VideoStudio :: Getting AVCHD Menu Templates?
Jul 25, 2011
where to get more AVCHD disc menu templates than the 8 that come with it? I was wondering if the demo of DVD MovieFactory 7 has more and if I installed the demo if I could copy the templates over to VSX4.
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Mar 7, 2011
What programs are available to create dvd menu templates to be used in VS X4? Right now I'm using the TBYB version but if I were to purchase I would like to be able to create and adding my own templates since there don't appear to be very many that come with the program, only a couple that I can see anyways.
I like the fact that I can burn video files and menus to disc within VS but the current selection of menus makes this feature mostly useless so I'm wondering how I could add more.
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Apr 26, 2011
Is it possible to import menu templates from Videostudio 11 to the latest Pro X4. I am trying to to keep all my holiday movies with the same template and can find the files in VS 11 but not sure if I can import and which file I would import it into.
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Nov 29, 2011
I just upgraded from X3 to X4 (probably means X5 is on the way...). When I upgraded to X3, I had some "My Favorites" DVD menu templates in VS10+ which I managed to transfer to Movie Factory SE by moving some files (*.ufo?) from some VS10 directory to somewhere in Movie Factory. It's too long ago -- can't remember the details.
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Mar 19, 2012
Can you import in to VS X4 and X5 the menu templates from MovieFactory 7? In VideoStudio X5 and X4 there are only limited menu templates.
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Mar 7, 2011
In the burn stage, after picking a menu template, I cannot adjust the volume of the music for the template. I enter the preview screen and adjust the volume there, using the slider. When I preview the video the volume is where I set it. But when I burn the project the music is back to it's original level, which is very loud. I can select no music, and this works but i can't adjust the volume.
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Feb 4, 2013
I have recently update my Corel VS from X3 to X5. As in X3 with Movie Factorey 7SE there only seems to be very limited DVD or Blu ray menu templates. I only have about eight possible fairly basic looking menus in either the MF7SE or X5 version of software.
Some SV tutorials I have been watching lately seem to have quite a good selection of menu templates, particularly those with thumbnails, via the drop selection menu allowing very shmic professional looking menus in VS X5. As my primary reason for upgrading was to improve the quality of the disc creation process and menus, how / where I can get additional disk menu templates for creating Blu Rays and any tutorials for menu creation techniques.
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Jun 13, 2012
Is there an easy way (copy-paste) to transfer the DVD menu templates from DVD MovieFactory 7 to VideoStudio X5 Pro?
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Apr 10, 2011
When I choose NEW from the File menu, a short list of templates appeared.
I have created more templates than shows in that list.
How can I have more of them show in the drop-down list?
Or add a folder to that list to access the extras?
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Nov 6, 2012
I've a professional Panasonic camera capable of 720p and 1080p AVCHD recording both at 50 or 25 frames per sec (PAL). My recent clips are AVCHD h.264 50fps @ 24000-26000kbps. I usually render the file to film first, then create a disc after. I use VSP x5
For a short edited film (less than 5gb), I'm happy to make an AVCHD full-HD disc and enjoy a seamless and lossless transfer from project to a standard disc. The picture quality seems true to the original recording.
Q1) For longer films where I need to use a Blu Ray, what exactly is the best route to take and what boxes should be (or not) checked?? I did create a Blu Ray disc using the largest output 35000kbps max and I thought afterwards the footage looked a bit "contrasty" and second hand.
Q2) I've read in the forums that 50fps for 1080p Blu Ray is not available yet (hence the conversion to 25fps). Is it available at 720P and what/where are the settings?
Q3) If I know before filming that I'll be needing a Blu Ray, is it advisable to shoot the original at 25fps to avoid deterioration at render stage?
Q4) For downsizing to 720x576 Standard Definition discs, do I need smart render on? Two pass encode? for best quality?
