VideoStudio :: Using PSP Image With Transparent Background
Nov 11, 2010
I have a still photo of friends getting married. In a slideshow, I would like to show them standing giving their vows at the alter and have various backgrounds replacing the alter. Example: They are standing at the alter. The alter fades into a forestscape then to a seascape and then a sunset. I have prepared the couple photo in PSP buy erasing all but the couple. The erased area is transparent but when I open this photo in Video Studio the transparent area has become a solid white. Is there a fix?
I just ran into a problem, using Videostudio X5 Ultimate. When i try to import a .PNG-image with a transparent background, but then the background of the imported image turns black.
However, when i open the same image in an image-viewer, the background actually is transparent.
I am trying to add a new object to the decoration folder. I noticed they are all .png files, so I created a new png item with a transparent background ( with Gimp) and saved it in the same folder where all the other original ones are. It does come up in the list and I can add it to my video, but it changes the background to white, even though the original one has definitely a transparent background.
I recently purchased VSP Ultimate and have been trying to use one of the FX additions, RotoPen. Clearly, there must be a way to add a transparent icon but I have tried every file format I know that support transparency without success.
what steps to take to be able to use my own icon with a transparent background? I saw on an earlier thread someone said use GIF Movie Gear, but that also did not work.
I used to be able to do this but have forgotten how. I would like to remove the bg from a small image, ie make it's bg transparent, and place that small image on top of a large image, a banner. Not sure what I am doing wrong but when I place the small image on the large one the entire image is transparent, not just the bg.
I am creating a scene that includes a partially transparent screen in the middle off a room. I want to show an image with a transparent background being projected onto the screen so that only the image is visible (i.e. no background) and it can be seen from both sides of the screen.
I have created a PNG with an alpha channel. I open this in Photoshop and it is indeed transparent. I then created a standard Max material and used the PNG as the Diffuse map. When I apply this material to the screen the image is not visible.
If I apply a different material with a JPG there is no problem with it being visible. Is there some problem with using PNG for this?
Not sure what photoshop version it was BUT there was an option under the menu to convert image to transparent background. I know it wasn't in CS5... it's in CS6. If not, what's the quick and dirty way to get rid of the white background from a JPG?
I am trying to flatten an image in Photoshop while keeping my transparent background. When I flatten, it gives me this white background instead.
I've seemed to of figured it out. what I did was>merge all visible layers(except for the background layer),>command and click on the layer to select all>flatten image>command j>deselect> and then delete the flatten layer. this gave me the transparent background I was looking for."
How to make a background transparent (invisible), but I can't find any on how to make an image see-through? I need to make the top layer picture some what see-through so that the image behind it shows up a bit.
I have saved a image (as a BMP file) with a transparent background. I want to use this image as my wallpaper. However when I show this image on my desktop (as the wallpaper), the background shows as white white color while I was hoping that I will only see the image and the background will be transparent .
I need PS experts to teach me how to make a transparent image, not a background. I found a image on the website, but I've been tested many times and didn't figure out how it made like this.
the center flower is 100% transparent, but it still keeps shadow and embossed area. I used blend mode for testing, but everytime if I make it to 100% transparent, I lose everything, it becomes a flat transparent area.
I have saved a image (as a BMP file) with a transparent background. I want to use this image as my wallpaper. However when I show this image on my desktop (as the wallpaper), the background shows as white white color while I was hoping that I will only see the image and the background will be transparent
I have an image that I want to clip out. When it is clipped I want the background to be transparent so that when I import it into a Quark document it only shows the clipped image and I can see the background of the Quark document through it.
I have saved a image (as a BMP file) with a transparent background. I want to use this image as my wallpaper. However when I show this image on my desktop (as the wallpaper), the background shows as white white color while I was hoping that I will only see the image and the background will be transparent
I've created a logo in photoshop 7. now it looks good and would like to save so I can use it in my webpage so it overlays over the background color. No I have a drop shadow on the image and when I save as a gif for one the image get's muddy and the drop shadow dose not overlay right. Is there a way to do this? I've played around with the options while saving and I haven't hit on the suloustion. Basically I'm looking to save this file for a website with the best quality posible with no background in the image.
The first image of the star I created on a black background. It uses the artistic > plastic wrap filter and hue/saturation effects. I was able to get this image the way I wanted.
The second image for the lighting effect, I created on a transparent background because I wanted to be able to apply the image over the star and give it the effect of running through the star. I also wanted to add its own hue/saturation effect separate from the star.
I was unable to apply any hue/saturation effect to the lighting effect image. I tried adding placing this image on top of the first (the star) and adding an adjustment layer for hue/saturation, however, when I added the colorization both images took the effect. I have the effect I want for the star, I want to be able to add the same effect, yet different coloring to the lighting waves.
I tried everything to let an image disappear on the borders. The problem is that I want to set another image as background so the borders have to become transparant.
I was wondering if there was a fairly simple and straightforward way to make an image's background transparent (for example, a transparent .gif) without using layers. Similar to some apps that have an eyedropper tool used to create transparencies.
I have been working on colorization, by putting a transparent B&W image over the color background, all is good apart from when I do people and just want to show their eyes in color. Allot of the times eye color comes out wrong, for instance, when I did my daughter her eyes are blue but color came out brown eyes.
I'm trying to make the background in an image transparent. After I save the image to my desktop, I check it out and it doesn't appear transparent. I open it in Paint.NET and sure enough, it's not. I know I know how to make things transparent because i've done it before but it just won't work this time.
Trying (in vain) to get the background of this picture transparent...Its white right now and i tried alphamask the whole picture looked like it had seen a ghost but it still wasn't transparent the magic wand refuses to do so either perhaps i'm doing something wrong?