Revit :: Making Bottom Of Stair Flat Instead Of Steps?
Sep 19, 2011How can I make the bottom of stair to flat instead of steps?
View 5 RepliesHow can I make the bottom of stair to flat instead of steps?
View 5 RepliesHow to show the sequential numbers on the steps of stair?
I’m wondering if there is a way to show the sequential number on the steps of stair.
Also, we are all the time required to write the number of stairs, run length and rise length on the drawing. Is this possible in the Revit?
Software: AutoCAD 2014, AutoCAD C3D, AutoCAD M3D, Revit
Windows 7 (Ultimate 64 bits),
Firefox 20.0,
Kaspersky 2013.
Can sweep profile cut up to the bottom of stair stringer?
Find attached.
I'm trying to draw a helical staircase with a bottom plate underneath the steps. Drawing it isn't a problem. I used a sweep with helical curve. Then I converted this part to a sheet metal. But then inventor doesn't want to unfold it. how I have to make a flat pattern from this one with the necessary bending lines?
Example .ipt and photo in attachment
show me all steps in making a transparent gif?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do I make my text curved on the bottom and flat on top? I have used the fit to path feature for the bottom curve, but I need the top of the word to stay flat.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am trying to extend a stair stringer past the start of the stair tread. See attached file. I can't seem to get it. What am I missing?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have made a stair by sketch, an u-shaped one. I do have some problems with the 3d model. it will not show up correctly. I add some print screens and you can see.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI can't get Revit to display the cut material of a stair (landing or run) in 2013 using the new stairs... i have tried different settings in object styles, visibility/graphics, materials, details levels, phasing all without success.
Successfully show material cut pattern on a stair in section?
In the attached i have the new "Component" stair next to the old style "By Sketch" stair, the sketch stair shows the cut pattern the component one does not, this is the same section view not two sections.
my Stair label text "UP" in my stair.In my properties browser its already checked but still didn't showed up.Anything i need to set?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a client that needed to know the distance required to make a stair case, and when I drew it wight revit 2013, I discovered that I could manually adjust the riser height but was unable to adjust the tread length. I was also unable to end the stairs with a tread rather than a riser, witch he wanted.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am having a problem adding a top landing to an external staircase. see below image.
Every time i try and add the top landing i either get boundary error messages or railings surround top landing.
Is it possible to create a Stair Tag with the pitch reported? I have a tag which includes the number and height of rises as well as the size of treads but I would like to include the pitch also. Obviously this would use the dimensions of the rise and tread in the formula Tan X = Rise/Tread, but how do I create this in a tag? I have looked at using a Reporting Parameter but every time I read the Wikihelp paragraph on them my eyes just glaze over as I cannot follow it at all but it does mention formulas....
View 8 Replies View RelatedJust Starting with new Revit LT 2013(The Comparison chart from Autodesk lists the differences between LT and Full Revit as no Massing, Rendering and no multi user collaboration) Everything else should be the same!
I'm using 'LT_USI_Residential-Default' Template for my project.In the Stair Family, I have a few options, but not the '7"max riser 11" tread' stair that is available in other Templates.Is there a way to bring that Stair Family into the Template?
Maybe I don't know the 'workarounds', but none of the Stairs available in the above Template have changeable 'width' parameter under 'Dimensions' in the properties window.No matter what I do, all Stairs are first drawn 4' wide, and then I have to edit the width, but it's a pain since I get bunch of error messages and Landings often can't complete and needed to be manually added later.Even though the Type Properties list all stairs widths as 3' min., they still all draw as 4'.What's wrong with these Stairs?
experiencing monolithic stair with top tread missing - see attached image. The plan has irregular treads and I did pull the top riser line away from the boundary intersection but it had not affect.Or is this just a "feature"
View 3 Replies View RelatedStair tread number tool is wonderful. BUT it is being not printed properly.
Example image attached:
- 'on screen' on the left is taken from my screen. The numbers are shown correctly.
- 'after print' in the middle is a black&white pdf print by adobe pdf. you can see there is the last number missing.
- 'after print-random number missing' on the right is a coloured pdf print also by adobe pdf. several numbers are missing and it happened randomly.