Bottom line = I want to avoid my footage being unnecassarily hauled through rendering hoops and the final AVCHD or Blu Ray to be as best it can.
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Jun 12, 2012
VS X5 Pro wont render clips totalling more than 6 plus minutes......Gives me one of these 2 errors >frame 724 unreadable, frame 1024
unreadable. I click on OK and poof! everything is gone!!
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May 29, 2012
whether Video Studio could handle the video file format from a high end Panasonic prosumer camcorder. It seems the question I should have asked is whether Video Studio X5 can edit and export files in the new AVCHD 2.0 format, which is used not only by Panasonic but by other camcorder manufacturers and which, according to an email from a reviewer for is not compatible with a large number of video editing software programs. Can X5 handle AVCHD 2.0?
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Nov 10, 2010
I need to convert AVCHD footage to 1280x720 MOV (qt) files. VSX2 via create a video file, and VSX3 can do this via video file creation and batch conversion as well. The problemis that I can't find any setting to get the bitrate of the MOV files under contol. VSX2 generates files with very high bitrates, VSX3 with low bitrate, and when I select "check data rate" in the advanced options settings for the MOV file, I get a prompt at every new file start (and I have many files) like " the bitrate exeeds the you want to continiue" .
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Mar 15, 2013
I have VideoStudio X5.I have saved my completed video as a video .m2t file and as an AVCHD file neither of which will replay on the computer if I click on the file folder. If I copy them to a USB stick they don't replay on the HD tv either. Both play as discs on my laptop quite happily but how do I transfer them as videos to a USB
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Jun 8, 2011
I used a video light in lower light conditions to take an HD video (in AVCHD) which will be rendered to PAL SD DVD. Unfortunately the main speaker has red eye. Can my VSP x3 remove this?
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Feb 18, 2011
have a newly acquired Canon HF S21 video camera that captures footage in AVCHD. I plan on using Corel for capture and edit.
My question is for other AVCHD users. Do you use any tools to convert the files to .avi? And then edit those in VS X3 in order to aid the rendering process?
Someone refered me to Cineform Neoscene. It is a bit pricey, but here it is: [URL]
Is AVCHD really a problem in VS x3? If I convert to .avi, will I be able to render to a BD DVD later on and still retain the HD image as good as that on the original AVCHD footage?
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Dec 7, 2011
why my Corel VideoStudio ProX4 program is having a hard time to run AVCHD MTS files.Seems like they are slowing my computer to a crawl.Causing the program to quite. My computer is a quad core, 3.00 GHz 4g's of ram.Lots of hard drive space.I don't understand it.
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Jul 24, 2011
To remind me when the video was taken, I'd like to have a timecode / timestamp overlaid on the video.
Per the VS X4 User Guide: To enable timecode retrieval for AVCHD
1. In the Capture Step Options Panel, click Import from Digital Media.
2. Select the thumbnail of the video file. Click Start import to launch Import Settings.
3. In Import Destination, select Insert to Timeline or select Add video date information as title.
4. Choose Entire video to import the timecode of video file to appear as a title spanning the entire duration of the video. Choose Duration to import the timecode as a title within a specified duration. Click OK to apply the settings.
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Apr 7, 2009
solving the problem of brief "blips" or "jerks" following transitions in video generated by VS X2 from AVCHD clips.
Last November, I reported to Corel the problem of brief "jerks" or "blips" in AVCHD video files or hybrid discs generated by VS Pro X2 from clips created by my Sony SR11. There was a long thread here in which several Canon users stated that they had the same problem. [URL]
In addition to transitions, I also get the same blips in the video at the end of titles placed over the top of video. I am not sure whether Canon users have that problem.
Since the problem still has not been fixed, I followed up last week with Corel asking for the status of the fix for this problem. In their reply, they asked for more sample clips and asked that I post their ftp site URL where you can upload clips that will demonstrate the problem. They want clips from the various AVCHD camcorder models which are having this problem. They didn't say whether they want raw clips or VS-generated clips that contain the blip, but I suspect they want raw clips so they can try to re-create the problem on their systems.
