Is it possible to delete a Menu. I burned a DVD but the Menu is wrong. When I recall the *.VSP file it has the Menu that I don't want. How can I delete it? If this is not possible is my edited video saved somewhere without the Menu?
Until yesterday I was able to delete pictures, using the contextual menu or the delete key. I got the message asking me if I wanted to delete them from disk or from the catalog.
But now, that popup message doesn't appear. The picture is not removed, just nothing happens.
I checked the logs and this is the error message:
performCommandDesc could not perform command ag.library.expandAllStacks (Command was disabled.).
I uninstalled LR moving it to the trash. Then I deleted the com.adobe.Lightroom4.plist and I also removed the folder ~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Lightroom.
I rebbooted the machine and installed it again. But the issue is still there, with the same error message.
I verified the disk and checked file permissions.
I also tried to use another catalog from a backup.
Nothing, same error.
One anusual thing that I did before the error was to install the "HDRsoft Merge to 32-bit HDR Plug-in for Lightroom - Version 1.0"
I removed it but the error was still there. After the re-install I didnd't install that plug-in again so if it was the problem, it shouldn't be after the clean installation that I did again.
Machine Specs: Man mini server mid 2011 2GHz Intel core i7 Ram: 8G Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 3000 512MB OSX: 10.8.2 (12C60)
Using VS X5 - Just making up a menu for my dvd im burning. Haven made a menu since using ..VS11+ I think it was.
All seems very very familar...similar etc and not asking it to do anything out of the ordinary which 11+ couldnt cope with ( just nowadays using all this AVCHD malaky etc )
Question -Main menu of my dvd - Why am I getting on my main menu page the begininings of my movie!!! I have my main menu setup ( bringing in a pre-made 30second clip on which I will put 'Press Play to watch movie' and/or 'chapter select'. ) When i preview my main menu page...I see the 30second clip i wanted but as it runs so too does my actual movie - at the same time.
I cant seem to find a button to ..basically..tell it not to play the movie as soon as you load the dvd but instead to wait until the 30 second main menu runs and automatically reruns etc until YOU decide to press the 'Play movie' button.
I have a company .cuix menu that is loaded as a partial menu to the main acad.cuix file. I want to delete all the toolbars and pull down menus associated with it and leave the other stuff in place. This is in Autocad 2011 but should also translate to 2013. So far, I have tried opening the CUI menu, going to the company.cuix partial menu and deleting the toolbars. Then I hit save, then Apply. Toolbars disappear and pulldown menus go away. But when I reload AutoCAD they come back.
All I want to do is transfer some video files to DVD. I do not want any of Corel's menus to appear: I just want to put the DVD in a player and have the video start playing.
I have in my project a lot of video clip that I did a slip of the audio track.
If I need to delete one clip, by example in the middle of the project, the audio track corresponding is not deleted...and if I delete it manually, all the other audio track at right do not move to the the audio track and the video clip are not sync anymore.
I have captured a video with my little sony photo & video camera and some how there is a scene in the video TWICE I have tried everything to remove one section read instructions but they do not work, or I am not doing the right thing.I have tried to trim the clip using the in and out markers and it says to delete the unwanted portion . there is no action or place that I find to do this ( tried many hours )
I want to use Video Studio X4 mostly for keeping track of all my video clips. So I want to import a lot of short clips into Video Studio, view them, and rename the ones that I want to keep (with a better name than the one the camera gives), and I want to delete (from my hard drive) the clips that I do not need.
1. How do I delete a clip in Video Studio X4 (not just the thumbnail)?
2. How to I rename a video clip that I am watching?
I had a file that the L audio channel is English and the R audio channel is Chinese, so I want delete L audio channel. How can I do that? I using VS Pro X4 Ultimate.
I am using VS 12 and when I was deleting old thumbprints from the library so I can load a new project. about 10 blank thumbprints appear and when I try to delete them a message says `load from stream error` and whatever I do I cannot get rid of it. I can`t even sort out the thumbprints in order of date without the messages appearing. I have to close the programme down through the task manager. Is there some way of getting rid of this the blank thumbprints?
Videostudio has left a lot of large proxy UPX-files. What happens if I delete these files to recover the disc space? Will VS create new ones if necessary?
Hopefully I can delete them, but if not can I move them to another disc?
How to delete thumbnails from the libraries.When I right click on the thumbnail, DELETE is greyed out, when I select the thumbnail and hit DELETE on the key board, also does not work. Just recently upgraded to X3.
What programs are available to create dvd menu templates to be used in VS X4? Right now I'm using the TBYB version but if I were to purchase I would like to be able to create and adding my own templates since there don't appear to be very many that come with the program, only a couple that I can see anyways.
I like the fact that I can burn video files and menus to disc within VS but the current selection of menus makes this feature mostly useless so I'm wondering how I could add more.
Is it possible to import menu templates from Videostudio 11 to the latest Pro X4. I am trying to to keep all my holiday movies with the same template and can find the files in VS 11 but not sure if I can import and which file I would import it into.
