VideoStudio :: Saving Project As Video Format (WMV)
Jul 30, 2011
I have made a project last night. and when I was gonna save it, it was written that video studio only save file as *VSP. I want to know how to save the project as a video format for example as *WMV or something like that.
Basically I open a jpg file for editing in photoshop elements and then use "save as" to save my edited project as a jpg with a new filename in a local picture folder.
My new file however shows as
File Type: File
It will not open! the file wants me to associate a program to open it with and If I select photoshop to open the file I get a warning dialogue "Cannot open 2.5 3 Core TQ Rubber Flex because it is the wrong type of file"
This is the version of photoshop and my system info
Adobe Photoshop Elements Language Version: 10.0.0 (10.0 (20110831.m.17215)) Operating System: Windows 7 64-bit Version: 6.1 Service Pack 1
Here is an example of one of these image files as seen on my pc.
How do I get VSX4 stop auto saving a project to its own My Projects folder and save it to My Projects folder in my media hard drive G:What are the pros and cons with these two methods?
I've been creating video files in Pro X5 to upload to Vimeo. They are fine but I wondered if I could create a better quality format to watch on my laptop e.g. in terms of Kbps etc. The files are:
They are created from source files which are: PAL (25 fps) Microsoft AVI files 24 bits, 720 x 576, 16:9, 25 fps Lower Field First Matrox DV/DVCAM -- type 2 PCM, 48.000 kHz, 16 Bit, Stereo
What would be the best format quality for a laptop? I tried 20,000 Kbps and 256 Kbps sound for the heck of it but the laptop struggles to play them.
How to render HD 1920 x 1080 video clips into the .mov, 1080p format required by my stock agency. I've gone into Share>Create Video File>Custom>Quicktime Movie Files>Options>General... but I am unable to find a 1920 x 1080 option. 800x600 is the highest setting with the default being 720x480. I'm using VS Pro X4 and also tried X2.
Original clip info for one camera: Type H.264, 24 bits, 1920x1080p, 16:9, 59.94fps Vari. bit rate 26,000
I have been using Video Studio Pro 4 and was always able to insert, play and record to dvd the MOV file format. All of a sudden I am getting an VS 4 will not let me add Mov files to the time line.
Today I have a lucky day by finding the reason why X4 saving project costs minutes each time I do. I bought special to be as fast as possible a Medion Pentium 5 SSD harddrive computer and installed the Videostudio software all on the SSD drive to get as much speed as possible for editing, rendering, etc....But last few month it did take minutes to save a project each time I did and could not find the reason why. I did change directories and locations on the harddrives and lots of other things to get it good to work, but now I have found the reason, it is the smartsound track what makes the problem. Without smartsound music everything works ok with saving projects in seconds.
Other Thing what makes problems is the 15 minutes limit for youtube in videostudio. I have more than 90 movies now at youtube, but have to upload them outside videostudio because their lengt of more than 15 minutes.Some movies are more than one houre and at youtube goes everything well without any problems.
I have several different video clips with different formats from different cameras I'd like to use in one project. Is this possible and if so, is the rule to use the lowest common denominator? e.g. One file type is 25fps, 720x576 non-hd and another is 50fps, 1280x720 hd, so the output would have to use the first specs? What about different clips and the upper, lower, frame based thingy? I did try one experiment combining the two examples above using the first specs to create and avi file and the original 720x576 quality was reduced but the 1280x720 came out fine. Thats why Im asking - If I created the output based on the first lower specs, why did the clip with those specs turn out worse?
I'm trying to integrate 16:9 HD video clips into a 4:3 project (or vica versa). Obviously it will take cropping the edges but how? VS does not appear to be up to the task that I can figure. Maybe a third party utility?
I am using VS X3 and recently have a problem with it. At the time moive created there are couple clips in dark but they were ok when I edited them in the project status.
If my video project is to big to fit on a 4.7G disc and X4 prompt to fit it in the burn to ISO or Video TS stage, the end result have 1 or more video clips converted to heavily low quality, approximately a bit more than 3000 bit rate, but not all the video clips are converted. The end result is that some video clips have grainy scenes with some artifacts on the TV.