When selecting a clip to upload, what appears to cause the problem is that at the end of a transition or title, the video jumps back one frame and then proceeds forward again. Thus two frames are repeated, which causes the "blip". You can see this by viewing the generated file frame-by-frame.
So the blip is most apparent when there is obvious, but smooth, movement in the original clip. The raw clip I sent them when I reported the problem in November was of a truck driving down a highway, moving across the screen from left to right, and was shot on a tripod to eliminate any camcorder movement. In the VS-generated video, at the end of the transition, the truck jumped backwards slightly then went forward again.
A clip containing little or no movement, or a clip that is already jerky and unsteady, will not illustrate the problem well. So please select your clip accordingly. A single object moving across the screen against a non-moving background would be ideal.
Following is the ftp site where you can upload clips.
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Jan 3, 2012
VS Pro X4 - I do not consider myself an expert with video editing/authoring, but I do have a fair amount of experience with capturing/editing/authoring h.264 files via a Hauppauge 1212 HD-PVR, ArcSoft Total Media Extreme, and VideoReDo. In fact, I have burned around 5,000 DVD and 2,000 AVCHD discs with outstanding results using those products, as well as editing and storing thousands more captured programs directly to HDD. Unfortunately, these products do not allow me to create Blu-ray discs, so that is why I am trying to switch over to VS X4.
My baseline for what I want from VS X4 is simply what I have been able to do with no effort at all using ArcSoft Total Media Extreme (supplied with the HD-PVR): I capture HD programing at 1280x720p 60fps using a variable bit rate (usually 7 Mbps) and AC3 audio, edit out unwanted material, add menu and chapters, then burn directly to an AVCHD disc. Using this method, I generally get a minimum of 3 hours HD material on a standard DVD5 blank, and total authoring/burning time for a disc is somewhere around 20 minutes.
My problem is that I have not been able to come anywhere close to this efficiency yet with VS X4. The .ts source files play and edit in VS X4 just fine, but then I hit a wall when I try to produce the output. There don't seem to be any default project profiles to create AVCHD 1280x720p, and even when I try to use Customize, i cannot access the needed fields, such as user defined frame size. And everything I have tried produces HUGE output files, 4 or 5 times larger than the source files!
Sample Source file MediaInfo:
ID : 0 (0x0)
Complete name : C:UsersPublicVideosInput for Edit or ResizeHoliday for Lovers 720p_7.1v.TS
Format : MPEG-TS
File size : 2.30 GiB
Duration : 1h 43mn
Overall bit rate mode : Variable
Overall bit rate : 3 166 Kbps
Maximum Overall bit rate : 18.0 Mbps
[Code] ...
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Aug 22, 2012
Earlier this year I purchased a Panasonic HDC-DS800 high definition camcorder. After years of editing ATI files, I'm going to use my VideoStudio (X4) to edit AVCHD files.
To get the files from the camcorder to the computer, there are 2 options. One is to go directly to the SD card on the camcorder through the My Computer option. This gives me .MTS files, which I can transfer to my hard drive.
The other option is to use the software supplied with the camcorder, which is HD Writer AE 3.0. This transfers to my hard drive .m2ts files. Along with the .m2ts files, it also transfers (or creates) .tmb files, .pmpd files, and .cont files.
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Apr 24, 2011
Does the AVCHD standard allow for thumbnails, so that when a disc is authored and then inserted into, say a PS3, it will show a thumbnail like a BluRay does?
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Aug 23, 2012
When I select Settings>Project Properties, I only have two options: MPEG (SD MPEG2) and AVI. How do I set project properties to high definition such as AVCHD?
