VideoStudio :: Easy Edit Sound Track - Can't Browse For More Music
Jan 31, 2011
When I create a new Project I can't browse for new music. I press the Browse key and "Desktop" and "My Computer" come up but when I click on "My Computer" nothing happens.
When cutting video shots in sync with a music track how can I remove part of a clip and replace with a new shot. I know there is a replace clip facility but there appears to be no way of editing the new clip. What I would like to do is leave blanks in sync with the music and fill in correct length of shot later. The same question for overlaying video shots of an interview and holding sync when returning to interviewee.
I must have turn off a switch somewhere, after rendering a project I found the music track is not included. I can hear the music track in edit and preview. But after render the project, the audio attached with the video is ok except no music.
In the past using VS10+ I noticed an issue importing sound and music clips. I did import them into my project from my music folder without any problems. The issue is when I deleted the sound and music clip from my folder it disappeared from my video project and I would have to get the clip back into my music folder and keep it in there until I burned a DVD. Is this routine for VS?
I am using VS4. Is there a way to equalize audio music tracks? I know that there is a "normalize audio " option just prior to burning but that is for videos only. For whatever reason the last two videos I have made have varying audio volumes on different music.
It is quite obvious you can change the duration for any individual photo display time on the video track. I also see that you can stretch or compress the music track to fit time of the slides. However, this would distort the audio track to some extent. Is it possible to select some or all of the photos and automatically set an average time so the sequence will equal the play time of the audio (ideally one file, multiples, or complete audio track)? Also, Is there an upper limit on the number of photos that can be in the video track (obviously there would be an upper size limit for a given media that would be used)? What are some of the upper limits reported and have rendering issues resulted at some poin?
In VSX4, when laying a background music track for a project, is it possible to raise and lower volume of sections of the track along a continuous track of music?
I just got done installing the Corel Videostudio Pro x6, I am trying to import my own personal music-audio file into the music track, however when I do the system crashes or another way of saying it, a window pops open saying Corel has stop working. This same problem happen with the x5 Pro version. I notice that the pre-loaded audio files in Corel are files of I need to convert my MP3s into MPEG-1 in order for this to work?
I have a few converting tools but none of them can convert MP3s into MPEG-1..
Does it make an audible difference if I use the voice over track for music?I do a lot of audio synch and I sometimes put the music track in the voice-over track. This happens because the audio track that I am using comes from a video clip. One video has good quality video and bad quality audio; the other one has poor quality video, but good audio. So I keep the video from one and the audio from the other. After synchronizing the 2 videos, the sound is also synchronized. When I split the audio from the video file, it automatically drops into the voice over track and if I don't move it the the music track, it stays there.When listening to the final result, I don't hear a noticeable difference, but is there one?In other words, is one of these tracks more suitable for music.
I have been recording some narration in little chunks (for easier editing if needed), but they are called uvs130819-011.WAV. I understand about the date, but I would rather have them named by the first few words of the "paragraph" read, or something else that would make more sense to me.
Is there a way to change the name of the sound clips ?
I have installed VideoStudio Pro v6 on Windows Pro 64 bi. I tried insert the sound files onto an empty track/video and it just won't play the click ...the audio file just doesn't play.
I can play the sample videos but if I add a sound track that came with the software I get this error. What do i need to do to fix it?
The error message is: Unable to play the file [16804:2:1]
On some clips in my project, when I play them in project mode, the original sound recorded by the camera is gone, and replaced with a weird slow pinging/tapping sound. Weirdly, when I play these same clips in clip mode, they're fine - the original sound is there - it's only in project mode that the problem occurs. Even more weirdly, it's not every clip in my project that's affected - just a few, and in no pattern I can detect. I have not seperated the sound from the clip. And additional sound tracks - such as narration and added music play fine.
I even tried creating a whole new test project, in case I had unknowingly changed some setting in my first project, but same problem - sound is fine in clip mode, missing and replaced with weird pulsing ping in project mode.
The only variable that's changed is that I downloaded the upgrades Corel offered a couple of days ago - the DVD authoring software, and upgrades to VideoPro. Didn't have the problems pre-upgrade. Have them now.
I downloaded the trial version of Video Studio X6 to compare with my current Camtasia 7. I did a screen capture and saved it as a mp4 format. Now that I put it in VS, I can see and hear the recording in the preview, but in the timeline, I only see the video track and wmv. Where is the audio track for that recording?
I found it hidden until I clicked on Graphic > Voice Track.
Any way to remove background noise? I know it is feasible in Camtasia. I assume it is also feasible in VS, but where and how?
I have noticed that it is possible to overlap sound clips. Just wanting to know does this automatically add fade to the end of the first clips and start of the second clip - my testing could not confirm that. Also is there some documentation on overlapping sound clips as I could not find anything in the handbook.
