I have captured a video with my little sony photo & video camera and some how there is a scene in the video TWICE I have tried everything to remove one section read instructions but they do not work, or I am not doing the right thing.I have tried to trim the clip using the in and out markers and it says to delete the unwanted portion . there is no action or place that I find to do this ( tried many hours )
I want to use Video Studio X4 mostly for keeping track of all my video clips. So I want to import a lot of short clips into Video Studio, view them, and rename the ones that I want to keep (with a better name than the one the camera gives), and I want to delete (from my hard drive) the clips that I do not need.
1. How do I delete a clip in Video Studio X4 (not just the thumbnail)?
2. How to I rename a video clip that I am watching?
I have a video clip in my 'video' timeline and while it's being played, I want to zoom-into a user-specified location on that clip. Hopefully, using a 'stretchable' rectangle, circle, ellipse, etc. to encompass the part I want to zoom into. Is this possible with a video clip, or does it work on static graphic images only?
probably isn't an X4 issue exactly, but when i'm done editing a video file in X4, i'll close the file and insert the next video file to edit. when i go into windows explorer to delete the first file i just finished editing, it won't let me delete it because it says it's currently in use. How to delete it without having to close down X4 to do so?
I have an old video on cassette that I'm trying to capture to my computer to burn to dvd. It's fine on my t.v. being played in my vhs player. When I connect it to my computer using the program Video Studio Pro X5, I can capture, and everything is functioning fine, but the tracking is off in the preview section. I've captured, and played it back, and it captures like the preview. It's got the wave at the top, and a tiny bit of it on the bottom. How to adjust the tracking, like on old t.v.'s so that the picture is centered?
Can .MODD files be deleted from Video Studio without affecting the accompanying video file? We are using VS Ultimate X6, and every video file has an accompanying .MODD file.
I've attached 2 images showing of the section of the geometry I want to delete, second image is as a editable poly displayed as a wireframe.Is there a simple way of idenfying the section boundary and deleting all the enclosing polygons?
How to delete the selected area.like in this photo. i want to delete the section on circle.when i press delete it ask me to delete the layer not the circle.now how i can do this?
I've got a very long rectangular image. The top is important and the bottom is important, I want to cut out the stuff in the middle.How can I use the marquee tool to get rid of a large area that I have selected?I have done a fair amount of searching on Google and the forum but I still cannot figure it out.
how to draw a certain line and be able to delete part of it.
Example 1: I would like to draw a bunch of seried resistors, so I made a bunch of rectangles and draw a wire across them. But there are wire crossing through each one of them, how do I remove/erase that part in between each of the resistor? The line is made by using command: LINE
Example 2: Drawing some polygon and random shapes. Simplest example, drawing a half circle, so I draw a circle and want to remove the other half, how do I do it?
Yes, I know in example 1 I can do one object first then copy paste... But that is not what I am asking. I am seeking the command how to remove the lines or object in between.
I installed Xrite ColorChecker Passport software and loaded a couple of custom profiles in the develop module under camera calibration. There was a glitch in the software and it did not allow me to name those profiles. Once I uninstalled that version and loaded the newer version the naming process works fine. I would like to be able to delete the unname profile out of Lightroom but I am not seeing how that can be done.
I recently purchased Video Studio Pro X3 - and after going through the knowledge base and product read me, I have been unable to find an answer to the following problem I have:
I have a number of videos (HD 1080p) that I have recorded. Each video is on average 50 minutes in length - what I want to do it to be able to do is to slice this video into 10 x 5 minute videos (based on topics discussed in the video), (so essentially clip the video into these segments and edit each one) and then when producing the video file - actually create 10 separate video files (all with editing in place) instead of one single large file.
As far as I have been able to work out, I need to go through the whole file, clip relevant sections, edit them, and then save project. I then need to go trim the saved file 10 times, to extract each time the single 5 minute video I want to create. This is a fairly manual and time consuming process, hence my hope that I can create 10 files based on the clips I have made in the larger 50 minute file in one go.
as I have 30 videos to edit, so looking for ways to save time!
I have a LIVE show recorded and I want to add Video Filters in various places within a single 4 minute video. Do I need to cut up my video to segments to add filters too or can I apply them to different spots in a single video?
