Revit :: Change Revision Number Starts From 0 In Titleblock?
Nov 19, 2013Is it possible to change the Revision Number as starts from 0,1,2,....... in Revit Titleblock.
View 1 RepliesIs it possible to change the Revision Number as starts from 0,1,2,....... in Revit Titleblock.
View 1 RepliesIm having to cloud Revisions to my drawings. Heres what my Revision Schedule needs to be like
Revision 2 (Tag # 4)
Revision 1 (Tag # 2)
Bid Issue (No Tag)
Is there any way to change the Tag number? Because right now this is what im getting
Revision 2 (Tag # 2)
Revision 1 (Tag # 1)
Bid Issue (No Tag)
how I can change the revisions to multiple sheets quickly, instead of going into each and every sheet and manually changing the revision?
Surely Autodesk has a fast and simple way to do this.
Is there a way to have a lowercase revision number in a drawing (in fact, it's not really a number but a character).
All I can set is uppercase format or numbers.
The revision Number in the assembly drawing is populated by the Model Iproperties revision field. How can I get it to show the Drawing properties revision number? I need my vendors to see the drawing number and associated revision levels of the drawings which make up the assembly not the Models which they may never see. There are many times we update drawings with notes that do not effect the underlying model but still reflect a revision change in the drawing so I need people building assemblies to make sure they are building the assembly components to the correct revisions.
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy question: We want to use iLogic to save a PDF-file of the DWG-drawing every time we hit "save". We now use the following iLogic
Spoiler (Highlight to read)oPath = ThisDoc.Path PN = iProperties.Value("Project", "Part Number")
PDFAddIn = ThisApplication.ApplicationAddIns.ItemById("{0AC6FD96-2F4D-42CE-8BE0-8AEA580399E4}")
oDocument = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
oContext = ThisApplication.TransientObjects.CreateTranslationContext
[Code] .....
What is the Revision Number field in Surface Statistics for and how/when is it populated?
IDSP Premium 2014 (mainly Civil 3D 2014 UKIE SP1 & Infraworks with some limited 3ds Max Design)
Win 7 Pro x64, 256Gb SSD, 300Gb 15,000 rpm HDD
16Gb Ram Intel Xeon CPU E5-1607 0 @ 3.00GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.0GHz
NVIDIA Quadro 4000, Dual 27" Monitor, Dell T3600
Is there a way to have a lowercase revision number in a drawing (in fact, it's not really a number but a character).
All I can set is uppercase format or numbers.
When we insert a Revision Table to a drawing we have the option to update Revision Number property in the drawing. This property is updated whenever we add a Revision Row.
I want Inventor to update the Revision Number property in the model the same way.
If this is not possible, is there a way to automatically map the Revision Number property in the drawing to the Revision Number property in the model?
I am using the sheet list table to generate a table of contents. I add the "Drawing Revision Number" column to the table, but when it generates the list it does not include the field.
Is there any way to add the "Sheet Revision Number" instead since this is what property is actually adjusted in the sheet's properties? (i never change the "Drawing Revision Number")
OR is the solution to change the "Drawing Revision Number"? Where do I change this property at? Is this property applied to all sheets within a drawing?
I created a custom template family for a 36"x24" titleblock. now, I need to create one for a 24"x18" template family. My issue is, what is the easiest way to do this?
I cannot copy and paste content from one family to another for some reason (unless I am doing something wrong). I was thinking the easiest way is to copy the family, rename it and move the content around so that it becomes a 24"x18" template - BUT - does this affect how it plots?
I have Revit 2012. Trying to import a titleblock from Architectural Desktop 2006. When I follow the User Guide guidelines I get to step 3 and then this message:
"Import Geometry Not VisibleThe import geometry will not be visible in the view using the current settings.The origin of the import will be centered on the origin of the model instead. You can view the import in any view where its geometry is within the extents." The ZF command only opens up the Import CAD formats window. The original titleblock is in modelspace of the dwg file.
My titleblock seems to be corrupted and I can't edit it. I need to edit some text on it (highlighted), so when I am on the sheet view in the project I select the titleblock and click 'edit family.'
When I load it into the project I get this error. I would happily create a new titleblock, but I this is used in many places, so I need to edit this one. I tried to upload my Revit Error Report, but this forum is saying it is not a valid extension.
I have been having this issue in both Revit Architecture 2012 and 2013. I have loaded in my parameters for my title blocks ("Addition", "City, State, Zip", "Address", and "Lot#/Block#) in the same way I have done it in any other project. but for some reason in this project after I have loaded in my parameters and set them to my sheets and I am still not able to select them and edit them on my sheets.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to print an area larger than my titleblock, so that I can include the border defining the edge of the paper in the final printed pdf?
My workflow requires me to open the pdf in illustrator and make adjustments before a final print. I need the boundary printed so that I can scale the drawing inside illustrator back up to proper size.
Maybe I need to make a custom titleblock with a larger boundary?
I want to add parameters to my projects for consultants (type, name, company name, address, etc.) in a way that isn't deleted by updating a titleblock.
