VideoStudio :: Why Does Menu For Rendering Take So Long To Appear
Aug 9, 2012
I don't know if it was like that before, but since X4 I have a minor problem when I start to render a video: The longer the project is, starting from 5 mins, the longer it takes for the rendering menu to appear. I have uploaded a video on YouTube to make clear what I mean.
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Jan 13, 2014
I am trying to make about a 7 second clip of some photography (converted into that cool 3D paralax effect) with a lens flare and a CC light rays effect. The damn thing took two hours and was less than halfway done, which seemed extremely long to me. Here is my setup:
i7 4770 (2 processes for system, and 6 for AE, with 2 gigs per process)
Nvidia 760 4bg
32 gigs ram (4 set aside for system and the rest for Creative Cloud stuff)
SSD: system, media cache
HDD: projects, files
Everything else I've tried to render has been reasonable times. For instance 5 minute clips usually take about 15 minutes. I've tried variations of the multiprocessing tab to no avail, and changing the media cache to HDD which didn't work also. Just seems like something is going terrible wrong.
So I guess my question is twofold.
1) How important would it be to get another drive? (I'm between adding one SSD or getting 2 HDD's per my budget, which presents another question of would a 2 SSD, 1 HDD setup be better than a 1 SSD, 3 HDD setup)
2) Do I possibly have something configured wrong?
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May 27, 2013
Using VS X5 - Just making up a menu for my dvd im burning. Haven made a menu since using ..VS11+ I think it was.
All seems very very familar...similar etc and not asking it to do anything out of the ordinary which 11+ couldnt cope with ( just nowadays using all this AVCHD malaky etc )
Question -Main menu of my dvd - Why am I getting on my main menu page the begininings of my movie!!! I have my main menu setup ( bringing in a pre-made 30second clip on which I will put 'Press Play to watch movie' and/or 'chapter select'. ) When i preview my main menu page...I see the 30second clip i wanted but as it runs so too does my actual movie - at the same time.
I cant seem to find a button to ..basically..tell it not to play the movie as soon as you load the dvd but instead to wait until the 30 second main menu runs and automatically reruns etc until YOU decide to press the 'Play movie' button.
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Aug 28, 2013
We are relative newbies to VideoStudio 4 but we're able to make some simple movies. Now we have been instructed to create a video that has a single red line that begins in the upper left corner, and continues to extend, to the right, towards the right side corner as the video progresses.
How to accomplish such a thing. We have the basic VS4 package, which comes with Boris Graffitt plug in, thats very complicated to us..
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Mar 9, 2012
Tonight I created my first DVD disk (ie authored a DVD) using X4 which I purchased last year.It seemed to take a much longer time to complete especially the creation of the title (menu?) than what I am used to using VS10.
Is this normal?
Is this a known 'problem' with X4?
What are others using to author a DVD?
Should I use VS10 to 'create disk'?
BTW I authored using the same characteristics as I used when I created my DVD file (create video file) so I don't think that it re-rendered.Also I am creating a 'standard definition' DVD not high def.
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Mar 14, 2011
Is it normal for VSX4 to take a long time to save a project? I am finding that it is taking about 20 minutes for X4 to save my project each time, which has a running time of about 45 minutes. This is an excessive amount of time wasted in waiting for it to do its thing, as I can't proceed with anything else while it is saving.
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Dec 5, 2011
Trying to edit an 8 to 10 second fade from black to a clip.
The closest I can get is this: Black color, Crossfade Transition, Video Clip This would work, but transitions are limited to 3 seconds.
Also, is there a way to freeze a video for a defined amount of time? I know inserting a capture of the last frame as a still image would work, but seems like a bit of extra work.
Video Studio Pro X4.
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Jun 24, 2012
when producing quiet long films (e.g. 2 hours), is it better to split it into e.g 3 individual projects, or is it better to work on it as one?This, because I want to avoid the loss of data or already produced sequences, if one project is getting to big.
