Revit :: Objects Set To Phase Created - Existing To Show Desired Material
Nov 27, 2012
I am having trouble having objects set to 'Phase Created' = Existing to show a desired material. They are all a dark grey.
I have gone into 'Manage', and "Phases" under 'Phasing', and under the tab, 'Graphic Overrides', changed 'Material' for 'Existing to "Phase - New". But this did not change anything.
Why new rooms show up in lieu of existing rooms when"show previous and demo" are set for the phase filter? Every single other existing element including doors, walls, windows, etc. show in the "show previous and demo" phase filter with the exception of rooms.
the situtation is splitting a floor face in the exiting phase to "paint" the floor tile pattern in the existing restrooms and then removing that once in the new phase and resplitting to "paint" the new pattern...
is it possible to split a floor face in existing phase, paint it, then move to new face and un-split and paint it to create a new split and new paint?
I'm creating a floor plan of a simple remodel to show cutting a new door into an existing wall. The plan has ALL the info on it; existing, demo, and new. I have applied the Show All phase filter. The door jamb lines of the new opening don't show up (see attachment). I can add detail lines to take care of the issue but then these have to be managed.
I am not interested in creating seperate demo and new views for such a simple project.
I am trying to throw a screen shot up onto a TV model to make my rendering more fun and I can't get it to work right!!!
I duplicated one of the standard plastic materials in Revit's lib and replaced the color with a cutom image (first tried jpg then png). I had to tweak the transforms to get it to fit the screen. Looks great in the camera view but when I render the transforms are off.
Am getting warning "None of the created elements are visible in Floor Plan: 00 GF View. You may want to check the active view, its Parameters, and Visibility settings, as well as any Plan Regions and their settings". Phase settings are correct, no hidden elements etc. Cannot add anything by create similar, build panel. Its Revit 2013 - I have been getting a lot of cannot continue crashes but is this a forthcoming fix issue?
I am trying to import an updated phase (shown in yellow) into an existing site layout (grey) however I cannot get it to rotate round and fit correctly. I imagine it will involve using the rotate command and reference.
I have a project that has been completed in Revit. The designed facility needs to be split into two phases due to budget constraints. I have looked at creating two Phases - Phase I and Phase II. However the tricky part is having Phase II display greyscaled. Successful in having phase I greyescaled and displayed acordingly with Phase II. I have looked at the phase filters, but unsucessful in getting phase II to be greyscale since it is future work in the order of the phases.
I have a model with 15 floors and shaft objects in them. No matter what the Phase setting is for the shaft object the floor holes created by the shaft always show and cannot be eliminated with any Phase filter view control. We need to adjust shaft locations and would like to maintain the cutting by shaft object through all floors.
I use adobe photoshop lightroom 3.6, earlier i was able to export photos to my desired folders in desired format but i am not at all able to export any photos at all!
When I insert a new window into an exterior wall in the proposed phase, the demo phase drawings shows dashed lines on the faces of the wall, but no dashed lines running through the wall on the left or right of the window. This makes it very hard to tell where the demo opening should be. Attached is a screenshot of this issue.
We use electircal elements in AutoCAD dwgs that have labels to indicate the status of the element by phase. For instance on a floor plan we might have elctrical outlets that are existing (E), new (N), demo (D), etc. How does one do this efficietnly in REVIT? Is there a way to assign a paramter to grab the phase of the object and then adjust a label accordingly? This would be ideal because over time the element s might move from one phase to another such as from new to existing.
I have copied the "Diamond Plate" from the Inventor Apperance Library to my document. Now I want to edit the texture that this style is using.
1. Where is the texture map that this style using located? When I edit the style, I can't tell what is telling it the filename. I have mundged every file on my hd that it could possible be (hoping it would cause an error), but that didnt work either. Another thing I tried was in the QAT "Duplicate as Generic", but that did not show me the texture file either.
2. Is there a way to change the angle of the texture?
I have a floor plan with a very long footprint in a "View" drawn at a convenient scale.
The long building had to be broken to be put on several different "Sheets", and each of the floor plans on each of the sheet has a scale. When I change the scale of the partial plan on one "Sheet", all the other sheets also change to the same scale and also the original view changes to the new scale.
Is there a way to assign the desired scale of the plan on one sheet without affecting the scale on the other sheets and on the original drawing view?
how Inventor Materials are used in your companies, what is your customization level and usage level.Do you use Inventor Materials as they come out of the box ?Do you create your own materials?
Do you modify the properties of existing Inventor materials without changing the material name?Do you show material names on 2D drawings (in parts list etc)?
I added a uvw map/bitmap image to the material editor. The image shows fine in the material editor but when i apply it to the object which is just a plane it doesn't show it in the viewports.
I clicked on a new material ball, clicked the box next to diffuse, selected bitmap. Opened a jpeg file of the material Im using. It showed uo on the material editor ball. Then when I apply it to my object it just turns grey.
