I was saving a 20GB video that was 3 hours long. It was taking a day to finish and during the night, my computer crashed. I opened VideoStudio and it let me recover the project but I don't know how to resume saving the video. I look in the hard drive and found the video and it said it was 0 minutes long what is says when it was saving it. This means that there should be a way to resume saving it. Is there a way to that?
My video is only for keepsakes of family and friends. I use VS X2 to create short movies. Once I create the movie I want to save it in a file of the highest quality given the camera it came out of. Would I get the best quality file by selecting Share-Create Video File- Same as First Video Clip? Once the movie is saved I wanted to delete the original video clips and the then useless .VSP file used to make the movie.
My thinking is that I do not want to keep all the video clips forever. Many of them are just no good. I use the best of what I shoot and put that into a movie. If I take this approach, will I be able to use movies saved as above to create a new production in the future? For example, create a compilation movie of my son in 2nd grade from the many shorter movies I took throughout the year. Would this compilation movie have the same quality as that created from the original video clips from the camera?
This is just a hobby for me and I don’t want to become buried under a mountain of video files that I will never use and eat up storage space on the PC.
I have made a project last night. and when I was gonna save it, it was written that video studio only save file as *VSP. I want to know how to save the project as a video format for example as *WMV or something like that.
I am really new to video Studio Pro X4. How can I isolate a single cell (frame) of a video clip and export it or save it as JPG or BMP or some other graphics format for use as a pic in another application. i.e. photosho, paint shop, Corel Draw, etc.
I recently purchased Video Studio Pro X3 - and after going through the knowledge base and product read me, I have been unable to find an answer to the following problem I have:
I have a number of videos (HD 1080p) that I have recorded. Each video is on average 50 minutes in length - what I want to do it to be able to do is to slice this video into 10 x 5 minute videos (based on topics discussed in the video), (so essentially clip the video into these segments and edit each one) and then when producing the video file - actually create 10 separate video files (all with editing in place) instead of one single large file.
As far as I have been able to work out, I need to go through the whole file, clip relevant sections, edit them, and then save project. I then need to go trim the saved file 10 times, to extract each time the single 5 minute video I want to create. This is a fairly manual and time consuming process, hence my hope that I can create 10 files based on the clips I have made in the larger 50 minute file in one go.
as I have 30 videos to edit, so looking for ways to save time!
I have a LIVE show recorded and I want to add Video Filters in various places within a single 4 minute video. Do I need to cut up my video to segments to add filters too or can I apply them to different spots in a single video?
i make animated cartoons, and i use photoshop to color the pictures. they look awesome until i put them into a video. in the video, the quality is horrible. for example if i fade a color in photoshop, once animated, it isnt a fading color anymore, it turns into a bunch of big pixels.
even if i use the animation part of photoshop, it comes out great, until i put it in a video.
the research i have done, really confuses me, although i am a terrific artist and all that (so im told) i dont know the "shop talk" of photoshop or anything. so i am just going to leave as much info as i can and hope that someone has an idea that may help me.
im using photoshop cs3 extended.
the pictures i load into ps to color are 1024x576
the resolution is 96 its RGB color 8bit color profile is "adobe RGB (1998)"
these videos dont get published online, they are burned to dvd's.
when i save the pictures, i just save them as jpeg. thought i had seen somewhere where it said that you had to set the color for NTCS?
New to Premier Elements 10. Is there a way to save individual video clips after chopping up my raw video. Or should I be using another program? I simply want to convert a long video into shorter segments for my files and ease of future use.
I would like to save my movies as WMV files at a size of 640x480 . I found a template in the movie templates manager that has the size , however try as I might I cannot get to save the file at around 500mb's . it keeps saving the file at around 120 mbs how to adjust the save file size
I have VS11+ and I want to save a frame of my project as a still image. The project and footage is
PAL (25 fps) Microsoft AVI files 24 bits, 720 x 576, 16:9, 25 fps Lower Field First DV Video Encoder -- type 1 DV Audio -- PAL, 48.000 kHz, 16 Bit, Stereo
I have clicked on Save as Still Image and the frame appears in the Image folder, although it is square looking with a black border all round. If I put it in the timeline I can make it into 16:9 like the rest of the footage. But where is the image actually saved so that I can use it in other media? How can I decide whether to save it as JPEG or whatever? And why is it in a black box and quite square if it was shot in, and the project is, 16:9? Can I save it as a 16:9 image?