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Mar 27, 2012
I'm trying to produce a 5 minute sports highlight video. It will be a mix of clips shot on my HDC-SD10 camcorder and clips pulled from a 1.5 hour game video on DVD. I am running Corel VideoStudio Pro X4.
Immediate challenge is importing clips from the game video on DVD. I don't want to download the entire game from the DVD just to pull 5 five-second clips. Unfortunately, entire game is one "chapter" on the DVD, so I can't just import a particular chapter. I've looked through the Corel manual, but can't find anything. How can I pull short clips from one long file?
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Nov 29, 2011
I'm new to video editing and also VS X4, but have been able to create a movie from Canon HFM 301 camera using imported clips (AVHCD). The total movie length is 1:25. When I go to burn disc, it informs me it is too long and canot fit on a single disc (4.7 GB) but there seems to be no alternatives available, for example, how to compress, etc. Do I have to manually create a second movie for a second disc? Are there settings or another step I need to take?
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May 29, 2012
Before in CS5 when you click an option, the text would turn white, now they stay black making them hard to see. It seems to be desktop appearance specific so if I change my desktop theme the background color would change making the black text easier to see (text stays black). This seems like a bug, because the highlited text color should turn to white not stay black. Which was how it was in CS5.
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Jul 23, 2013
What is the best format in which to save completed videos? Often when I go back to an old video, I get the "some files did not link properly" message. How can I prevent this?
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Oct 5, 2012
the batch conversion tool can't handle long file names as generated by the Windows Live Photo Gallery import tool. I was shocked (dismayed?) to see that my brand new X5 doesn't import DV as nicely as this free MS tool (as an aside). Here is an example filename: "Tape05 2001-01-02 14.05.33.avi". It stumbles on the first '.' it finds. Luckily it does not overwrite files that end up having the same name because of this truncation but still. Come on now. Path manipulation is junior engineer programming 101.
The batch convert also does not remember the target directory last used. At least default it to the source directory, right?Unlikely to be fixed, I know, but maybe it'll go on the list for X6.
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Jan 16, 2013
I recently downloaded the trial version of VSP X5. And now, I have a new 12 MP camera as opposed to the 5 MP I had before. Anyway this new camera shoots in video mode at 1920, 1280 and 640. When I use 1920 or 1280 (HD), the file size of the videos are huge, so when I import them to VSP, they take a very long time to import. Is this normal when you want high res videos or is there something I can do to cut down on the file size. To test it out, I shot 20 second videos at all three resolutions. In 1920, the file size was almost a whole gig at only 20 seconds. It would be much larger than that for lets say a 20 minute movie. I'm guessing that would take all day to import.
Correction: Actually, It's taking long to "Create a Video File", not to import the video. Anyway, is it normal for the program to take so long to create a file? if it's a 15 or 20 minute video, it will probaly take at least a couple of hours to create at that resolution.
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Jun 12, 2012
VS X5 Pro wont render clips totalling more than 6 plus minutes......Gives me one of these 2 errors >frame 724 unreadable, frame 1024
unreadable. I click on OK and poof! everything is gone!!
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Oct 5, 2010
Sometimes (only every now and then), when I try to render a project to AVI VS instantly crashes. Lets say I have three projects, project1, project2 and project3. Project1 & 3 will render to AVI just fine, every time. Project2 will crash every time I try to render to AVI. I can render any of the projects to MPG, MP4, WMV, whatever else I want. If I recreate project2 from scratch as Project4, it will then render to AVI just fine. If I remove >>EVERYTHING<< from all timelines in project2, then add a new clip that did not exist before, it crashes when rendering to AVI. Project2 contains both AVI and MPG clips created/captured with VS X3 just a couple of days prior. VS X3 has all the latest updates.
