Can you make a glass, which is transparency also in elevation views? In 3D views it is transparency and you can adjust it too, but not in elevation view? Is it so?
You can only hide it totally or let it be non transparency?
We would like to make the transparency of glass-materials visible in views and section-views by using the "realistic style". During a 3d-view our glass-material looks like transparent. Isn't it possible for REVIT to display the transparency of materials in views ?
The workaround to hide "glass" by using "overriding visibility" is not possible for us because some of our families and project families are using glass-materials inside (Showcases f.e.).
Software (German) : RAC 2012+2013 Inventor Pro 2013 AcadM 2012 MaxDesign 2013 Sketchup 8 Pro
I have just discovered that Spot Elevation text is mesbehaving in rotated dependent views:
If you have an orthogonal parent plan view, then create a dependant view from it, then rotate just that dependant view, then place a spot elevation - the spot elevation symbol respects the rotation of the view (ie its paralel to screen/view boundary), but the spot elevation text remains in the orientation of the parent view. see attached image.
This does not happen if you rotate a normal Revit plan view; nor does it happen with a callout - both cases the symbol and the text are parallel to the view boundary. I think this is a bug?
Since the end of Aug. 2012 I've been making families for a manufacturer. I left Friday evening with good families. This morning I am finding all the families I checked with a problem.
When I move the cursor across the various views it doubles the views. Rolling the mouse wheel one click either way to zoom in or out cleans the view but on the next time the cursor goes across the view it doubles it again. Now there are 4 views overlapping each other. The next time it is possibly 8, and so on. It is difficult to count them because they are overlapping but it looks like they are doubling each time.
The software is Revit Architecture 2011 and the computer is a Dell Precision T3500.Are the families corrupted or is it the computer? Is there a toggle I hit that I shouldn't have?
I've found a hotfix for 2012 that I've used to solve some issues with tranparent parts in shaded views and that leads to this question.
In an IDW , "non shaded", "hidden lines removed", view are there any tricks for being able to see parts behind a transparent part?
I know I can change the view to display hidden lines and delete what I don't want. This works ok for a small assembly, but for a larger assembly, is not feasible or at least very tedious.
I have been meaning to cover this in one of the Workbooks and maybe some day I will remember.
I cloned the original photo, applied a Circular, Stained Glass transparency to the clone, moved the center of the transparency over the Datura blossoms, reduced the diameter, and reversed the settings.
In a few seconds I dramatically changed the photo.
I cloned the second photo of dramatic smoke from the recent wildfire, applied a vertical Linear, Stained Glass transparency to the clone, starting at the dark portion of the bottom of the cloud at 0% and ending just above the mountain tops at 100%.
Again, in less than the time it would take to open Photoshop, I had dramatically enhanced an already dramatic photo.
I am trying to create an image of "Frosted Glass" I want to be able to save this and later import it to put on top of other backgrounds and layers so that you would see the back layer as looking through frosted glass.
I am new to gimp but have been looking around at different walkthroughs. I must be missing somthing though because I am not getting what I would expect.
How I am trying to do this is I created 3 layers a light blue, white and alpha channel(transparency layer).
I adjusted the opacity down of the white and blue layers and then merged all 3 and again tried to adjust the opacity to acheive the effect. However I am a million miles off the mark.
I've just landed some contract work where I will design glass forms/containers and render realistically. Also, I need to retain transparency so I change backgrounds.
I'm more adept with Photoshop than Illustrator, but would like input on who likes which program for this task, why, and where I can find excellent tutorials before I start spending my tutorials dollars.
I want to add northing, easting and the elevation (point of the middle in the top layers) in section views annotation as you see in the picture, I tried my best but I couldn’t find how to do it.
In the previous C3D 2012 version I was able to set surface transparency just setting it on a layer with defined transparency. Example: I set my "existing ground" surface to a created "EG" layer (example name) and set transparency layer to 50% (example, again) and it WORKS! My surface become transparent...
But now, in the C3D 2013, I can't get the same results... my surface is not getting transparent. I already tried to turn off/on hardware acceleration and adaptive degradation and show/hide transparency.
More details: I can get transparency on points, triangles, contours etc... but not on elevation, and this is my priority.
Autocad Civil 3D 2013 - Infrastructure Design Suite Windows 7 64 i7 860 @2.80GHz 8GB Ram Quadro 2000D
I have a surface that has Elevation Banding but I also have an air photo in the drawing. Can you apply transparency to elevation banding so that the air photo shows up.
