I want to stretch my video clip but the normal double clicking on the image and stretching it out, isnt working. I also cant use my effects and I cant seem to find the effect controls panel.
I'm making a video for work based on a popular UK quiz show. The video is going to be filmed in my office and to give it a degree of authenicty I would like to import an image of the show in the background. I dont have access to any other software other than Premiere Pro and wondered if there's any way this can be done.
Is there a simple way to add a white border around a still image or video clip in Premiere Pro CS 5.5? I've seen the suggestions for adding a radial shadow and am unsatisfied with the results; it's nearly impossible to center the image within the border and many other suggestions out there do not address CS 5.5.
I have a project in which I need to do a 3 or 4-way split screen. While it's easy to set that up and position them at the right places, I cannot seem to find a way with which I could change the scale of the video with an Image Matte applied without changing that of the Matte as well. I can use offset and push the video around "underneath", so to speak, but I would love to be able to scale that video underneath as well. I know that could be done with a layer on top obscuring the video below but I find that rather cumbersome, especially with 4-way or more, adding quite a few more layers.
I've been transferring a lot of old vidoes from analog tape to digital video. All video files have been created as H.264 640x480 mp4 with Elgato Video Capture. And all video-files display fine in, VLC, Media Player Classic, Quicktime and even iMovie. Some of these import fine into Premiere CS5.5 without problem, but some end up looking green, distorted and doubled, like this:
I've tried to Interpret Footage on the broken clips, setting the framerate to a constant like 25fps. But this seems to have no effect.When I try to import the same file into After Effects CS5.5, I get this error: after effects error: overflow converting ratio denominators 17::18..I've crosschecked two video files against each other to find some differences, but there is none, as far as I can see.
I saw YouTube video where a guy cropped down a video and then he somehow selected only the edge of the frame and somehow stretched it to extend the background over. The effect was that he made some junk at the side of the frame go away without effectively zooming in on his main subject matter.
I am unable to find this video now. I know how to do it in Photoshop. Just use the Rectangular Marquee Tool and select the edge of the image, copy to a new layer, and stretch it out. I've got to imagine the steps are similar for a video - just need to know which tools to use.
How can I view a preview how all the video transition looks between 2 clips in Premiere Pro CS5 before I choose the one I want to use.
I always use Adobe Bridge CS5 when I need to see a fosmag on the effects in After Effects CS5, but can not get it to work and then I can also see the Video Transitions in Adobe Premiere CS5
when I upload a video to You Tube, I get a warning message that my video and audio are out of synch. Once uploaded, the video plays just fine, looks great. But I don't know why I get the warning when I upload. Video clip and audio track are the same length.
I photographed a framed painting that, despite my best efforts, came out as a trapezoid rather than the rectangle I intended. The image has a slight taper in the sides going from top to bottom. The top of the image is 100% of the canvas width while the bottom of the image is perhaps 95% of the canvas width, so it is close to a true rectangle but not exact. What that means is that the bottom of the photo needs to be stretched by about 5%, the middle needs to be strecthed by about 2.5%, and the top is OK as is. Naturally, the amount of stretch required becomes progresively greater when going from the top to the bottom of the image. I'm new to Photoshop. Is it possible to perform such an image manipulation?
I have created a dynamic block. Herein I placed stretch actions parameter set to strecht parts including anotative text.
Now the block seems to work fine.
- When I am in modelspace and I change the annotation scale the text is changed correct
- When I am in modelspace and I change the stretch value of the dynamic block everything goes fine.
But when I am in modelspace and I change the stretch value in one of the annotiaton scales and then switch to another scale my text is changed annotativly (this is what I want) but the stretch value is set back to default (which should be at the changed value).
I made a little video commercial, where I show album covers, with intermittent quick videos of me in- between. Since I changed locations where I DJ now, I took the original video, and just tweaked it a little with the new internet address, etc. The album covers I used were all originally 300x300, and I have them all centered in the overlay screen.