When I say render to AVI I mean I select Share->Create Video File->Custom->AVI and leave it at the default of 24bits, 720x480, 29.97fps, Lower Field First, Uncompressed, PCM, 48.000kHz, 16bit, Stereo. Video on the timeline includes MPEG-2, Lower Field First, 24bits, 720x480, 16:9, 29.97fps, VBR, LPCM, 48000Hz, 16bit stereo and Microsoft AVI OpenDML, 29.97fps, 30532.12kbps, uncompressed, 24bit, 720x480, PCM, 48000Hz, 16bit, Stereo.Although this is a rare occurance, it is a real pain to have to recreate the video from scratch every time this happens.
The computer is a new Windows 7 Pro 64bit, Core2Duo E7500, 4GB Kingston HyperX RAM, 750GB WD Black SATA, Radeon X1550, Asus P5QL/EPU, Pioneer SATA DVD+/-RW, Antec 380 power Supply. Windows has all updates, AV is Microsoft Security Essentials, software installed includes VS X3, Adobe PS Elements 8, Super Video Converter, Office 2010, Nero 8 Essentials, Microsoft Expression Web 3, QTIndexSwapper2, Filezilla, Audacity, Adobe Reader 10 and supporting software that those applications install.
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Jul 29, 2011
It seems VS always output a video file with 29.970 fps even if the footage was taken at 24P, 30P. Can video studio output a video that is the same as its capture fps rate?
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Sep 29, 2011
I am using VS X4 on windows 7. I have an .AVI file which I captured from a VHS tape so it includes sound. The video is 105 minutes long and the file size is 21.9 GB which is huge. I brought it into a project, edited as necessary including making adjustments to the sound in the AVI file, added titles, transitions, and an additional sound track. When I render this project to make a video file it takes a very long time and the resulting .wmv file is huge (11.2GB). I hate to think what it would be to make a DVD. Is there some thing I should do differently to avoid the rendering time and the size of the files?
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Dec 14, 2010
I test at the moment Videostudio X3 and made a small test project. If i produce a AVCHD project i don't have a preview by rendering this project and i can't find a option to enable this ?
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May 10, 2012
We are now using Canon X10 HD cameras and recording in h.264 1440 X 1080. The finished product has to be MPEG2 for Public Access TV broadcast.
I can't seem to be able to adjust settings to accomplish this. Both Custom and Movie Template have the user defined button greyed out.
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Feb 10, 2012
VideoStudio PRO X3 crashes very often when rendering a VSP-file (with m2ts videofragments) that contains also transions and text.
It happens when I want to create a HD-file (PAL, Blu-ray /MPEG or H.264/ 1920*1080). Disabling SmartRender did not work. Also setting off hyperthreading did not solve the problem.
The problems do not occur when the VSP-file only contains m2ts fragments.
The recommendations given by Corel Helpdesk (download & install VS updates, C++ and DirectX updates) were not very useful because I had already implemented the most recent updates
My current version of VS PRO X3 is
- Does these kind of problems also occur with VS PRO X4 Ultimate?
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Nov 30, 2010
i have made a project which crashes in different places every time i try to render. its about 40 minutes long. i have tried removing and reloading pro x2 and cleaning the registery.
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Sep 25, 2011
I spent several hours putting together a compilation music video for my first time use in Corel VS Pro X4. When I was finally satisfied with what I'd created, I went to the tab to Share.I selected the setting for YouTube, named the file and saved.It started rendering, reached 21% and then nothing. The rendering box simply disappeared and ceased to do anymore.
I've tried 5 times since to render in different and varying formats, but each time it reaches 21% and then cops out, with the render box disappearing, despite the fact nothing has been touched.
My friend installed the program for me so I could try out hers before deciding to buy my own copy... but if this is what its going to be like, then I definitely won't be spending the money on it.
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Dec 14, 2013
My current project (19 minutes long) does not render (Create a video file). It stops after 27% complete and a message window pops up: "Cannot read audio 0x80004005, 18300:8000:192". My project includes voice-overs, sample sound (water flowing and airplane taking off) and some music. By taking out all voice-overs and music, the project renders. I am using VS X4 Pro.