I have installed the evaluation version of VideoStudio Pro X4 in order to test it.When I whant to create a Blu-Ray menu, I have only one menu template. Is it normal ?
After modifying it, I can't find the way to save it, in "Favorite" for example.How to create a new menu from zero ?Or this menu creation tool is very limited, or I missed something.
I am on a 30 day trial of Videostudio pro X5, I am trying to create a simple menu via "nuts & bolts" like I could about 5 yrs ago on DVD-LAB. I do not care for the "wizard" approach....why, because you don't get exposed as to what is going on under the hood. Presently i don't care for transitions, motions, background music and alot of the other fluff work. This can all come later!
I know there are lots of tutorials for trans coding source video from one format to another. In a nutshell, I want to render to DVD, 3 Television episodes. One menu with 3 selections, play selected episode til end, return to menu and wait. I want to be able to pick my font type & Font size and and episode title, if I had more episodes a "More" selection link to a 2nd page menu from there a "previous" button to go back to 1st page.
Any way to add more Chapter pointers on the actual DVD menu itself. It seems like the provided DVD menu templates, and I've installed the extras in VSP X4, only have 4~5 chapter pointers per DVD menu page. There's plenty of screen space to add more chapter pointers but how to do it. I tried clicking on one and doing a copy, but can't seem to go any further than that. I must be missing something somewhere. I want to have 6~12 links to chapters on each DVD menu page. I don't need a preview image for each chapter pointer, just a simple text pointer is fine.
I am using Video Suite X5 and have made a video with chapters. After playing one of several chapters I want the DVD to return to the menu but it continues to play the remainder of the disc. I found a setting for Clip Playback that has settings of "Continue to Play the Next Clip" and "Back to Menu". I set this to 'Back to Menu" re-burn, but after playing a chapter, it still continues to play the disc and does not return to the menu.
This actually applies to all the versions I have used since VS10. I have never been able to create a top menu for the dvd which looks like the ones on commerical dvd's, namely, to have buttons not only to "play movie" but also to "view chapters" etc. The user's manuals appear to be mum on this point.
After editing my clips and am ready to burn,I select SHARE, CREATE DISK, DVD, create a menu and get stuck in a closed loop.Instead of NEXT after I preview the final product, the window has BACK, so I end up in the window where you select if you want a menu. Click NEXT and am back at the menu window with BACK in the box.
This same VS pro X2 was on my old computer (XP) and made many burns with no problems.
I just upgraded from X3 to X4 (probably means X5 is on the way...). When I upgraded to X3, I had some "My Favorites" DVD menu templates in VS10+ which I managed to transfer to Movie Factory SE by moving some files (*.ufo?) from some VS10 directory to somewhere in Movie Factory. It's too long ago -- can't remember the details.
probably isn't an X4 issue exactly, but when i'm done editing a video file in X4, i'll close the file and insert the next video file to edit. when i go into windows explorer to delete the first file i just finished editing, it won't let me delete it because it says it's currently in use. How to delete it without having to close down X4 to do so?
I've VideoStudio x5 and I try to delete volume control points from my clip in the Sound Mixer. Tooltip says "Delete this control by dragging outside the clip" but it doesn't work.
I don't know if it was like that before, but since X4 I have a minor problem when I start to render a video: The longer the project is, starting from 5 mins, the longer it takes for the rendering menu to appear. I have uploaded a video on YouTube to make clear what I mean.
There seems to be an issue with edits to DVD menus not being saved properly. This is in addition to the chapter names problem I've read about.
Whatever changes I make to the menu in the Create Disc dialog, such as adding a graphic and changing text to the Main menu, are lost upon closing the Create Disc dialog and returning back to the VSPX4 Share workspace.
In short, this is my workaround:
1. Save the current project (File > Save). 2. Click Share > Create Disc. 3. After the Create Disc dialog pops up, remove the movie that's labeled "Untitled." 4. Add the .VSP project just saved. 5. Add chapters, edit the menu text, and so forth. 6. Click the "Close" button.
The DVD chapter markers will update on the VS timeline. Previous chapter markers on the timeline are deleted. I now want to see if the edits to the menu have been saved, so:
7. Click Share > Create Disc again. 8. Remove the movie labeled "Untitled." That always comes back.
Edits I made the last time are still there.
9. Continue with adding chapter markers, editing the menu...
With my strategy, all chapter markers have to be added in the Create Disc dialog. Chapter markers on the timeline in the VS Edit workspace get passed to the Create Disc dialog, but they are associated with the movie labeled "Untitled" which I delete. There is no point in adding chapter markers to the timeline in the VS Edit workspace.
Using VS X4, I haven't been able to find how to create my own DVD menu, starting with a blank screen.
I have been able to use the gallery edit function and remove text fields, but can't remove the image that is supplied with a given gallery menu. Is there just a way to start with a blank screen and then just add an image and some text?
where to get more AVCHD disc menu templates than the 8 that come with it? I was wondering if the demo of DVD MovieFactory 7 has more and if I installed the demo if I could copy the templates over to VSX4.