Since it is very time consuming to batch convert all the videos of the project to a lower bit rate in order to fit it on a 4.7G disc (choosing one bit rate specification, see if all videos plus menus fit, choose another lower bit rate and start batch converting again if not...), I decided to use the 8.5G option of X4 with the original quality formerly rendered videos and finish the dvd building in that way. After that I choose DVD Shrink 3.2 to compress it on 4.7G. DVD Shrink successfully compress a 5.2G project DVD to 4.7G (actually 4.4G) with a 95% compression rate with a sharp function. The overall end result's playback quality was far more better than when using batch convert to a lower bit rate with X4. Just want to mention that X2 handled such a compress to fit request better.
The last time I've needed to go the DVD Shrink way for compressing large DVD sizes were in the days of VS 11. By mentioning VS11, that was also the time when I got several crashes with DVD authorizing. I remember I had to set VS 11 to convert all DVD compliant MPEG again to have a smooth playback without Video/Audio multiplexing problems.I always use formerly rendered MPEG2 files. I never use the edited project to author a DVD.
I'm working on a project that pulls together many short clips from many much longer video files e.g. there might be less than a minute pulled from a 60 minute file then another then another etc. I found that my computer (which is reasonably beefy) was struggling to cope with the workload so I split the project into separate project files i.e. Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3. My thinking was that once I had done all the editing I could cut and paste all the clips into a single new project file before rendering the entire thing. But I can't work out how to do it! Sure, I can copy and past individual clips or even a sequence of clips but on pasting they lose all the editing I've done! I just end up with a uniform bunch of unedited clips!
I guess the alternative is to render each project file (1, 2 and 3) separately then pull the rendered videos together into Project 4. I can then render Project 4 to give me my final 'movie'. But surely that means as I've rendered everything twice I'm suffering a quality loss?
So the question is: is there any way of copying edited video clips from one project file into another project file AND retaining all the edits?
I could not find anything on this. Is it possible to insert a video clip into the middle of a project? I have tried inserting a video and it always adds it to the end of the project not where I want it to go.
I was wondering if there is a way to copy tracks (video, overlay, audio) from an old project into a new project. I have tried copy them and paste them but that is not possible.
An other solution could be to make a video file of the "old project" and import that on the video track in the new project.
In the past using Pinnacle copy tracks from other projects and paste them in new projects was a possibility.
I have footage in the following format which I'd like to upload to Vimeo (it was shot on a basic home camcorder some years ago). What would be the best format? I have VideoStudio Pro X5 trial version.
PAL (25 fps) Microsoft AVI files 24 bits, 720 x 576, 4:3, 25 fps Lower Field First Matrox DV/DVCAM -- type 2 PCM, 48.000 kHz, 16 Bit, Stereo
The Share - Upload to Web - Vimeo MPEG-4 4:3 option gives you: MPEG-4 Files 24 bits, 640 x 480, 25 fps Frame-based H.264 Baseline Profile Video: 2500 Kbps 44100 Hz, 16 Bit, Stereo MPEG AAC Audio: 128 Kbps
Is this OK? Vimeo said they pillarbox all SD videos (ie. smaller than 1280x720) in order to fit them into their standard player so should I do the Vimeo HD 16:9 option for instance?
It gives you: MPEG-4 Files 24 bits, 1280 x 720, 25 fps Frame-based H.264 Main Profile Video: 5000 Kbps 44100 Hz, 16 Bit, Stereo MPEG AAC Audio: 128 Kbps
I created a 4 minute video project in VS Pro X3. Source of video clips were from a Sony HDR-CX550V camcorder. I added some titles to a few video clips and 3 titles on a "Graphic - Color" background. When creating a video file (under SHARE) and choosing Blu-ray ----> NTSC MPEG2 (1920 x 1080), I found the following: Video clips are sharp, no problem, but the titles have black lines at irregular intervals, to the point that the letters cannot be read. What may be the cause and how can I eliminate this problem.
Given that it seems to be a good idea to render VSP projects to a single video file before attempting to create a DVD through Share Create Disc, I am wondering what is the most optimal type of video file to initially render the VSP into.
