Premiere Pro :: Playback Not Playing Video In CC
Mar 8, 2014
After rendering a few clips in my timeline for playback, my video tracks are no longer playing back. The timeline time marker plays, the time counts, and the audio playback is working correctly, but the video stays on the frame in which playback started, and does not move change until pausing playback.
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Dec 5, 2013
Started using premier pro I have imported some video and all looks fine but when you hover cursor over the video it plays the video with a gradient map effect even though an effect has not been added. when you place video into the timetime the video preview playes with this effect also but when I have exported video the video is exported as normal without this effect.
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Mar 21, 2014
After importing my mp4 video into Premiere Pro, the audio plays perfectly, but the video is out of sync and plays as if though it's in slow motion.I've been using this software for about 4 months and have encountered this problem within the last few weeks.
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Dec 13, 2013
I started a Premiere Pro CS5 project on my PC at work. Video files played both audio and video, life was good. Unfortunately my PC at work is slow, so I want to continue working on the project on my home PC. Uploaded the needed files with Sugarsync, went home, but when I open the project here all the video files only play audio.
So I know the files CAN display video, so it must be something to do with my home computer and CS5 install? I tried reinstalling PP CS5, no change. Is there a setting I may have accidentally disabled at home to force audio only?
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Apr 1, 2014
I was watching through footage and choose a handful of clips ... my video worked fine. Then Friday I came back to start putting everything together and the clips "went blank," The audio could be heard and played back in real time, but the video displays as a black screen or a green screen. I tried rendering, but it said it would take 2+ hours to render the 1 minute of clips I had in my timeline. Even the sections that did end up rendering just showed a blank red screen. Clips are .MTS (which I've used in every project previously with no problem) shot with a Panaconic HMC-150.
I'm using Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 on Windows 8, 64-bit operating system
Processor: Intel Core i7 CPU - 920 @ 2.67 GHz
12.0 GB of RAM
The thing that gets me is that this has worked for months, even worked with these clips a few days ago, and now it seems like everything just vanished.
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Dec 20, 2013
When capturing HDV clip with Premier Pro CC and playing it in the timeline, the video stutters. I play the same captured clip in Windows Media Player, and it look great. I am using Adobe Premiere Pro CC.-Version 7.2.1(4)
I have the following equipment:
Canon XH-A1S (set to HDV 60i)
Intel® Core™ i7-4930K CPU @ 3.40GHz
32 GB
System Type:
64-bit Operating System
7.8 Windows Experience Index
Graphics Card
GeForce GTX 760
Solid State Drive
Samsung SSD 840 EVO 750G SCSI Disk Device
1920x1200, 59Hz
Pioneer BDR-208D ATA Device
Dell U2412M
Clip properties:
Type: MPEG Movie
File Size: 1.1 GB
Image Size: 1440 x 1080
Frame Rate: 29.97
Source Audio Format: 48000 Hz - compressed - Stereo
Project Audio Format: 48000 Hz - 32 bit floating point - Stereo
Total Duration: 00;06;04;06
Pixel Aspect Ratio: 1.3333
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Dec 3, 2013
I rendered the video previews on the timeline (5 video timelines) The length of the timeline is 1 hr 20 min. The first 37 minutes playsback fine but from that point on, the edited video flickers showings video from the footage on each stacked timeline. I restarted computer hoping that would take care of the problem but did not.
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Dec 7, 2013
I notice red cursor jumping back and forth as I play to edit in open project - did not do this before.What can I do?
i recently dragged the Premiere pro cc icon to my apps folder - could this have introduced a time /rendering delay?I think the sound has also become lower!
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Mar 4, 2014
I have a short 5min film for a student film fest, all the audio and visual plays perfectly in the timeline. However, when exported, the last audio clip (which is a 'button' and comes after two soundless title slides) does not play at all. Again, it works perfectly in timeline. All audio files are .WAV and I've tried exporting it in several different fashions, none of which have made a difference.
For the film fest I need to export in 16:9, Apple ProRes 422 (HQ). I tried this, among regular Quick Time export, Vimeo export, and others...every single export the audio on the 'button' didn't play at all but the clip is there.
Side Note: I tried adding low volume audio to bridge the last clip to the button to see if that made a difference so there would be no gaps in the audio timeline, but it did nothing.
