VideoStudio :: Delete MODD Files Without Affecting Accompanying Video File?

Nov 3, 2013

Can .MODD files be deleted from Video Studio without affecting the accompanying video file? We are using VS Ultimate X6, and every video file has an accompanying .MODD file.

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VideoStudio :: Can't Delete Video Files After Editing

Sep 20, 2011

probably isn't an X4 issue exactly, but when i'm done editing a video file in X4, i'll close the file and insert the next video file to edit. when i go into windows explorer to delete the first file i just finished editing, it won't let me delete it because it says it's currently in use. How to delete it without having to close down X4 to do so?

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VideoStudio :: Split Single Video File Into Multiple Video Files?

Feb 13, 2011

I recently purchased Video Studio Pro X3 - and after going through the knowledge base and product read me, I have been unable to find an answer to the following problem I have:


I have a number of videos (HD 1080p) that I have recorded. Each video is on average 50 minutes in length - what I want to do it to be able to do is to slice this video into 10 x 5 minute videos (based on topics discussed in the video), (so essentially clip the video into these segments and edit each one) and then when producing the video file - actually create 10 separate video files (all with editing in place) instead of one single large file.

As far as I have been able to work out, I need to go through the whole file, clip relevant sections, edit them, and then save project. I then need to go trim the saved file 10 times, to extract each time the single 5 minute video I want to create. This is a fairly manual and time consuming process, hence my hope that I can create 10 files based on the clips I have made in the larger 50 minute file in one go.

as I have 30 videos to edit, so looking for ways to save time!

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VideoStudio :: Create 3D Video File From Left And Right Files?

Jan 24, 2013

I have some pairs of left and right videos that plays fine on 3D player that combine both files to 3D output. How do I edit the pair to one side by side video with videoStudio 5 pro?

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Lightroom :: How To Hide All Metadata From AVCHD Videos In MODD And MOFF Files

Nov 18, 2013

OK, so Sony in all their wisdom decided to hide nearly all the metadata from AVCHD videos in .modd and .moff files, which almost nothing seems to read. I don't suppose there is any way to access that data in Lightroom itself, and then embed in the file's metadata, or at least put it in the LR database??
I have also searched for a third party solution, and no beans. Sony Play memories Home can read it, but then can't do anything with it!
In a related issue, LR does show that there are the two sidecar files, but then fails to move them when the AVCHD files are moved.
It was disappointing that LR 5 didn't improve video features at all.

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VideoStudio :: Cannot Delete Section In A Video

Jun 17, 2013

I have captured a video with my little sony photo & video camera and some how there is a scene in the video TWICE I have tried everything to remove one section read instructions but they do not work, or I am not doing the right thing.I have tried to trim the clip using the in and out markers and it says to delete the unwanted portion . there is no action or place that I find to do this ( tried many hours )

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VideoStudio :: Delete Video Clips In X4?

Jan 17, 2012

I want to use Video Studio X4 mostly for keeping track of all my video clips. So I want to import a lot of short clips into Video Studio, view them, and rename the ones that I want to keep (with a better name than the one the camera gives), and I want to delete (from my hard drive) the clips that I do not need.

1. How do I delete a clip in Video Studio X4 (not just the thumbnail)?

2. How to I rename a video clip that I am watching?

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Transform Color Video Without Affecting CFX Text

Mar 7, 2014

How can i transform and color a video without affecting cfx Text with any movement or color . I'm working on a stereoscopic project.

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VideoStudio :: Delete UPX Proxy Files?

Sep 13, 2010

Videostudio has left a lot of large proxy UPX-files. What happens if I delete these files to recover the disc space? Will VS create new ones if necessary?

Hopefully I can delete them, but if not can I move them to another disc?

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VideoStudio :: One Audio Clip Affecting Adjacent One?

Aug 25, 2013

I had noticed this when I tried using a loud audio sound effect so I removed it and changed it to something else but I am concerned about this. Here is the situation:

Segment 1: talking head video
Segment 2: black block with animation and no sound
Segment 3: black block with animation and a short sound effect (breaking glass)
Segment 4: black block with the end of animation and voice from the video
Segment 5: back to the talking head video as a continuation of segment 1

The problem I notice is that the sound, in segment 4 is very low as if the video is "recovering" from the sound effect in the previous segment. It is like it adds a fade-in where I don't need one at all.

Is that a normal "reaction" of the audio after a sound effect?

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VideoStudio :: X3 - Changing Duration Of Clip Without Affecting Next?

Apr 3, 2013

I’m using Corel VideoStudio Pro X3

I’m making a very simple movie using photos only. I need to change the play time of each photo to vary in duration. When I click on the individual photo in the Timeline view and drag it to extend or decrease the amount of time it plays for, it affects the duration of the following photo, either lengthening it or shortening it. Is there a way to adjust one photo’s duration without affecting the next in line? In other words, is there a way to fine-tune one photo, while having all others maintain their current time properties?

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VideoStudio :: Can't Create Video Files In X6

Mar 27, 2013

I am trying to CREATE A VIDEO FILE in X6. The video files are in AVI format (taken from DSLR). When I do try to create a video file I get the error message:

I do not get this error in X4. Further, it seems I don't get this error message in all AVI files. Some are ok, others aren't. very strange indeed.

