Revit :: Missing Elevation Markers (North And East)?
May 17, 2004
Two of my elevation markers (North and East) have disappeared. The actual elevations are still visible and fully functional, but their tags have disappeared. "Elevations" is turned on in the View Properties dialog, but only 2 tags appear.
I am currently working on a project and i created a land plot and set each level line to the proper elevation but not all of the level lines appear in every view. In the North view all of the level lines and the walls i have created appear, but the walls don't show up in any of the other views. Also the North, West, and South views show all of the level lines but the East view does not.
I have a text file of several surveyed ponts throughout my model. I can select one of these points in my model and specify the coordinates of East/West, North/South, and elevation from this file, but how do I determine the angle from project north to true north from these surveyed points?
I noticed that I don't have (ELEVATIONS) tab and also (elevation icon). See the picture. Also (Elevation Marks) in the window view are not exist.How can I regain all these?
I'm drawing ref lines in south view and thats no problem, and works fine, but when I change to East view, the problems start to increase, once I draw a ref line, the line is not visible, and I get a "warning" that says: "None of the created elements are visible in Elevation: East View. You may want to check the active view, its Parameters, and Visibility settings."
What's that all about? I can't seem to get the line to show no matter what I do.
I am not at all familiar with complex topographic maps, ow to plan it out, elevation markers, the distance between the lines, which polyline to use? straight and arc or splines (to close later)..
I am putting together ROW markers using a process found on the Being Civil blog. The Marker setup shows on the Assemblies fine, I go through the corridor section editor and I can see the marker at the proper location for the ROW. The ROW marker will not show up on the section views, Not sure if I missed a step but everything seems to work up to the point of putting them on the section views.
I have a drawing which crashes out of Revit 2013 SP2 as soon as I want to Rotate to True North. In fact if I use any tool under the Manage -> Location area.
I had a closer look at the drawing and I cant find the Survey and Project Base points.I assume this is related.
I turned on their visibility in Visual Graphics. I tried turning them on by using the Reveal Hidden Objects. Typed ZA and I then selected all the info ( Crop View off ) and looked at the filter. No Survey or Base Points. I also tried setting the View Range very large but I still cannot see these Points.
I know these points have been hard coded into the RVT files and I tried deleting them from another drawing as a test but couldn't.
Is there any way I can find them quickly? or getting them back?
I have cleaned up the drawing and I can upload the drawing (27MB )?
I created a project with multiple linked Revit files in it and I'd like to rotate the models in their own files to be "North/South". I understand choosing between True North and Project North, but I can't tell which I'm supposed to rotate because when I rotate the actual model and bring it into the host file, it's not accurate. Am I to bring it in to the host and then rotate and move it into position and then publish the coordinates? I have tried that, but then when I go back to the linked file and import a AutoCAD background drawing by it's origin's, it doesn't line up.
Is there a tutorial online somewhere that describes the process for rotating a linked project file in its own file to be North/South and then import it to the host file and establish (publish) coordinates so everything works? Do I just need to re-export to AutoCAD to modify the origin point for the DWG file?
We as a company have just made the step towards Revit and I have been given the task to start using it and getting things to be presented as our company standards.
I have took a bit of time to create our section markers. They all seemed to work great and ticked them as complete off my list till I tested them and realised they are numbered. Is there a way I can get my section to be alphabetical e.g. section A-A, B-B etc.
I have been able to publish information to Google Earth without problems, but when I change the Orientation of True North in the project, the results in Google still have the project north as North.
I've placed the Multi-Segmented Grids in my large project that requires (6) dependent views per floor plan. In each of the dependent views, I'm trying to get the grid markers to show at the ends that ~I~ want them to show, but I'm not getting the checkbox.
I've created a triangulation volume surface to compare two surfaces. Under the analysis tab in Surface Properties I have banded my levels in metre intervals and coloured the bands accordingly. I would now like to display the 'banding' in my drawing. Under the information tab I should be able to select 'Elevation Banding (2D)' as a Surface Style, however this is missing and I can only select 'Standard'... How to get this selection back.
