Premiere Pro :: How To View A Preview And Video Transition Between 2 Clips In Premiere Pro CS5
Feb 17, 2014
How can I view a preview how all the video transition looks between 2 clips in Premiere Pro CS5 before I choose the one I want to use.
I always use Adobe Bridge CS5 when I need to see a fosmag on the effects in After Effects CS5, but can not get it to work and then I can also see the Video Transitions in Adobe Premiere CS5
I've been working the last 6 months with 4 GH2s and ran into some strange troubles when initially importing them to the timeline. 2 hour shots are divided into 6 or 7 different files, and when brought into PP the first clips audio was assigned to all the other remaining clips. This was pretty strange, but I fixed it by using TSmuxer. It was added time in the workflow/set up, but in the end I could produce;
The latest update of PPCC now combines the entire 2 hours of footage into each of the 7 files being imported. So it is importing 2 hours of footage 7 times for each camera. The conforming is taking forever! For 4 cameras it's conforming 14 hours of footage each, when it should literally be a 7th of that.
It is taking up large amounts of time and disk space.
I have noticed many times that when I add the CIRCLE transition between two video clips that when I drag the 'scrubber' along through the two clips and transition, when the scrubber goes past/through the circle transition the preview window goes blank (displays black).
If I change the CIRCLE to any other transition it displays (the transition) correctly but as soon as I put the CIRCLE back it once again only shows BLACK.
If I PLAY the project the CIRCLE transition displays correctly - it is only when dragging the scrubber that the problem exists.
Is there a known problem with the CIRCLE transition?
Even though I've made sure that my sequence settings are exactly matching my clip settings (ProRes4444 or 422HQ) I'm getting a yellow bar over my sequence.
I'm working on a 2012 Mac Pro running OS 10.7.5. I downloaded Premiere Pro CC earlier today; I thought I'd play around with it to see how it compares to FCP7. Most of my NLE usage is very simple, just assembling sections of motion graphics and 3D animations rendered out of After Effects in the ProRes 4444 codec.
The "New Sequence from Clip" function isn't behaving as I'd expect. The comparable feature in FCP creates a sequence that matches all aspects of the selected clip (size, framerate, codec, etc.). The Premiere implementation appears to only match the sequence size and framerate to the selected clip.
If I create a new sequence from a ProRes clip, or tell the sequence to match the clip, I'd expect that clip to be sitting in my timeline with no bar of any color. But I get a yellow bar. When I go to Sequence Settings I see that the editing mode is Arri Camera, and the Video Preview is greyed out on an MPEG format. I have to go to Custom and manually select Quicktime, then specifiy the matching ProRes codec. Shouldn't those wrapper and codec settings be matched automatically too when I've specified that function?
That said, if I go in and manually match the codec settings to my clip I still get the yellow bar. If I select another sequence and click back on the new sequence the yellow bar is gone.
I'm assuming that this yellow bar issue is a display error of some sort, because if I export the sequence with "Match Sequence Settings" selected the export happens very quickly as I would expect with a Smart Render-compatible sequence.
I tried reimporting the video and translating it to another format, I've rendered it fully, and deleted temp files and re-rendered it. I rebuilt the video from scratch in a new sequence created from the clip (all clips were screencaptured using Camstudio so they're the same exact format as each other.
But I still have constant problems with videos not playing properly in preview. The last time I had this problem, they rendered that way too. When I hit the spacebar to view the video, it shows a bit of the video, then rewinds and plays the same section over and over, moving a little further forward each time. Basically "rubberbanding".
It's Premiere Pro CS 5.5.2 Win 7 64 No third party codecs.
I have plenty of hard drive space and 8 gb of ram. I do have browsers open which use a lot of memory, but all the other clips are working so that doesn't seem like it should be an issue.I'm not using any kinds of plugins or third-party things.
Shutting other memory hogging programs and restarting Premiere.Things that seem to hurt: using the time slider to increase or decrease speed of the video.
If is possible to se all video in preview but without video effects?
In Sony Vegas Software we can decide if we want to watch all our video normally or we can disable all FX by the 1 key and start to see without FX. It's very good if we have poor PC. For example, 1 screen is with FX, 2nd is without it and we select what we want to see:
I'm attempting to create a dynamic link from PR to AE (both CC) by right clicking on the desired clip in my PR sequnce and selecting "Replace with AE Comp". Doing so properly launches AE, asks me to save the AE project, and creates a comp with the correct parameters (duration, frame rate, size, etc) with the desired comp name. The sequence in PR shows the linked comp with the correct comp name. However, in both AE and PR the video clip is simply black. In my understanding of Dynamic Link, the original files (clips) should be sent over to the AE project. In my case, I only see the project with no associated files. Is there a trick (or a known reason) why the files would not be transpored to the AE project?
Working on a 28:30 project with 8 hours of footage shot over 13 days. I have seperate bins for each day. Some bins are displaying the clips in reverse order while in thumnail view and I cannot change it to be in sequential order. I've tried sorting it in list view first, but that doesn't work. I have the latest version of Premiere CC.
I get a black capture screen when capturing with CS6 on a Windows 7 machine. I'm capturing through Fire wire from DV tape, via the VCR function of a Canon XL2 camera. I have tried restarting, etc.; also toggled the "preview video" radio from the Settings button in the capture Window. Nothing works and I need to be able to preview my video as I'm capturing. It is not good enough that the video actually captures fine. Also, I am forced to turn off Device Control in order to capture because it kicks me out of every capture (an immediate message of : "no frames captured") unless I do.
It used to be that when rendering a timeline, there would be no lag between rendering the first and second videos. Now, between each video there is about a 30 second transition before the next video begins rendering. Anything that would have caused this, or is there anyway to prevent it? If I am rendering a timeline with 60 clips that need rendering, this can add a significant amount of time.
