Is there a way to print an area larger than my titleblock, so that I can include the border defining the edge of the paper in the final printed pdf?
My workflow requires me to open the pdf in illustrator and make adjustments before a final print. I need the boundary printed so that I can scale the drawing inside illustrator back up to proper size.
Maybe I need to make a custom titleblock with a larger boundary?
I created a custom template family for a 36"x24" titleblock. now, I need to create one for a 24"x18" template family. My issue is, what is the easiest way to do this?
I cannot copy and paste content from one family to another for some reason (unless I am doing something wrong). I was thinking the easiest way is to copy the family, rename it and move the content around so that it becomes a 24"x18" template - BUT - does this affect how it plots?
I have Revit 2012. Trying to import a titleblock from Architectural Desktop 2006. When I follow the User Guide guidelines I get to step 3 and then this message:
"Import Geometry Not VisibleThe import geometry will not be visible in the view using the current settings.The origin of the import will be centered on the origin of the model instead. You can view the import in any view where its geometry is within the extents." The ZF command only opens up the Import CAD formats window. The original titleblock is in modelspace of the dwg file.
My titleblock seems to be corrupted and I can't edit it. I need to edit some text on it (highlighted), so when I am on the sheet view in the project I select the titleblock and click 'edit family.'
When I load it into the project I get this error. I would happily create a new titleblock, but I this is used in many places, so I need to edit this one. I tried to upload my Revit Error Report, but this forum is saying it is not a valid extension.
I have been having this issue in both Revit Architecture 2012 and 2013. I have loaded in my parameters for my title blocks ("Addition", "City, State, Zip", "Address", and "Lot#/Block#) in the same way I have done it in any other project. but for some reason in this project after I have loaded in my parameters and set them to my sheets and I am still not able to select them and edit them on my sheets.
I want to add parameters to my projects for consultants (type, name, company name, address, etc.) in a way that isn't deleted by updating a titleblock.
Currently my consultants are just text objects in the titleblock family that are not saved back to a default titleblock. If I reload the titleblock they get replaced by whatever default text was part of the default titleblock. I also have different titleblocks for different sheet types within the project, for example cover sheet, sheet, sketch, etc.
What I want is for this information to be part of the Project Information so I can make changes there without editing the titleblock family. I want them to function like the parameters for Client Name, Project Address, etc. and catagorize them in some generic way like Consultant A, Consultant B, etc. because not every project will have civil engineer or sprinkler designer.
I got as far as trying to create a lable in my titleblock family but when I tried to add a Category Parameter for the first lable, let's call it Consultant A Type, I get a mostly grayed out Parameter Properties dialog where the only clickable option is to select a Parameter Type, all of which are grouped under IFC Propertires and non of which seem to apply. There's no Project Information group. How do I create these lables and parameters?
I created a project parameter (in order to group my sheets with my custom system) and I'd like to create a label on my titleblock that's the ability to show this project parameter atomatically.
I reckon it has something to do with shared parameters but how to use them.
I'm trying to create a titleblock family that has an image or dwg of my site. The easy way to do this is save a new family and import a cad file or jpg of the site plan.
However, I'd like to avoid creating a new titleblock family for each project with a new imported site image.
I thought I would be able to just make the image's "Loaded from file" address an editable field that could be updated in the project info like all the other parameters, but it doesn't seem to be possible.
I'm trying to add a scale ruler to a title block and I would like it to change automatically with the scale of the views placed on the sheet. Is this even passable? I have attached a picture of the scale rule, I have made it as a symbol and the numbers are the only thing that change between the types.
Is there a way to code certain regions of an image for a click event without adding a hit area?I have a map of Texas with each region. Clicking on a region brings this region bigger to the front. Then I want a click event for each county to bring up its name and other data.
I am feeling a bit dumb at the moment. How does one print something larger than the "physical" page size--ie., tiled pages--in Designer Pro 6?
I have a drawing that is 3 times the length of US letter size (actual size of the drawing is 7.5" x 30"). US letter size is 8.5" x 11". The page is defined as landscape, so 11" width, 8.5" height.
I regularly do this using another program and will have constant need to do so in the future.
We've got an HP Designjet 455C attached to an SBS 2003 computer.
From Autocad, I can print when I set the page size to A4 - as expect, it prints a nice A4 sized plot on the A1 width roll. But if I try to print full size plots, nothing happens; the document spools, but the printer does nothing.
It must be something to do with paper size or orientation, but I can't find what. I wondered if there was anything well known I should try (I'm not that familiar with Autocad - yet).
Part of the problem was inconsistency.. sometimes test documents would print, and then they wouldn't! I also got one which seemed to print at the right size, but was only printing part of the file content. These are existing Autocad files, with a printer that has been working in the past.
Just recently, any prints I try to make on paper larger than 8.5 x 11 is offset, small or both using my epson 3880. Up until about 2 months ago it was fine. Also, the colors appear somewhat muted on the larger prints. Plus, I am still having a problem with prints being too dark but that is minor to the skewed printing. I still have LR 2 & 3 installed and tried using these programs with the same results.