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VideoStudio :: Internet HD Video Files

Mar 25, 2011

What format do you recomend exporting AVCHD files to that will result in the smallest file with the best video quality?

What I've found is that Zune MPEG-4 640x480 seems best, but this format is only in X2 not in later versions.

I can continue using this but if there's something "better"....I like to know about it.

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VideoStudio :: Creating Video Files?

Jan 2, 2011

Groupe a.png

(45.64 KiB) Downloaded 51 times

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VideoStudio :: Creating Video Files

May 10, 2012

I am interested in saving my projects for both uploading to the web and for storing on my hard drive. I'm having some issues

I get by ok with the actual editing part of the VS 4 program. However, I am really struggling to figure out how to create the files in the most efficient format that would balance both quality/file size. I use two HD cams that record in the mp-4 format with h.264 compression 29.97fps. One is a Sanyo Xacti, the other A Kodak Playful. I like to record with the 720p/30 setting, and would prefer to retain the same frame resolution when I create the finished projects. Also these cams record at a rate of about 9000 kbps or so, but would like the finished project to be reduced to about half of that or maybe even less.

OK, so to this point I have experimented in saving my finished project to several different formats. And based on my first impressions, the AVI format looks best (when selecting ffd show and h264 compression). Only there's a problem...the audio is out of sync. About 1-2 seconds ahead of the video I have tried several times always with the same result. If I instead select xvid or h263 or h263+ as an alternative to h264, then everything seems fine. I have also tried creating a movie template with these parameters, as well as just going into the create custom file option and selecting AVI. Can't seem to solve the audio-video sync with h264 as the compression, no matter what I try.

Oh, and now that I've mentioned "Creating Movie Templates" I have another question dedicated just to that.

Why is it that when I save my project using my newly created template, the result is that I end up with several short saved files (portions of the complete project) instead of one single and complete file of my project? Have tried with both an AVI template in h264, as well as a WMV template. Doesn't happen when I don't use a template.

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VideoStudio :: How To Edit AVI Video Files

Dec 13, 2010

I would like to know about editing of .avi video files with Corel Video studio Pro. What i am trying to do is three things 1, remove existing text in the video while keeping the effects. 2, Add my own text to where the original text is now. 3, ad my own clips to the video. The .avi file that I am attempting to edit is actually a video template and is designed to be edited. I can't seem to remove the text in the video. There are two files : ".aep" and ".prpro" Would these file have any thing to do with the editing of the video files?

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VideoStudio :: Thumbnails Disappearing With Video Files

Mar 24, 2013

I've been looking for a solution casually for about a year to this, maybe I'm just stupid! When I import all my videos from my camera and put them into appropriate folders they make thumbnails for the files. Unfortunetely when I close down my computer and come back, they have disppeared. This is a pain because, it makes a large amount of files easy to work with as you have some idea what's contained from a thumbnail! Now initially I just thought it was my computers age (not that old) but I have a Dell XPS i7 Laptop also and it's the same story!

I shoot high quality 1080i .mts files so I'm sure they are a resource suck! Is it because the computer doesn't have the power in the RAM to remember all these files? I would of thought, once a thumbnail is made it's just like a JPEG and not changing ever in real time? Is there something I've turned off on my computer, telling it not to remember thumbnails?

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VideoStudio :: How To Manage Video Files On DVD Media

Nov 26, 2012

I use Video Studio and have nearly 400 GB of video and photo data which I backup to DVD.track all my media files. For each file I would ideally like to track information such as: date/time taken, location, names of people, event, DVD volume lable. Thumbnails would be nice as well. I imagine some form of database which I can search for content and know which DVD/CD volume to load. Most product I have seen so far assume that the whole data library is on local disk, and doesn't handle the data being on removable media. If there is software does tracks media files but not on removeable media I will still be interested.

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VideoStudio :: Where Are Video Filter Files Stored

Apr 5, 2013

As I am having problems with a NewBlue video filter (Picture in Picture - see separate post with no replies so far) I would like to find out if video filters (esp NewBlue) are stored in a folder which is not a subfolder of Corel/VideoStudio (and which may not get removed during an uninstall). Where they are located (as I cannot locate them).

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VideoStudio :: Different Formats In Create Video Files

Jul 7, 2011

Need brief overview of the different formats in "Create Video File"?

MPEG-4, DV, DVD and the difference between this and Create Disk?

I have created my project on a laptop that does not have a DVD Burner. Should I create an MPEG file and copy it over to a desktop that has a DVD burner? Just looking for the best way burn a DVD.

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VideoStudio :: Convert Recorded MP4 Video Files To DVD

Dec 14, 2010

I would like to convert my recorded mp4 videofiles with Corel Videostudio X3 to for example a DVD. The mp4 file is from a Sony DSC-H5 photocamera. It is HD quality not 1920 but i believe 1440 or something like that. What are the best settings to convert the mp4 to DVD without losing quality?