Is the any way of saving settings for in particular base level and top level. Always defaults to the current view level for base - can this be overriden permanently. Same for upper level - what lvel does it automatically default. Stair by sketch often involves trial and error and redoing it each time because once done you cant change the levels, rise, width or change the number of segments governed by the path. It would be nice to not have to reset levels each time.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to change the elevation of the cut line for an individual stair without changing the cut line for the entire view? The only way I know change the cut line is thru View Properties > View Range > Cut Plane.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI use all the time L shape and U shape winder stairs in combination with the Monolithic Type.
We use to concrete the monolithic part of the stairs and then dress the stairs with treads and risers. The new tool looks that working very nice.
So OK I draw the U shape winder stair and of course i want to construct the stairs.
I want to prepape a detail plan view with dimensions only for the Monolithic Part (Concrete) of the stair but i can't find a way to dispay only the monolithic part without Treads and Riser.It is possible in 3d view but no in plan view. The news tool that calculate winder stairs is "half job done" if i can't print with dimension the concrete part of the winder stairs.
I currently have a situation in white my stair handrail mid post wont connect to my stair stringer. I have a C10 stair stringer and am using a modified typer square handrail system I have made. I am sure there is a setting or preference I have missed that is causing this. I have attached an image for reference.
ALSO in the image you can see the top rail does not fully attach to the end post. It sits in the middle somehow. AND that end post sits halfway off the stringer.
if this is easy, but how do I calculate the volume of concrete needed to pour a cast-in-place spiral stair?
View 1 Replies View Relatedi want to make 3 scanned pages of a pub food menu look like it would if it was stood on a table.
the link is what i have got but as you can see, the top edge of each page is angled the wrong way!
When using the perspective grid tool and type, I have a word on the right side of the grid in perspective, and I want to make a shadow of this word flat on the bottom grid. (Like how a tall building casts a shadow flat on the ground)
I tried using the shear tool to do it but it is a bit tricky getting it just right. There must be an easier way to do it within the perspective tool grid.
When I type the word and align it to the bottom grid, how do I rotate it whilst still being aligned in perspective on the bottom grid?If I try and rotate the word using the selection tool it rotates off axis so it is no longer laying flat on the bottom grid.
Words placed on the bottom grid always read from the left vanishing point - I want the word to read from the right vanishing point so it aligns with my word on the right grid wall.
I made this part, which is a loft consisting of five symmetric squares. I plan on laser cutting each side, which would be exactly the same.
I can't seem to figure out how to make a flat projection of one of the sides. I have tried in sheet metal, but I don't use that feature in my line of work.
I want to have a slick looking website user interface and background image with sheets of realistic looking overlapping sheets of glass.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a problem where I am unsure if my upgraded template is incompatible with Revit 2013 or is there something else at play.
If I create a precast stair in default template I get "end with riser" turned on automaticaly. If I copy that stair to my template and create new stair, "end with riser" is turned off and I manually have to adjust stair afterwards.
Problem is "end with riser" is now an instance parameter of stairs and I can't find where to change the default value.
Why is the stair type that works in default template stuffed when copied to my template?
I was hoping I could find a plug in for it. Any plug ins out there for that?
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to slope the bottom of the wall. See attached x sec.
View 2 Replies View RelatedDoes Revit 2011 have and means of duplicating a wall then modifying it to include top and bottom plates - or does a wood stud wall with plates already exist in some available library?
View 9 Replies View RelatedHow do you control the bottom depth of a toposurface? I have a structure with a basement and the "Earth" stops at the top of the footings so that my details show the footings floating in space!!
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am creating a plan of an existing flat roof. The building is rectangular but has a large notch on one long side so the plan is kind of u-shaped. The slope is to the center with a single valley. When I put a split line down the middle it creates plans and valleys to the sides of the notch. How can I eliminate these planes? The entire north half slopes to the center. When I set the sides to "define slope" I get "slab edit failed" message.
Note, the south hatched section is a mansard style clay tile roof. There are parapets at the corners that wrap into the roof. How to I notch the sloped roof?