AutoDesk Smoke :: Transform Color Video Without Affecting CFX Text
Mar 7, 2014How can i transform and color a video without affecting cfx Text with any movement or color . I'm working on a stereoscopic project.
View 1 RepliesHow can i transform and color a video without affecting cfx Text with any movement or color . I'm working on a stereoscopic project.
View 1 Repliesa) is it possible to change the default font that gets activated for a project or sequence? Every time we add a title it defaults to "Discreet" - it would be good if it learns from past changes at least for the sequence.
b) it would be good if the default font color changes to a color that contrasts with the background when starting to type. E.g. we had a rather white scene, started typing and no text ever showed up. I then had to go back to the full text editor, change the color etc.
c) moving the color sliders in the color selector manually without a Wacom seems to slow by default. It takes forever to move to a brighter color. And using the picker is cumbersome (we do that as a work-around instead of moving the slider). The OK button for the color sliders is not very visible, sometimes leading to us clicking away without saving the newly selected color by accident.
Is there an option to turn off the Axis Icon while in the 2d transform? I'm setting a context view on a stereo node and then adjust the convergence in the 2d transform, and the axis icon Is driving me crazy. There doesn't seem to be any options to turn it off.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs There a way to creat two spheres and to transform (rotate, move) one without affect the other? For example, I created two spheres in center of the scene, when I transformed (move, rotate) one other sphere was affected, deforming it. I now this is a basic doubt but I can't progress to next exercise.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am on a retina Macbook Pro. I am dropping frames. I ran the debug, and they are being dropped by grx, not the disk.1080 29.97 project. all fx are rendered.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI'm using a new iMac and Pegasus R6. If I put 1080 ProRes footage on the timeline it plays fine with the unrendered resize on it. Resize is only changing bit depth. The minute I render the clip, it will no longer play without dropping so many frames that it is unusable.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI know we can mute a complete video layer. But how to mute a videoclip (element) on the timeline? Just imagine I have 4 versions of all shots each in one layer and I want to play the timeline like this:
from the first cut shot no1 in layer 1, from the next cut shot no3 in layer3, from the next cut shot no2 in layer2, etc etc ... and the director wants to see 10 combinations ASAP in FCP I can mute an element...
When I enter Stabilize/Track through the Axis editor I arrive at a blank viewer screen with no footage. I get tracker target boxes, but no footage to track. Stabilizer/Stabilize works fine, but the tracker does not seem to work.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI've got an issue seeing video on video track 1 when I have something on a track above it. I have video on track 1, and above that I have a gap with a text fx placed on it (it's a lower third name key). The track indicator is located on the track with the text fx (see the attached "timeline" shot), yet all I see is that key without seeing the video below it (see attached "canvas") Everything has been rendered, so I don't understand what's wrong. And when I export the timeline, the black remains.
View 6 Replies View RelatedWhenever we try to import video clips they show up as all black. The length of the video is there, so it might be 15 minutes of black. But no matter what video (Sony, Red, etc.) it's all the same.
We're running pre-release 3 on the latest iMac. As far as we know the graphics card is compatible.
When I import the xml it says connected but shows no video.
View 7 Replies View RelatedIn our edit suite we have the usual video delay from the output of the Kona card through the suites monitors. We also have an audio delay box to correct for this. Our client monitors are all in sync. In Final Cut there is a control to delay the computer monitor video to have it in sync with the rest of the system. In Smoke we cannot find a similar delay. We see the audio delay in preferences but that changes the wrong offset. how to adjust the computer monitor delay so we are all in sync?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI imported an AAF from Premiere Pro and the media came in separately from the video. So I have a video clip and a separate audio clip instead of the two together. Is this because I chose "Save Sources Separately"?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have tried exporting a video several times now and it simply won't. The first time the export got interrupted, then after that it processed the audio mixdown but none of the frames. At first it made files in the specified location that just wouldn't play, but the last few times no file was created.
View 5 Replies View RelatedIf I am working on a timeline with my main video track, and I am using a second version for my offline reference footage (So online footage is on V1, offline footage on the V2.1 track), when I go into the Axis effect editor or CFX editor, how can I preview my offline footage as a layer so I can check alignment. For example, I may be doing a split screen effect or reposition within Axis or CFX, but I need to see my offline reference so I can have a baseline for my effects.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI am currently trying to set my audio to coreaudio line out, and video to my kona.
I quit smoke, changed to coreaudio in the smoke setup, hit apply, and then quit the app. when I restart smoke it tells me that it is disabling the audio output due to an audio / video mismatch.
Below I have three screen shots. The error message, my system sound panel, and the smoke setup window. Why I am geting this error?
I'm running 10.8.4 with a kona 3g, and smoke 2013 ext1
I'm just about to order a BM card for video monitoring but looking for connection setup that allows me to get both video monitor and external display from my macbook pro?
View 2 Replies View RelatedNew update seems to have caused any QT with audio and video to be locked if I lift the video, it'll lift the audio, or if I apply an effect to audio, the video becomes unrendered, where previously it wasn't. Used to be able to modify or edit without V&A locked together.....
I'm attempting to get Smoke 2012 SP1 running on Mac OS X 10.7.2. After installation, I cannot get the application to launch -- instead I get a "DlVideo Error: No video list" error and then exit.
