AutoCAD Print / Plot :: Objects Outside Printable Area
Mar 15, 2013
Is there a setting that you can turn on that will ignore objects (texts, lines, ect.) that are outside the printable area? If objects are to be placed "outside the box" my titleblock gets inadvertently shifted until the objects are deleted?
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Sep 28, 2010
Using an HP 1050c Plus with the latest HP drivers for Windows XP on AutoCAD MEP 2009. If I use the standard printer margins it all works fine, except that the margins are way too big and no border we have will print without cutting off at least .25" all around. If I go to properties and change the margins to .1" all around, my 42x30 sheets will print out with 43" of paper. If I make them .25", I will get 42.5" of paper. I just started at this company and have never had this problem before with an HP 1050 plotter. I have tried different combinations of the Extend margins, Inked area and autorotate checkboxes but haven't been able to figure it out yet.
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Jun 9, 2013
I am trying to plot a layout sheet 24'' W x 18" H. The frame on my sheet is 22''W x 16''L (inside the dash lines limits we see on the layout). I believe I prepare the print correctly:
- Select the printer (HP DESIGN JET PS)
- I use the window fonction to select the printable area ( left upper corner and then the opposite corner).
- Select Paper size Arch C (landscape)
- Paper orientation: Lansdcape
The preview shows that the upper and bottom lines of my frame will not print, and they do not, even if I try (see the attachement below).
Is this a driver problem?
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Dec 17, 2013
I have a question about plotting at Canon plotter (Canon imagePROGRAF iPF750) with possible has feature to plot as a drawn area.
Simply say I want to specified only one custom/roll paper size, make it custom size as a default. After that I want to plot exactly the accurate drawn area from my dwg. So with this settings I cannot specified custom paper size for each unique dwg.
For example I'm using this settings with another plotting device -- Xerox WF (picture to see the chosen settings) and working like a charm.
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Nov 17, 2012
I am aware that the dashed line in paper space represents the printable area for the type of plotter that is being used. Now... While in page setup when plotting dwg to pdf (on the same type of paper, ISO A3) the printable area border is different for every dwg. Sometimes it is right next to the paper border 1-2mm offset, and other times a good 2-3cm. I tried to resolve this but failed. New to the paper space and the whole plotting experience. So the questions are:
1. What is the printable area in dwg to pdf, what is it for?
2. Can i change the dimensions and position of the area when doing dwg to pdf, or when using other plotters?
3. Why is the area different for every dwg file when plotting dwg to pdf?
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Sep 14, 2012
How big the printable area is on a A1 and A3?
Is that standard measurements or can that be set up individually?
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Jan 17, 2013
How do expand my printable area? I'd like the border of my drawing to be about 1/4" from the edge of the paper but it gets cut off at about 3/4" away.
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Mar 16, 2011
When I make a new Layout a new Page Setup called *Layout1* is created and assigned to the new Layout. Our plotter is assigned as the plot device, and a dashed rectangle showing printable area appears near the borders of the white sheet area represented in the Layout.
If I choose to Modify the layout, and I change the Paper size, the dashed rectangle disappears, and now I don't know how to position and size a title block to ensure that it stays within the printable area. What controls the presence of the dashed print area rectangle?
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Apr 14, 2011
We, the company, have been wording with AutoCad for ages now. All in the trusted Windows version. But the Mac is rising! And a couple of our partimers have bought Mac systems. All good and well when they still use the Windows version of AutoCad, but when AutoDesk released the Mac version, they dove on it like lions on a slow moving prey. Still that´s ok. But we work with a Windows based template. Complete with all the layers and pre/set blocks and with pre set pages. We have all the pages from A0 down to A4 format lined up in one paperspacetab. (We use single viewports to fill the pages)
This works awsomely fast and easy, when you disable the 'display prinable area' function. Now the mac-users also want to remove the printable area, so I take a look and: WFT happend to AutoCad?!?, why do they have a Coca-Cola-Zero version of the AutoCad (=Less options than the light version).
Any way to remove the prinable area? Is it posible, or do we have to work around it?
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May 13, 2013
I currently have with my plotting. I've recently switched from using a color table plot style to named/layer plot style.
Drawing "TANK.dwg" contains 2d geometry inside a block named "2d-tank" and is on layer '0' in the block, and that block is on layer '0' inside "TANK.dwg"
TANK.dwg is xref'd into "PHASE 1.dwg" several times in several locations. "TANK.dwg" is on layer '0' in "PHASE 1.dwg"
"PHASE 1.dwg" is xref'd into "COMPOSITE.dwg" on layer 'P1'
In "COMPOSITE.dwg" I can change the layer color of layer "P1" and the block "2d-tank" changes color to suit. It derives it's display color based upon layer P1, as everything has been on layer '0' up until now. However, despite picking up the appropriate color, it does not inherit the appropriate plot style. I try to apply a screened/shaded plot style to it and it instead inherits the plot style of layer '0' in "COMPOSITE.dwg"
This is a problem for me as I have 3 phases, and I need to be able to plot them differently, depending on each phase shown. I'd rather see if there is a way to make my current model setup work before I go duplicating thing and restructuring all my drawings to suit a layer style inconsistently, but I need this to print right.
