Revit :: Two Phases - How To Get Phase II To Be Grayscale

Apr 4, 2012

I have a project that has been completed in Revit.  The designed facility needs to be split into two phases due to budget constraints.  I have looked at creating two Phases - Phase I and Phase II.  However the tricky part is having Phase II display greyscaled.  Successful in having phase I greyescaled and displayed acordingly with Phase II.  I have looked at the phase filters, but unsucessful in getting phase II to be greyscale since it is future work in the order of the phases.

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Revit :: Copying Phases To Another Level

Jan 31, 2012

Is it possible to copy a phase from one level to the other.  For example, on Level 1 I have walls that are Existing, Demo, and New Construction. 

If I select the objects and copy to clipboard and paste the objects to another level they will all switch to New Construction. Is there any way we can have the walls remain the same phase when copied to another level?

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Revit :: Floor Openings And Phases

Oct 24, 2013

The issue is cutting an opening in an existing floor so that in only shows in a new phase.I have created a floor based generic family with an opening tool and added an edge liner as a sweep. It hosts onto the floor and cuts it OK (in section and 3D). BUT in plan view objects below dont show through - see blue dashed on the screen clip. You will see that the red dotted opening>vertical cut show the stair below OK. Have a go (floor opening lined.rfa) and tell me why the opening is opaque!

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Revit :: Phases Not Displaying Correctly On 2nd Floor

Apr 3, 2013

I have a multi-story model with "Existing" and "New Construction" phases present on each level.  The graphic overrides are functioning properly on the 1st Floor (existing is displayed in lighter line weight and half-tone) but for some reason the overrides are not applying to the 2nd Floor.  

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Revit :: Building Pads Don't Seem To Respect Phases

Nov 9, 2010

I have multiple building pads in a model because I have multiple phases to represent. The problem I'm having is that the pads are cutting the topo surface in all phases. When I check the properties for each pads they all appear to bel properly identified as being created in the appropriate phase and yet there doesn't seem to be any way to turn off the building pad for future work in the existing conditions. See attached image.
I suppose the other possibility is that the pads are not really in the views, but the topo, having been excavated in one view,stays excavated in all views and won't fill in?
how to disable the pads where and when they're not needed? I've tried hiding the pad elements in the views, but that doesn't seem to do anything. 

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Revit :: How To Handle Worksets / Design Options And Phases

Apr 26, 2010

These are three separate question :

1. When I link A revit model (having different worksets) into B revit model, We can control the worksets visibility at the time of linking. We can select any workset to be switched off and it will not be visibility in any view. Can we controll it after linking and on the basis of views, i.e. Can we switch off any single worksets of a link file in a particular view. My understanding is that We can't control worksets of a link file in our main revit model.

2. If A.rvt contains deisgn options. can we link those design options to design options in B.rvt, Can we set the visibility of a view in B.rvt to see desired design option from A.rvt. My understanding is that revit link does not contains design options information.

3. Similar rules applies with Phases. We can't link phases from A.rvt with phases in B.rvt, Also can not controll the visibility of phases of a linked revit model.Seeks experts comments to confirm my belief. What are the nearest possible work around for these issues.

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Revit :: Phase View Control Of Shafts

Dec 5, 2012

I have a model with 15 floors and shaft objects in them. No matter what the Phase setting is for the shaft object the floor holes created by the shaft always show and cannot be eliminated with any Phase filter view control. We need to adjust shaft locations and would like to maintain the cutting by shaft object through all floors.

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Revit :: Split Floor Face In Existing Phase?

Sep 20, 2012

the situtation is splitting a floor face in the exiting phase to "paint" the floor tile pattern in the existing restrooms and then removing that once in the new phase and resplitting to "paint" the new pattern...
is it possible to split a floor face in existing phase, paint it, then move to new face and un-split and paint it to create a new split and new paint?

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Revit :: How To Demolish (new Construction) Opening Into Wall (existing Phase)?

Mar 18, 2011

Is there a way to demolish (new construction) an opening into a wall that is an existing phase (existing wall)?

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Revit :: Door Jambs Not Showing With Show All Phase Filter

Feb 20, 2013

I'm creating a floor plan of a simple remodel to show cutting a new door into an existing wall.  The plan has ALL the info on it; existing, demo, and new.  I have applied the Show All phase filter.  The door jamb lines of the new opening don't show up (see attachment). I can add detail lines to take care of the issue but then these have to be managed.
I am not interested in creating seperate demo and new views for such a simple project.

