Lightroom :: Color Cast To Phase One IQ Files After Opened

Oct 31, 2011

I used the Lightroom beta 3.5 beta with CR 6.5 beta and now have installed the update of these two products. In beta I was able to open Phase One IQ raw files just fine but now with the 3.5 release I obtain a funny Magenta color cast that displays in the Library Mode and thumbnail but does not display in the Development Mode. This happens on both my Mac Laptop and workstation. Mac OS 10.6.8. I have not yet tried uninstalling LR and reinstalling, will do that next. The first image is in the Library mode after I have opened the file. The second is from the Development Mode. Notice how the tumbnail at the bottom remains constant but the small image on the left has changed in the Development mode to its natural look.
I should say that this color cast happens after I adjust the temperature settings of the image, not just from mearly opening it in Development.

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Lightroom :: How To Use LR With Phase One Files

Jun 22, 2013

Using LR with Phase One files?I use a P45 Phase One back and really would prefer to use Lightroom (over Capture One), but I also need to use the lens correction files for the way I shoot (wide angle lenses / technical cameras etc.)..... I know LR can now do this, but it only works with dng files; everything I've read tells me that the C1 conversion to dng is not a good conversion.
I suppose I could always just make a few basic corrections in C1 and then export a 16 bit Tiff to work on in LR, but I'd rather work with raw files as much as possible?

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Lightroom :: Phase One Raw Files

Aug 22, 2013

Phase One raw files can Lightroom read it?

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Lightroom :: Does LR5 FULLY Support Phase One P65+ Raw Files

Sep 11, 2013

I know the files are "supported", and will open. However, the quality is quite bad and nowhere near as good as opening the same file in Capture One. Also, long exposure shots see the "black frame" totally discarded and the images are extremely noisy. Phase One support say it's because LR and CS6 are only using a portion of the Raw file and to ask Adobe.
I would migrate to LR5 today if there were a fix or an explanation. Capture One forkflow doesn't suit me. However, the quality is just too bad to accept.

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Lightroom :: 3.5 Raw Image Magenta Color Cast

Nov 23, 2011

My Nikon D7000 raw files all have a magenta cast to them when imported into Adobe Lightroom 3.5, and I wasn't shooting on multiple exposure. I am running Windows 7 64-bit, and have Adobe Photoshop CS4 as well as a trial version of Adobe Lightroom 3.5 (testing to see if I would like to buy as I can't read my raw files in CS4).
If I convert my raw files to DNG, and then view them using camera raw (CS4), the magenta cast is gone. However, if I view those same DNG files with Lightroom, they have the magenta cast. I have tried re-importing my catalog, but every time they all have the same strong magenta cast.

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Lightroom :: 4.2 D600 Deep Shadow Magenta Color Cast?

Oct 29, 2012

LR4.2 gives some ugly magenta color cast on deep shadows especially at high iso pictures. Nikon Capture NX2 gives them too, but not  so heavy. If I push the shadows at iso 1600, they are all magenta. Is it related to the beta state of the D600 support? My D700 is at iso 3200 in deep shadows completely black (only luminance noise), even pushed. Is there a possibility to correct that issue with LR (high iso blackpoint correction)? The shadow color tint correction from the calibration option is not really a solution, because it does not only correct the deep shadows, so the other shadows  get a green tint.

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Lightroom :: Manage Color Printing To Remove Magenta Cast?

Dec 4, 2012

Right now I am working on a Win 7 64 computer and have a Canon MP810 printer.  I read the materials on color management and set my color management in "Print" in Lightroom 4 to "managed by printer".   My printer color management in advanced settings is set all to defaults.  When I print a photo from Lightroom 4, there is a distinct magenta cast to the entire photo, but it's most observable in midtone neutrals.  A burnt out section of a lightbulb goes white, for instance, but greys seem to go pinkish, greens to a rust, etc.  I also printed the same photo from a windows file, using Windows 7 print mode.  That photo seemed to go slightly magenta in the neutrals but not nearly to the same degree. what I might try or test to see if I can get my print colors more accurate?

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Lightroom :: Color Cast When Printing With Epson 3880 Printer?

Mar 7, 2014

Just got an epson 3880 printer. Printing on epson paper is fine. But printing on Ilford or Moab or other papers from lightroom and photoshop have a terrible magenta color cast. WHen I print the same image from Preview, with the same print driver settings, it looks fine. So somehow the adobe apps (or my settings) are messing up the color sync. I used to have an espon 2400 which worked just fine.
I have Mac OSX-10.9.1. Monitor is calibrated. (Prints to epson paper with their profiles look's just other profiles that are really bad).

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Lightroom :: 5.2 Renders Images With Dark - Green-yellow Color-cast?

Sep 29, 2013

The fresh install of LR 5.2 renders all images - RAW and JPG - throughout the program with a very dark, green-yellow colorcast. The only place where images appear normal is in the Import dialog, while the thumbnail mode is active. Apart from that, every program module features this annoying reproduction. Here are some supporting screenshots (red rectangles are from me):
Import screen - thumbnail view - OK:
Import screen - preview - NOT OK:

Library view - NOT OK:
Strangely enough, if I export the picture to JPEG - without any modifications - the image appears normal again:

 LR version: 5.2.1, 64b (tried the 32b version too, same error)
OS: Windows 8, 64bit
Camera: Canon 40d, imported images are RAW.