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Mar 11, 2014
We thinking about buying Adobe Premiere Pro for production of movies shown as LED banners on sport arenas. We need to make a customised projects and sequenses where 20 small movies are shown on the screen at the same time. Full screen has a solution on 2560 x 1120 px. Each small movie has a solution on 1280 x 112 px. The 20 movies filles up the total screen. Is this posible and an eacy thing to do in Adobe Premiere Pro?
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Nov 26, 2013
Any solution regarding why video is not playing LR 5.2? In the past video worked fine until this update. I have looked thru the threads and see that other people have had a similar problem. One person said she reinstalled numerous times and then suddenly it began working?!?! I have downloaded all updates and it does not work. Yet I have confirmed that i can go to the files directly and open/play them using other programs.
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Dec 19, 2013
I started a project and watch a lot of files in the source monitor to set IN and OUT points. When the file playes f.e. more than a minute the sound gets muted while the film is still running. First I thought it wood be a matter of my external HD from where I loaded the files. Now that I take the same or any other files from my internal sata 3 harddrive the behaviour is still the same.
When i scroll the mouse wheel to move some frames back and forth the sound is back when i hit the space bar. It's the same if i just hit the space bar once to pause and then hit it again to resume.
The effect shows after different amount of times, sometimes after 45 sec. and sometimes after 2 minutes +
I am running Pr Pro CS6 (latest update installed some days ago) on a windows 7 ultimate x64, 16 GB of ram, Nvidia GTX 670, i7 3770, HD is a WD caviar black
The movie clips come from a Panasonic Lumix FZ 150 in FullHD resolution as h.264 MP4 files.
I am quite sure that some months ago this behaviour was not present. I did not change anything on Premiere CS6 but running the updates.
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Nov 5, 2013
When playing vlideo from a either a DSLR or my Canon XL-1 hear no audio from Photoshop CC.When I first opened the file had audio, but have hot heard a sound since then. Audio is fine using other software
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Sep 24, 2011
I'm using Corel VideoStudio X4. I'm facing problem that there is no any audio for any type of video playing. AVI, MP4.. any type of file I play, no audio plays.. All files are checked & plays correctly in any video player, GOM, VLC player etc...
No problem with video files. there is no audio for sample files provided by corel itself. When I play mp3 like audio files, sound plays perfectly. But some problem with video files only... I edited one file but no audio for that file also when I play edited clip in video player like VLC.
PC Configuration:
Windows 7 Ultimate.
HP DV6 laptop. 1GB graphic card, i5 2nd Gen.
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Jun 17, 2013
I am a amateur editor and do the basic stuff with the editing like color fixing and cropping/cutting. Since the time, i switched to HD videos the video does not render and playback smoothly in preview mode.
However in other editing programs like Vegas it plays back like butter but i am not into Vegas and i dont like vegas. I use Videostudio only.
the video plays back like in 1FPS or like 2-3FPS i mean the videos one picture is shown then directly after 2-3 seconds. The audio is howver smooth.
I have a Duo Core 2ghz Intel Processer,
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Mar 29, 2013
I had VisualStudio x5 working fine on my Windows 8 Pro machine. I've been using this for a few months without issue. I imported some video from my phone in .MOV format, and had the message that I needed install quicktime to work with this video. I did so, edited video, and posted it.
However when I then imported video from my Canon camcorder, AVCHD format, I received a crash dump in trying to play any of the clips. What's strange is that I was able to look at old sections of clips I'd saved and play them find. Only the newer clips were an issue. I suspected corrupt files, re-imported things and it didn't work. I even recorded new video and that didn't work. I was up to date on patches from Corel, according to the product.
I was in a bind, so I decided to upgrade to x6, even though none of the features were really important. I upgraded, imported the same videos I'd had issue with in x5 and they worked. Problem solved, or so I thought.
I had to run x5 to access some old clips to put together a short reel. I did that and things worked fine. I then went back to x6 and received crash dumps on all imported files, including the video I had just imported. I can still play the edited pieces of clips I separated out in x6, but I cannot play any full clips.
I've rebooted multiple times, removed quicktime, uninstalled and reinstalled x6, no go.
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Feb 6, 2011
when I try to preview my project, I do not get any video. I can hear the audio though. When I preview individual clips I have both audio and video.
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Feb 10, 2014
Mid-job (and of course now that I need to color correct), PP CC has stopped exporting video to my external monitor. I have tried trashing prefs (holding Shift+Opt at start-up) and it doesn't do the trick. In looking around, I've noticed people having this problem when using some BlackMagic cards, but my monitor is plugged directly into the Thunderbolt connector of my MacBook Pro. I've enclosed my Playback settings.
