After Effects :: Reduce The Opacity Of A Comp Within A Comp Seamlessly?
Jun 11, 2013
I have comp A (imported from PS) that's a rectangle background with text & lines above it - which is inside comp B.
While on B I'm reducing the opacity of A from 100 to 0, normally over 10 frames, and the text and lines' opacity goes down normally... except the rectangle background! It's opacity is staying the same during the first 9 frames and then going from 100 to 0 in the last one.
As an experiment I replaced that PS layer with a solid from AE and it works fine. The whole comp's opacity reduced gradually from 100 to 0 over 10 frames.
What causes some layers to behave as described above?
I've imported the PSD file as a comp, and made changes to the text animation, but this is now a nested comp, and the music is in the main comp. How do I change the timing of the nested comp while still having visibility of the music track?
I have a clip on a layer that is 6:20 in length. I want to hold on last frame for the remaining time in comp (10:00). I am fairly new to AE. I am using CS6.
My AE comp renders as a full-length video of a black screen (with audio, when enabled). Comp plays fine in RAM preview, and I've tried all types of codecs and disabling RAM intensive effects, though I'm working on a quad-core i7 macbook pro with 8 gigs of RAM, so that shouldn't be a problem.
For a project, I've imported a jpeg file that I made on Photoshop. The colors look perfectly fine on the RAM previews and stuff but after I render it, just that specific jpg image comes washed out. It should be dark grey / almost black but after rendering into .mov that image becomes medium grey. It's noticeably more washed out and lighter. All the other colors in that image are also noticeably lighter as well.
I have set my working space to my monitors color profile and I have proofed the colors after saving on Photoshop.
The current time indicator won't move to end of comp in AE CS6. I setup a new comp at 10 seconds. When I drag the current time indicator OR hit the End key to bring the current time indicator to the end of the comp it stops at a value of 9:23. Is this a bug?
I have 6 layers in a comp, and I'm taking them across, via copy/paste, to another comp. Each second layer is an Alpha channel for the one below it. However when they're pasted into the next comp they ALWAYS are reversed, or randomly resorted, ruining everything about their blends and alpha relationships with one another.
Why does After Effects do this? Is there a way to prevent it from happening?
This doesn't just happen in this instance, I've noticed it nearly always happening when pasting multiple layers.
I am animating comps in After Effects CS6, and I'm quickly moving objects across the screen using positioning keyframes and changing size using scaling keyframes. Most of the time it works great; but sometimes the motion blur effect keeps appearing *after* the object has stopped moving. Not just for a second -- but forever. It appears correct when scrubbing on the timeline, but when I render the final output movie, a non-moving object sometimes has motion blur all over it.
Sometimes I can fix it by un-parenting some layers inside the comp... other times it doesn't fix it. Sometimes I just delete it and start over and it works. Seems more like a bug then something I'm doing wrong.
I also tried on my Mac Pro tower and Macbook Pro laptop in case it was a graphics card issue; it isn't, the exact same problem manifests itself in both areas. I did just discover that turning continuous raster OFF does seem to fix the problem--but then my vector images are blurry when I zoom in... and that again sounds more like a bug, not like an incorrect setting.
how designers take their Photoshop comps to a CSS-based layout. With CSS-based layouts, web pages are composed of a combination of foreground (standard) and background (CSS) graphics. I'm curious how designers get those images out of Photoshop and into a web authoring environment (be it Dreamweaver, GoLive or Notepad :-).
1. Do you make a selection, copy, create a new file and use the Save for Web feature?
2. Do you slice up the comp for both foreground and background images and then choose Save for Web?
I'm finding a really strange and inconsistent bug when managing my Layer Comps. I am dependent on Layer Comps, they're behaving inconsistently in CS6.
When manoeuvering between Layer Comps, the updates I'm making to save a Layer Comp and move on to another are SOMETIMES not working. I set a comp, move to another, go BACK to the original one and it's messed up.
I want to process a series of pics for my photography business and I think I have a way to do a great deal of them with minimum effort. What I want to do is to work on one photo and create a smaller project that I copy and paste my Adjustment layers in. Then, I want an action to go through my queue of pics and copy the layers over, create a blurred layer (for skin touch up) and a sharpened layer. That way, when it's done, all I have to do is open each saved PSD and do touch up as needed.
The problem is that I can't get an action to recognize that I'm dragging a layer over from one comp to another. Is there a way, instead of creating a brand new action for each set of pics, to do what I want to do?
I'm working with a .jpeg-logo that came for a different application. I opened it in Photoshop 7.0, did a little lightening and cropping, and was going to save it again as it was.
But when trying to save it back I can't seem to be able to do that in the excact same compression format as the original. Whatever way I choose, the box with jpeg-properties pops up. It defaults at quality "5" which gives a marginally smaller filesize but noticeably less visual quality. When putting it at "6" it looks about the same as the original, but not entirely right and at a larger filesize.
Is there no way to just edit it and save it back, without messing with the compression?
I have a AE Comp (1280x720 Square Pixels) in a Premiere Pro timeline (HDV 720p, 1280x720) through Dynamic Link. In my timeline everything is fine and the same size. When I render the timeline in PP it stays the same size, everything is a lovely 720. However, when I export it as a H.264 using Media Encoder the AE comp shrinks to what looks to be 480p. The rest of the text and video in the timeline stays 720, but the AE comp shrinks and has a black box letterbox around it.