My Canon HF S21 is set to record at PF25 (i.e 25 fps PROGRESSIVE), and also I choose the highest recording quality : MXP (1920 X 1080, 24 Mbps). When I choose to save the .MTS file here`s what happens :
1. Choosing H.264-MAIN in the Compression tab, the video data rate is limited to 20000 KBps.
2. To have 25 fps (that is, PAL) AND progressive playback, my only choice is to output a file at 1280 X 720. If I choose 1920 X 1080 , AND Frame-based, the Frame Rate drop-down menu becomes greyed out at 30 fps ! Of course, at the Corel VideoStudio tab, I have unticked the "Perform non-sqare pixel rendering", because the source video is made of raster (i.e square) pixels, unlike the HDV 1440 X 1080 recordings.
3. Choosing MPEG-4 HD, the Properties of the video file to be rendered appear as follows :
24bits, 1920 X 1080, 30fps Frame Based H.264 Main Profile video, 15000 Kbps 32000 Hz, 16bit, stereo MPEG AAC Audio, 128Kbps
4. No luck either if I choose Blu ray > PAL H.264 (1920 X1080). The "improvement" appears to be the VBRof 22700 Kbps, but VideoStudio insists on rendering interlaced (Upper Field first) out of my progressive video. The same rendering settings appear if I choose AVCHD > PAL HD-1920. I shall try the Template Manager and see if I can convince VS NOT to alter in any way the quality of the source clip. Meanwhile, I am very interested to read about your experiences with 1080p.
Quite often I have footage from two cams to create a movie. The cams show pretty different video response characteristics. By adjusting WB, Gamma, Contrast...I can correct and match both footages. Because VS has a not so handy parameter setting UI, it would be fine if I could kind of "smart package" the attributes for a particular camcorder, so I don't have to fill in the attributes for each project with a particalar camcorder footage. Is there a way to get there?
Is there a way to set 20 fps for my video in corel video studio x3 ?
i made a 3d animation and rendered about 3000 single frames as .bmp . Now i want to put them together to a video. the speed of the animation is preset, so i need every frame to show up for 0.05 second..... 20 fps not 15, not 24, not 25 and not 29.97, but exactly 20 fps. i don't know if i am just very stupid, but i can not find the settings for this.
How do I get VSX4 stop auto saving a project to its own My Projects folder and save it to My Projects folder in my media hard drive G:What are the pros and cons with these two methods?
Is there not a way to save the progress of your timeline? So far my workflow has me editing every clip in library mode, then transferring it all down to the timeline so I can insert music, titles, transitions, etc.....and due to the size of my project, I wasn't able to finish before leaving tonight. So I saved everything (or so I thought), but when I opened my project later in VS again, there was nothing in the timeline! (it saved all of my edited files above in the library, but all of my work on titles, overlays and music was lost). Did I do something wrong, or does this program force you make all of those detailed edits and additions in one fell swoop without any chance of saving or taking a break?
My question: I prefer to shoot my videos in 720p, to optimally match my TV. I see that in VideoStudio, the only 720p option is by using HDV. Is there any other way to get 1280x720 output? I see that AVCHD and Blu-Ray only offers 1980 and 1440 options, both which resize my videos (which I do not want). I'd like to save back as 1280x720 MP4, but VS's MP4 option doesn't provide this.
(Now that I think about it, why does VideoStudio offer 1440 rather than 1280? I thought 1920x1080 and 1280x720 were the common HD formats.)
I am new to Corel VS having previously used Power Producer/Director and TMPGEncAuthoring software. Have spent the last week customising various DVD menus for use in music DVD compilations. However, I cannot for the life of me work out how to save a customised menu for use in the next and following projects. Have seen the posting "VS PRO X4 fails to save DVD Menu Changes" but it seems to stop short on re-use. Have also ordered the publication "Picture Yourself Creative Corel VideoStudio Pro X4" which arrive next week.
