VideoStudio :: Image Stretch
Jun 9, 2011
I made a little video commercial, where I show album covers, with intermittent quick videos of me in- between. Since I changed locations where I DJ now, I took the original video, and just tweaked it a little with the new internet address, etc. The album covers I used were all originally 300x300, and I have them all centered in the overlay screen.
The problem is, when I play the video within VSx3, everything looks fine- but as I'm encoding into a .flv file to upload on youtube, it's distorting all the perfect "squares", and "rectangulizing" them the long way.
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Sep 23, 2013
I photographed a framed painting that, despite my best efforts, came out as a trapezoid rather than the rectangle I intended. The image has a slight taper in the sides going from top to bottom. The top of the image is 100% of the canvas width while the bottom of the image is perhaps 95% of the canvas width, so it is close to a true rectangle but not exact. What that means is that the bottom of the photo needs to be stretched by about 5%, the middle needs to be strecthed by about 2.5%, and the top is OK as is. Naturally, the amount of stretch required becomes progresively greater when going from the top to the bottom of the image. I'm new to Photoshop. Is it possible to perform such an image manipulation?
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Mar 15, 2012
Voorstel spantenlijn.dwg
I have created a dynamic block. Herein I placed stretch actions parameter set to strecht parts including anotative text.
Now the block seems to work fine.
- When I am in modelspace and I change the annotation scale the text is changed correct
- When I am in modelspace and I change the stretch value of the dynamic block everything goes fine.
But when I am in modelspace and I change the stretch value in one of the annotiaton scales and then switch to another scale my text is changed annotativly (this is what I want) but the stretch value is set back to default (which should be at the changed value).
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May 24, 2007
i'm doing a CD layout and want to use an image that stretches across all three of the front panels for the cover. the image in question, in it's original form is: 300dpi and roughly 5.75in x 3.8in. i need the image to be able to fit a 14.5in x 5in area (i realize the photo will need to be cropped).
so, how does one make the file larger while retaining the detail of it 300dpi? i've already imported the photo into InDesign and exported it as a PDF, opened the PDF in PS at 800dpi, then resized it with the RESAMPLE IMAGE box UNCHECKED and the pic is ultra grainy.
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Oct 2, 2013
I am looking for a method to stretch an image in a non homogeneous way. I am starting with a rectangular image that I want to stretch horizontaly to finally obtain a trapeze in the way that the bottom pixel line does'nt change, and the top one is three times bigger. In a certain way, I want to do a perspective but without the vertical rescaling.
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Jan 29, 2014
I want to stretch my video clip but the normal double clicking on the image and stretching it out, isnt working. I also cant use my effects and I cant seem to find the effect controls panel.
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Jul 1, 2012
I am new to photoshop and all i want to do is to select an image. then, i want to rotate the image. then i want to stretch the image so that its 6 inches.
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Apr 19, 2012
i want to stretch jpeg image to the different particular points in normal autocad, just like Autocad Map 3D having rubbersheet option for that,
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Feb 1, 2013
I'm using GIMP 2.8.2
I'd like to take a rectangular image (a photo) and stretch/distort it along a curved path. I've tried searching for how to do this but all I'm finding is how to curve text along a path, which, while also useful, is not what I'm trying to do.
Is there a way to do this? I'm a novice with GIMP.
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Nov 15, 2013
How can i stretch an inserted image as ole obj with different dimension of x & y.
i tried stretching it but its width and length is the same, can't properly put it in a specified area in my working space..
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Aug 22, 2012
Do masks automatically stretch to the size of the target image?
In PSP8 I opened my target, 1615 x 1066 px:
Then, following the instructions, I opened this circular mask, 450 x 450 px:
But after completing the procedure my result looks like this, with an elliptical 'see through' area instead of a circle:
If this is by design, how would I get the circular effect I want? There are simpler ways of doing it for an all black/white mask.
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Sep 11, 2013
Wonder if can Can Image stretch from left or right or top or bottom side instead of diagonal ?