The problem is, when I play the video within VSx3, everything looks fine- but as I'm encoding into a .flv file to upload on youtube, it's distorting all the perfect "squares", and "rectangulizing" them the long way.
i'm doing a CD layout and want to use an image that stretches across all three of the front panels for the cover. the image in question, in it's original form is: 300dpi and roughly 5.75in x 3.8in. i need the image to be able to fit a 14.5in x 5in area (i realize the photo will need to be cropped).
so, how does one make the file larger while retaining the detail of it 300dpi? i've already imported the photo into InDesign and exported it as a PDF, opened the PDF in PS at 800dpi, then resized it with the RESAMPLE IMAGE box UNCHECKED and the pic is ultra grainy.
If is possible to se all video in preview but without video effects?
In Sony Vegas Software we can decide if we want to watch all our video normally or we can disable all FX by the 1 key and start to see without FX. It's very good if we have poor PC. For example, 1 screen is with FX, 2nd is without it and we select what we want to see:
I am looking for a method to stretch an image in a non homogeneous way. I am starting with a rectangular image that I want to stretch horizontaly to finally obtain a trapeze in the way that the bottom pixel line does'nt change, and the top one is three times bigger. In a certain way, I want to do a perspective but without the vertical rescaling.
I'm using Adobe Premiere pro and I am doing a video for my work. I am trying to place a ticker on the bottom of the video that will be scrolling as the video plays but I can only do a small amount at a time. Is there a way to do one continous ticker that will play instead of having to type one part and then a seperate one and trying to match the same speed so they don't overlap?
After rendering a few clips in my timeline for playback, my video tracks are no longer playing back. The timeline time marker plays, the time counts, and the audio playback is working correctly, but the video stays on the frame in which playback started, and does not move change until pausing playback.
I was watching through footage and choose a handful of clips ... my video worked fine. Then Friday I came back to start putting everything together and the clips "went blank," The audio could be heard and played back in real time, but the video displays as a black screen or a green screen. I tried rendering, but it said it would take 2+ hours to render the 1 minute of clips I had in my timeline. Even the sections that did end up rendering just showed a blank red screen. Clips are .MTS (which I've used in every project previously with no problem) shot with a Panaconic HMC-150.
I'm using Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 on Windows 8, 64-bit operating system Processor: Intel Core i7 CPU - 920 @ 2.67 GHz 12.0 GB of RAM
The thing that gets me is that this has worked for months, even worked with these clips a few days ago, and now it seems like everything just vanished.
I can't believe there is not more demand for this. My web dev is asking me for over 300 video clips in both .web and .ogg - - AME does not do this.Any success with a 3rd party plug-in of some sort. I can use Fire fogg (from Firefox) but it's slow using over the web as opposed to exporting from Premiere.
since I updated my Mac OS to 10.9.2, my Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 has a problem: when I import MTS-files (AVCHD) from a Sony video camera, I get the video, but I don’t get the audio! That’s strange, because when I import other video formats like mp4, everything is fine, and I get video AND audio.
I also tried Premiere CC test version, but there’s the same problem.
Before my update I had Mac OS 10.6 and Premiere worked fine.
the original clip is visible perfectly fine,however the edited version now just looks like three coloured bricks instead of an image, and in the preview is simply a blank screen. I can export the clip and view it fine that way, however the quality is much lesser.I'm about to give up on this entirely.
i have to just splice videos and photos together. My videos come out fine but when I try to add photos to this video it like zooms in or takes only a portion of the picture and adds it. Its very strange. Like I said though I do not really know Premiere Pro so work with me here if this is a dumb question X)
I am wanting to render video with the H.264 codec. Then I am wanting to copy this file and place on a DVD. (No Authoring in Encore). I have done this several times and the video is choppy. The file plays normal when it is running from the hard drive.
I tried getting this to work in PPro 7.0 but it wouldn't accept an HD video file. I've downloaded a trial of PPro CS5.5 ( I purchased it as well but will have to wait for the disc to arrive) and now the file is imported but it shows up as an audio with no video. The video does play just fine in Windows Media Player. The following is the GSpot report on the file:
I am new to premiere CS5. I need to send the roughcut to the client for review before further work is done. How to export the project to create a quicktime video? How can I create different sized files?