Photoshop :: How To Make Image Background Transparent
Oct 20, 2013how do i make a image transparent
View 4 Replieshow do i make a image transparent
View 4 RepliesI am trying to make a gif image with transparent background but the image is jiggered .
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow to make a background transparent (invisible), but I can't find any on how to make an image see-through? I need to make the top layer picture some what see-through so that the image behind it shows up a bit.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI need PS experts to teach me how to make a transparent image, not a background. I found a image on the website, but I've been tested many times and didn't figure out how it made like this.
the center flower is 100% transparent, but it still keeps shadow and embossed area. I used blend mode for testing, but everytime if I make it to 100% transparent, I lose everything, it becomes a flat transparent area.
How do I clip an image or make the background transparent in PS CS4?
View 3 Replies View Relatedi am trying to make a gif image with transparent background but the image is jaggered
View 1 Replies View RelatedI was wondering if there was a fairly simple and straightforward way to make an image's background transparent (for example, a transparent .gif) without using layers. Similar to some apps that have an eyedropper tool used to create transparencies.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to make the background in an image transparent. After I save the image to my desktop, I check it out and it doesn't appear transparent. I open it in Paint.NET and sure enough, it's not. I know I know how to make things transparent because i've done it before but it just won't work this time.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI m new with Xara Designer Pro 6. How to make a transparent background in a gif animation or image png in Xara Designer Pro 6? Where is the eraser?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have a detailed pen drawing that is the logo for my company. So far there has been no problems using jpeg scans for most purposes, however I am now working on a project that will require a background color change. Any automated way in Xara (or any other option) to convert the image and make the background transparent? I have attached a copy of the image below.
View 9 Replies View RelatedHow do I make a white background transparent? I tried using the fill option but that didn't work.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI need the logo of my team from a game I play so I can modify or create profile cards. I have the original card and I'm trying to copy and paste the logo so I can use it on another image with a different background or theme. But when I copy and paste the logo I want to use, I use the "select" option and it goes with the original background. Is there an option so I can make the background dissappear and just get my logo on a transparent background for future use or edition? In this case I'm trying to make a St.Patrick's theme for the fan page of my team.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI have a light-colored image that I want to make a transparent background of without having any of the jagged white edges and whatnot, to make a signature and avatar and so on. I've tried the magic wand, Alpha Mask, and Alpha Space, none of which have succeeded. As I said, the image itself is very light (the attached image), so it's difficult to achieve what I'm trying to do.
Attached Thumbnails
i have a png image whit a blue backgroundif i select the background and press CANC photoshop ask me how i want to fill it, colour BG colour etc...why i can't just delete the BG and make it transparent?and another thing, when you have the 2 colour selection (on the left side) the white and the black square, is there a way to make the bottom square transparent? (i suppose is the grey square with a red line in it)
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow do I make part of a background transparent?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to make an image I have which has a solid background (and a few other details inside it) transparent? so I can still see behind the graphics in the image yet the background at the same time... I know I've seen it before where the image sort of floats above the background... But I don't know how to accomplish this in Photoshop.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI've started a drawing in an empty file with one layer (I have deleted the initial Background layer, then created a New Layer which contains the drawing). How do I save this as tga but with transparent background? ie. so that if I put the saved .tga file over another image, only the drawing shows, without the background around it.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI got Photoshop to make the background transparent on pictures of furniture. I am having problems because the background is so complicated. I've only tried selecting different parts of the background with the quick selection tool, and then deleting (after adding another layer), but I'm not getting good results.
I see others talking about the lasso, magnetic lasso, layers, masking, etc, but I don't know where to start. I need to learn quickly because I'm on a deadline, Here's one of the pictures I need to do: (one of the most complicated) All I need to keep is the table and four chairs in the foreground.
I have a .jpg file of a band logo with white text (bordered by sketchy black outlines) on a white background. I'd like to keep the text and border effects the same but make the background transparent and then save it as a transparent .png or .gif so that just the white text (with the black text borders still included) appears the same on my website no matter what the background color of the page is. Here's the image: URL....
I want to keep all the black sketchy outlines intact and I want the white text itself to remain white and not transparent, I just want the white background surrounding it to be transparent. I've tried selecting just the text with all the little lines and such of the text borders included so that I can make it into a new layer and then paste it onto a transparent background but I've been having trouble successfully selecting it...the way the text is written, I haven't had much luck using the magic wand or quick selection tools to properly select it.
Another (less desirable) option would be to fill in the white background with the background color of the page I'm going to be posting it on (hex color #1d1d1d) but filling it in with the paint bucket in Photoshop CS5 fills in the majority of the white text as well so that hasn't really worked either.
I created my background as transparent but when I render my .mp4 or .mov 3D animation, it is black. I tried importing it into After Effects and it I can't get it to bring in all my animations I added in Photoshop? Apparently the engines are different now between Photoshop cc and after effects CC.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have been using PS CS 5 for the past couple years- and I have it set so that the background is transparent- and I can see the folders I'm working from behind the images I'm working on.
Working with the grey background makes me feel like I'm working in a dark cave... How do I turn off the background color (I can see where to change it- but not turn it off...)
In the Photoshop 7, and Quark 6, mac OS X--
can't find a way to make the background transparent in a type only photoshop file, for placing in a Quark document.
how to make a background lighter or transparent?
View 2 Replies View RelatedTrying to remove the white (make it transparent) is there an easy way to do this?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI'm looking to use these images as forum sigs, how to remove the white background / make the background transparent? I would like to keep the text on the images if possible. If that makes it too much work, though, the text can be removed.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have photographed an item in raw and edited in photoshop and saved it as a Jpeg. In PS elements 10 . It seems like the background is transparent how ever if i open the item in another program like word it does not have a transparent background. What am I doing wrong ? Do I need to save it in a different format ?
View 7 Replies View RelatedHow can I make a dialog window with transparent background which looks like exactly like this: With transparent background, so the Aero glass color is white.
If you hover your mouse over the picture, you may see checkered patterns, which is transparent, so the Aero glass can see through the checkered patterns.
How can I do this like the Aero glass see through the checkered patterns above?
OK, I have this jpeg that I brought into PS. Picture a white square with a red ball in the center. Now you want to get rid of the white background and make it transparent. Simple, right? You delete the white, save and that should be it. When I then bring the art into Illustrator on a colored page, the white is still there. If I place the psd file its not....jpeg it is. I've done this a zillion times! What happened?*
View 6 Replies View RelatedI am looking to crop some pictures and make the background transparent. This is one of my pictures below. The problem I am coming across is with it being see through, I cant seem to just pick and grab the blue rods, golf balls and clips they are sitting on. It seems to want to pick up everything including the gray background. I heard photoshop would make this possible. is this true? Also, what program would be the best for me? I want to spend the littlest i can. I am looking at the adobe photoshop elements and premier movie element 10. Would this work? Any good video describing how to crop and make the background transparent.
View 1 Replies View RelatedThis is probably common knowledge, but I don't know how to make a transparent background.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have followed about a dozen tutorials on how to make a background transparent and it seems as though I am doing everything right but... When I go to import my new image to PrintMaster it gives me a warning that the transparency may turn black. It does darken the transparency and has a noticable rectangle around the image that should have a transparent background. I have tried exporting the image in every form possible and nothing seems to work.
View 1 Replies View Related