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Jun 14, 2012
I just moved from a Sony HDV (HDR-HC3) camcorder to a Panasonic AVCHD one (HC V700). When rendering my final video, I've always used MPEG-4 HD. This new camcorder records in AVCHD. I'm not sure if I should be outputting to MPEG-4 HD or AVCHD. Before I had issues rendering in AVCHD, which is why I didn't use it.
What's the main differences in MPEG-4 HD vs. AVCHD? What are the advantages and disadvantages? Which one is better and the one I should use?
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Jul 28, 2013
I'm editing MTS files/AVCHD. Footage filmed with a panasonic cam, using Pro 6, when I hit share tab - create video file - I have many choices but I would like to save it as high format as the original, so do I hit , (Same as First Video Clip) or (AVCHD) both are nearly the same I'm guessing, I've saved in both formats and both ended up been the same size. What one I should save to ? I have added the properties of the original file.
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Feb 2, 2011
I am using VS2 and have been working on creating a "hybrid DVD" AVCHD video. I have a Canon HD video camera and an HP computer (w/regular DVD burner) with an i7 quad. Hybrid DVD is played on a Bluray player and HD TV. Everything is working well with editing the clips etc... Rendering has gone well with no real problems. I recorded video at the highest setting 24 Mbps. When I click on properties for a (m2ts) clip in the timeline it indicates 21,0000 to 22,000 Kbps that seems normal. I than go directly to the burn step (Create disc>AVCHD) and proceed to burn the disc at 4X. When I click on the middle icon (thumbwheel) these are the properties:
MPEG files
24 bits, 1920 x 1080, 29.97 fps
Upper Field First
(HDMV-NTSC), 16:9
H.264 Video
Video data rate: Variable (Max. 18000 kbps)
Audio data rate: 384 kbps
Dolby Digital Audio, 48 KHz, 2/0(L,R)
These settings seem normal to me. Also, the "do not convert compliant......" is checked.
This is what I am not understanding. When the 18 minute HD project is brought into the burn disc module, it shows only 1.45 GB of data and after the disc is burned, the video file properties found on the disc show a total bit rate of 11,768. As a test with the same project, I did a (create video file>same as first clip) and created a mpg file that is 2.75 GB in size with a total bit rate of 21,649 which seems normal. I understand VS has a max of 18K but shouldn't I be able to create a hybrid disc with a data rate close to 18K. The video at the lower bit rate plays and look ok using my BR player but I wanted to find out if I could create a higher quality video on disc.
I have read probably every post relating to what I think my problem is and after trying a couple of things, I cannot increase the total bit rate of the video on my hybrid disc.
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Mar 1, 2011
90 mins to render 6 mp4 files to an AVCHD file. I don't see much quality difference for the 3x longer rendering time and file size compared to an mpg file.
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Apr 8, 2011
With X4, can you author an AVCHD disc with 720x480 content in H.264 video and AC3 Audio and burn it to a DVD that would be playable in a Blu-Ray player? Because my thought was with an 8.4 DVD disc you could fit a lot more TV shows on one disc, vs backing them up in DVD in Mpeg2 format. In fact with a 25GB Blu-Ray blank, you could probalby get a whole 22 episode season on one disc.
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Jul 3, 2011
At the "Share/Cerate video file/AVCHD" step, among the other types appears the following:
AVCHD (1920X1080P)
AVCHD (1920X1080)
Since I am dealing now with HD movies, what is the difference between those types, so I am not sure what should I choose.
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May 5, 2010
I am at my wit's end here! U completely reinstalled Windows 7 Ultimate (64 bit) and fully updated my drivers, software, and directx. I Installed VSX3 and I cannot render my AVCHD files from my Sony SR11. I get a dump error that points to the AVCHD dll file. I have used that last 5 versions of VS and my AVCHD files were fine with 11 and 12.
Are there users on here that are successful with Sony AVCHD files on Windows 7?
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Dec 2, 2010
Sometimes I can get it to do a Batch Convert without crashing. Sometimes.
It will always crash when I drag an MTS into the timeline.
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