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Lightroom :: Metadata Conflict For TIFF Files Opened In PS

Dec 17, 2013

I have a trouble with metadata conflicts.
I'm not making any adjustment in Lr. I'm just opening, editing and saving a TIFF file in Ps and I'm always getting the following warning. What can cause a metadata conflict for such a case?

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Lightroom :: DNG Files Exported From LR4 Not Showing Changes Made When Opened In PSE10?

Nov 29, 2013

I have LR4, and once I make some develop changes I've been exporting the files I want to use as DNG.  I then open them in PSE10 to make final edits.  It's been working fine, actually I had an older version of Adobe Raw in my PSE on my other computer.  So when I opened in PSE it would ask if I wanted to conver to compatible version to edit in camera raw.  I always said no b/c I didn't need to do anymore raw edits.  Now that I have installed PSE on my new computer, it has the new ACR version I guess.  When I open the DNGs to edit now I no longer get this error message, but it's showing my contrast, etc. as a standard raw setting instead of the changes I made in LR.  Some are vibrance, but "recovery" which I know is "highlights" in LR, and other things are not showing correctly.  I know that the options are different, but I don't want to use the ACR settings that it's using when I open the file, or have to go through them again.

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Lightroom :: Catalog Cannot Be Opened Because Another Application Already Has It Opened

Jun 9, 2012

I am trying to open Lightroom 4 from my desktop and it keeps giving me this message:The Lightroom catalog named "Lightroom 4 Catalog" cannot be opened because another application already has it opened.

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Photoshop :: HDR Pro Color Cast - CS6 To 13.0.1?

Oct 27, 2012

After upgrading PS CS6 to 13.0.1, HDR Pro now renders terrible colors. The reds seem to be missing and there is a pea-green cast to everything. The screen capture from LR shows two 32-bit images made from HDR Pro the one on the left was created 9/19/2012 on the right was created 10/27/2012 after having upgraded CS6 and LR4. The color space in Photoshop is Prophoto

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Lightroom :: Optimize Catalog Phase

Mar 8, 2012

I've used Lightroom since the beginning but am having issues with LR4. One of the problems I am facing is that when I backup my LR database that it brings my entire system to a complete hault for over an hour. It seems to do that during the optimize catalog phase. I can't do anything else on my computer as my mouse and everything else freezes until the very slow backup completes. I didn't have this issue with any other version of LR. I first had this problem on my computer after upgrading my LR3. When I encountered this and other problems (mostly related to locking up or working very slow) I started with a fresh hard drive and re-installed windows and LR but still had the same problems.
I'm using Windows Vista 64, 8gb of RAM, 2.83 Ghz, a fast drive with loads of extra space, etc. I do have a large LR database (7gb) but I had that in LR3 as well.

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Lightroom :: Sharpening To DNG In Develop Phase

May 16, 2013

If I apply Sharpening to the DNG in the Develop phase, do I still need to apply it in the Export (to JPEG) settings? 

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Photoshop :: Add Color Cast To Grey?

Jul 24, 2012

I'm trying to add a color cast to a grey, contoured button shape (defined by a vector mask), by overlaying it with an adjustment layer with a solid green fill and setting the blend mode to "multiply."
The shape layer has transparent pixels around the perimeter, so I would not expect a "multiply" operation to result in visible green there.  But it does.  That's no good.  I need to export this image to a PNG with the transparency intact.
I can see that the green adjustment layer has a "Color Fill 1 Mask" channel, but copying the shape layer and pasting it into that mask channel doesn't seem to work. The display shows a very thin outline of the vector shape, but I can't appear to do anything with it.

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Photoshop :: Fixing A Color Cast

Nov 27, 2004

I have some photos I took at a car show. Unfortunately, the event was held in a garage under horrible lighting. It gave everything a yellow-orange cast. What is the best way to remove or shift the color cast to more natural light. I tried Channel Mixer to some good effect. I have attached a sample image. I realize it may be hard to recover anything, but I'm just interesting in the technique.

Note in the image, there is almost no blue. The Channel mixer allows "converting" some of the other light into blue. I'm I on the right track?

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Photoshop :: Strange Yellow Color Cast After CS4...

