Photoshop :: Aligning Monitor Brightness With Print...
Apr 8, 2009
Is there a quick way to toggle between the brightness I see in the monitor and what is on the print? The image on the monitor looks great, but when I print it always seems to be 1.5 steps too dark. I know I can just keep dialing in a compensation, but is there not a simpler way?
I have a Dell 1907 FP Flat Panel Monitor. The controls include a 'Brightness' adjustment. I am trying to set the monitor so that I have a luminance of between 100 and 120 cd/m2. I am using a Spyder 3 Pro display calibration device to set the luminance but the device does not measure luminance. Can anyone tell me what Brightness level my monitor should be set at to achieve a luminance of 100-120 cd/m2?
Let's say that I have three stops difference between the luminance of my computer screen and the paper white under the lamp in my room. Which setting should I use for the brightness slider on the print module?
colour management and my monitor showing one shade? of colour and the print another, I have bought Spyder express 2 suite to try and bring to two together I am using photoshop 7 and XP.
My printers are an Epson R200 & R2400
In the color settings window in photoshop currently are a custom setup working spaces spaces RGB 1998; euroscale coated; gray gamma 2.2 and dot gain 20%
Color management all set to preserve embedded profiles
Are these settings an acceptable starting point or are their better settings
Many times when I receive a drawing from an architect, when I go into the layout tab the titleblock info/XREF doesn't line up with the page layout. I would assume it lined up when the architect sent it to me in his software. For years the solution I use is to XREF the architects PDF in the layout and then go to print and change the Print Offset till it looked right in the print preview. Then I would apply it to the layout. I would then take the offsets and apply it to every sheet. This is a very time consuming process and was wondering if there is a better way to make this work and still keep the scales. I was also wondering if there was a way to move and align the layout on the fly in the paperspace.
When I have my alignment labels and plan view text align to the layout view in Paper Space they plot out very bold.
I am using Style: Swis721 BT-Italic. I use that style in the profile for labels and in plan view. When I plot out the sheet the profile view plots good but the text that was aligned in the plan view is very bold.
I'm printing notecards on Moab Entrada 190 wt. bright white paper. I've calibrated the monitor with a Color Munki and downloaded the paper profiles for the Epson 220. When I first printed it came out dark. Then I decided to update the printer driver and print change. Then I added an adjustment layer to brighten the image and print. Two problems came about: the colors all of a sudden had a lavender tint in the grays and the image was smaller.Then, I removed the adjustment layer and the size returned to normal, the darkened image returned and the color shift was gone. How can I get it to print what I see on the monitor, so that it isn't dark? Also, I printed the image in Windows Picture Viewer and it came out fine as I saw it on the monitor!
Why can't I get my Epson Printer to print the colors on the monitor> First time this is happening. Printer is okay...and history with the printer has been okay. Took some photo's heron, picking up a fish in a pond. Water is blue...heron is grey and white and has other yellowish and maroon coloring as well. The fish he caught was a gold fish. The colors on the monitor are wonderful.
The photo's were cropped severely. But are still clear. Now the water is pink...and the heron is a disgusting color of grey green. Have chosen ICM...chosen Adobe color profile. Used premium glossy white papers, Epson inks.
Tried printing it out without ICM and with different papers....still the same...Either everything is hot pink, or dull gray brown. This was my first ever heron photo that had any merit, and I so want to print it out for everyone to see. I was so lucky to catch the fishing capture. Does the cropping have anything to do with the printing of the photo?
I have Corel X5. I am designing graphics for sublimation printing. some of the graphics as seen in the program are not printing the same is what I see on screen. For instance I did a power clip process and it looks great on screen but the print preview does not reflect the graphic as seen in the program. The power clip is no longer clipped to the design. In another instance I used a fountain fill on design, the design looks great on screen and in the print preview but when printed doesn't look at all like what I designed on screen.
Most of my graphics are printing fine, its just when I have applied some special techniques that I am having problems. Is due to layers possibly?....
Why can't I drop a clip in the Program Monitor from the Source Monitor in Premiere? When I try to move a clip from the Source to the Program Monitor, a hand displays with the "circle with a line through it" symbol.
i open up an image in photoshop 7.0, it looks very very dark... (darker than the original colour). But if i open it up in imageready or other image programs, or even Internet explorer, the image looks normal again.
there's something wrong with the viewing settings of my Photoshop? i tried reinstalling but it's the same.