I've noticed in my projects, and to a lesser extend in family creation, that when I purge, the files is sometimes larger after the purge than before. This seems counterintuitive.
I have an image that is 15000 x 10000 pixels, 529cm x 374cm. It has been created at 72 pixels/inch.I want to print it out at 100cm x 70cm at 300pixels/ inch.can the larger 72ppi document be 'shrunk' to accomodate for the 300ppi print requirement?
I am creating colage images in Photoshop CS4. I sometimes use scanned vintage daguerreotypes or other small snapshots. They are often small sized at 3.5" x 4.5" or 4.25" x 5.5". My Epson 835 scanner can scan in at 300, 400, up to 800 dpi. If I intend to print these scans at 8x10, 11x14 or a larger size within the overall collage, should I scan in at the highest dpi allowed by my scanner? Does this make a real difference after 300 in resolution/clarity?
Also, Does Photoshop CS4, in the enlarging process, as I bring the smaller image into my composite and stretch size it up with (T) tool, end up just making "junk pixels" using "Bicubic" or "Bicubic smoother" in the printing from flattened PS file, even tho I scanned in at a high dpi? scan in at best dpi so that the image won't be pixelated, lose resolution as it is used larger inside the final composite collage.
How can i adjust the area I want to print? I mean the dashed line. What i need to do is print out a map and i want it to cover the entire paper, without any bords around it.
Recently, on my machine i have noticed that the print area (layout white space) of my drawing in paperspace moves and re-sizes every time i print.
I am trying to create a template and want everyone to print "layout" as a standard practice. But, if i happen to change to print window and window something off the page the layout space (white area) has now been resized and moved to the area i just windowed.
I want to print something "off the page" this time is no reason to change or modify the LAYOUT area that was initially specified. This never happened before and is not happening to my colleagues, so this must be a local setting.
I'm on a Mac working in Illustrator CS6. I went to print out of the print dialog box and after I printed, I noticed that the margins are larger on one side that the other. I re-opened the print dialog box and double clicked in the area that shows the artwork prior to print, to re center the artwork in the window, and noticed that there two dotted lines in thw window. One being the artwork, and the other is the image printable area.
Well when I double clicked on the dialog box to re-center the artwork in the prinatble area, the art works centers, but the printer image area is offset, or nudged upward. When I print the margins are larger on one side and not centered. Heres the million dollar question,"How do I re-center the image area for printing so when I print, the artwork is centered?" I'm not printing boarderless. I will try to include a pic if needed.
When creating section view sheets how do I control where the section view is in relation to the print area. I understand I can use the data bands to force the sections left and right but what about vertically? I end up with sections drawn right on the line and the labels are outside the print area, see below.
I am trying to plot a layout sheet 24'' W x 18" H. The frame on my sheet is 22''W x 16''L (inside the dash lines limits we see on the layout). I believe I prepare the print correctly:
- Select the printer (HP DESIGN JET PS) - I use the window fonction to select the printable area ( left upper corner and then the opposite corner). - Select Paper size Arch C (landscape) - Paper orientation: Lansdcape
The preview shows that the upper and bottom lines of my frame will not print, and they do not, even if I try (see the attachement below).
Is there a setting that you can turn on that will ignore objects (texts, lines, ect.) that are outside the printable area? If objects are to be placed "outside the box" my titleblock gets inadvertently shifted until the objects are deleted?
Is it possible to set print area in Inventor assembly mode. I have a vertical tall assembly that I want to print. But, when I print it includes the Inventor background as well in the print & because of that I am not able to orient my assembly properly. So, is there a way to get rid of the background or set a print area while printing.
In previous versions of Revit (pre 2013) when creating an area plan and inserting the area within the created boundaries, I could double click on the 'Area' tag and rename 'area' to something more descriptive which automatically changed the name in the legend to match.
In 2013 this is no longer possible.Even opening a 2012 project, where this procedure worked, once this project is saved in 2013 format it is no longer possible to double click to change - it opens the family tag instead.
I am converting an Excel spreadsheet to PDF using the PDFMaker macro. How do I set a Print Area and still maintain hyperlinks during the conversion?
You seem to have to choose between defining a Print Area OR maintaining hyperlinks. Is there a way to get both?
If I select a Print Area before invoking the PDFMaker macro, I get this message: Acrobat PDFMaker cannot create Tags, Bookmarks and Links for Worksheets with Print Area other than 'Entire Sheet'. Clear the 'Print area' field in Page Setup to get these features. Do you want to proceed and creat a PDF file without Tags?
I am trying to create two column sheets with a polygonal viewport, but it doesn't seem to work. The point is that I want to use the area above the stamp to be able to fit two columns on one sheet, but the last section in the second column ends up where my stamp is. Is this possible? Is there another way to solve this problem? I'm not to keen on moving the sections by hand, since they keep jumping back.. I'm using Civil 3D 2013.
I have been dealing with a tolerance issue when trying to create room area calculations in Revit. There seems to be a tolerance that is set to somewhere under 9" if two walls are to close together it will ignore the area.
Although if you are using the area calculation this tolerance is set much finer. and it seems to work just fine. I have already tried to create a multicategory schedule but cant combine rooms and areas. I have attached an image .