Reason is picture or tiff not correct length to the object of build.
I did scale to right length on "X" but the "Y" is off so how ?
I know that in Photoshop have stretch all side whatever I want but not in autocad 2011
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Mar 28, 2012
Is it possible to drag/move a point in an image so that all imaginary lines emanating from that point remain emanating from that point? Something like what's shown in the attachment.
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Apr 28, 2013
As you see in the picture I have merged a window modeled in 3ds max.
How is possible to make it higher, means strech it along the Y axis from the middle and up?
If I use "scale" as you see the width of the window becomes bigger (wrong) I tried to use "mesh edit" or "stretch modifier" with no good results...
My question is how to stretch this window the way I want without changing it's width...
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Nov 22, 2010
If there is a way I can create/save an image in VS 10 that I can use later on for cover art, etc. I tried to save a title as an image but I'm not doing something correctly.
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Jan 8, 2013
What i want to do is apply an overlay on a map which has white lines crossed in the middle to pinpoint a location, i want them to move into location, not be static
I managed what i wanted using a JPG image, white lines, black background, and use the chromakey to remove the black, but that left the lines blurry and not as defined
I saved an image as a PNG with white lines on transparent background, which works great for keeping it all looking crisp and clear, but when i click to do a Pan & Zoom on the image under the Edit / Attribute tabs on the image, the Pan & Zoom cannot be chosen and isnt highlighted
Can it be done on a PNG image or just JPG?
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Dec 10, 2012
I have Corel Videostudio X5 Ultimate.I have a "interactive" DVD with links you can click on when the DVD is in the computer (its a tutorial DVD). As it happens the DVD is allowed to legally be copied and burned onto a new DVD for safe keeping. Now, when I tried that out, I cant figure out how to do it.
The DVD of course have its "invisable" files as well as movies and other material on it. And when copy image DVD and burn it, it has to be possible to click links and so forth. Not only copy a random movie file. It has to be literally the entire DVD. Everything to work basically.
When I tried Corel Videostudio X5 Ultimate to copy image of the DVD - basically copy & burn the entire DVD, it doesnt seem to work. It opened the dialog and I choosed various options like select source etcetera. But it only seem to copy the movies and source files, but the dvd isnt interactive when copied PRIOR to burning it.
Both Corel VIdestudio as well as other Open Source software like ImgBurn/Free Easy CD DVD Burner creates a folder/project with all chapters, but wont retain the interaction made by the author with clickable links and all that. So it doesnt seem to make the job.
DO I need to buy Corel owned Roxio to get this job done, or can I use Corel VideoStudio X5 Ultimate?
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May 2, 2012
I have VS11+ and I want to save a frame of my project as a still image. The project and footage is
PAL (25 fps)
Microsoft AVI files
24 bits, 720 x 576, 16:9, 25 fps
Lower Field First
DV Video Encoder -- type 1
DV Audio -- PAL, 48.000 kHz, 16 Bit, Stereo
I have clicked on Save as Still Image and the frame appears in the Image folder, although it is square looking with a black border all round. If I put it in the timeline I can make it into 16:9 like the rest of the footage. But where is the image actually saved so that I can use it in other media? How can I decide whether to save it as JPEG or whatever? And why is it in a black box and quite square if it was shot in, and the project is, 16:9? Can I save it as a 16:9 image?
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Jul 20, 2011
I have downloaded a map from the internet , done a 'Printscreen' and pasted the image into IrfanView. I have saved the clear image as a bitmap file and loaded it into VS. When I run the project , the image blurs.
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Oct 23, 2006
I'm having problems with some of the things on photoshop stretching the page. Today, I was trying to add a splatter effect (filter > brush stroke > splatter), and when I went to the page, the window was too big, so I couldn't see the settings on the far right. I'm not sure if it's just my computer's screen size. Here's a screenshot if you're confused.