I don't understand why an object would inherit the color of the layer it's on, but not another layer property, specifically its plot style.
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Oct 3, 2013
My layout is 11x17 and within the printable area displayed. Page setup is 11x17, Landscape But my layout gets cut off when Publishing to PDF. But is OK when Plotting PDF. I found an earlier post talking about PDF scaling having to be set to None. I found a scale setting in my CutePDF Writer that is set to 100%. There is not a None selection.
Another interesting observation is that Publishing will print the sheet upright. Plotting prints the layout rotated -90.
I am using Publish to print multiple layouts to one file.
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Nov 30, 2012
I have an 11 x 17 border (true). I am printing on an 11 x 17 sheet (true). I have specified 11 x 17 sheet in plot dialogue box.
i have established LIMITS at the corners of my border. there is nothing else outside the border.
this is for a template. i would like to establish the 11 x17 LAYOUT and lock it in position, never to be changed again. If someone wants to print a portion or outside they can use WINDOW, or EXTENTS, but, when LAYOUT is selected i want to see an 11 x17 rectangle eliminating from the 0,0 point and nothing else.
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Nov 9, 2011
Plotting to layout (as opposed to extents or window) is infuriating. I cannot get my drawing to center properly within the printable area, and I can find no consistency on how AutoCAD is offsetting my drawing. My titleblock is drawn with a trim line of 22x34". I choose the ANSI D sheet size which is 22x34" and when I preview the plot the bottom left corner is offset from the bottom left corner of the printable area by .25, .25.
If I delete the 22x34 trim line from my titbleblock and replace it with a simple point at the 0, 0 bottom left corner, then when I check the layout and printable area, the point shows up offset from the bottom left corner of the printable area by .0006, .0016. Why is it any different than when a line was drawn? If I delete the point the offset from the bottom left corner of the printable area to the closest drawn element then becomes .0013, .0012.
This is absolutely ridiculous. I want to batch plot and I want to have proper margins, but it seems nothing renders consistently and I am stuck with ill-formatted plots. I would love to batch plot to extents, but as I go through the setup, that is not an option for me, so I appear to be stuck with the layout, which I have never gotten to work properly since it was introduced. What is the trick to make it work?
I am just printing to Adobe PDF with the Acrobat printer.
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Sep 7, 2011
Reinstalled autocad and the printable area margins went back to default.
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May 18, 2011
I set a border up to be 24"x36" and it appears to be slightly outside the dotted lines for paper space when I x-ref it in. I also noticed on my plots that 3'-0" is measuring close to 3'-1" which means I have screwed something up.
I have the plot settings set to "Extents", "1:1" and I am using the Cute PDF plot driver.
Instead of creating a border that is 24"x36" do I need to create one that is exact to the printable area to make it the right scale? Not sure what the printable area is or how I figure it out though. Lost.
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Jan 17, 2012
I am having a problem with grid lines showing up in my print out from autocad, but only in the viewport that has 3D objects in it and displayed in conceptual mode or realistic mode. Don't know what is causing them or how to get rid of them. They do not show up on my screen or in the print preview. They only show up in the final prints and even when printing to a pdf file format. I have printed the same drawing out from other computers that have Autocad 2009 and do not get that problem. My computer has Autocad 2010. I have also uninstalled and reinstalled Autocad but that doesn't work.
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Mar 21, 2012
Trying to change the printable area of custom paper sizes?
I've plotter that allows me to create 5 custom paper sizes for each pc3 file, however after create them, i cant always access to change their printable area, you know adjusting their margins, and the strange thing is that this error doesn’t happen all the time,sometimes after a while trying they work, but just for a couple of times, after that the problem remains.
To be more clear, you can see on the image that it doesn’t recognize the custom paper size i have selected, however it works from time to time, allowing me to edit those margins, and after save them, they work just fine and i can use those paper sizes with no problems.
I've tried to edit the pc3 file through windows, and a message appears saying that an unknown error has occurred.
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Oct 29, 2012
A few times out of each day when I plot all of my viewports will be moved of the printable area into the gray area below in paperspace.
I cannot figure this out as I have used a few different profiles from different machines and still have the same issue.
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Jul 3, 2012
When printing a paper space viewport in Conceptual Visual Style mode, text objects are visible in the print preview but not in the printout on paper. Why are they not hidden in the preview if they are not going to be printed?
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Jan 20, 2012
I'm using autocad 2000 and I have a problem printing & plotting. The print, plot preview only shows a section of the drawing. What settings do I need to change for the entire drawing to print for the paper size I need.
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Feb 2, 2006
I almost print a picture from PS prograss when I saw that image is too large and the paper's printable area some clipping will occur. Is it ok to click on it and do I put the smaller size.
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May 21, 2013
I have one drawing per file at model tab. When I need to plot a multiple page file, I use:
Print > Batch Plot.
The problem is that I have to set plot configurations ( plot style table, plot area, paper size, etc) in each file before use Batch Plot.
