Premiere Pro :: Dynamic Link - PR To AE Creates Comp But No Video Clips (files)
Feb 10, 2014
I'm attempting to create a dynamic link from PR to AE (both CC) by right clicking on the desired clip in my PR sequnce and selecting "Replace with AE Comp". Doing so properly launches AE, asks me to save the AE project, and creates a comp with the correct parameters (duration, frame rate, size, etc) with the desired comp name. The sequence in PR shows the linked comp with the correct comp name. However, in both AE and PR the video clip is simply black. In my understanding of Dynamic Link, the original files (clips) should be sent over to the AE project. In my case, I only see the project with no associated files. Is there a trick (or a known reason) why the files would not be transpored to the AE project?
I've been working the last 6 months with 4 GH2s and ran into some strange troubles when initially importing them to the timeline. 2 hour shots are divided into 6 or 7 different files, and when brought into PP the first clips audio was assigned to all the other remaining clips. This was pretty strange, but I fixed it by using TSmuxer. It was added time in the workflow/set up, but in the end I could produce;
The latest update of PPCC now combines the entire 2 hours of footage into each of the 7 files being imported. So it is importing 2 hours of footage 7 times for each camera. The conforming is taking forever! For 4 cameras it's conforming 14 hours of footage each, when it should literally be a 7th of that.
It is taking up large amounts of time and disk space.
How can I view a preview how all the video transition looks between 2 clips in Premiere Pro CS5 before I choose the one I want to use.
I always use Adobe Bridge CS5 when I need to see a fosmag on the effects in After Effects CS5, but can not get it to work and then I can also see the Video Transitions in Adobe Premiere CS5
I am using Premiere Pro CC, up to date, on Windows 7 Pro 64 bit. After week's vacation opened large project to find all clips offline. When I linked, they located fine but OK produce "the importer reported a generic error". I know the clips are on their hard drives and have not changed position. I am not sure of next step. I have always been able to link before though have not used "locate" dialogue box. Checking other projects reveals consistent problem with importer.
I have noticed that since upgrading to CC I have had lots of time wasting work around to create a Blu Ray and DVD using Encore. In the past I used to create awesome quality Blu Rays and DVD from the same Encore Project dynamically linked to PrPro. But with CC the workaround is time consuming and I don't think the Blu Ray and DVD will be going away as predicted by Adobe. As a result of this I just can't wait to terminate my CC subscription at the end of my contract this year so I can revert to CS6.
when selecting a simple clip on Premiere CC timeline and selecting 'Replace with After Effects composition', from Adobe Dynamic Link, AE CC launches, creates a new (empty) comp but does not import the footage clip into the project
Whenever I attempt to render video or export a photoshop file as a video I get the following error:
dynamiclinkmediaserver has encountered an error [/Volumes/BuildDisk/builds/DynamicLinkMediaServer1/main/shared/adobe/M ediaCore/ASL/Foundation/Make/Mac/../../Src/DirectoryRegistry.cpp-283] Continue Button.
Hitting continue does nothing and the application just hangs on the video export progress bar.I've attempted to export several types of PSD files to video, some old, some new (made in CS6) and I always get this error. I have reset Photoshops preferences. I have uninstalled the entire CS6 suite and reinstalled it.
On a whim I decided to reinstall PS CS5 and try to export from there. Worked like a charm. Was able to export video from my PSDs like before.I am currently running:
Creative Suite CS6 Master Collection
My hardware is:
Model Name: iMac Processor Name: Intel Core i5 Processor Speed: 2.8 GHz Memory: 8 GB Mac OS X Lion 10.7.3
how to properly link my footage on my timeline to color corrected files from film convert. I know how to do it to each individual clip at a time, but when I select a whole folder, it always relinks the media to it's original destination and not the new destination with the color corrected files. What's the correct way to link multiple clips to new source files?
I have a AE Comp (1280x720 Square Pixels) in a Premiere Pro timeline (HDV 720p, 1280x720) through Dynamic Link. In my timeline everything is fine and the same size. When I render the timeline in PP it stays the same size, everything is a lovely 720. However, when I export it as a H.264 using Media Encoder the AE comp shrinks to what looks to be 480p. The rest of the text and video in the timeline stays 720, but the AE comp shrinks and has a black box letterbox around it.
I was able to export from AMC with a Quicktime preset of 720p 24fps and it did not shrink. Additionally I bypassed AMC and exported directly from PP and the comp did not resize.
I've imported the PSD file as a comp, and made changes to the text animation, but this is now a nested comp, and the music is in the main comp. How do I change the timing of the nested comp while still having visibility of the music track?
I have comp A (imported from PS) that's a rectangle background with text & lines above it - which is inside comp B.
While on B I'm reducing the opacity of A from 100 to 0, normally over 10 frames, and the text and lines' opacity goes down normally... except the rectangle background! It's opacity is staying the same during the first 9 frames and then going from 100 to 0 in the last one.
As an experiment I replaced that PS layer with a solid from AE and it works fine. The whole comp's opacity reduced gradually from 100 to 0 over 10 frames.
What causes some layers to behave as described above?
if I export a sequence from the timeline and have it imported into the project it only imports the film but without any sound. With some codec I can play the clip as it should be in the windows 7 ultimate explorer but I sometimes also get automatically a HD-file and the sound files as way as a separate thing. I never had that before. In fact what I want to do is to create a sequence from my timeline and have that as a separate HD-file to use whereever in the project. Especially if the sound is not the original one but added by myself. I have done that before and I would just get my HD-file and could play it in the preview WITH sound. Now all I get is the picture but .... like I said: without sound. That is not normal. So is that a rather useless update or a failure in the program?