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Mar 19, 2006
I am using CS2 for creating web pages and Ive run across a little problem. I cant figure out how to "save for web" so that my *.jpg will be stretched across the web browser when people view it. When I view my *.html after "save for web" it places the *.jpg in the top left corner of the page. I can use Dreamweaver to center my image, but it still looks out of place. Ive seen photoshop created pages stretched to resize with the web browser window;
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Oct 3, 2011
We work on a double-monitor setup!
Is there a limit for how much you can strech a toolbar.
I keep all my toolbars on a dedicated screen, from the bottom of the screen to the top but they stop streching at about 1035pixels.
The screen has 1680px vertical. As you can see on the SCREEN-SHOT bellow there is a loot of space to strech them but they wont go beyond those 1035px.
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Feb 9, 2014
Imagine you have a a box, say 1 foot square. You attach a fat rubber band in the center of one side and then you pull the rubber band up to an edge and around it to the center of the next face. It stretches and the corner is the only spot that controls the change of direction. If you raise one end (the segment from your finger to the corner) it raises, but the segment from the corner to where the other end is attached stays flat on the box until you move your hand far enough away so that there is now no wrap around the edge. Now if you pull and relax, it acts like any normal rubber band. But then if you lower your fingers with the end you are holding and go back down to the face, you wrap around that corner again and can pull and relax around the corner.
What I'm actually doing is animating a muscle that goes around a bone when it's stretched out. But when it's contracted, one end moves out away from that bone it's wrapped around and it's now just a straight line. I need to animate that muscle from that contracted and straight position to the extended position but have the end of the muscle bend around the bone when it hits it.
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Apr 22, 2011
I have been trying to understand why does TurboSmooth or MeshSmooth modifier tend to stretch the UVs of the low poly unwrapped object. For example I have a simple box which I unwrap and smooth out with TS modifier after applying the map it stretches because the UVs get distorted by the TS modifier. check the image to get a visual idea of what I am talking about:
Uploaded with
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Aug 16, 2011
I use "Add: Pick Points" to hatch my elevations. The hatch does not seem to stretch when I need to stretch the elevations. Is there a way to make it stretch?
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Jan 27, 2014
I am using Illustrator and I want to be able to select the arm or leg of a line drawing cartoon character and reposition it to create a new position without having to redraw the arm or leg.
I know you can do this in After Effects with the puppet tool. Is there a similar function in Illustrator?
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Nov 11, 2010
I have a still photo of friends getting married. In a slideshow, I would like to show them standing giving their vows at the alter and have various backgrounds replacing the alter. Example: They are standing at the alter. The alter fades into a forestscape then to a seascape and then a sunset. I have prepared the couple photo in PSP buy erasing all but the couple. The erased area is transparent but when I open this photo in Video Studio the transparent area has become a solid white. Is there a fix?
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Dec 30, 2010
My camera (Canon HV30) captures a larger image than what displays in the viewfinder. So after downloading the footage, I realized that there was some clutter around the edges I didn't see in camera.
I've been trying to find a way to "crop" the image to get rid of the clutter. I don't want the overall size reduced, just the image zoomed in to fill the frame without clutter.
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Jan 7, 2012
I am trying to create a Blu-ray disk image in X4, but that option is grayed out. The video is 1440x1080 - shot on a Sony camera.
It will let me create the folders and will offer to burn a disc (but I don't have a blu-ray writer).
I am looking to create an ISO for two reasons:
1. To burn a disk from the image later when I do get a burner; and
2. To play through my WD Live (it plays ISOs)
I prefer the ISO to just the folders because it is is in just one neat file.
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Oct 10, 2013
I have created disc images of some projects. The 'share' option allows for making disc images but I can't see how to burn a disc from the image using VS X4.....the 'create disc' section does not seem to accept an image for burning.
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Aug 3, 2011
I tried to create an ISO image (I don't have a blu-ray drive) and it turns out it isn't possible (the "create image" option is diabled on blu-ray disks).I was able to create the folders.
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