After having made a record of my project, I see and hear a sound interference that looks like "click click click click click click". This often happens when rendering the transition constant gain.Here above render my project, the result and the problem.
And here below the photo of my project not encode, before rendering. occurred since the last update 2 Premiere Pro CC.
I really want to be able to use the new Synchronize feature of PP (Clip > Synchronize), but I tried selecting two video clips (a video clip, and two audio tracks), and right-clicking, but the option to Synchronize is greyed out. If I select certain clips, then it appears, but I don't see what the pattern is. It seemingly picks random clips to not sync.
I've been working on a project that involves 45 separate clips. I have cut the unwanted stuff out of each clip - was a lot easier than I thought - just dragged the start and end point icons. So now I have 45 clips which just need joining together. When I shot all the footage and uploaded it to my computer the file I saved as Clip 1 may not be what I want to start the movie with. How do I go about shuffling the order of the clips and combining them all into one to form my movie - and when I join two clips together does Premiere Pro automatically join the sound.
audio clips, usually less than 20 seconds, are now being cut off at the last few seconds of the clip. Can't figure out wny it is happening or how to correct it. If I select Edit, Play Original, I can hear the full clip.
I am completing a 52-minute program, with 20 short sequences shot in ProRes 422 (50 Mbps) and saved to MXF OP1a files. The package looks good when output to Blu-Ray, but I will need to output for broadcast, and the broadcaster prefers MXF deliberables. My Question: Is there any significant loss of quality by saving 20 MXF files (with dozens of ProRes clips) to a final MXF container?
I have multiple sequences that use clips from an interview that show diagonal lines through them in the timeline. Not all files from the interview have these diagonal lines. These problematic clips do not contain audio or video when the playhead is on them. They don't even have a thumbnail pic in the sequence while other shots from the interview do. How I can get these to work in the timeline again?
I'm working on a Premiere Pro CC project with another editor. On his latest version, some of the clips on the timeline have a "+/-" or "+2" or "-2" on them. He's not sure how that happened, and I've not seen it before. What do those mean, and how do I get rid of them? I've tried Googling, but search engines don't respond well to "+/-".
Add Edit don´t cut all the layers highlighted. When I insert or overwrite a clip into the timeline, the timeline don´t respect the highlighted layers (ex. if layer 1, 2 and 3 were highlighted and the clip were put in layer 1, clips on second and third layer should be deleted between in and out markers, but they aren´t.
The Ctrl+D and Ctrl+Shift+D commands (add transition) doesn´t work like the other versions too (respecting where the cursor is)the buttons to go to the next cut on timeline (in my keyboard, A and S) doesn´t work right too.I would like to know if these are bugs or the new Premiere CC is different from the others before.
I have to make a couple of changes to a piece I edited 2 months ago on Premiere CC. When I open the file premiere lists out several clips that it says are missing. I've hit "locate" but nothing comes up.
I have a synced three camera project that I have almost finished editing. I want to select the last video clip in my sequence and roll it back, while keeping the audio in place. The idea is to fade the picture to black while the synced audio continues as credits roll over black. However, I cannot find a way to select video only on the clips at the beginning and end of the sequence. I can select and separate any video clip in the middle of the sequence, but not the clips at the ends. I must be missing some keystroke. How do I do it?
I have received a project edited on PPro 7.1.0 with a number of Canon C300 spanned clips. I have PPro 7.2.1. When I relink the clips the spanned clips link incorrectly. In fact all the span clips have incorrect timecode. The original editor on PPro 7.1.0 brought in the span clips as individual clips with sequential timecode. When I import the clips they come in as clips all of the same length but the time code is way off eg a clip that should start at 01:01:31:17 starts at 01:17:18:18. This is really less than satisfactory and the fact that we need to hand this project back and forth is really going to make life very difficult. Adobe and Canon need to sort this span clip thing out.
I've now had this happen with two completely separate projects today where I preview my edit, everything looks and sounds good, but then when I export there's a clear audio stutter wherever I used a constant power audio tansition.
NOTE: I experienced the Constant Power bug that happen last month that sounded like a super loud buzz. This is different.
I recorded video on a Black Magic Cinema Camera (BMCC), which has legendary video quality but an awful on-camera microphone with tinny recording process, and recorded audio on a Zoom H6 which has great low-noise, more bits and greater sampling rate capability.
In Premiere I made a Sequence containing the video footage, then added the H6 audio and synchronized it by waveform to the BMCC's audio, which I subsequently muted. I call this a Source-Sequence, as it is intended as a virtual source media item, to be cut into one or more Edit-Sequences (my term).
Not "holding my breath" but trying it anyway, in Premiere's Project/Bin pane, I selected that source-sequence then did RightClick > Analyze Content. Teasingly, that option was not greyed-out. However all options in the the resulting popup-dialog were greyed-out.
In this situation, to be useful, the speech analysis would need to be available to Sequences, not just to (Master) Clips. Obviously one could render such a sequence to intermediate but that would waste time and disk space and would essentially freeze the state of the Source (e.g. including any sync issues that might be discovered later, or whole-source color corrections issues etc.). If one subsequently altered that state, a re-render, re-link and re-analysis would be required. If a Souce-Sequence were used instead, and no alteration had been made to the audio (or if user indicated "don't care"), then there would in principle be no need for re-analysis.
Edited raw AVC/HD footage on Premiere Pro, but in preview and also when exported it flickers which it doesn't do on the original clip.
I've made 20 different sequences in this project without realising this issue! And I really want to avoid having to import all the clips again and re-edit.