Oddly enough, when I fire up my old copy of PP CS6 it plays back to my external monitor just fine.
I've had had enough late-night edits that I may have inadvertently initiated some keystroke that changed a setting, but I can't think of what that would be or why a Preference Trash wouldn't reset it.
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Mar 4, 2014
Using Premiere cs6.Audio keeps dropping out during playback. Audio is present in the export.The audio drops out at random and drops back in at random.
I have tried everything from converting my wav to an mp3/aiff, moving my cache and preview files (and changing my scratch locations) to my computer from my external hard drive, creating a new project, deleting the pek files, even closing all apps.
This is something that just started happening out of nowhere in the middle of a project and has gotten worse and worse with use.
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Nov 4, 2013
I have a 27" iMac (late 2012) with NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680MX graphics card running Mac OS 10.8.5.
I'm using Adobe Premiere Pro CS6.0.3, and when I updated my OS to 10.9 Maverick, I began to experience several problems, including:
The dreaded spinning beachball and "Premiere not responding." "This project was last used with Mercury Playback Engine GPU Acceleration (CUDA) which is not available on your system. Mercury Playback Engine Software Only will be used.Video files - I think they were all .MOV - became "squished" to the top of the Program Monitor (movie only took up about 1/3 of program monitor window). After a long chat with Adobe Support, he indicated that the update to 10.9 Maverick was the problem, so I:
Updated to Premiere 6.0.5, but that did not fix any of the issues.Logged in as "Root," which worked for a while but I also received 3 "Premiere encountered problem and must shut down."Deleted preferences, repaired permissions, basic troubleshooting practices, etc, but problems persisted.
Eventually I restored my computer from a Time Machine backup to a day prior to the OS 10.9 update, and this seemed to fix all the issues. So I was back to Mac 10.8.5 and Premiere 6.0.3.
But the .MOV-compressed-in-the-program-monitor problem began to surface again (see photo below).
So I updated to Premiere to 6.0.5 (but not my OS - it's still 10.8.5), and the "Mercury Playback Engine" error is back.
And the .MOV files are still compressed in the Program Monitor. I have a project that I completed in 6.0.3, but is now messed up in 6.0.5.
Is the only solution downgrading to Premiere 6.0.3, and if so, must I do a clean install of the program from the DVD?
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Feb 20, 2014
No playback in timeline or viewers for most projects. Task Manager shows that PrPro CC is doing something, but no visible effect. Scrubbing works, but no audio. Happens mostly on single-track sequences 1920x1080 and larger. My system: (PC) hexacore 3.34 GHZ (12 CPUs), 32 GB Ram, RAID-0, GTX 770 Adobe certified graphics. Worked great before. A bug in the last update (02-19-2014)?
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Sep 18, 2012
As I screen video clips in Lightroom 4, I'd like to be able to view the timecode numbers in the window so that I can log the footage. Can this be done?
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Jul 21, 2013
I have an embedded video in my animation , in an earlier state on my timeline I have a back button.
When the back button is pressed teh animaiton returns to this state but the video still plays in the backround.
The video cant be seen as its only appears at a later stage on the time line but the audio can still clearly be heard.
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Feb 12, 2014
I have a friend who is just completing a film for a public screening...(about 400 people, mostly volunteers involved in production.)He will be using a regular projector hooked up to a PC to play the video.The source footage is 1080p HD shot on a HVX200. Edited on Premiere Pro CS5.
What format should he use to export so he gets great quality but it can also play without the computer stuttering and dying etc? We've debated between H.264 (mpeg 4 file format) or DVD Blu Ray.MPEG 2 (or some Quicktime format?)
Do we choose h.264 and bump up the bitrate to maximum? Stick with the preset recommendation? There also is h.'264 bluray'..have no idea what difference that makes.
We're not experts on codecs and resolutions etc.Premiere Pro presents this plethora of options.
We want to choose....File ...Export....a format and preset (and maybe adjust a setting or two) and get the best result.
