I have Revit 2012. Trying to import a titleblock from Architectural Desktop 2006. When I follow the User Guide guidelines I get to step 3 and then this message:
"Import Geometry Not VisibleThe import geometry will not be visible in the view using the current settings.The origin of the import will be centered on the origin of the model instead. You can view the import in any view where its geometry is within the extents." The ZF command only opens up the Import CAD formats window. The original titleblock is in modelspace of the dwg file.
I created a custom template family for a 36"x24" titleblock. now, I need to create one for a 24"x18" template family. My issue is, what is the easiest way to do this?
I cannot copy and paste content from one family to another for some reason (unless I am doing something wrong). I was thinking the easiest way is to copy the family, rename it and move the content around so that it becomes a 24"x18" template - BUT - does this affect how it plots?
My titleblock seems to be corrupted and I can't edit it. I need to edit some text on it (highlighted), so when I am on the sheet view in the project I select the titleblock and click 'edit family.'
When I load it into the project I get this error. I would happily create a new titleblock, but I this is used in many places, so I need to edit this one. I tried to upload my Revit Error Report, but this forum is saying it is not a valid extension.
I have been having this issue in both Revit Architecture 2012 and 2013. I have loaded in my parameters for my title blocks ("Addition", "City, State, Zip", "Address", and "Lot#/Block#) in the same way I have done it in any other project. but for some reason in this project after I have loaded in my parameters and set them to my sheets and I am still not able to select them and edit them on my sheets.
Is there a way to print an area larger than my titleblock, so that I can include the border defining the edge of the paper in the final printed pdf?
My workflow requires me to open the pdf in illustrator and make adjustments before a final print. I need the boundary printed so that I can scale the drawing inside illustrator back up to proper size.
Maybe I need to make a custom titleblock with a larger boundary?
I want to add parameters to my projects for consultants (type, name, company name, address, etc.) in a way that isn't deleted by updating a titleblock.
Currently my consultants are just text objects in the titleblock family that are not saved back to a default titleblock. If I reload the titleblock they get replaced by whatever default text was part of the default titleblock. I also have different titleblocks for different sheet types within the project, for example cover sheet, sheet, sketch, etc.
What I want is for this information to be part of the Project Information so I can make changes there without editing the titleblock family. I want them to function like the parameters for Client Name, Project Address, etc. and catagorize them in some generic way like Consultant A, Consultant B, etc. because not every project will have civil engineer or sprinkler designer.
I got as far as trying to create a lable in my titleblock family but when I tried to add a Category Parameter for the first lable, let's call it Consultant A Type, I get a mostly grayed out Parameter Properties dialog where the only clickable option is to select a Parameter Type, all of which are grouped under IFC Propertires and non of which seem to apply. There's no Project Information group. How do I create these lables and parameters?
I created a project parameter (in order to group my sheets with my custom system) and I'd like to create a label on my titleblock that's the ability to show this project parameter atomatically.
I reckon it has something to do with shared parameters but how to use them.
I'm trying to create a titleblock family that has an image or dwg of my site. The easy way to do this is save a new family and import a cad file or jpg of the site plan.
However, I'd like to avoid creating a new titleblock family for each project with a new imported site image.
I thought I would be able to just make the image's "Loaded from file" address an editable field that could be updated in the project info like all the other parameters, but it doesn't seem to be possible.
I'm trying to add a scale ruler to a title block and I would like it to change automatically with the scale of the views placed on the sheet. Is this even passable? I have attached a picture of the scale rule, I have made it as a symbol and the numbers are the only thing that change between the types.
I am using Revit 2012 Architecture and I have tried to import a 3D drawing from the Wolf/Subzero appliance line. When I try to import the drawing I get the message:
"Some ACIS objects could not be imported. To import them, use AutoCAD to convert them into polymesh objects and reimport."how to go about converting the objects in basic/novice terms?
I have an annotation tag which has a colored title bar using a colored region as a background to the title text. However having created a standard drafting detail in a 'Standard Details' project, using one of these annotation tags, when copied into a new project the color is replaced by black losing the title text in the background.
I am new to Revit and am currently looking at bringing in a road alignment as a dwg file from autoCAD. I can bring it in ok and it appears in some of my levels and elevations (still not sure how to properly control them) but how can I set up corresponding levels and grids for my road whilst keeping the roads original coordinates?