I have this railing with glass baluster. The glass baluster panel is 2'-0" in length. The railing is not on a 2'-0" modular length so the last panel extends past the corner of the railing. I can set the baluster placement to be centered on the railing which gives me a panel at each end that is extended past the corner. I understand this is normal based on my what I am asking Revit to. My question is, how can I get the 24" glass panels centered on the railing length but have the two end panels automatically adjust in lenght to make up the difference and not be 2'-0"?
I am trying to create a staircase balustrade in glass but which needs to follow the curved edge of the stair. The stair has 3 straight flights with two sections of curved winders.
I've tried using a glass balustrade family but this doesn't seem to work as the size of the panels prevent it following the curve. A similar problem exists at the edge of the floor where the balustrade needs to follow the curved edge of the floor. The handrail element of the balustrade works fine.
I can't load any glass curtain doors from seek or revitcity. They won't load as a component or door.
I can't place a door into a storefront wall. I get this error saying something like,"cutting surface doesn't not work" I tried to adjust the mullions so that the door would fit, but it still doesn't work.
Can I demension the interior side of a wall when the wall justification is centerline?
Is there a way to calculate the roof load in revit?
I am trying to create a glass roof structure over a staircase (see attached image - underground roof). I thought that I would do this by creating an in place mass, then adding either a roof or probably more likely a curtain wall system to the faces. However I am struggling to create the mass. I have made a wireframe of the roof (wireframe) using lines where the roof folds are, in autocad. I have then linked this in to Revit.
When I come to creating the Mass, I can only place lines using the "Pick line tool", which then only places lines on a specific reference plane (level 1,2 etc), so I only get a 2d footprint of the area I want to create this mass.
If I try to create a mass face using the 3d snapping tickbox, Revit fails to register that there are any lines for me to snap too. I have tried to "Tab", but this doesn't work either.
The only door I can find to insert into a glass curtain wall is a simple glass single door with a handle. I know this is a very particular thing and any door won't work. My door needs to have stiles and rails like most doors in storefronts or curtain walls. How do I create a type with these features? Do I need to create a family from scratch?
I noticed that I don't have (ELEVATIONS) tab and also (elevation icon). See the picture. Also (Elevation Marks) in the window view are not exist.How can I regain all these?
I am in the process of drawing up an existing building and firstly am setting up with the building mass. I have managed to get the main bodys of the building done and the main roof.The problem now is that when i switch too the east or west elevations to add mass for the roofs on the adjoining wings of the building it wont let me see the model lines when i draw them in the screen i just get an error message " None of the created elements are visible in Elevation: East View. You may want to check the active view, its Parameters, and Visibility settings. "I have my reference line set not far from the building and it seemed fine when i done the roof from the north and south views for the main building. I can see the model lines when i switch too 3D views but i cant create the mass from there.
The only answer I've found is to use linework, but that can't be the way to go in a program such as revit. That's the whole point of it, right? To not have to sit and do things manually and then have to change the lines every time something in the building changes. I know that Archicad can show line thickness depending on distance from elevation line. And god do i dislike Archicad, but that's exactly what I'm looking for.
Another answer I've found is to use shadows, but then you get the problem of only being able to print as raster = no sharp lines.
I have inherited some Revit files, all of which have a ground floor and ceiling plan (hence an associated level).
The levels do not show the in elevations (or sections for that matter). It is not a view setting, I have checked this, nor are they hidden by category or element. I have added new levels and these are visible. The levels exist, I just cannot view them or select them.
When we draw a reference plane in a project in the Level 1 (0' 0" Elevation) then the reference plane elevation shows 4’ 0” in the Specify Shared Coordinates Tab. Why the elevation of reference plane shows the 4’ 0” height? Is it default elevation for reference plane?
I received from our client a dwg file. i follow the steps in creating a topo surface file from a dwg within revit. However, revt include also the zero Z-elevation points within the file. And so it igave me a very weird result of the toposurface.
Know any good procedure in preparing a dwg file before importing/linking to revit or rather excluding all zero Z-elevation points.
Opened the Elevation Tags dialog (manage Additional settings) duplicate the 1/2" Square type call it External Elevation Tag. did the same to 1/2" Circle call it Internal Elevation Tag.
picked the elevation tool go to type selector and my new Elevation Tags not there - why?