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Revit :: Proposed Phase Window Not Creating Demo Lines?

Sep 23, 2013

When I insert a new window into an exterior wall in the proposed phase, the demo phase drawings shows dashed lines on the faces of the wall, but no dashed lines running through the wall on the left or right of the window.  This makes it very hard to tell where the demo opening should be. Attached is a screenshot of this issue.

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Revit :: Objects Set To Phase Created - Existing To Show Desired Material

Nov 27, 2012

I am having trouble having objects set to 'Phase Created' = Existing to show a desired material.  They are all a dark grey.
I have gone into 'Manage', and "Phases" under 'Phasing', and under the tab, 'Graphic Overrides', changed 'Material' for 'Existing to "Phase - New".  But this did not change anything.
Where else does this get changed?
Using 2013.

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Revit :: Family Status - Assign Parameter To Grab Phase Of Object And Adjust Label Accordingly

Nov 9, 2011

We use electircal elements in AutoCAD dwgs that have labels to indicate the status of the element by phase. For instance on a floor plan we might have elctrical outlets that are existing (E), new (N), demo (D), etc.  How does one do this efficietnly in REVIT?  Is there a way to assign a paramter to grab the phase of the object and then adjust a label accordingly?  This would be ideal because over time the element s might move from one phase to another such as from new to existing.

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Revit :: Show Existing Rooms In (show Previous And Demo) Set For Phase Filter

Dec 31, 2013

Why new rooms show up in lieu of existing rooms when"show previous and demo" are set for the phase filter?  Every single other existing element including doors, walls, windows, etc. show in the "show previous and demo" phase filter with the exception of rooms.

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Photoshop :: Three Phases

Apr 20, 2006

Create an action that would reduce the dimensions of images in a folder. Then, save the reduced images for the web (Save for Web), then close the orignal image without saving it.

I believe I created the action properly, but when I use the batch command, things go horribly wrong. The first image in the folder, the one I open when recording the action, keeps getting reduced, and the other images never open.

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Photoshop :: DNG And Phase One

Aug 4, 2009

Does dng provide lossless convertion from Phase One to dng file format? 

Can you also convert it back from Dng to Phase One format without any loss of quality?

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Lightroom :: How To Use LR With Phase One Files

Jun 22, 2013

Using LR with Phase One files?I use a P45 Phase One back and really would prefer to use Lightroom (over Capture One), but I also need to use the lens correction files for the way I shoot (wide angle lenses / technical cameras etc.)..... I know LR can now do this, but it only works with dng files; everything I've read tells me that the C1 conversion to dng is not a good conversion.
I suppose I could always just make a few basic corrections in C1 and then export a 16 bit Tiff to work on in LR, but I'd rather work with raw files as much as possible?

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Lightroom :: Phase One Raw Files

Aug 22, 2013

Phase One raw files can Lightroom read it?

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Lightroom :: Optimize Catalog Phase

Mar 8, 2012

I've used Lightroom since the beginning but am having issues with LR4. One of the problems I am facing is that when I backup my LR database that it brings my entire system to a complete hault for over an hour. It seems to do that during the optimize catalog phase. I can't do anything else on my computer as my mouse and everything else freezes until the very slow backup completes. I didn't have this issue with any other version of LR. I first had this problem on my computer after upgrading my LR3. When I encountered this and other problems (mostly related to locking up or working very slow) I started with a fresh hard drive and re-installed windows and LR but still had the same problems.
I'm using Windows Vista 64, 8gb of RAM, 2.83 Ghz, a fast drive with loads of extra space, etc. I do have a large LR database (7gb) but I had that in LR3 as well.

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Lightroom :: Sharpening To DNG In Develop Phase

May 16, 2013

If I apply Sharpening to the DNG in the Develop phase, do I still need to apply it in the Export (to JPEG) settings? 

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Lightroom :: Does LR5 FULLY Support Phase One P65+ Raw Files

Sep 11, 2013

I know the files are "supported", and will open. However, the quality is quite bad and nowhere near as good as opening the same file in Capture One. Also, long exposure shots see the "black frame" totally discarded and the images are extremely noisy. Phase One support say it's because LR and CS6 are only using a portion of the Raw file and to ask Adobe.
I would migrate to LR5 today if there were a fix or an explanation. Capture One forkflow doesn't suit me. However, the quality is just too bad to accept.