I am making a slideshow using Video Studio X4 and want to change and save the color in the transition from one picture to the next. I can change the color but have not figured out how to save it and possibly make the new color the default.
I just spent 20-minutes going through 17-chapter thumbnails settings for a DVD menu of this project only to find none of the changes are saving. I tried repeatedly and the chapter thumbnails always revert to the original values for ALL sub-menus. Does seem to save the main menu thumbnail.
All I do is right-click, select to set the thumbnail, find the place and it works. Just doesn't save when I click to CLOSE the DVD process and come back in, eventhough it says "Saving project" so I think I have all outstanding patches. When I go through the internal process to "check for updates, it says I am up-to-date.
My problem is when I use Corel video studio pro x4 and load a high definition video, in a few minutes it will turn off "power saving mode". What is the problem of my computer?
i saved a bunch of videos with this setting at the normal 29.97fps. now they are saving at 20fps per the properties in the create video file dialogue box.
With the installation of SP1 (VSX4), the options to create a blu-ray video file (assuming 1920x1080 only, though the same options exist for 1440x1080) are now:
Blu-ray (1920 x 1080) Blu-ray H.264 (1920 x 1080P) Blu-ray H.264 (1920 x 1080)
Now, I want to create a 'standard' Blu-ray disc of family videos. My camera is a Canon Vixia HF20, recording in 1920x1080 in the '60i' mode. The camera creates AVCHD formatted files. I know I don't want the progressive option, however, what is the difference between the other two options (is it MEG4 vs. AVCHD? If so, what should I choose when creating a new disc?). I want my disc to support as many blu-ray players and HDTV's as possible since I will be giving copies to various family members (meaning I don't want a format that supports only the latest releases of blu-ray players).
Can it actually be done? If I so much as drop 3D file onto the timeline and tag it as 3D (SBS L-R in my case), I get the "... lost 3D attributes..." message when I try to create a 3D file. I tried tagging a 2D file as 3D for S&Gs and got the same result. In case it matters, the files are in .avi format (and even rendering a 2D version of these makes a jumpy video, but I digress...).
Is there anyway to convert the video to 4:3. When I save it 4:3 file it doesn't cut it down. It makes the video look back. Can I cut the outside edges to make the video 4:3?
I just purchased Video Studio Pro X3 and I love it . In my opinion it is possible to capture video from the video camera. I have a JVC HD camera
This the camera I purchased.
I would like to hook my camera up to my computer
How do I do this. Now of course my camera records off an SD card and I can just stick it in there and edit. The reason I am hoping I can capture video just like I can with a webcam is because the view screen on my camera no longer functions so therefore I can only point in my general direction and center up the shot in post edit.
When I record in 720p @ 30 FPS my raw files are usually around 30-35kbit rate, however whenever I compress the videos they seem to drop to around 18k bitrate which really put my videos below the standard I want. I've tried to add my own compression templates but whatever I do, I can't seem to get any of the compression options above 20.000 bitrate.
I have tested with Sony Vegas and with that I can pretty much choose myself what bitrate I want it to be. Although I know Corel a lot better and its easier for me to do what I want with it.
- How can I compress my files with higher bitrate? I want it around 30.000k.
Is it me or am I really seeing that X5 has LESS video encoding options vs X4? Really? I remember having lots of choices and options as far as how to encode MP4 the size (or ratio, etc 720 vs 1080p)
I can't seem to get 1080p but I can get 720p but in X4 I recall I could do 1080p for MP4 though.
I'm new to video editing and am using video studio Pro X3, everytime I edit some video or want to use a clip. The trimmed video always flashes the first frame at the start and finish of the trimmed clip. Also when I add a subtitle or text in the time line, that first frame flashes by at the beginning and end of of the text. This is very annoying and doesn't look very good in the project. How can I remove this first frame and how do I prevent it in the first place??