VideoStudio :: Creating / Saving A Project At Greater Than 30fps
Mar 25, 2012
I am trying to output a project at higher than 30fps and I am failing miserably. My camera can create 1080 mp4 files at 30fps or 720 mp4 files at 30 or 60fps. I want to creat a video using 720 at 60fps (or near to it).
If I load a 60fps clip and play the clip it runs at the original frame rate. If I play the project however, it plays at 25fps. I have tried to change the project properties, but I cannot select anything higher than 25fps in mpg (or 30fps in avi). Likewise, when I create a video file I am stuck at the lower frame rate. Although I am happy with the 1080X30fps clips and projects; it defeats the object of having a faster camera.
I have created a project using 1080p 29.97fps AVC MOV clips.
However, there seems to be no way to create a video file from the project using these settings. The options include neither 1920x1080 or anything but 25fps, and of course trying this results in choppy footage.
NB I did not choose either PAL or NTSC options when installing, as we will no longer use either of these in this country as of next year and I have no need to use them anyway.
Also I cannot install Ultimate as it says it is not compatible with this computer (Microsoft Surface Pro), only Pro.
I am trying to get the cut volumes for areas that are greater than 15ft of cut for my project. We know that we will be able to get the top 15 feet with heavy equipment but will be drilling and blasting anything greater than 15 feet of cut. This is a different pay item, with greater cost so we need to quantify it.
I've got a composite surface that graphically shows me the elevation bands so I can see the areas that are greater than 15 feet but I'm not sure how to quantify the volumes.
Currently using C3D 2012 with the volume dashboard extension. Have 2013 installed just haven't jumped over yet.
When outputting as an MP4 file, the result is SO ugly, it almost completely destroys any fine detail in the image, and the sound is total garbage (it sounds like a 22k 64kbps mp3, just utter crap), so MP4 is just not an option for me.
Unfortunately, as it has been brought to my attention, Corel doesn't seem to truly support 60fps, even though most new cameras film in 60fps--so when I use the modes that are supposed to be for 60fps, it flipflops back and forth between 30fps and 60fps. I just want an output that's consistent, not this flipflopping garbage. There's ONE mode I can use, AVCHD, that gives me a consistent framerate AS LONG AS I don't put any titles up, and as long as none of the source material is of a resolution different from the main--otherwise it will look like a glitched mess.
Since they've crippled being able to adjust the project properties outside anything DVD quality, I can't really adjust anything.
Is there an output mode that will give me a consistent 30fps that supports 1080p?
How do I get VSX4 stop auto saving a project to its own My Projects folder and save it to My Projects folder in my media hard drive G:What are the pros and cons with these two methods?
Today I have a lucky day by finding the reason why X4 saving project costs minutes each time I do. I bought special to be as fast as possible a Medion Pentium 5 SSD harddrive computer and installed the Videostudio software all on the SSD drive to get as much speed as possible for editing, rendering, etc....But last few month it did take minutes to save a project each time I did and could not find the reason why. I did change directories and locations on the harddrives and lots of other things to get it good to work, but now I have found the reason, it is the smartsound track what makes the problem. Without smartsound music everything works ok with saving projects in seconds.
Other Thing what makes problems is the 15 minutes limit for youtube in videostudio. I have more than 90 movies now at youtube, but have to upload them outside videostudio because their lengt of more than 15 minutes.Some movies are more than one houre and at youtube goes everything well without any problems.
I have made a project last night. and when I was gonna save it, it was written that video studio only save file as *VSP. I want to know how to save the project as a video format for example as *WMV or something like that.
After realizing the Mercalli runs better on single clips, is there a way of editing a clip within a project and saving (after "creating" this clip only) and then reinserting into the project?