Currently my consultants are just text objects in the titleblock family that are not saved back to a default titleblock. If I reload the titleblock they get replaced by whatever default text was part of the default titleblock. I also have different titleblocks for different sheet types within the project, for example cover sheet, sheet, sketch, etc.
What I want is for this information to be part of the Project Information so I can make changes there without editing the titleblock family. I want them to function like the parameters for Client Name, Project Address, etc. and catagorize them in some generic way like Consultant A, Consultant B, etc. because not every project will have civil engineer or sprinkler designer.
I got as far as trying to create a lable in my titleblock family but when I tried to add a Category Parameter for the first lable, let's call it Consultant A Type, I get a mostly grayed out Parameter Properties dialog where the only clickable option is to select a Parameter Type, all of which are grouped under IFC Propertires and non of which seem to apply. There's no Project Information group. How do I create these lables and parameters?
AutoCAD 2010
AutoCAD LT 2013
Revit Architecture LT 2013
I created a project parameter (in order to group my sheets with my custom system) and I'd like to create a label on my titleblock that's the ability to show this project parameter atomatically.
I reckon it has something to do with shared parameters but how to use them.
I'm trying to create a titleblock family that has an image or dwg of my site. The easy way to do this is save a new family and import a cad file or jpg of the site plan.
However, I'd like to avoid creating a new titleblock family for each project with a new imported site image.
I thought I would be able to just make the image's "Loaded from file" address an editable field that could be updated in the project info like all the other parameters, but it doesn't seem to be possible.
I'm trying to add a scale ruler to a title block and I would like it to change automatically with the scale of the views placed on the sheet. Is this even passable? I have attached a picture of the scale rule, I have made it as a symbol and the numbers are the only thing that change between the types.
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy hospital has been bought out by another hospital. Is there an easy way to change my titleblock. I am using project navigator and I have changed my templates.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a couple users that when a command is picked from the ribbon Revit starts to run a configuration process. A window opens like it is installing Revit again. They can select cancel or OK and the command will continue to allow them to work but it is very time consuming waiting for it to stop or cancel the process.
This started to happen once update 1 was installed for Revit 2014. I have tired repair/reinstall and uninstall Revit to stop it but it still continues even if Update 1 isn't installed.
Windows 7 64bit with all the latest patches. Revit 2014.
what I can try next. I have 70 users and this is only happening on 3 of them.
I am trying to change the titleblock definition of a drawing when I run my custom ilogic code. Currently (and for the past few years) the drawing name is defined by the drawing properties part number but when I run my code I would like the drawing name to be defined by the model properties part number as shown below:
Currently the textbox for the part number is configured as below:
And I'd like to change it to this:
The code I have to find the part number is as follows:
Dim x = 1 Dim oTxtBox As Inventor.TextBox For Each oTxtBox In oDrawDoc.ActiveSheet.TitleBlock.Definition.Sketch.TextBoxes If oTxtBox.Text = "<PART NUMBER>" Then oStuff =
Is there a way to add new parameters to revision schedule
View 2 Replies View RelatedI would like to be able to add a single revision to all sheets at once. For example when doing a major issue of all sheets for building approval. In this case I don't use revision clouds but use the "Revisions on Sheet" function in the properties for the individual sheet. Hence the problem, having to individually select every sheet one by one and add the revision to each sheet. Is there a way to multiple select all or some sheets and just do it once? I've tried doing this through a schedule but that doesn't let you select and change a revision either. Is there an add-in that could do this perhaps?
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs there any neat way of getting the sheet revision into the DWF filename automatically when publishing?
View 1 Replies View RelatedA new phenomenon today after updating R14 yesterday with the 'rvt2014ur11' patch, though this might not be connected. My revision clouds, after finishing the edit and clicking the big green tick, disappear! The revion number and note is added to the bottom of the sheet but no revision cloud. As annotation objects visibility is on, there is no annotation cut off on a sheet view and they do not show up when the 'Reveal Hidden Elements' is chosen.
View 1 Replies View RelatedYes, I am new to Revit, and I can add a revision cloud and see the line added to the rev block but I'm trying to add revision and have it show up on the rev block without adding a rev cloud. I did it once and can't figure out how to do it again. On the Sheet Issues/Revisions dialog box I check on the Issued box and on show I've selected Cloud and Tag, Tag, and None.
View 2 Replies View RelatedRevision schedule sorting improperly? For some reason it seems this particular schedule is sorting by month and ignoring the year.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs it possible, short of doing some programming through the Revit API, to change the shape of the arcs created with the Revit "Revision Cloud" tool? For example, with AutoCAD you can enter the size of the arcs that you want to use when you use the revision cloud command. Is there anything similar in Revit?
I have done some searching and am surprised at how little mention there is about both the strange look of the clouds produced by the Revit tool and their lack of flexibility. Everyone focuses mainly on being able to associate clouds with deltas and a Revision Schedule, which I admit is important also.
Having problem of Revit 2013 crashing when they go to close a large revision cloud? it doesnt seem to do iit with a smaller cloud, but when you click the green checkmark to close a large one such as clouding a large plan it shuts down with no option to save.
View 7 Replies View Relatedis it possible to prepare a list or a schedule of all comments related to revision clouds?
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