Jun 5, 2009

PS CS4. Everything seemed to go fine, but now all of a sudden his images are displayed with a strong yellow tint. I don't mean a slight color cast, I mean a STRONG yellow tint. The images appear the same in Photoshop, the Bridge, and even ACR. I re-calibrated the monitor (Gretag McBeth) and generated a new profile just be sure, but that wasn't it. The same images viewed in other applications (Picassa, opened in a browser, etc.) on the same computer display normally. This appears to be only Photoshop related. What's also interesting is that CS3 now exhibits the same problem after the CS4 install. I reviewed all the color settings and workflow, and nothing is out of the ordinary. The Nikon raw images were imported via ACR, and opened in Photoshop with ACR workflow options set for 16 bit/Adobe RGB. Photoshop working space is Adobe RGB. I also installed the 11.0.1 update. But here are what may be a couple of clues. First, it's not just the image files that look bad. The colors are awful in the color picker in the toolbox. The entire color picker slider is almost all yellow and orange. And here's another good one. We tried importing some new raw images via the photo downloader in Bridge. With the downloader in Advanced mode, the image previews before download show the same yellow cast. But after I click the Get Photos button, the image colors appear correct as they flash on for a couple of seconds while being downloaded. This has got to be a big clue for someone. What's different about how the image is displayed during that two second preview during the actual download? The PC hardware is a 3.2Ghz Pentium 4 Dell tower (2G ram) running XP Pro w/SP3, with a nVidia GeForce 7800 graphics card, and the screen resolution is 1024x768. I'm thinking maybe a graphics card issue or corrupted system profiles, but I'm a Mac and he's a PC so my PC troubleshooting skills are limited.

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Photoshop :: Eliminating Orange Color Cast

May 5, 2008

I have this image with an intense orange background.

I want to change the color of the background to a light green, or even white (depending on my boss' mood). But the background color leaves me with an undesirable orange color-cast on the old man.

this is only a very rough clipping, the final version will be well refined.

way to eliminate this color-cast, most noticable on his hair. How would you go about it?

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Photoshop :: Removing Offense Color Cast

Nov 29, 2004

remove the offending color cast on this photo.

I've tried different techniques but so far i'm not there yet.

ignore the black eyes. it was done to protect my friend privacy.

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Get Rid Of Greyish Color Cast

Jan 3, 2013

My printouts are getting a greyish color cast!?

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Lightroom :: Support Shooting Tethered With Phase One's IQ160

Jan 13, 2014

Does Lightroom support shooting tethered with Phase One's IQ160? LR isn't detecting my IQ160.

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Photoshop :: Generate Assets Do Strange Color Cast?

Oct 24, 2013

I tryed first time this feature and disappointed allready.The result of three layers to assets given 3 darken colorcasted images.

This last one is exported with Save for web feature and got correct colors.Original document is on srgb color so it should be right in first place?

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Photoshop :: Odd - Color Cast After Opening Edited RAWs In PS5

Apr 25, 2012

RAW and open edit all my RAW files in Bridge (CS5). All goes well here until I send the images over to PS5, where upon opening there, they all seem to have a much warmer, yellowish cast.Have I possibly gotten something set wrong in Photoshop that causes this wierd off-color cast?

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Photoshop :: Neutralizing Color Cast With Photo Filters?

Nov 10, 2013

I am learning to neutralize color casts in PS6, and one way I found was through this website:  [URL] ..... which proports to teach Photoshop.
In using their examples, in step 1 new adj layer, pick photo filter, fine.

Step 2 it says to click on color, which opens up the color picker dialogue box, and move cursor, which turns into eyedropper over the color you want to change and click on it. It is supposed to sample the color  and change the color in the color picker dialogue box.
When I click on the color, what comes up in the color picker window is WHITE (for new color), split with the original color of the filter. I cannot get it to come up the color I am picking. I cannot get it to come up without the split color in the box. Even if I change it to only use Gamut color, I still get a split box with white as my picked color.
When I use'command-click' on the color I want to sample, it changes the color in the image, instead of just sampling it for the (new) color in the color picker, so I it changes the original color in the image and I cannot use the information.
When I don't use a New Adj layer and just do it on the image, itself, it works.

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Lightroom :: How To Automatically Export Only Pictures Is Enhanced During Develop Phase

Apr 25, 2012

Is there any way to automatically export only the pictures I've enhanced during the develop phase?   I was resolved to Ctrl-Click on the ones at the bottom filmstrip that I could 'see' that I had edited (about 15 out of a hundred) and then export to a subdirectory.   Maybe someway to filter that bottom filmstrip to only the pictures I've edited/enhanced?

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Photoshop :: Difference Between Color Cast And Correcting White Balance?

May 3, 2007

I learned from Scott Kelby's book on a technique to remove color cast.

What is the difference between color cast and correcting white balance?

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Remove Cool / Blue Color Cast In Pictures

Sep 18, 2012

I had incurrect setting when taking  some pictures, which turned the pictures blue. Is there a way to correct this in Elements 9?

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Photoshop Elements :: Keyboard Shortcut For Remove Color Cast And Brightness / Contrast?

Nov 13, 2013

What is the keyboard shortcut for remove color cast and for brightness/contrast?

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Photoshop Elements :: Remove Yellow Color Cast Created In Photos Printed On HP Photosmart 7520?

Mar 22, 2013

The colors on the computer monitor do not match the colors of my printed photos.  The pictures have a yellow color cast.  I am printing using HP Photosmart 7520.

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Lightroom :: How To Correct Colour Cast

Nov 7, 2012

Is ther a specific adjustment for a global colour caste in LR4 ?

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