This is regarding a error message by Video Studio Pro X5 understanding a fault message which I got after creating a DVD map. This is the original message in Dutch: "Sommige startframenummers van hoofdstukken zijn groter dan het aantal frames". 533:-2147216477:0 Translation: "Some start frame numbers of chapters are greater than the number of frames"
This was also discussed here - but I can not understand the solution: viewtopic.php?t=24055&p=120629
The situation: I have all the same video files (H.264, 24 bits, 25.000 f/s) [worked with this kind of files a couple times and worked alway very well] I have added some tekst and pictures. Total length of video is 01:50 hour. Starting the procedure DVD creating, with burning the DVD folders on my harddisc. Afther the burning proces I got the fault message.
After creating the DVD map I got the fault message (as describbed above) and found on my harddisc the VIDEO_TS folder with 5 files VTS_01_1 till VTS_01_5. The total time of these loose files is ca. 76 minutes. So I missed a hughe chunk. I got the same fault message when I have created chapters within the videofile but also when I created chapters later at the video menu.
When I do not burning a DVD folder but select creating a video file (DVD-video) than I get separated end files instead of just one big file. Maybe this has the same cause?
I've built a project up with several smaller project file components. It's an easier way to create a video than editing one big project.
Opening the overall project and running it on screen is not a problem. However, when I try to create a smart package of the composite project, I get a consistent error message rejecting the process because of the existence of the component vsp's.
Is there a way to avoid the error and create a smart package from a project file that has smaller component project files?
I'm wondering how to convert a scene from 30 fps to 24 fps. It's a tracked scene, the tracking comes from PFtrack. When I convert it, the tracking is off.
I tried to export my project. I don't know where it was exported to. I did not see where I could choose the destination. I ultimately want to save it on my google drive.
I just spent the last couple of hours programming 28 stills with edges in CFX. I phsically clicked on save project repeatedly in those hours, especially once I hit a MAJOR milestone. I added a shadow cast node in action and my system locked up. I was forced to force quit. When I reopened my project, I found that I lost a couple of hours worth of work. In the months going on year of using this editor, I find that smoke 2013 is very well intentioned, but seriously lacking in very basic functionality. Putting out a product that is touted as a powerful editor that doesn't have a audio cross-fade node (lost in EXT version), can't add a simple outline to a clip with a button click (the reason I spent hours adding a hard shadow and changing layer priority for each of the 28 clips and finally and MOST importantly, saving EACH AND EVERY TIME the editor clicks save to completion is simply doing a diservice to a quality product. when a person clicks file-save project, the project should save fully.
I have an assembly that needs to added to a project. How the whole project system needs to be laid out even though I've used Inventor for several years. Guess it's time to get some formal training.
If I save it to a library that is in the project I can't make changes so how do I take an existing assembly that needs to be worked on and add it to the project.
I'm running Revit Architecture 2012. I did a render and it looks fine in the default {3D} View. I selected to save it to the project and when I go to the renderings view to recall it, the color balance is all shifted off way way to the blue end. I tried going back over to render dialog and adjusting the white point all the way up, and it had the expected effect in the {3D} View (shifting everything to overblown orange), but nothing changed at all in the renderings View when I tried to resave it after making the adjustment.
I have been getting an error message: "Error Saving Project" when I try to save my PSE 10 slide show. I am unable to save any changes. I have closed out the project and opened it again and received the same error message.
I am trying to create a custom planter based off some line work that I did in my project. It has a curve. basically what I have done is created the line work on plan but now I want to use that curved line to create my family. which I am thinking I can create a profile and then sweep it on those lines. The problem is I can get the line work to the family.
Basically I open a jpg file for editing in photoshop elements and then use "save as" to save my edited project as a jpg with a new filename in a local picture folder.
My new file however shows as
File Type: File
It will not open! the file wants me to associate a program to open it with and If I select photoshop to open the file I get a warning dialogue "Cannot open 2.5 3 Core TQ Rubber Flex because it is the wrong type of file"
This is the version of photoshop and my system info
Adobe Photoshop Elements Language Version: 10.0.0 (10.0 (20110831.m.17215)) Operating System: Windows 7 64-bit Version: 6.1 Service Pack 1
Here is an example of one of these image files as seen on my pc.