Also a possible problem I have encountered (I could repeat it too). When I add a video clip to the overlay track at times when I select it (left mouse click) VS Pro X4 appears to FREEZE and I cannot do anything within VS such as select something else. If I then select 'Show Desktop' (from the icon in my quick start bar) and then click anywhere in the desktop and then reselect VS from the bar at the bottom of screen I am returned to VS and it is not in freeze mode again.
I recently purchased Corel VideoStudio X4. I installed SP1 and SP2. I am facing very long delays in a project with 1080p files. The slowness only comes when Smart sounds track is added. If I delete it, everything is back to normal. I have tried rebuilding the index for Smart sounds Quick tracks but the problem persists.
In edit, when I select Clip and play a clip on an overlay track, there's no sound. Yes, I can first click on the sound mixer and then it plays but what a waste of time. Project will play but then I have to isolate the clip. How do I get sound playing under Clip when the segment is in one of the overlay tracks?
Since there's no built-in VS5 provision for audio editing (specifically a sound equalizer), what's the easiest way to edit the audio portion of the video? Sony Movie Studio 12 Platinum has built-in Sound Force and the capability of using Audacity as a plug-in.
I have at least 100 3-4 minute clips that require audio EQ.
I am new to VSP X5. I want to edit a music video that I recorded live. The live recording of the music was fine but I need to cut and paste new video clips in certain part of the songs in the video timeline. I split the audio from the video.
I am having a hard time trying to sync the audio because every time I cut the video clip, the video keeps snapping back, making audio out of sync. Also, when adding transitions, video clips automatic shrink. I tried enable ripple, video still snap back. Is there a setting in the preference?
I have two cameras to use to make videos...a sony cybershot and a webcam. The Sony takes nice close videos, but there is a terrible loud buzzing noise coming from the track when I try to edit it. However, the webcam has no buzzing noise but I don't like it because of the poor quality the video is, close up. So I'd like to use the Sony but I can't deal with the buzzing noise. My question is, is there any way to mute the noise from the camera and add a voice over. I want to narrate my videos anyway but my voice is not loud enough to overcome the buzzing from the camera.
I tried everything I can think of the stop the buzzing from the Sony but I can't figure it out. The buzzing sound happens on all programs I use, not just Video Studio.
I unplugged different devices while testing including a cordless phone and wireless mouse. The funny thing is, is that the webcam used to do the same thing but not anymore. But I just can't use it because the video sucks.
In VS Pro 4, in edit mode, I get no sound when I play the project but sound is OK when I play the clip. Then if I switch on the sound mixer I get sound when I play the project.
I need to fade a music track in and out but I'm not able to add keyfrmaes with the pen tool. And the Add Keyframe button next to the audio track in sequence is greyed out.
In VideoStudio 6, how does one connect the voice track to the video during the editing process?
My specific issue is that I have to go back and edit material sometimes that precedes the voice track I already have laid down, but when the time frame of the material after my new edit I have to go back and drag the voice track to the proper location. I would like to be able to permanently "attach" the voice track to the specific video clip and have it follow that clip as it is moved, time wise, during the editing process.
Is there a means to make this happen?
PS - I realize there is a work around way - just publish each clip and then rebuild the final project but that is NOT what I want to do.
I'm trying to enable multi-sound track editing in Max 2011. I assigned ProSound from the Animation tab of the Preferences dialog, but do not see any changes made to the track view in my window. The help documentation specifies that new tracks would appear under the "World" object in the Track View, but alas, I do not see them there. How to enable that feature?
3DSMax 2011 | Windows 7 Ultimate x64 Apple iMac 27" Bootcamp Intel Core i7 3.4GHz 16GB RAM ATI (AMD) Radeon HD 6970M
when I right-click on the soundtrack and select 'edit in audition' it does the 'render and replace', but does not open Audition. Even when I open Audition first, it will not place the sound track in the Audition software.
If you can use gimp or another (hopefully free) program to insert a music or sound file into an image, or signature say, and have it play when you hover your mouse over it?
I see that you can split the audio from the video. Can you do the reverse and link the audio back into the video say after you split, cut and mute an off camera scream? It would just make it easier to add clips before the edited one, although it's not all that hard to sync things up.
I am exporting dailes clips.We record dual system and there are two different audio levels - on the two different channels.However, when I export a clip from Premiere and set the audio option tol the uncompressed codec it defaults to a "single track" audio layout with no option to change. However, if i change the codec to AAC or any other I am allowed to chose whether I want a single mono track or a stereo track.
Additionally - if that single uncompressed track is an amalgamation of my original two tracks - or if it has just defaulted to one or the other.
Running Ulead Video studio 10 Plus and have used it well for the last few years, on Windows Vista Home ed. Have put the audio on to the project as i always have and ever had any problems wih it. Now though it will only play the sound when the audio clip is selected and not when project is selected, although the coloured lines move on the mixer in both sourround sound and non-surround sound when project is selected.
In 2012, the survey cogo points no longer seem to update after browsing to the observation data, making an edit and then saving. It worked fine in 2010.