I am in the process of drawing up an existing building and firstly am setting up with the building mass. I have managed to get the main bodys of the building done and the main roof.The problem now is that when i switch too the east or west elevations to add mass for the roofs on the adjoining wings of the building it wont let me see the model lines when i draw them in the screen i just get an error message " None of the created elements are visible in Elevation: East View. You may want to check the active view, its Parameters, and Visibility settings. "I have my reference line set not far from the building and it seemed fine when i done the roof from the north and south views for the main building. I can see the model lines when i switch too 3D views but i cant create the mass from there.
The only answer I've found is to use linework, but that can't be the way to go in a program such as revit. That's the whole point of it, right? To not have to sit and do things manually and then have to change the lines every time something in the building changes. I know that Archicad can show line thickness depending on distance from elevation line. And god do i dislike Archicad, but that's exactly what I'm looking for.
Another answer I've found is to use shadows, but then you get the problem of only being able to print as raster = no sharp lines.
I have inherited some Revit files, all of which have a ground floor and ceiling plan (hence an associated level).
The levels do not show the in elevations (or sections for that matter). It is not a view setting, I have checked this, nor are they hidden by category or element. I have added new levels and these are visible. The levels exist, I just cannot view them or select them.
When we draw a reference plane in a project in the Level 1 (0' 0" Elevation) then the reference plane elevation shows 4’ 0” in the Specify Shared Coordinates Tab. Why the elevation of reference plane shows the 4’ 0” height? Is it default elevation for reference plane?
I received from our client a dwg file. i follow the steps in creating a topo surface file from a dwg within revit. However, revt include also the zero Z-elevation points within the file. And so it igave me a very weird result of the toposurface.
Know any good procedure in preparing a dwg file before importing/linking to revit or rather excluding all zero Z-elevation points.
Opened the Elevation Tags dialog (manage Additional settings) duplicate the 1/2" Square type call it External Elevation Tag. did the same to 1/2" Circle call it Internal Elevation Tag.
picked the elevation tool go to type selector and my new Elevation Tags not there - why?
A coworker believes an elevation tag can be placed in plan view A, but can be moved in plan view B without relocating it in plan view A. My experience...move an elevation tag in one view and it will be relocated in all views. Is there a way to have two different locations but reference the same elevation?
What determines the default elevation when inserting familes? I have a wall hosted family that always defaults to 4'-0". I have tried setting the default elevation in the family but it always defaults back to 4'. I have this issue with other familes as well.
I know I can set the elevation when I insert it but having to so that every time seems pointless when the elevation will never change for a family.
My problem is trying to move the project model to a new elevation some 1000+ feet higher than the 0'0" schematic design elevation. When using the "shared" solution, it will work for the model but not for the Topo as the topo is also tied to the Project base point, so when one uses shared it also moves the topo map 1000+ feet higher. I'm trying to find a way where the project elevation can be adjusted to the base point elevation so both topo and model elevations coordinate with each other. It's a 4 level project with many exterior retaining wall levels. I'm almost to the point of doing a full copy of the project to the clipboard and then importing it at the level 1000+ feet higher.
One of my colleagues was able to insert Spot Elevations by picking anywhere on the surface of his floor objects in his floor plan yesterday (2013 Central file with two users working). Today, when he tries to place the same Spot Elevation object, he is only able to pick the floors at the perimeter of the floor objects instead of the surface of the floor. what setting or mode they accidentally changed to prompt this unfortunate behavior?
I have a 3 story building. We are almost finished with design development. I need to raise the building's first floor which will cause all the other floors to change their level heights. I have been told that we need to fake in level markers because to change the level heights will cause all the information (for example dimensions) to disappear because they are 'tied' to the original level height. Is there a way to raise the building without loosing all the work that has been done?
Can you make a glass, which is transparency also in elevation views? In 3D views it is transparency and you can adjust it too, but not in elevation view? Is it so?
You can only hide it totally or let it be non transparency?
Ive got a problem with creating elevations. When I create an elevation on my floor plan - in this instance level 5 of my 30 storey building I open up the elevation and see the attached view. Its crop region is only 3mm high and therefore only shows me the floor of level 5 instead of the whole elevation of level 5 to the underside of the level 6 slab.