Is it possible to set up Inventor 2014 so that a new project will already contain custom libraries?
We have several part libraries as well as material/appearance libraries, and I don't want the users to have to select and add each time the start a new project...
Can't find 1:1.85 aspect option when creating Project.
I have files shot on Canon C300 in 16:9, but we had the 1:1.85 aspect lines on the camera and I can't figure out how to incorporate those frame lines for editing.
Is the best way to do it when creating the project? Or is the best way to edit the files in 16:9 and mask the final product?
Re: Adobe Master Suite CS6 and specifically PPro CS6. I am trying to find any information on using my chapter or encore markers in a sequence to create multiple videos using the markers and doing this in Media Encoder. It is a music video I want to split into 22 separate videos based on the start point for each song. It is such a natural thing to want to do this that I would at least have expected to see a comment to the contrary if it is not capable of being done in the manner I am suggesting. I would expect to be able to do a dynamic link to the sequence and be able to split the file in a fashion similar to Encore which imports the sequence as a series of chapter points I then use to create my DVD.
I had a request come in this morning to generate a spread sheet with all PI's along a route with angles greater than 20°s. Using Civil 3d 2011 I thought the PI station report or any of the reports for that matter would tell me the turned/deflection angle for each PI. However, I have discovered I can get coordinates, bearings etc. but no angles. How to spit out a PI report showing the turned angle for each PI?
Moved Videostudio X4 from a Win 7 machine to a new Win 8 PC.
Again it seems, audio plays fine when playing a clip from the preview window but not when playing on the timeline. (I had a similar problem with X10 and reported it in an older thread.)
Am searching now for more patches (and yes, I'm aware X6 is now the current version) but nothing obvious at the moment. Have found the SP 1/2/3 downloads on Corel's pages, but as it already upgraded to SP3 just after install, I'm guessing SP 1 and 2 are already covered..
In the past I've used a Panasonic SDR-S7 video camera which produces MPEG files with no problem.
I now have a Panasonic Lumix still camera which also takes AVCHD video. The individual files play perfectly in VS12, but as soon as I try to play the project to preview it, the picture keeps freezing. I thought this could be due to the new video's being HD but I don't think the individual files could be played either.
I have been doing this project in X5 and was putting a still picture at the end. When I review the project it stops about a second or so from the end. I thought it was the song, so I took that out.
I changed the picture, did the same thing. I lengthen the time on the picture, it will place and stop about the same time from the end. Doesn't matter how long the picture is playing. If I take the picture out, the video just before it plays fine. I put a picture back in, and it does the same thing? I thought the project time may be set someplace? Doesn't seem to matter because I change the timing on the picture at the end. Stops the same place?
Certainly couldn't open an X3 in X4. If I wanted to edit/burn my X4 in the "faster" X5, why should I essentially start from scratch to take advantage of X5?
Project would be SAVED as an X5 project file, of course.
I add a video to the timeline video track (not the overlay track), and with 'clip' selected and playing... I have audio just fine, for the most part... sometimes the audio jumps and skips, and sounds garbled. With 'project' selected and the video playing, either the same thing happens as the 'clip' or there is no audio at all.
What I have discovered, is that this is common with AVI files. Other files, such as WMV, don't seem to have this problem. It affects only AVI files. The video plays just fine in WMP and VLC, as well as other video editors such as PowerDirector... so why dos VideoStudio have this odd sound issue? And I'm sure as Hell not gonna convert all my videos to WMV just to edit them.
This is on a fresh install of VideoStudio Pro X4 (as well as Windows), no updates, no Service Packs, no nothing... even WITH SP1 it's still does it. I've also removed and reinstalled my codec packs (from K-Lite to Shark007) with no difference.
I've also hear that people are now having this issue with VS Pro X3 as well (I have X3 to) so I assume it's pointless to install X3 as well. I really do NOT like using any editing software other than X4, since it's the best one I've used... so I do not want a reason to use something else.