I was able to export from AMC with a Quicktime preset of 720p 24fps and it did not shrink. Additionally I bypassed AMC and exported directly from PP and the comp did not resize.
i bought photoshop CS6 a few months ago and last month i had to get rid of things so i had my comp automatically delete downloaded files etc. didnt think it would delete paid for apps. anyway, is there a way i can recover it without having to buy it again?
I have two compositions on a page and I identify them within the AdobeEdge.bootstrapCallback. As soon as the user scrolls to the first animation I want to start it with an external call ( If this is the only composition on the page it does work correctly. But as soon as the second one is added to the page it doesn't play at all. If I trigger the first animation via the console (e.g. the animation jumps to the 1000 ms mark but then it stops immediately and doesn't play on.
I'm attempting to create a dynamic link from PR to AE (both CC) by right clicking on the desired clip in my PR sequnce and selecting "Replace with AE Comp". Doing so properly launches AE, asks me to save the AE project, and creates a comp with the correct parameters (duration, frame rate, size, etc) with the desired comp name. The sequence in PR shows the linked comp with the correct comp name. However, in both AE and PR the video clip is simply black. In my understanding of Dynamic Link, the original files (clips) should be sent over to the AE project. In my case, I only see the project with no associated files. Is there a trick (or a known reason) why the files would not be transpored to the AE project?
In the animation I am working on, I need an object to instantly go from 100% opacity to 0% opacity. The problem is, even if you use the opacity of the layer as a keyframe, the object will not instanlty vanish, even if it is only on for the timeruler for a quick amount of time.
I need a tool that will drop from 100% opacity to 0% instantly.
Newbie looking for tutorial to reduce opacity of selection area. I'm looking to create something similar to the white area behind the text in the attached image.
I have two objects intersecting each other on different layers. The object on the top layer I reduced the opacity for and the bottom layer which was previously hidden now is shining through. I do not want this to happen. I want the bottom layer to remain hidden beneath the top layer despite the lowered opacity. How would I accompish this simply? I have CS2.
(I am using version 2.6.12). I noticed that when I move the Opacity Slider, nothing happens on the image. I tried that on Windows, Linux (I am using Gimp version 2.6.11 on OpenSUSE 11.4), and Mac. I read somewhere that I need to go to Image --> Modify and select RGB. But it is already selected.
when i add a mask to a layer, and define it to hide everything within the mak boundries, then everything outside the mask is visible. Is there a way to now change the opacity of what is within the mask bounries? Basically to animate revealing the stuff that is hidden by the mask.
I'm trying to fade some text from 100% opacity to 0% over 45 frames, and end my layer when it gets to 0, (Thus making it dissapear?). My text stays there with 0% opacity (Slightly visable), untill the next layer begins.. I don't understand why I can see it when the layer it's on has ended. I preview it with audio using num 0.
This has happened to me multiple times and I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. Some of my text fades and dissapears normally, but I don't understand what's different about it. I'm probably doing lots wrong, but I'm pretty new and you have to start somewhere! This is also my first post, hope it's in the right forum.
where i cant see the opacity( you know like 100% and so on) its the same with audio level, position, scale etc. here's a print screen of it [URL]
The reson why it dissapeared is because when i pressed L-L on my keyboard to show the audio waves, but instead i must have pressed something wrong or maybe the layer the layer want selected.
I am trying to make a video where one man reaches his hand through the other mans chest and I have it all lined up perfectly by changing each video's opacity to 50% but I was wondering how to make it like opacity is in effect but each one is 100% where i can see both people fully. How could I make it to where it looks like they are in the same video together just like opacity does but make them full instead of see through.
I have animated text where some words are black at 50% opacity and some words are white at full opacity. They are on a textured background. I need to give the other editors a version of the text married to the background and one that is just text with an alpha. When I export it and bring it into Premiere, the "married" version looks fine, but the black in the version of the text with alpha appears more transparent. I can fix this by changing the blend mode to Hard Light or Luminosity, but this alters the color of the white text slightly (and I should note that the blend mode in AE was normal). I can of course work around this by exporting my black and white text separately.
I am working on AE CC (ver12) and Premiere CC (ver7)
I have a strange thing going on. I could swear there used to be the standard Browser control of - + and reduce box in the Top RH corner like in any window and every other adobe product. However, I got a virus it was hiding in Adobe reader. I believe I cleaned it as I scanned with two different virus companies. Both came up nothing found. Cleared my Temp folder, dumped trash after un installing AE. Re installed AE and still no window control?
Plus in my system start tray where my programs are where Adobe Master Collection Folder is I open that an my AE icon is a generic icon, although it will work as a shortcut.
The other thing is that it is evident in my task bar as a 'pinned icon' Here is a screen shot of AE with no + or - in top corner...
I'm new to Adobe After Effects and trying to adjust audio levels on the timeline using key points. This works great for db levels but the maximum level that can be set is -48db and this is still allowing some audio to "bleed through". I can mute the audio for the whole track, but that's not what I want - I want to mute the track at certain keypoints on the timeline.