I have VS11+ and I want to save a frame of my project as a still image. The project and footage is
PAL (25 fps)
Microsoft AVI files
24 bits, 720 x 576, 16:9, 25 fps
Lower Field First
DV Video Encoder -- type 1
DV Audio -- PAL, 48.000 kHz, 16 Bit, Stereo
I have clicked on Save as Still Image and the frame appears in the Image folder, although it is square looking with a black border all round. If I put it in the timeline I can make it into 16:9 like the rest of the footage. But where is the image actually saved so that I can use it in other media? How can I decide whether to save it as JPEG or whatever? And why is it in a black box and quite square if it was shot in, and the project is, 16:9? Can I save it as a 16:9 image?
I have been using different versions of Ulead for over 20 years! In the past I was able to save an image in JPEG format on my desktop after saving the clip as an image in the library. Now when I save it to the desktop it only saves it as a "uvs file" which is not recognized by photo editing software
I am trying to find a faster way to save my images. I shoot in raw, save raw images as jpegs after editing them in Camera Raw. I am using Photoshop CS6 on a Mac version 10.7.5. When I save, I either have to save as a copy of the exisiting image, or replace the image I'm working on. Other forums I've read said to make an action to save and create a function key to make this process faster, but my function keys aren't working, and playing the action I've created still makes a copy of the image.
I would like to save my movies as WMV files at a size of 640x480 . I found a template in the movie templates manager that has the size , however try as I might I cannot get to save the file at around 500mb's . it keeps saving the file at around 120 mbs how to adjust the save file size
My Canon HF S21 is set to record at PF25 (i.e 25 fps PROGRESSIVE), and also I choose the highest recording quality : MXP (1920 X 1080, 24 Mbps). When I choose to save the .MTS file here`s what happens :
1. Choosing H.264-MAIN in the Compression tab, the video data rate is limited to 20000 KBps.
2. To have 25 fps (that is, PAL) AND progressive playback, my only choice is to output a file at 1280 X 720. If I choose 1920 X 1080 , AND Frame-based, the Frame Rate drop-down menu becomes greyed out at 30 fps ! Of course, at the Corel VideoStudio tab, I have unticked the "Perform non-sqare pixel rendering", because the source video is made of raster (i.e square) pixels, unlike the HDV 1440 X 1080 recordings.
3. Choosing MPEG-4 HD, the Properties of the video file to be rendered appear as follows :
24bits, 1920 X 1080, 30fps Frame Based H.264 Main Profile video, 15000 Kbps 32000 Hz, 16bit, stereo MPEG AAC Audio, 128Kbps
4. No luck either if I choose Blu ray > PAL H.264 (1920 X1080). The "improvement" appears to be the VBRof 22700 Kbps, but VideoStudio insists on rendering interlaced (Upper Field first) out of my progressive video. The same rendering settings appear if I choose AVCHD > PAL HD-1920. I shall try the Template Manager and see if I can convince VS NOT to alter in any way the quality of the source clip. Meanwhile, I am very interested to read about your experiences with 1080p.
Quite often I have footage from two cams to create a movie. The cams show pretty different video response characteristics. By adjusting WB, Gamma, Contrast...I can correct and match both footages. Because VS has a not so handy parameter setting UI, it would be fine if I could kind of "smart package" the attributes for a particular camcorder, so I don't have to fill in the attributes for each project with a particalar camcorder footage. Is there a way to get there?
I was saving a 20GB video that was 3 hours long. It was taking a day to finish and during the night, my computer crashed. I opened VideoStudio and it let me recover the project but I don't know how to resume saving the video. I look in the hard drive and found the video and it said it was 0 minutes long what is says when it was saving it. This means that there should be a way to resume saving it. Is there a way to that?
How do I get VSX4 stop auto saving a project to its own My Projects folder and save it to My Projects folder in my media hard drive G:What are the pros and cons with these two methods?
Is there not a way to save the progress of your timeline? So far my workflow has me editing every clip in library mode, then transferring it all down to the timeline so I can insert music, titles, transitions, etc.....and due to the size of my project, I wasn't able to finish before leaving tonight. So I saved everything (or so I thought), but when I opened my project later in VS again, there was nothing in the timeline! (it saved all of my edited files above in the library, but all of my work on titles, overlays and music was lost). Did I do something wrong, or does this program force you make all of those detailed edits and additions in one fell swoop without any chance of saving or taking a break?