I was using 3ds Max 2013 without any service packs installed and my bitmap resolution on screen looked great. I have updated to service pack 5 and now the resolution looks low quality. I have to use large maps for my scenes example 12345 x 4610 px.
I have not changed the driver (Nitrous), under Display Performance I have Improve Quality Progressively and the Procedural Maps Display Resolution at 4096 pixels, and progressive display is on.
From what I've read "By default, Nitrous viewports load texture bitmaps at their full size."
How can I get the high resolution bitmap back? Is there a setting that I have missed?
I have created a path and typed text into it. Along the path is a little circle with an x in it. This little x appears to be hiding my text and i can not move it. How do I get my text to show up?
When I make a pattern on a document and save it, it shows up fine. BUT when I go to my other documents, it doesn't show up on the swatch list for that document (it ONLY shows up on the swatch palette where I made the pattern). It also doesn't show up if I make a new document.
When using LR3 to create DNG files from my RAW files, those files would show me thumbnails of my image in Windows Explorer. I am running Windows/7 (64) and have installed a CODEC from "Fast Picture Viewer" that allows thumbnails from RAW & DNG files to be shown. It seems, however, that the thumbnails do not show for DNG's created with LR4.
To Remedy this I uninstalled the CODEC. Downloaded the most recent version and installed it but this did not fix the problem.
I then went to the user forum for the CODEC product and searched for my problem. I found a thread who's solution is to turn off "Embed Fast Load Data" when exporting to DNG and it fixes the problem. I tried this and indeed it did fix it. The responder went on to say ".....When this option is enabled the files created are no longer DNGs (just an undocumented private format of Adobe that no one else can read to this date)". This statement surprised me as it is counter to what I understand Adobe created DNG to be. Can I get some input on this comment as if true it is very troubling.
My second question is that I see where to turn off the "Embed Fast Load Data" in the LR Export module, but where do I do the same thing in the Import module when I'm selecting import mode "Copy to DNG"?
If indeed the DNG files created by LR4 are proper DNG files and this CODEC is just flawed in some way, any better way to allow image thumbnails to be shown in Windows Explorer?
How to make the name of a material show up in the Compact Material Editor? For instance, if I double-click on a standard material, and put it into the first material slot, the name stays "Default-01" instead of "Concrete_brown_stucco" (for instance).
This isn't a BIG deal but it's just one more thing to slow the workflow down !
Is there anyway to animate fading in/out of objects when using this material? I searched and couldn't find something that worked. I tried creating a blend material but that didn't seem to work.
edit: actually blending materials works. i thought the values went from 0 to 1.0. but it's from 0 to 100. but the render time is crazy long. are there any more efficient methods?
how to apply materials to objects. I have made my objects and am ready to apply a material to them. I typed materials into command and the table pops up where you can render a material. I then chose my material and i see it at the bottom of the table where i can edit. All is good at this point. Now, I go back to top of table and choose apply material to objects and a little paint brush icon appears. I go and try to highlight objects and it does but when i click nothing happens. Am I missing something or is there another approach?
Just in case, I am drawing a basketball court and want to put a wood floor down. I went to the material list and chose one of the woods/plastics.
I created objects and extruded them and then I adding materials from the Autocad 2011 material library. I added brick to a wall and I was wondering what command I would have to type in to "scale" the brick size or just have a way so that the material will appear larger on the object because the bricks are quite small.
I am wondering if it is possible to assign a newly created or current material to multiple selected objects? I've searched in the forum and investigate right-mouse menu in Mudbox 2012 but still couldn't find a way to assign a material to multiple objects at once.
I just wanted to add some materials to my objects and it seems some menu entries on Toolpalettes are missing (masonry etc.). I installed the full version of AutoCAD 2012 and also downloaded some additional material libraries. I'm attaching some screenshots of missing menu items and a screenshot of installed items in control panel.
I am creating profiles and I can not get the existing grade linetype to show up as a uniformed dashed line. The layer is set up for a dashed line but the existing profile line is made up of too many nodes to make the linestyle look right.
I'm currently working on a profile and I just don't understand why my profiles barely show any stations. It doesn't even show the very first station. I remember checking on a box that mentioned showing the 1st station and still nothing. I've gone into the edit band style and turned on the labels at minor stations but it just turned on the FG/EG elevations.
I've added a picture showing what i'm talking about. It only shows stations 31+00 and 32+00. Not 30+00 or the 50' increments. Also, while I'm on the subject. How do I get something proposed into this existing profile to show FG Elevations. Example if I just wanted to strike a straight line from 30+00 to the end where the elevation is a 91' & 86'.
HP Compaq 8100 Elite Win 7 Pro SP1 - 64Bit 8GB RAM i7 860 @ 2.80 GHZ AutoCad Civil 3d 2012 SP1