I have a video that has an object with a logo on it I need removed. If I could work with each frame like in PS, it would be a 2 second fix for each frame. Does Premiere have a feature like this, or how do the pros blur out or delete unwanted logos or images that infringe on copyrights quickly and easily?
All the videos on CS 6 video editing show how to trim the ends off a video but they don't show how to cut a sequence of frames from within the video. I might also like to copy a series of frames from one video and insert them at a point in the middle of another video.
It is rather a long time since I captured, edited and burned to DVD on VS10, maybe I have forgotten what to do? I have Windows 7 and have downloaded the patch which successfully allowed me to capture successfully.
However, now that it is time to burn to DVD - I go to 'create disc' and although this takes me through to the next page - I find I don't have the next section after that - i.e. the actual DVD menu's and the bit where I actually render and burn to DVD.
Is it possible to delete a Menu. I burned a DVD but the Menu is wrong. When I recall the *.VSP file it has the Menu that I don't want. How can I delete it? If this is not possible is my edited video saved somewhere without the Menu?
I have a 30 minute project and I want to render a particular 4 min section on its own from my edit timeline. Is there anyway I can do this without rendering the whole 30 minutes, chopping it, rerendering!
I have in my project a lot of video clip that I did a slip of the audio track.
If I need to delete one clip, by example in the middle of the project, the audio track corresponding is not deleted...and if I delete it manually, all the other audio track at right do not move to the left...so the audio track and the video clip are not sync anymore.
I had a file that the L audio channel is English and the R audio channel is Chinese, so I want delete L audio channel. How can I do that? I using VS Pro X4 Ultimate.
I am using VS 12 and when I was deleting old thumbprints from the library so I can load a new project. about 10 blank thumbprints appear and when I try to delete them a message says `load from stream error` and whatever I do I cannot get rid of it. I can`t even sort out the thumbprints in order of date without the messages appearing. I have to close the programme down through the task manager. Is there some way of getting rid of this the blank thumbprints?
Videostudio has left a lot of large proxy UPX-files. What happens if I delete these files to recover the disc space? Will VS create new ones if necessary?
Hopefully I can delete them, but if not can I move them to another disc?
How to delete thumbnails from the libraries.When I right click on the thumbnail, DELETE is greyed out, when I select the thumbnail and hit DELETE on the key board, also does not work. Just recently upgraded to X3.
I've VideoStudio x5 and I try to delete volume control points from my clip in the Sound Mixer. Tooltip says "Delete this control by dragging outside the clip" but it doesn't work.
In my Adobe Premire Pro CS6 project, When I select a clip that I want to drag down into the editing section it only allows me to drag the video and NOT the audio. I need both video and audio and it wont let me, I don't think I clicked anything wrong but
Is there a way to set 20 fps for my video in corel video studio x3 ?
i made a 3d animation and rendered about 3000 single frames as .bmp . Now i want to put them together to a video. the speed of the animation is preset, so i need every frame to show up for 0.05 second..... 20 fps not 15, not 24, not 25 and not 29.97, but exactly 20 fps. i don't know if i am just very stupid, but i can not find the settings for this.
With the installation of SP1 (VSX4), the options to create a blu-ray video file (assuming 1920x1080 only, though the same options exist for 1440x1080) are now:
Blu-ray (1920 x 1080) Blu-ray H.264 (1920 x 1080P) Blu-ray H.264 (1920 x 1080)
Now, I want to create a 'standard' Blu-ray disc of family videos. My camera is a Canon Vixia HF20, recording in 1920x1080 in the '60i' mode. The camera creates AVCHD formatted files. I know I don't want the progressive option, however, what is the difference between the other two options (is it MEG4 vs. AVCHD? If so, what should I choose when creating a new disc?). I want my disc to support as many blu-ray players and HDTV's as possible since I will be giving copies to various family members (meaning I don't want a format that supports only the latest releases of blu-ray players).
Can it actually be done? If I so much as drop 3D file onto the timeline and tag it as 3D (SBS L-R in my case), I get the "... lost 3D attributes..." message when I try to create a 3D file. I tried tagging a 2D file as 3D for S&Gs and got the same result. In case it matters, the files are in .avi format (and even rendering a 2D version of these makes a jumpy video, but I digress...).