When i create an intersection, I get error - " One or more of the secondary road profiles cannot be locked at this intersection . What do you want to do ". Both of alignments and profiles is a reference from a data shortcut .
Is there a particular reason that the intersection wizard will not create the profiles if you select the horizontal alignments rather than let it create them by offset?? My EOP is not always parallel to the centerline. Why bother giving the option to pick out a name if it isn't going to work.
I went forward designing intersection profiles with limited survey and simply made an educated guess for the secondary roads pgl tie in point. I have received updated survey and when I move the profile end point to meet existing grade it adds another pvi effectively holding the profile grade I set preliminarily. I'm keeping the lock point. Is there something with the return/ offset profiles preventing this edit? What is the proper work flow?
Civil 3D 2012 & 2013 HP Z210 Workstation Intel Xeon CPU E31240 @ 3.30 Hz 12 GB Ram 64 Bit Win7 OS
What can I do to show intersection information in a profile label?I mean, supose I have two roads (A and B)... what should I do to show in the road A vertical profile the name and the station of road B in the properly position of this A profile? URL....
We have lucky enough to obtain LIDAR for most of our small City as well as ground only points. My problem is that profiles produced using it are rough and jagged (see attached). I've tried contour smoothing to no avail as well as point removal. Perhaps I haven't just tried enough options.
Should mention also I have breaklines along the CL alignment as well as Edge of Pavement.
I am trying to create an intersection design using the Intersection Tools in C3D 2012. I followed the steps in the tutorials, created a corridor on the major road, splitted the regions, created the intersection and added it to the major road corridor, and connect the regions with the intersection portion.
I used the same assembly throughout the design just for simplicity, however, i notice that there are gaps of curb between the curb return section and the through section (as outline in red rectangles).
Basically I have 3dpolylines and some Splines. I would like to create a road file that uses the geometry of these objects to create a single line/crest of road file.
I need to create an assembly that will give me the volume of a new shoulder along an existing road, as show in this picture.
I can easily make an alignment along my edge of pavement, and match the existing elevations, but I need to hold the cross slope constant AND the shoulder slope constant, and have the bottom of the shoulder slope to a target 2 feet off of my ROW.
I m trying to create an intersection between two roads. See the attached jpeg. When i open the corridor properties i receive an error message which i don't understand. It seems like civil 3d has problem with the order of the regions. Also the corridor sections intersects in the area that i have place a remark "problem". I m trying to correct it manual but when i rebuilt intersection then it overlaps my manual correction
The street is a 'T'. The alignment is extended... Sta 0+00 starts 100' back and the intersection at centerlines starts at 1+00. The alignment is masked between 0+00 and 1+00, but that obviously doesn't make a difference for the intersection wizard.
The intersection wizard does not give me a choice, it just presumes a 4-way intersection. How do a do/choose a 3-way 'T' intersection in this case?
I am practicing modelling 3D sweeps using an intersection curve, and tried to insert a swept cut on the attached model, but the ends are not circular. I assume this is because the plane which I drew the sweep profile on is not on the top face. Is there an easy way to rectify this and create the semicircular channel in the ends?
I'm totally new in Civil 3D. I'm using 3D laser scanner to measure and lately draw 3D "as build" models of tunnels, bridges etc. So now I have 3D model of bridge, which is simply created with layers, 3d faces, boxes etc. - primitive ACAD 3D modelling.
Now I want to create sections on multiple stacions. How to start? Is there any step by step tut with this feature?
I am creating construction plans sets that require 3 road profiles for the left edge, center and right edge. I would like to dynamically link the center line profile with the edge profiles.
I have created alignment offsets to obtain the existing surface at the offset location. I would like the edge profiles to have a vertical offset from the center profile. Also if I modify the center profile I want it to dynamically adjust the edge profiles.
