profile subfolder of Corel).
So, I figured what with the sale going on, I might as well upgrade to Pro x6. Bought it. Uninstalled VideoStudio x4 completely. Deleted the Corel folder entirely from Program Files (x86). Installed VideoStudio x6. Got it launched as admin, attempted to create a profile, and got the same error. Trying to rechange the Corel folder results in the same denial of permissions that I used to have, even after running it as admin, disabling UAC, and changing the security permissions on the folder itself.
How to create a custom profile. Attached is example errors. Need tocreate a profile that is the exact same as the WMV HD 720 30p default profile, only with better sound (24 bits instead of 16 bits and/or 48/96KHz instead of 41KHz), and then direct me to which folder I should place said filed in (as changing stuff in the profile folder didn't seem to make much difference).
X3 on Windows 7 (can replicate this on both Home Premium and Pro). I migrated from XP and am very very happy with the way X3 runs on Windows 7 but I am having a big problem. I had a library of customized Windows Media Encoder settings (different bit rates, frame sizes, etc.) for output as .WMV files. When I try to copy or customize any of the existing encoder profiles (which all work just fine) the system does not allow me to save. I have set full permissions for the logged user and made sure the directory is not read only.
I am unable to access correctly loaded RGB printer profiles in Lightroom 5. In the print module when color management profile "Other" is selected no loaded profiles appear; and Lightroom usually freezes. Using Photoshop v6 on same computer I can access all loaded printer profiles. I have reloaded LR5.
I've installed Adobe Lens Profile Downloader and found the lens I'm after but just can't download. The "download" button remains grey and unusable. I'm using Lightroom 3.
I have Corel X5. I am designing graphics for sublimation printing. some of the graphics as seen in the program are not printing the same is what I see on screen. For instance I did a power clip process and it looks great on screen but the print preview does not reflect the graphic as seen in the program. The power clip is no longer clipped to the design. In another instance I used a fountain fill on design, the design looks great on screen and in the print preview but when printed doesn't look at all like what I designed on screen.
Most of my graphics are printing fine, its just when I have applied some special techniques that I am having problems. Is due to layers possibly?....
Ok. I have a problem with colors not matching between Illustrator CS5 documents. I am often emailed documents with pantone colors selected in them. Later, sometimes I need to create another document using those same pantone colors. The problem is, these two documents print the pantone colors differently. In fact, on my screen the file colors look different side-by-side. I figured it was a color settings or color profile issue, so I went in and checked both files. Everything was the same (Working CMYK: U.S. Web Coated (SWOP) v2, Settings North America General Purpose 2, CMYK Preserve Numbers (Ignore Linked Profiles)) . When I paste pantone samples from one document into the other, they match what's in each other's documents, but the two documents themselves don't look the same and don't print the same.
What color setting could I be overlooking to cause this difference? I don't particularly care if they match on-screen, but it's the fact that they actually print different colors from the same pantone swatch that is the trouble. A blue pantone from one file will print purple from a different file.
I am trying to add custom profiles to the Print Module. I have never used outside labs before and want to do this now, , but when I enter custom, the pop up windows only gives me my installed printer profiles with no ability to add. I am using a MAC and the printer that I want to use this time is a Noritsu 311. I have the profiles, but can't seem to get them in to Lightroom.
I have downloaded and installed the icc profiles for my favourite Canson and Crane Museo papers on my new Macbook Pro but they don't show up in the options box in the LR 4 print module.
I made a sketch. In order to make a hole in the middle of the "triangle", I had to create a tangent circle based on the triangle edges. And then make a new circle (to be the hole I need) and constrain it to the first tangent circle.
This way, if I change the size of the triangle, the hole I need (the inner one) will always stay in the middle of the triangle.
Anyway, when I try to extrude the different profiles of my sketch, something strange happens. As soon as I select the middle circle (not the inner one), 2 of the side outbreak's lose their extrusion.
Second question I have is why did my sketch (except for 2 blue lines) turn from blue to green after fixing loop problems?
I've created a bunch of lines which are touching each other but I can't seem to close them into a closed polyline area as I am trying to find the area of each individual profile.
I have tried moving the grips away and re attaching them, I have also extended all the lines and attempted to retrim them to ensure that they are closed, but none of this works.
The Fuzz distance is on 0, but I don't know if I am changing the profile in the units of millimeters so I am tentative to change this. But I just can't close the profiles.
I have CS2 running on XP with a Wacom tablet. How do I calibrate the setings for Photoshop; I understand this is a standard maintenance operations with CS products.
When I go into CFX/Action my broadcast monitor switches to the schematic view. Since I already have the schematic view on my computer monitor I want the broadcast monitor to keep the final output. I looked in the preferences but I can't find the right setting. Is there a away to do this?
monitor using sRGB profile, photoshop everything on sRGB -> all goodmonitor using sRGB profile, photoshop everything on sRGB, after file is saved switch to calibrated profile on monitor -> all goodmonitor using calibrated profile, photoshop everything on sRGB -> color shifts in image, hex color codes do not match
i recently got rid of my external monitor (moving around a lot) which i had set to sRGB. colors were very close to what it would have been calibrated, which is why i never bothered to change color profiles. now that i am using only a notebook (mbp), however, it quickly became apparent that the sRGB color profile made look everything quite blue-ish. after calibrating the display, all was well, however...
... until i started working in photoshop. there are color shifts apparent and the hex color codes do not match up; i have never had this problem there any setting in photoshop i might have overseen? as described above, it's not a problem as long as everything is set to sRGB and i use the calibrated profile afterwards; it only occurs when working with it.
how can we caliberate our monitors to work perfect with Photoshop and which gives us the exact view of images which we get after the printing.
Like mostly the colors/brightness/contrast of images on which we are working change when we change the monitors or if we view that file on other computers. So, how can we fix all this, like is there is any way through which we can calliberate all of our monitors to show the exact same result as it was displaying before ?