Now I received 722 files with a wrong Plot Style Table. For this time I change the associated *.ctb file at Plot Style folder, but I will need to associate the right *.ctb to each drawing. It's also common to have to change other properties.
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May 10, 2012
I often toggle between Portrait and Landscape when I begin working out a layout. Is there an easy way to make the Printable Area dotted lines automatically follow suit? My printer's default is already set to "Match Orientation".
Up till now I have been going to File>Print Setup>Preferences>Layout>Portrait or Landscape for each and every toggle!
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Apr 6, 2009
I've recently migrated from AutoCAD 2008 (non-industry specific) to AutoCAD 2010 so I don't know if this was an issue in 2009.
Back in 2008, when I choose the 'window' option when specifying a plot area, AutoCAD would show the workspace so that I could manually select a windowed plot area, and at the same time the whole workspace would be greyed out except the previously active window area.
This was handy, because we can have as many two dozen title-blocks (and therefore separate viewports) in paperspace, and knowing what plot area I last plotted or added as a saved page setup.
In 2010, it no longer does that. I now have to rely on the dashed border to know where the active plot area is/was (checked 'display printable area' in options>display tab) which I personally don't really like using.
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Sep 27, 2013
I have one layout. On that layout I want to have 2 viewports. I also have ssay block A and block B I want to insert.I would like Viewport1 to display block A and viewport 2 to display block B.
What happens to me is when I created Viewport 1 and inserted block A. I go on to create viewport 2. But viewport 2 displays only block A, which I cannon delete to insert block B.
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Aug 29, 2013
I am a Mac user and new to AutoCAD. I am enrolled in a CAD class this semester and the instructor for my session is requiring Windows. Supposedly this is because AutoCAD for Mac does not allow for proper printing on their plot style setting.
I understand that I can install Bootcamp and Windows on my computer, but I'd really like to avoid that if I can. If I were to do my work on my Mac and then digitally transfer my files to a PC for printing purposes, would my files become corrupted or compromised in any way?
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Aug 21, 2012
Can users with a 64 bit computer share pc3's and pmp's with 32 bit users without adverse effects?
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Aug 29, 2011
When I publish a drawing as a multipage DWFx (or PDF for that matter) with "Include Layer Information" selected, the Plot Stamp (Simple Date/Time and Text) comes out but on different layers on different layouts.
First Layout : Plotstamp resides on Layer 0
Second Layout: Plotstamp resides on Layer 3P
Third Layout: EQPT-VC
Some general information:
Autodesk AutoCAD 2011 64bit
Autodesk DesignReview - 2012
Adobe Acrobat X Professional
Layer 0 Is thawed/plotable and on in all layouts, viewports all layers, viewports. It has at least one entity per layout
Is there anyway to rectify this and still use the built-in Plot Stamp?
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Jan 17, 2012
So the firm I work at has AutoCAD 2000 and 2007. 2000 is installed on 5 out of the 7 computers, and 2007 installed on 6 of the 7 computers. 2 of the computers running just ACAD 2007 are Windows Vista, while all the other computers are Windows XP. We have an OCE TDS320 CAD Printer, an HP Wide Format Printer and a Panasonic 330 Copier/Fax/Printer. Our Problem is that When you try to plot an ACAD2007 drawing it will only plot it in color. This problem did not exist before 1/12/12.
When I select the Plot Style to print I select "monochrome.stb" which has always worked, now all of a sudden it doesnt. The only way i have found to fix this problem is to change my drawing to layer "0" which is white, so when it tries to print in color it will print black. Another Guy in the firm i work at has ACAD2007 on his computer running XP, he also has 2000 running on the same computer. When he tries to plot on ACAD2007 the same thing happens, so it is not isolated to my computer.
There is a difference though between his Plot Styles on his computer and the ones on mine. His end with .ctb, which works. It only doesnt work when he tries to print a drawing i made off of my computer. Because of this we copied his Plot Style folder for AutoCAD 2007 and installed it into the folder with all of my plot styles on my computer, replacing the ".stb" with ".ctb" That did not work at all. The last thing we tried was to copy over a file that plotted correctly, delete the drawing and draw what we needed, This also did not work. So basically we are thinking that ACAD2007 is not reading the Plot Styles correctly, or the Plot Styles are wrong or currupt.
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Jan 17, 2013
I have several objects on various layers in model space and they are exposed through a viewport in a paperspace layout. I also have a corporate CTB plot style.
Here is my problem: If i plot the objects from model space, they all plot with the correct lineweights as defined in our corporate CTB, but when i plot them from the paperspace layout, some but not all objects plot with a heavier lineweight than what is defined in the CTB.
I thought the CTB was supposed to override any settings applied to individual objects, but more importantly, why the different results, on the same objects, depending upon the space from which they're plotted?
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Aug 13, 2012
I have found that when I Publish, the drawing comes out shifted about 1/8" down and 1/8" left as compared to when I use Plot. Which of course is just enough to cut off the sheet border which is 1/2" from the paper edge. I am using the same Page Setup for both Publish and Plot, same drawing.
This is to an Oce TDS600, and it only happens with 15x21 paper size. All paper sizes are set to 0" border. Probably an Oce issue, but have any of you seen this before?
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