And how can I copy a sequence from a timeline and place it anywhere else on the timeline. Used to be so easy in a previous premiere version. Now copy and paste does not work at all anymore. And whenever I want to add a clip onto a layer, I have to shut all used layers, because otherwise the sound goes anywhere but where it should and might just place itself within another sound-layer.Used to be all much better and simpler in previous editions.
I have a laptop and desk computer both loaded with Premiere Pro. Is there anyway I can access my video files from either computer using the cloud? I've just opened up the software on the desk based PC and can't see any of the video projects I've been working on using my laptop.
Premiere Pro CC quits unexpectedly (serious error message) when importing footage. The formats I've tried and failed with include H.264, Prores422 and DNxHD. When I reopen a project containing one of these formats, it crashes again even if I click on one of the imported files. I'm using an early 2013 Macbook Pro and trying to edit Nikon D800 footage. At this point I'm not sure what other information I can provide.
I started a Premiere Pro CS5 project on my PC at work. Video files played both audio and video, life was good. Unfortunately my PC at work is slow, so I want to continue working on the project on my home PC. Uploaded the needed files with Sugarsync, went home, but when I open the project here all the video files only play audio.
So I know the files CAN display video, so it must be something to do with my home computer and CS5 install? I tried reinstalling PP CS5, no change. Is there a setting I may have accidentally disabled at home to force audio only?
So I've done a reasonable amount of work with dynamic blocks. I have a block with a rotation action and grip to arbitrarily align it. However I realized when trying to combine it with an alignment grip (which actions on the basic or fundamental block rotation angle) that there didn't seem to be a way to some how link a dynamic block rotation action or one of the custom angle properties to a the fundamental block rotation angle. Thus there are two additive rotations at work; the dynamic block one with its grip and the fundamental rotation property.
This can cause some confusion when one person aligns with the grip and another via rotating the block's fundamental property and would also be problematic in the generalized sense if one was trying to select or programmatically read back the net angle alignment.
I'm trying to understand why adding colour correction, or auto contrast to my some of my clips is causing them to have flicker. It's not a consistent flicker either, but random.
The footage affected is 720p at 29.97fps in a timeline with the same settings. The raw footage appears fine. Once effects are added, the image stutters. I have rendered the preview files and the issue remains the same, likewise when exported.
i bought photoshop CS6 a few months ago and last month i had to get rid of things so i had my comp automatically delete downloaded files etc. didnt think it would delete paid for apps. anyway, is there a way i can recover it without having to buy it again?
I really want to be able to use the new Synchronize feature of PP (Clip > Synchronize), but I tried selecting two video clips (a video clip, and two audio tracks), and right-clicking, but the option to Synchronize is greyed out. If I select certain clips, then it appears, but I don't see what the pattern is. It seemingly picks random clips to not sync.
I've been working on a project that involves 45 separate clips. I have cut the unwanted stuff out of each clip - was a lot easier than I thought - just dragged the start and end point icons. So now I have 45 clips which just need joining together. When I shot all the footage and uploaded it to my computer the file I saved as Clip 1 may not be what I want to start the movie with. How do I go about shuffling the order of the clips and combining them all into one to form my movie - and when I join two clips together does Premiere Pro automatically join the sound.
audio clips, usually less than 20 seconds, are now being cut off at the last few seconds of the clip. Can't figure out wny it is happening or how to correct it. If I select Edit, Play Original, I can hear the full clip.
I am completing a 52-minute program, with 20 short sequences shot in ProRes 422 (50 Mbps) and saved to MXF OP1a files. The package looks good when output to Blu-Ray, but I will need to output for broadcast, and the broadcaster prefers MXF deliberables. My Question: Is there any significant loss of quality by saving 20 MXF files (with dozens of ProRes clips) to a final MXF container?
I have multiple sequences that use clips from an interview that show diagonal lines through them in the timeline. Not all files from the interview have these diagonal lines. These problematic clips do not contain audio or video when the playhead is on them. They don't even have a thumbnail pic in the sequence while other shots from the interview do. How I can get these to work in the timeline again?
I'm working on a Premiere Pro CC project with another editor. On his latest version, some of the clips on the timeline have a "+/-" or "+2" or "-2" on them. He's not sure how that happened, and I've not seen it before. What do those mean, and how do I get rid of them? I've tried Googling, but search engines don't respond well to "+/-".
Add Edit don´t cut all the layers highlighted. When I insert or overwrite a clip into the timeline, the timeline don´t respect the highlighted layers (ex. if layer 1, 2 and 3 were highlighted and the clip were put in layer 1, clips on second and third layer should be deleted between in and out markers, but they aren´t.
The Ctrl+D and Ctrl+Shift+D commands (add transition) doesn´t work like the other versions too (respecting where the cursor is)the buttons to go to the next cut on timeline (in my keyboard, A and S) doesn´t work right too.I would like to know if these are bugs or the new Premiere CC is different from the others before.
I have to make a couple of changes to a piece I edited 2 months ago on Premiere CC. When I open the file premiere lists out several clips that it says are missing. I've hit "locate" but nothing comes up.