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Mar 18, 2014
I have encountered this problem on all recent Premiere projects I've worked on with a variety of audio types. My audio is cutting in and out in a seemlingly random way while the video keeps running fine. Sometimes the audio will play fine for 15 seconds then stop, sometimes it stops and starts after about 2 seconds. I have tried adjusting all of my preferences, settings, audio types, and even video types but the problem always comes back. Spoke to a friend who's new to Premiere and he's having the same problem. Considering moving back to FCP despite the weak interface.
Currently I am editing Canon 5d Mkii footage at 1080p, 29.97 fps. I am using none of the audio attached to the video clips - only editing to a separate m4a music track. My audio is at 44100 Hz. I am playing back video at 1/4 quality. I am running a fully updated Mac Powerbook with a 2.6GHz Intel Core i5 and 8gb of RAM.
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Jan 16, 2014
I have two recent model 27" iMacs running CC. On one system, playback freezes or I getting a Media Pending screen when playing AVCHD (.mts) footage. The second system can playback all the footage with no probplem.
The troubled system specs are: iMac 27-inch, Mid 2011
Processor 3.4 GHz Intel Core i7
Memory 16 GB 1333 MHz DDR3
Graphics AMD Radeon HD 6970M 1024 MB
Software OS X 10.9.1 (13B42)
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Dec 23, 2013
I am using a Lumix GH3 camera and recording in .mov at 50fps progressive and 50mbps. My computer is a macbook pro two years old with 2.2ghz intel core i7 and 8gb of ram (1333 MHz DDR3).
The footage plays fine in the editing suite until I add an effect then the playback is extremely slow and jerky even after render. I am new to PPCC and I've just moved from FCP 7 as it didn't recognise the footage at all.
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Apr 30, 2013
I've listed my setup below and then have stated the issue I'm experiencing.
27-inch, Mid 2011 iMac
3.4 GHz Intel Core i7
16GB 1333 MHz DDR3
AMD Radeon HD 6970 1024MB
Running Mac OS X Lion 10.7.5 (11G63)
Currently working off of a portable 1TB G-Technology G-DRIVE via FW800.
Working in Premiere Pro CS6 Version 6.0.2
Editing in a sequence with settings:
1920 x 1080 23.976fps (also tried in a 29.97fps timeline with same issue)
Working with footage that is 23.98fps
Working with a combination of ProRes 422 (LT) and native H.264 Quicktime files strait from a 5D Mark 3.
The issue I'm having is during playback the audio will competely drop out. The video will continue playing on just fine but the audio drops completely out. All audio levels drop as well in the audio mixer meters so it truly is losing all communication with my audio layers in the timeline.
I read in other forums to go into Finder and delete out the .caf files, re open Premiere Pro, wait for them to be recreated then carry on. I tried this approach with no luck. Deleting the .caf did not change anything. Audio is still dropping out as I try to play through my timeline. The only way to get the audio back is to pause then press play again. I have 5 total channels of audio with only 2 of those channel active.
This is incredibly frustrating have to export out a video just to be able to watch it through.
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Feb 26, 2014
When editing a multicamera sequence, I keep running into this weird phenomenon where I can't stop the playback. I hit the space bar, start making cuts, then when I want to stop I hit the space bar again and nothing happens. The sequence keeps playing, sometimes stopping after a couple a minute or so, sometimes not until the end of the sequence.
The nested multi-cam sequence has just 4 streams of DSLR video. The machine I'm using has plenty of CPU power and memory and an nVidia GPU, so I'd be surprised if resources are a problem. The source media is on a Raid-0 array.
I've tried switching the resolution to 1/4, but this makes no difference. I have several layers of audio but have solo'ed just one to see if that would work. No.
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Nov 29, 2013
I just upgraded to Premiere Pro CC and Speedgrade CC specifically to use the Dynamic Link btween these two programs. Exporting from Premiere to Speedgrade works great, but upon returning to Premiere, none of the clips that have the Lumetri effect added will play. The timeline and the audio play, but the video remains frozen on the last effect-free shot.
I noticed that Premiere can play the preloaded Lumetri Looks, but whenever I try to apply the Lumetri effect that recalls a saved look, again it freezes.
I have a nVidia Quadro 200 GPU, and I even updated to the latest driver hoping that would solve something, but no go.
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Jan 3, 2014
I use nvidia card with cuda support GeForce GTX 650 Ti. I was trying to enable Mercury Playback Engine on Premiere Pro and got this results. It's a footage applied on the top with transparency enabled. On the left side MPE is used. Software only on the right side. Why I get this lower quality with Mercury Playback Engine?
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