Is it possible to create a Stair Tag with the pitch reported? I have a tag which includes the number and height of rises as well as the size of treads but I would like to include the pitch also. Obviously this would use the dimensions of the rise and tread in the formula Tan X = Rise/Tread, but how do I create this in a tag? I have looked at using a Reporting Parameter but every time I read the Wikihelp paragraph on them my eyes just glaze over as I cannot follow it at all but it does mention formulas....
As the wall wraps do not work on the soffit (only on reveals), I have used a sweep to match the wall plaster thickness to provide a finish.
Is it possible to report the host wall finish material and have it assigned to this sweep automatically ? I have tried to add a finish layer to the host wall in the family - but have not been able to find a way of extracting the material value for this layer.
For the moment I have left it as an Instance property for manual correction - but automated would be great.
Determine the roof pitch, then it has the typical triangle with 1/2 pitch and 1/4, 1/3, 1/6 and so on. I know rise over run like 5/12, but don't understand the fractions. How do I get 4/12 or 5/12 and so on from the fractions?
I'm building a PEMB frame family partly to teach myself and because none of the ones I could find online match the ones I'm working with. It's been a bumpy road but I've gotten the family to the point where there are parameters and elements for the flange, web, baseplate & girts.
Where I've run into a problem are the bracing flanges. The flange at the top of the column was simple enough since it's always horizontal but the beam braces are all 90 deg to the top chord. Any refrence plane or reference line drawn from the intersection of the bottom & column chords to the top chord does not move with the other chords when the family types are changed. I applied a 90 deg angular dimension constraint between the top chord and the bracing flange but when I change the pitch of the top chord by increasing the Ridge Height Revit gives me a warning message that the constraint is no longer satisfied instead of rotating the flange!
I have made a stair by sketch, an u-shaped one. I do have some problems with the 3d model. it will not show up correctly. I add some print screens and you can see.
I can't get Revit to display the cut material of a stair (landing or run) in 2013 using the new stairs... i have tried different settings in object styles, visibility/graphics, materials, details levels, phasing all without success.
Successfully show material cut pattern on a stair in section?
In the attached i have the new "Component" stair next to the old style "By Sketch" stair, the sketch stair shows the cut pattern the component one does not, this is the same section view not two sections.
I have a client that needed to know the distance required to make a stair case, and when I drew it wight revit 2013, I discovered that I could manually adjust the riser height but was unable to adjust the tread length. I was also unable to end the stairs with a tread rather than a riser, witch he wanted.
Just Starting with new Revit LT 2013(The Comparison chart from Autodesk lists the differences between LT and Full Revit as no Massing, Rendering and no multi user collaboration) Everything else should be the same!
I'm using 'LT_USI_Residential-Default' Template for my project.In the Stair Family, I have a few options, but not the '7"max riser 11" tread' stair that is available in other Templates.Is there a way to bring that Stair Family into the Template?
Maybe I don't know the 'workarounds', but none of the Stairs available in the above Template have changeable 'width' parameter under 'Dimensions' in the properties window.No matter what I do, all Stairs are first drawn 4' wide, and then I have to edit the width, but it's a pain since I get bunch of error messages and Landings often can't complete and needed to be manually added later.Even though the Type Properties list all stairs widths as 3' min., they still all draw as 4'.What's wrong with these Stairs?
experiencing monolithic stair with top tread missing - see attached image. The plan has irregular treads and I did pull the top riser line away from the boundary intersection but it had not affect.Or is this just a "feature"
Is the any way of saving settings for in particular base level and top level. Always defaults to the current view level for base - can this be overriden permanently. Same for upper level - what lvel does it automatically default. Stair by sketch often involves trial and error and redoing it each time because once done you cant change the levels, rise, width or change the number of segments governed by the path. It would be nice to not have to reset levels each time.