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VideoStudio :: X2 - Combine 2 MPG Files Into One Large Video

Apr 4, 2011

I'm a new user to VS and need combining 2 mpg files into 1 large video.

I have 2 mpg files that I would like to merge together to create 1 large continuous video. The 2 mpg files are in a folder on my D drive.

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VideoStudio :: Upload AVI Video Files To YouTube

Apr 19, 2011

I've got some AVIs to upload to YouTube. Thing is doesn't X2 have a function to allow you to upload video files from there? It's got the YouTube icon but for the life of me I can't get it to recognize my files.

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VideoStudio :: Repair Out Of Sync Video Files?

Sep 30, 2012

I recorded a 37min. mp4 video, with my tablet Asus Infinity, on 720p resolution. The first 10 minutes are ok but the last 20min. are out of sync.

There is any possibility to repair the delay of the sound with Corel Video Studio X5?

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VideoStudio :: Created Video Files Are Huge

Jan 8, 2013

Shooting with Canon 5DmkII DSLR, which provides 1920x1080 .MOV files at 29.97 fps. Data rate on the files is about 45Mbps, with a total bit rate marginally higher.I have been asked to output .MOV at 29.97, 1920x1080 progressive with PhotoJPEG compression at 90%, square pixels.

In Proj. Properties, I seem to need Microsoft AVI (MPEG doesn't allow 1920x1080 option). No compression, and have obviously kept 29.97 fps. Whether I want to perform non-square pixel rendering at this point, and haven't yet found any info on whether the camera shoots square or non-square pixels. Or I want frame-based or upper or lower fields first. I haven't found any explanation of what this means in the product documentation.

I've created an output template to give 1920x1080 at 29.97 fps, 24-bit colour. Again don't know whether to pick frame-based or upper or lower field first. Using PhotoJPEG compression (100% seems the only setting available, but that's OK).

In the final Create dialogue box Options, there is another chance to render non-square pixels (I'm assuming "no" here since I want square), as well as a checkbox for Smart Render, but again no explanation as to why I would need it.

So I've been practicing with 10sec clips to see what happens. With the above settings, the creation takes a couple of minutes and I have been able to generate a huge 1.6GB output file. Play is somewhat jerky since I don't think my computer can keep up. The input files are e.g. 233MB for 44sec, or about 5.3 MB/sec. Am I wrong to expect the output to be about the same size? Curiously, I have been able to generate 50MB files for two of the videos, and the rendering only took a couple of seconds. Unfortunately I have not been able to repeat this, but rather get these 1.6-1.7GB files as the routine. I have tried different input files with the same result.

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VideoStudio :: Import XMF Files Into Video Pro X5 Without First Converting Them?

Jan 12, 2013

Can I import XMF files into Video Pro X5 without first converting them? I cannot find the answer to this on the sales information. Also is there any way to import those XMF files into my current version (Video Pro X2).

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VideoStudio :: Lost Files In Video 5 Ultimate?

Jun 29, 2013

I recently had a senior moment, sigh. I ended up deleting my video 5 ultimate . I finally installed it back again, For some reason, x4 samplesvideoPo3 UVP files doesn't exist. Actually I had Studio prox5,prior to buying the ultimate program. I also have problems with my auto music, cant find those files. I didn't think that I had the files from pro X 5. still in my computer, Is it possible to reinstall the prox5 and the missing files will be back where they should be?

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VideoStudio :: AVCHD Lite Video Files Editing With X3

Nov 29, 2010

If the Pro X3 Service Pack includes dealing with AVCHD Lite video files?

It says "...the update provides: Updated camera support – broadened MPEG-4 capabilities add support for additional cameras, including selected cameras from Flip, Canon and more "

Just bought a Panasonic Lumix DMC-Zs7 wich shoots AVCHS Lite HD video and a lesser quality .MOV files as well. I wanna know if Prox3 can deal with these before I upgrade!! I have Prox2 right now.

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VideoStudio :: Audio And Video Files In Different Tracks - How To Sync

Mar 3, 2012

Using Pro X4

I have a video file, I have an audio file. Video is loaded in the video track, audio in the Voice track.

HOW in the ... do I sync them? I have the mixer on, I can see the wav graphics, I can see where I want them to line up but either the Video track must slide forward ( and it won't, it's locked on 0 ) or the audio track must slide backward (but it won't slide below 0 start) I've tried splitting, clipping... I can't get it cut just right. All I want is time frame 0 for the video to start at positive time frame within the audio.

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VideoStudio :: MP4 Video Files Make Program Crash?

May 3, 2011

For some reason I can upload an mp4 video files into the Video Studio, but as soon as I want to work with it the program crashes down, announcing an unknown mistake. Is there any way to prevent this?

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VideoStudio :: Creating Video Files In AVCHD Format

Oct 18, 2013

In order to create a video file in the AVCHD 1920X1080 format, I have the following options in the VSP X6:

AVCHD (1920X1080)
AVCHD (1920X1080, 24P)
AVCHD (1920X1080, 25P)
AVCHD (1920X1080, 50P)

What is the differences between those formats, so I don't know what to choose. My original clips are 25 frames/sec, does it means that I have to choose the 25P?

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