Developing a site for a client and i'm dumping some png's into Flash. The client reports that the images appear lighter then what he'd seen in the comps I'd provided (PSD's). I check it out and he's right! the .png's are noticably lighter than the psd versions. Why are the png's brightness changed when you save it out of PS?
i'm saving as png-24 in 'save for web'.
Is there anyway to correctly save a png and maintain brightness?
what is the best method for adjusting brightness and contrast in CS6? Is it by simply adjusting the Brightness / Contrast properties in an Adjustment Layer or is there a better way of going about it?
How do I use the gradient tool to create a blend from dark to light. I don't mean in terms of different shades of color, I mean in terms of the "brightness" feature you get under Image -> adjustments -> brightness/contrast. Let me explain: I've drawing an areal view of a build with a partially domed roof. I have a pattern that I filled it with, and now I want to add light and shading. I'd like to be able to do this by combining the effects of a gradient and the "brightness" feature mentioned above. The gradient tool alone will overwrite the pattern already filling the roof with a certain hue, and the brightness feature alone will only adjust it to one uniform shade of brightness throughout. How do I combine the desired aspects of each tool? Does my question make sense?
I've recently gone on to Photoshop 7 from Photoshop 4. Photo images appear much darker (photographically speaking about a stop) than they did in P4, or in my batch browsers or in trial versions of Elements or paint Shop Pro that I have tried. It only seems to apply to P7. I can't find a way of altering this without messing up the display settings.
It's a small issue, but one that was a no brainer in CS5 - I use Legacy Brightness Contrast about 80 times a day, and CS6 no longer keeps it ticked, I have to manually enable it every single time, and by about the 57th time of having to do this every day, it becomes a more than a little irritating. As some of you will remember, CS5 just kept it ticked once you selected it.
The new brightness / contrast is great for certain tasks, not so great for others. I, and I'm sure many others rely on the legacy version.
what the ideal birghtness setting for a calibrated display should be in order to correctly view an image as it should appear in print?
Most of the books and internet sites ive looked at recommend 120cd/m2 but on my monitor the image at this setting is much brighter than the prints from my inkjet printer.
I use Eyeonematch with an eye1 device which gives a range of luminance targets, again 120 being recommended in the software, but i found a calibration and profile at 90cd/m2 is about right in terms of a match for prints.
my question then is whether this is "correct" or am i setting the brightness too low? The image on screen is quite dim at 90cd/m2 and althought he image displays very well adn matches the print, id hate to think i was messing this up.
Someone took this photo of me with my phone but the brightness settings were set really high. I have no experience with photography, tried to fix it with picasa or other simple programs moving around the brightness setting but no good results.
Brightness/contrast only seems to have an effect on the 'background' layer--not on any subsequent layers I apply. And it only seems to be on the current docs that I am using--if I open some older ps docs from the recent past, brightness/contrast works fine on all layers...?
I try to apply Levels & or Brightness & Contrast settings to an image, it always seems to revert back to the way it was. The filters won't do anything it seems. I have Adobe Photoshop CS2. At home it did the same thing and I re-installed Photoshop only to find out it still did not work.
Photoshop is THE ONLY application that's missing the sweet slider to darken/brighten the user interface. I just discovered that even Illustrator CS4 has this ability, Premiere does, After FX does, so, what's the point? Why can't I darken Photoshop a bit? I think it's a bit more crucial to darken the UI in Photoshop than it is in Illustrator, as you're more likely to perform very sensitive color corrections in Photoshop and anything bright stands in your way,
When i was working in PS CS3, i pressed the 'b' shortcut for the brush tool. Instead of giving me the brush tool, it made the screen slightly brighter. Thinking it was strange, i pressed it alot and the screen is now around 50% brighter/blown out. Which is not good when preparing images for print!
When photoshop is open, all of my windows, whether it's firefox, or the desk top, are bright as well. As soon as i close PS, it goes away. I've reinstalled Photoshop with no luck, and the brightness factor isn't effecting any of my other CS3 programs.