My question: I prefer to shoot my videos in 720p, to optimally match my TV. I see that in VideoStudio, the only 720p option is by using HDV. Is there any other way to get 1280x720 output? I see that AVCHD and Blu-Ray only offers 1980 and 1440 options, both which resize my videos (which I do not want). I'd like to save back as 1280x720 MP4, but VS's MP4 option doesn't provide this.
(Now that I think about it, why does VideoStudio offer 1440 rather than 1280? I thought 1920x1080 and 1280x720 were the common HD formats.)
I am new to Corel VS having previously used Power Producer/Director and TMPGEncAuthoring software. Have spent the last week customising various DVD menus for use in music DVD compilations. However, I cannot for the life of me work out how to save a customised menu for use in the next and following projects. Have seen the posting "VS PRO X4 fails to save DVD Menu Changes" but it seems to stop short on re-use. Have also ordered the publication "Picture Yourself Creative Corel VideoStudio Pro X4" which arrive next week.
I am making a slideshow using Video Studio X4 and want to change and save the color in the transition from one picture to the next. I can change the color but have not figured out how to save it and possibly make the new color the default.
I just spent 20-minutes going through 17-chapter thumbnails settings for a DVD menu of this project only to find none of the changes are saving. I tried repeatedly and the chapter thumbnails always revert to the original values for ALL sub-menus. Does seem to save the main menu thumbnail.
All I do is right-click, select to set the thumbnail, find the place and it works. Just doesn't save when I click to CLOSE the DVD process and come back in, eventhough it says "Saving project" so I think I have all outstanding patches. When I go through the internal process to "check for updates, it says I am up-to-date.
My problem is when I use Corel video studio pro x4 and load a high definition video, in a few minutes it will turn off "power saving mode". What is the problem of my computer?
i saved a bunch of videos with this setting at the normal 29.97fps. now they are saving at 20fps per the properties in the create video file dialogue box.
A way to save modified DVD menu layouts in X4 ? In X3 we could save a DVD menu template after it was modified, but I can't seem to find the same option in X4.
After trimming a clip I can save it by File - Save trimmed clip. But if I use filter(s) with trimming before, after or no trimming, the File - Save trimmed clip greys out and I could not find any instruction how to save (render) the clip.
My video is only for keepsakes of family and friends. I use VS X2 to create short movies. Once I create the movie I want to save it in a file of the highest quality given the camera it came out of. Would I get the best quality file by selecting Share-Create Video File- Same as First Video Clip? Once the movie is saved I wanted to delete the original video clips and the then useless .VSP file used to make the movie.
My thinking is that I do not want to keep all the video clips forever. Many of them are just no good. I use the best of what I shoot and put that into a movie. If I take this approach, will I be able to use movies saved as above to create a new production in the future? For example, create a compilation movie of my son in 2nd grade from the many shorter movies I took throughout the year. Would this compilation movie have the same quality as that created from the original video clips from the camera?
This is just a hobby for me and I don’t want to become buried under a mountain of video files that I will never use and eat up storage space on the PC.
I had been using VSX2 on my old computer (XP Home OS) and saving my projects as .flv files for uploading to Youtube with no issues. Last spring I put together a new computer which I thought would be much better and faster at rendering the files. The new computer uses Windows 7 64 bit and I applied the VSX2 patch for Windows 7. When I save a project as a .flv file on the new computer the audio in the resulting file is totally messed up, just hisses, pops and crackles. The video looks fine. Saving projects in other video formats seems to work okay.
I recently got back into wanting to post video to Youtube and have been trying to figure out what is causing the audio problem. I purchased the upgrade to VSX3, assuming that would fix it but the results are still the same. I do have other software that will not run on Windows 7 so I have set my computer up to dual boot with XP Pro. As an experiment, after I upgraded the Windows 7 OS to VSX3 I installed the redundant copy of VSX2 on the XP Pro OS. I then used the same original files from the camcorder to re-create as nearly as I could the same project as I had been trying to make with the W7 VSX3 on the XP VSX2 version. The file produced in XP works perfectly with no audio issues.