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Oct 14, 2009
I have just spent several days putting a project together. Mainly still images with some digital video.
When I rendered the project (pal 16_9 frame based also tried lower first) the result is far from acceptable. It looks like a low res picture although I rendered with high quality settings (the same ones I have used many times before) Straight lines seem to have a slight saw tooth effect. If I utilize an overlay the problem is suddenly much more pronounced. Wether this is caused by the overlay itself or the fact that the images are enlarged slightly I don't know.
The video clips from my digital video camera seem to be ok, the problem being mainly with the still images.
By the way the same images created as a slide show in movie factory are perfect.
I have a fast computer with vista installed and had excellent results earlier in the year with another sinilar project.
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Jul 11, 2011
I am currently using a trial version of VS X4 (testing if suitable for our needs) and I am using an instant project that I downloaded in the extras. It was one large picture and then 4 pictures scrolling on the left hand side. I modified it so that I had a background on the main video track, the one large picture a mp4 video captured with Camtasia Studio 7, and three pictures scrolling on the left hand side.
I want to have a 4:3 aspect ratio, as these would be going on a website and need to match previous tutorial videos. The video I put in the overlay track is captured at 1024 x 768 and I have tried a variety of sizes of the back ground, (matching aspect ratio and not) and I cannot seem to find or create a suitable template to create a good quality (I.e. can still read the menus in the window of the screen capture mp4) video. I don't much care what the output type is, as long as it is supported by Camtasia Studio 7 since I render there to create a HTML script, to be used on the website.
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Nov 7, 2010
I have a large video file I am trying to render in VS pro X3. The source file is about 3.4 gig. (VHS capture to MPG) I have trimmed out small pieces and inserted a title and a few transitions and I am now trying to rerender it. the process gets to 9% and freezes. No error. It just freezes.
I am trying to output to NTSC DVD 4:3 format.
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Mar 3, 2013
I wanted to make a gameplay, with voice-over, but every time I try to render the project, the Videostudio crashes (When I try to reder it as MPG/MP4/WMV, it crashes at 4%, when I try to render it as avi, it crashes at 91%) SP1 installed. Video files and audio files:
Note: The first Windows shows the bandicam-video properties, and the second one shows the screen capture properties. (*recorded)
My hardware informations are on my profile. The Event Viewer (or something like that, I have hungarian windows) says this:
I tried everything, Even recording my screen while playing the project. But the video was lagging.
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Feb 28, 2012
My X4 project is done in 16:9 and I can render to MPEG-2 in widescreen but not Flash. I want to publish on Blip.TV and YouTube.
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Jun 5, 2012
I have tried to render the same project to different variants of the AVCHD (i.e. different bit rates ). However once the project is rendered for the fist time the Video Studio some how “remember” what it was rendered to and applies the same settings next time. As a result I am getting exactly same files size, bit rates etc regardless if I choose Mpeg optimizer or custom settings with AVCHD and 18 Mpbs, 20Mbps etc. The only way I can get true different results is when I start a brand new project, assemble it and render it for a first time.
I have tried deleting all cash and proxy files but to no avail. Do you know where this rendering information is hidden and how can I reset it or get rig of it?
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Nov 16, 2010
I have a GoProHD Hero camera, I've been recording stuff mainly in 960p at 30fps because that's all my computer can handle at the moment.
My main problem is that I lose the HD part of the video after edit and render the video in VideoStudio X3. The file type is MPEG4, when I render the final project, I set it to save as the same file type, at 1280x720p with a data rate of 5Mbps all in the H.264 MAIN codec mainly for Youtube uploading purposes.
If I were to upload the raw footage directly to Youtube, it's in true HD and uses the full width of the player when played at 720p. However, when I upload the final project to Youtube even when set to play in HD (720p) it is only in letterbox format.
Am I rendering my projects incorrectly? Why does it keep doing this? Is it some sort of file compression issue or something? I'm pretty new to the whole video editing platform, I'm pretty much learning on my own.
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