Is there a way to change the elevation of the cut line for an individual stair without changing the cut line for the entire view? The only way I know change the cut line is thru View Properties > View Range > Cut Plane.
I use all the time L shape and U shape winder stairs in combination with the Monolithic Type.
We use to concrete the monolithic part of the stairs and then dress the stairs with treads and risers. The new tool looks that working very nice.
So OK I draw the U shape winder stair and of course i want to construct the stairs.
I want to prepape a detail plan view with dimensions only for the Monolithic Part (Concrete) of the stair but i can't find a way to dispay only the monolithic part without Treads and Riser.It is possible in 3d view but no in plan view. The news tool that calculate winder stairs is "half job done" if i can't print with dimension the concrete part of the winder stairs.
I currently have a situation in white my stair handrail mid post wont connect to my stair stringer. I have a C10 stair stringer and am using a modified typer square handrail system I have made. I am sure there is a setting or preference I have missed that is causing this. I have attached an image for reference.
ALSO in the image you can see the top rail does not fully attach to the end post. It sits in the middle somehow. AND that end post sits halfway off the stringer.
I have a problem where I am unsure if my upgraded template is incompatible with Revit 2013 or is there something else at play.
If I create a precast stair in default template I get "end with riser" turned on automaticaly. If I copy that stair to my template and create new stair, "end with riser" is turned off and I manually have to adjust stair afterwards.
Problem is "end with riser" is now an instance parameter of stairs and I can't find where to change the default value.
Why is the stair type that works in default template stuffed when copied to my template?
I have been working on creating windows for the place I work. I want to make my windows so they are quick and easy to create new ones without having to add in new information like if the glass is tempered or if its an egress window. I would like to set up formulas for these. I am stuck at my egress window parameter. I have included an image of what I am working on and the calculations and formulas I have so far. I would like to have my egress check box to say yes if the Opening Width is greater then 20", the opening height is greater then 24" and the opening sf is greater then 5.7 Sf. How would I set this parameter up?
I've created an area schedule that divides my plan into seperate appartments. I would like to sort mu window schedule by this parameter- is there an option to link a window to a specific area, just like it's linked to floors?
How I can get the finished floor material from the floor in the room tag? The only way I know is to manually write material via Change Parameter Values in the tag.
I am able to get the parameter to appear on the project information tab, but I cannot get the information to appear on the sheet. I would like to create a phase parameter on the sheet so that different projects under the same building will be specific to the project and not just the building.
Does the tooltips on Label Parameters can be modified? I would like to customize the tooltips on label parameters, which currently default to "Edit Parameter"...lame-oh; that tells the user very little. Perhaps the developers could add a customize tooltip control in the Edit Label dialogue box. Can the tooltips be accessed through the database?
I have set 2 parameters in the Family Editor so they 'Group Under' Dimensions, yet when I load into a project (that the family object has been deleted out of via the Project Browser), I find instead they are Grouped under 'Other'.
One of the offending objects attached.
I've done this 2 ways, once by opening within Revit the Family Editor, making the change and then loading back into the file, only to find nothing has changed, and also then by again opening up in the family editor from Revit to find ditto; and separately by opening up the file directly in Explorer and then loading into the open project.
Not an enormous problem, just annoying as I want to group Dimensions parameters naturally enough under Dimensions!
I find the visibility parameter a very useful option when building families. Unfortunately it doesn't work when exporting IFC. The elements set to not visible are visible in the IFC exports.
I also experienced IFC export issues with the use of phases.An element created at phase 1 and set to demolished at phase 2, will not be visible in the IFC export of phase 1.
The IFC Exporter for Revit 2012 v1.0.4.msi was used when running into these issues.How to be able to have correct IFC exports using the visibility parameter ?
I am using Revit 2013 and I am trying to create a text parameter for my windows that will tell you what grid is installed in the window according to which grids you choose (from my parameters above) I have included a picture to better show what I am trying to do. So far the parameters i have tried to use don't seem to work.