As a side note, the file size of the same project produced in W7 VSX3 is almost double the file size produced in XP VSX2. I am "Create Video File" as FLV (640x480). I see from another thread that I may be better to be saving as FLV(320x240) although that doesn't make sense to me. I am not very knowledgeable about the different formats and their uses. I did produce one series as mp4 files but the video quality seemed to be poorer than the way I had been doing it.
Today I have a lucky day by finding the reason why X4 saving project costs minutes each time I do. I bought special to be as fast as possible a Medion Pentium 5 SSD harddrive computer and installed the Videostudio software all on the SSD drive to get as much speed as possible for editing, rendering, etc....But last few month it did take minutes to save a project each time I did and could not find the reason why. I did change directories and locations on the harddrives and lots of other things to get it good to work, but now I have found the reason, it is the smartsound track what makes the problem. Without smartsound music everything works ok with saving projects in seconds.
Other Thing what makes problems is the 15 minutes limit for youtube in videostudio. I have more than 90 movies now at youtube, but have to upload them outside videostudio because their lengt of more than 15 minutes.Some movies are more than one houre and at youtube goes everything well without any problems.
My HP had win 7 pro issues and then blew its motherboard so i replaced it. I reloaded Video Studio Pro X3 which worked fine until I tried to save the edited video as a mpeg-4 HD (to be converted into an AVI later). It starts saving and then shut downs informing me to contact Corel and give them the data dump to figure out what the problem is. of course, i can not contact Corel who directed me to this forum. I did download and install the critical update but the same error occurs.
I have made a project last night. and when I was gonna save it, it was written that video studio only save file as *VSP. I want to know how to save the project as a video format for example as *WMV or something like that.
After realizing the Mercalli runs better on single clips, is there a way of editing a clip within a project and saving (after "creating" this clip only) and then reinserting into the project?
(I'm using Corel Video Studio Pro X2. ) My video projects exceed 4.7 GB, so I've tried to "create DVD folders" to the hard drive so that I can run them through DVD Shrink. However, Studio Pro prevents this, with a pop up warning that the project exceeds DVD capacity, and allows no option for rendering it solely to the hard disk. (I have deselected "Create Disc")
Is there a way to save/render large DVD folders to the hard drive with this software?
I am trying to output a project at higher than 30fps and I am failing miserably. My camera can create 1080 mp4 files at 30fps or 720 mp4 files at 30 or 60fps. I want to creat a video using 720 at 60fps (or near to it).
If I load a 60fps clip and play the clip it runs at the original frame rate. If I play the project however, it plays at 25fps. I have tried to change the project properties, but I cannot select anything higher than 25fps in mpg (or 30fps in avi). Likewise, when I create a video file I am stuck at the lower frame rate. Although I am happy with the 1080X30fps clips and projects; it defeats the object of having a faster camera.
I am really new to video Studio Pro X4. How can I isolate a single cell (frame) of a video clip and export it or save it as JPG or BMP or some other graphics format for use as a pic in another application. i.e. photosho, paint shop, Corel Draw, etc.
I record a program with my computer. When I get two recorded, I take each episode and "multi trim video' and cut out the commercials. I do it for each one. Now I have two episodes without commercials I open VS and 'add video to timeline.' I do that for each one and now have two shows i save together. I watch them as a 90 minute movie every two weeks instead of each week 45 minute.
For several years, when I save the video "same settings as the video.." it saves it pretty quick. Just as you would count, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,.... until 100%. The screen is blank when it does this. This has worked fine for years. Resonantly, without changing anything, when I save the file, it goes really slow and the video shows up on the screen when saving. In stead of taking maybe 100 seconds, it takes hours. It never had the video show up and go so slow.
I want to save this image as a circle to import into adobe after effects or magic unfortunately it save into a rectangle or square on my pc and so when I save it has the border and white bitsand if I import it into Magic the round football effect is lost is there anyway I can save this and import it into Magic or Adobe as a circle and not a square?
After saving my business card design as a .pdf, when I open it in acrobat it look wonky. All the lines are squiggly, when I zoom in it changes, sometimes it looks like it should other times it looks worse
Is this like in photoshop when you zoom in, sometimes it looks stairstepped and other times it looks like it should? I'm sending these to print and I want to make sure everything is good.