I have feature line with elevations that represents bottom of ditch and want to go UP 3:1 slope. also i have edge of road feature line that is higher than ditch and want to go 2% down until it hits side of the ditch that is 3:1. Any easiest way in civil 3d to create intersection line between ditch bottom going up 3:1 and edge of road going down 2%?
I am having some issues with surface profiles on a dreffed alignment no updating dynamically.
Currently it requires me to set them to static, then back to dynamic and they update.
I am well aware of the issue of dreffed surface profiles staying static. I am using the work around of dreffing in the surface and sampling in the drawing using the dreffed alignment.
Using the Mac version of LR5 beta, I tried to create a Lightroom catalog on a secondary drive (the same drive my LR4 catalogs are on), and I got the following error:
Lightroom cannot create a catalog named “pics-5” on volume “/Volumes/Lightroom/pics-5” because Lightroom cannot save changes to this location. Lightroom Catalogs can not be opened on network volumes, removable storage, or read only volumes.
The drive is not a network volume, removable storage (it's a SATA drive on a Mac Pro), or read-only.
running an assembly in to the road corridor and creating a surface. i have designed a network of Roads in CIVIL 3d in which whole network is surrounded by a Loop road. The loop road cross fall is unidirectional (2%) and 4.5 wide. I have used LaneOutsideSuperWithWidening subassembly to create the assembly of the road. This doesnt contain any kerb or footpath but only road channel lines, The corridor run soomthly but after creating the of the loop road corridor the surface is becoming flat meaning there isn't any cross fall acoss the road but in the assembly crossfall is there. If i run the same assembly in another road alignment the suface is coming absolutely correct.
I also tried different road assemblies to run along the loop road but the result is same no cross fall across the road.
I am working on Street Improvement Plan using Civil 3D 2012. I have my centerline stationing set for major (100') and minor (50'). My street plan is kind of busy with a several call-out/label, leader etc. I want to set my my station for both major and minor with with decimal to read as 1+00 or 1+ 50 as opposed to 1+00.00... How to get rid of the decimal points.
I have make a road network. Then i make a corridor surface using corridor extends as outside boundary. I also create a boundary in the interior side of the roads with interactively tool, and i use it as a hide boundary. The corridor surface look fine but when i am trying to make a finish Ground Surface pasting the corridor surface after Existing Ground surface then the hide boundary of corridor surface make holes in finish Ground surface.
Is this a desired behavior on a multileader? URL....
Seems to do it for anything that is not left aligned. I think it was present in 2013 as well. I use multileaders for annotations a lot since it is easier to use them with the background masks and borders than mtexts.
I am creating P&P sheets for my road. I created view frames, and when I got to create sheets, I pick "all layouts in new drawing". I go to open the new drawing up, but all that shows up/tranfers is the profile and alignment, nothing else comes over ( proposed linework, existing linework, etc.)??????
I am new to Civil 3D and need to customise the look of road profiles so they look like they were produced from any of our other civil design software packages that we use (to maintain standards between offices etc).
The attached picture is what I need them to look like. I want to show both the natural ground (the dotted line) and the design road line (solid). Then I want to write on the profile the station, natural level and the design level.
I've got the Mastering Civil 3D book (and a few others) sitting on my desk.I worked out how to turn off the grid on the default profile althoguh that was about it.
I have cross section data of the existing ground in the form of offset elevation. Can i draw cross sections from the this data? I am using Autocad Civil 3D.
I am preparing to model a road surface for a waterline project. I would like to be able to generate sections at desired stations showing the sewer, storm drains and joint utility trench along with the proposed water line. My plan is to model the road surface using a surface created from gradings and then create the pipe networks and joint trench.
My question is whether gradings or corridors would be the way to proceed. I have preliminary design data on the road surface which is sure to change.
I'm creating maps and need to create a brush in Photoshop that will draw Rail Road tracks and follow the direction of the mouse or cursor. I'm just looking for two simple lines with cross marks. I need to be able to just brush around in any direction and have the line look like a simple Rail Road graphic following the direction I draw.