Hardware specs are attached, in short 2 x 6 core Mac Pro, 24GB RAM, Quadro FX 4800 and Kona 3G. This is built on a clean install of 10.7.2 using the Apple video driver for the 4800. The display is an Eizo ColorEdge CG303W, attached to the 4800.
I would like to install the 4.1.28 CUDA drivers to enable the Mercury playback engine (as this machine will probably also run Premiere Pro), however I'm trying to keep it as simple as possible until I can get Smoke running.
A Euphonix MC Transport and MC Color will be added to the station, however they are not currently attached.
My workstation name is bc118-s001. I'm using an external license server (macnv3), which is running properly.
Storage is currently set to the local disk, which I know is sub-optimal. Ultimately the storage volume will be a fiber-attached TerraBlock 24D, however I'm upgrading that device from 4.6.4 to 5 before I put the unit into production, and would rather not store any data on it before the upgrade.
I've attached the application and shell logs for your reference. The following lines are only the errors from the app.log:
bc118-s001:~ itservices$ less ~/Desktop/smoke201211_bc118-s001_app.log | grep -i error
2074786144 project.C:4713 02/04/12:11:36:35.936 PRJMGT : Load Project, failed to switch to group users
2074786144 video.C:1068 02/04/12:11:36:41.379 VIDEO: non-standard monitor refresh rate (0.000000). Audio/Video playback may not be in sync.
2074786144 EuTop.C:65 02/04/12:11:36:41.467 Control Surfaces : Initialisation failed (error 46)
2074786144 error.C:332 02/04/12:11:36:42.950 ERROR: DlVideo Error: No video list
2074786144 error.C:110 02/04/12:11:36:42.950 DlVideo Error: No video list
2074786144 messageAccumulator.C:268 02/04/12:11:36:42.959 Error: DlVideo Error: No video list (Press ESC)
I notice that the monitor refresh rate is not being detected properly, however the OS seems to detect it properly.
These lines are the errors from the shell.log:
bc118-s001:~ itservices$ less ~/Desktop/smoke201211_bc118-s001_shell.log | grep -i error
Feb 04 11:36:42 : ERROR: DlVideo Error: No video list
Feb 04 11:36:42 : DlVideo Error: No video list
Any tips for synching audio with on-camera reference mic? Also, once synched in timeline, is it possible to merge audio with video and create a clip that can be organized in media hub/bins?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm editing a music video, when apply time warp a one shot for example 25% for slow motion , the shot repeat the last frame, 4 frames.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm creating a flow chart/decision tree. I am animating the position of a diagram on the stage when a user selects yes or no in answer to a series of questions.
I've split up each diagram movement on the stage timeline as labels. I've staggered these transforms as keyframes on the same layer/track. The issue I'm having is when I manipulate the position of my diagram by moving it on the stage it affects adjacent transforms. I have my transforms seperated with a 1/10 second gap becuase I thought this would split the timeline up but it appears not!
While I can edit the transforms manually by typing in xy co-ordinates it would be ten times faster to move the diagram on the stage instead and not overwrite adjacent transforms.
How do I restrict the transform to the two keyframe points I am concerned with?
I have a timeline and I want to export each video segment as separate videos with 4 sec extra head and tails.
How do I do this?
what is still missing in smoke is having the color wheel while picking a color. The color wheel will enable us to pick any color straight from the wheel , it's much faster rather than trying to mix the desired color using RGB combination. it will be cool to see this feature in next release.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhenever i use CC soft Fx for a clip, Smoke only processes either CC or CW changes but not both. Why does this happen? And if this is the regular workflow then what can i do , when i have a clip on timeline which need CC and CW both together.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to nudge a video segment or audio clip in timeline with a short cut key?In FCP7 I used this all the time.
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs there any way to apply auto safe white/black point limiter to video and the same with audio?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm conforming a sequence - importing RED files - then exporting that sequence for color. When importing the RED files, what color setting should I use? Camera, user etc? If user then what other options should I use knowing that I'll export a dpx sequence for color?
View 4 Replies View RelatedWhy is there a difference between the text from the soft fx and the text in action? If you look at the attached picture, the 3 lines look slightly different although they shouldn't. The first line was written inside the soft fx.
The second line, with an ugly outline, is the 3D text, and although it's the same font, it looks thinner here.
And the third line, which I think looks a little too soft, is with AA turned on in action.
So why can't I achieve the same look in action, as in the text soft fx?
Smoke 2012 SAP2 SP4
Smoke 2013 SP2 (Smoke Classic Keyboard Shortcuts)
Mac Pro 4,1
OS X 10.6.7
NVIDIA Quadro 4000
14 TB RAID (Areca)
Exporting to H.264 while preserving your color correction. I have not found anything definitive that addresses this issue. I'm bringing it up here as I do a lot of web delivery in H.264 and am tired of the color/gamma shift.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to just simply work with the highlights in a shot (for example boosting the gain), without having to work with selective, or masks, and without changing the color? Cause there is the 'wheel' for highlights, but as soon, as you turn it in one direction, you start to change the color.
Smoke 2012 SAP2 SP4
Smoke 2013 SP2 (Smoke Classic Keyboard Shortcuts)
Mac Pro 4,1
OS X 10.6.7
NVIDIA Quadro 4000
14 TB RAID (Areca)