The video from my camera comes in a ACVHD 1080/60i. My target final disc is either 1) standard DVD, or 2) Blu Ray. I have been rendering the VSP into a 1920x1080 AVCHD format.
What's the best format to use when transferring VHS tapes to my p.c? I've tried AVI but an average tape takes up to 400Mb on my hard drive which seems excessive. The VHS tapes mainly have films and documentaries the majority of which will be deleted once I've watched them on my PC.
First, some glitches (short freeze frame) at video transitions. Usually at the end of the transition. I could upload some samples... The problem persist in both : hardware or software accelerated mode.
Also, when i want to create a video file and i use the "same as first video clip" even the project is a HDV 1440x1080 format, the video is created as DVD 720x576 4:3 aspect.
I have a personal website and upload video files for people to download. My videos are around 45-60 mins long and I save them using MPEG optimizer usually, resulting in file sizes of around 2GB. These files take a long time to download, and I have to upload them overnight. I've downloaded video files of around 60 mins in duration from other sites which have been only 500MB in size. These tend to be WMV files 25bit with frame size around 640 x 480 and bit rate of around 1122fbps, frame rate 25fps.
Is this the best format for achieving a compromise between quality and file size? The WMV options un custom are much smaller frame sizes, where can I find the right option? Is there a better format available in the custom menu?
After realizing the Mercalli runs better on single clips, is there a way of editing a clip within a project and saving (after "creating" this clip only) and then reinserting into the project?
I am trying to output a project at higher than 30fps and I am failing miserably. My camera can create 1080 mp4 files at 30fps or 720 mp4 files at 30 or 60fps. I want to creat a video using 720 at 60fps (or near to it).
If I load a 60fps clip and play the clip it runs at the original frame rate. If I play the project however, it plays at 25fps. I have tried to change the project properties, but I cannot select anything higher than 25fps in mpg (or 30fps in avi). Likewise, when I create a video file I am stuck at the lower frame rate. Although I am happy with the 1080X30fps clips and projects; it defeats the object of having a faster camera.
I downloaded the trial version of pro 4x and love the video clarity and smoothness....even running at 60FPS. However, when I try to start editing with the "Instant Project", I start to have issue.
1. The intro is fine.....very smooth
2. However, when it gets to the video portion, the quality and "shuddering" of the vidoe is horrible.
In VS X4 we do not have the ability to match the project properties to the specs of the source video. When editing "project properties", we only have two choices for compression (NTSC DVD and PAL DVD) which only allow a maximum resolution of 720. In X2 we had many more choices which included MPEG-2 where we could get up to 1920.
I thought it was rule number one to match the project properties to the source video. Maybe that is not so important anymore, but snapshots for freeze frames must be done in project mode to include any attributes. The resulting snapshot is the resolution of the project properties and therefore not the same as the orignal video. Once rendered, it will not look the same as it's parent frame. Maybe freeze frames are not important to anyone else, but they are to me.
I shoot with a Canon HV20, so I need 1440x1080. I have created an empty project in X2 with the correct properties that I use to start projects in X3 and X4. X4 appears to maintain the project properties once they are set.
I am burning DVDs from an hour long project file in ProX5, of a two act opera. Act I burned fine, but Act II which is a separate project comes out on the DVD with the audio ahead of the video. I am making coasters, have quite a collection. I've never had this problem before with burning DVDs. I have burn speed set to 16x, not maximum. In the past I normally use the project rendered to a movie for the DVD burn, but with editing changes I keep making, it is faster to just burn directly from the project.
I am not using a separate audio file. The audio is embedded in the video.When I play the project and not the DVD, the audio and video are fine.
I own VS 12, and when I work with HDV footage, I'm able to create an HDV video file either with MPEG optimizer or Same as first video clip. The project smart renders and I get HDV file. I've downloaded VS 15 trial as a test, as it has some additional features I'm interested in. However, with the VS 15 trial, following the same steps produces a file formatted as NTSC DVD 4:3 and no smart render. Am I missing something or is this a bug/limitation of the trial? Corel says the trial is fully functional. I'm running Windows 7 Pro 64 bit i5 4 GB ram. I even tried installing the VS 15 trial on my old XP laptop and had the same issue.