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VideoStudio :: Pixelation After Create Video File Phase

Feb 10, 2006

Nature of the problem: Following the recommended procedure, I get to the phase where you created a video file. However when I go to preview the file, its badly pixelated.

Properties of your source files: All are clips from unprotected DVDs and play fine when captured.

What devices are involved and their mode of connection: Direct from computer's DVD player/recorder.

Project Settings: As listed under recommended procedure.

Output format: Mpeg to be burned to DVD.

Error Codes (if any): None
System information: AMD 64 3500+ w/ Dual SLi 7800 GTs and 2 GB of RAM.

I suspect that its a setting somewhere that has been changed because on a prototype I made using some of the same clips it worked fine. Then just stopped and started pixelating out of the blue.

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Lightroom :: Color Cast To Phase One IQ Files After Opened

Oct 31, 2011

I used the Lightroom beta 3.5 beta with CR 6.5 beta and now have installed the update of these two products. In beta I was able to open Phase One IQ raw files just fine but now with the 3.5 release I obtain a funny Magenta color cast that displays in the Library Mode and thumbnail but does not display in the Development Mode. This happens on both my Mac Laptop and workstation. Mac OS 10.6.8. I have not yet tried uninstalling LR and reinstalling, will do that next. The first image is in the Library mode after I have opened the file. The second is from the Development Mode. Notice how the tumbnail at the bottom remains constant but the small image on the left has changed in the Development mode to its natural look.
I should say that this color cast happens after I adjust the temperature settings of the image, not just from mearly opening it in Development.

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Lightroom :: Support Shooting Tethered With Phase One's IQ160

Jan 13, 2014

Does Lightroom support shooting tethered with Phase One's IQ160? LR isn't detecting my IQ160.

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Lightroom :: How To Automatically Export Only Pictures Is Enhanced During Develop Phase

Apr 25, 2012

Is there any way to automatically export only the pictures I've enhanced during the develop phase?   I was resolved to Ctrl-Click on the ones at the bottom filmstrip that I could 'see' that I had edited (about 15 out of a hundred) and then export to a subdirectory.   Maybe someway to filter that bottom filmstrip to only the pictures I've edited/enhanced?

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AutoCad 2D :: Import Updated Phase (shown In Yellow) Into Existing Site Layout (grey)

Oct 10, 2013

I am trying to import an updated phase (shown in yellow) into an existing site layout (grey) however I cannot get it to rotate round and fit correctly. I imagine it will involve using the rotate command and reference.

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Photoshop :: Grayscale To RGB

Sep 11, 2013

please try this:
1) new image, grayscale
2) fill (say 96,96,96)
3) image->mode->rgb color
The pixels will be (95,95,95) and (96,96,96) when they should *all* be the same.
It also happens when you paste a black & white image into an RGB document because even though it has three 8-bit channels (by definition not grayscale) Photoshop decides to make it grayscale.
Is there a way to correct this ?

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Photoshop :: Better Grayscale?

Jul 11, 2008

Desatuate? Grayscale Mode? Channel Mixer? Black & White Command?

How do you create your most beautiful grayscale photographs?

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Photoshop :: Grayscale

Jan 20, 2006

I know one way to turn a photo to black and white, grayscale,

but how do I paint colors on to it?

Is there another way to make a color pic B&W so I can put my own color into it?

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Photoshop :: Grayscale!

Jul 11, 2008

I got Adobe CS3 Master Collection. Everything is fine, but there is one problem: In Photoshop grayscale images look brown or sepia. The screen itself is neutral, no color tints and I installed the driver. This problem only appears in Photoshop, Illustrator and not in other programs like Flash, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Corel and ACDsee. In those programs grayscale pics look neutral. It has no effect when I disable the color management in Photoshop. RGB pics look great. When in desaturate RGB pics they look neutral grey but as soon as I convert them in grayscale, they become brown. In Photoshop's color managemet I can select a profil for RGB colors as you can see in the screenshot, but for grayscale I couldn't find a profil. Even in the internet I couldn't find one for my monitor.

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Photoshop :: Grayscale JPEGs In CS6 Always Act As 72 Dpi

Feb 6, 2013

If we convert a color image set at 300 dpi to grayscale and save as a jpeg, and place in Quark Xpress, the image acts as if the resolution is set at 72 dpi. (In color, it acts as if it's 300 dpi.) If we save it as a grayscale TIFF, it acts properly as if it's 300 dpi.
Is this a bug, a "feature!", or can we change a setting? Is this only true for use in Quark, or do other have this issue placing images in different programs?

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