I'm trying to make a layoout on Revit. I have done sections and plans made on Revit and all is ok. But when I try to create a rectangular detail, such as in Plan, which contains a CAD file, I noticed that since the center of Revit is not aligned with the center of the dwg, the detail is moved and takes up a very large rectangle . When I try to drag the window "detail of Plan" within the table layout, the rectangle occupies the entire sheet.
How to import an engineer's site plan w/ contours so that it displays correctly (i.e., scale, topography, etc.), then use it in elevations, 3d perspective, section?
I have a fairly complex irregular surface model that originally came from Microstation. I have it as sat version 7 and dwg. My goal is to import it to Revit (Building design suite 2013, so I have architecture/structure/systems available) and use the surface to cut a regular wall that was created in Revit.
When I insert the surface, it comes in as an Import Symbol. I understand that I will need to change it to a cuttable family type, but do not know how. Also, I am unsure if I can use a surface to cut, or whether it needs to be a solid instead?
I was also trying to extrude a void ending to one side of the surface in order for it to cut any solid objects (such as walls) that appear on that side in the project, but was unable to accomplish this.
I linked a revit file of some renovations that had been done into an older revit file. This worked fine accept it did not transfer the room data over. When i try to put new rooms in they take the volume of the older rooms not the renovation imports. Why? Why? and why?
Even if I draw out the rooms when i place the room they are still separated and defined by the older room dimensions. Thats not cool that is sad?
I have a drawing with 18 viewports, each one has (should have) a titleblock but xref manager tells me it is not found. Firstly, why would it now not be attached? And secondly, why am I not simply able to re-reference it? I tried to UNLOAD and DETACH it but it wont do it as there are multiple inserts. So I tried to RELOAD and ATTACH but no joy. It simply gives me the path to the referenced file (which is correct by the way) So, how do I reload the titleblock to each layout?
I have 2 files and I'd like to copy a titleblock from a template drawing and use it to replace an existing titleblock on an in progress drawing. The titleblock on the in progress drawing has attributes, and I'd like to keep them when I put in the new titleblock. The attribute tag names between the 2 titleblocks are the same.
I do not know the exact names of the titleblocks, only that they contain the words "title block" somewhere in their name.
I've developed for Inventor for a while now, but I'm completely new to AutoCAD. How might I go about this?
I believe the basic steps would be something like this:
1. Identify which object to copy from template sheet.
2. Save that object to memory
3. Identify object to replace in existing drawing
4. Copy attributes and get position of existing titleblock
5. Delete existing titleblock
6. Insert new titleblock and copy in attributes
I've taken the Autocad tutorials, and I've searched for relevant posts on ThroughTheInterface. Is there someplace else to look which might give a more in-depth example of what I'm trying to accomplish?
My hospital has been bought out by another hospital. Is there an easy way to change my titleblock. I am using project navigator and I have changed my templates.
I have an Inventor license that doesn't include Autocad. We have some old Autocad drawings that I would like to write a program to extract the titleblock info which I believe is probably done with attributes. Not sure though.
is there any way for me to get to that info without having a seat of Autocad? In Inventor we can use apprentice to do similar things.
I have a drawing I'm working from where everything was drawn in model space including the drawing titleblock and the grips for an archD plot. A single viewport is used in paper space that encompasses the entire drawing - titleblock and all. My problem is that I want to use a different scale in the paperspace layout but keep the titleblock (and archD plot grips). Adding another paperspace viewport in the centre of the original does not seem to work as when I adjust the viewport scale it zooms in far too much. Is there a simple solution that I am missing?
I need to insert a barcode into my drawing titleblock. I have the font loaded that I need, I just can't get it formatted so my barcode reader will read it. I am using the field "filename" to drive the text in the barcode. My issue is I need and asterisk as a prefix and a suffix to my file name so my barcode reader knows where to "start and stop". How can I format the field "filename" with an asterisk (*) as a prefix and suffix?
I use a single IDW template for all my drawings. In it, I've got multiple dim styles.... One is Inch, one is mm, and one shows alternate units as Inch (mm).
In my titleblock, I've got a box that says "Units: " and I've currently got this setup as a prompted entry so that I'll have to think about it when I start the drawing and manually enter "Inches" or "mm" or "Inch (mm)".
Is there a way to automate this so I don't have to manually enter it, or remember to change it if the units change down the line?
Whenever I plot this perticular dwg to a pdf, the pdf comes out perfectly fine. But when I go to print the pdf... the titleblock and some hatches don't show up. All the hatches are on the same layer and the titleblock is xrefed in the same as all the other sheets in the set, which all are fine as well.