Revit :: Level 2 Doors Showing Up On Level 1 Door Schedule
Jul 16, 2007I am having a little trouble with some doors showing up on the level 1 door schedule that are actually on level 2. They are curtain wall doors.
View 6 RepliesI am having a little trouble with some doors showing up on the level 1 door schedule that are actually on level 2. They are curtain wall doors.
View 6 RepliesI need to add "Level" into my Cable Tray schedule; we need to sort the cable trays lengths by floor level. However, "Level" is not listed as one of the available fields, even though level information (show up as "Reference Level) is one of the constraints in the cable tray model.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to change the font type and size of the Level within the schedule?
View 1 Replies View RelatedThe underlay does not show up for Level 1 when I am on Level 2, but it does show up for Level 2 when I am on Level 1. the underlay option is on for Level 1, so I'm not sure why it's not showing up. I am using Revit 2014.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've got a model and i created a new level as normal, propogated extents etc but when i created as section North to South (Vertical) in the model the level does not show. When i create a section from East to west (horizontal) then the level appears fine. I've tried creating many sections and this is always the case. If i select a level in the section and click on select all instances in entire project the number includes the additional level but i can't see it. It is not hidden in the view, not on a different workset or anything unusual...
View 5 Replies View Relatedhow to adjust the display level on doors.
I have attached a PDF of my problem.
In the sketch is a simple room with 3 types of doors.
A Single door which displays properly
An overhead door which has a sq box attached to it and
A Double door which has all sorts of lines/boxes displayed on it
Ho do I get the doors to appear normal in plan view.
How can the dimensions for the system family door be shown in the door schedule?
I tried to make a instance paramater, type parameter, both through shared parameter for the doors in the family file, but they are still not showing up.
Is there a way to have one schedule to tabulate the materials (by area, volume and length) as well as windows and doors (by pieces)?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am trying to adjust the noise level with the level tool but its not working. I move the arrows every which way see that it changes. I get it to were i want it them press ok and it only changes a little bit.
It become what it was in the preview. The level tool works when I add it as a new adjustment layer but I don't want like that I want to be able to copy the new level of noise I just made and can't if I add new adjustment. what should I do to fix this? O and this is the trial version and It wasn't working earlier with lots of other tool but i uninstalled it and now they are working except the level tool how I want it to.
Is there a door family out there that contains double opposing doors. These are very common in healthcare settings and I'm not finding a family to make this work.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am trying to add the typical category of "glazing" to a door schedule, but when I add a door with glass into my project, I cannot make this information show up on my schedule. I need typical information such as "!/4" Temp" and "1" Insul" under the category of glazing. I added the "Door: Glass" heading in the schedule, but nothing appears when I add a glass door into the project. I was able to easily do this in AutoCAD Architecture.
View 5 Replies View RelatedSo I've created a door schedule and added all the parameters I needed. But to get the "room name" to list and be associated with the door tags I had to choose either if the doors were going to a room or from a room, so I chose to, however, some of the doors swing are leaving the room so instead of tagging them with the corridor we want them associated with the room. But I can't edit the column the room names are in. If I click on a cell it gives me a drop menu on the side of what I can choose for that cell and it doesn't have the listed room that I need. It does not let me just type in the cell is there a way to fix this?! The blue highlighted name shows my option of what I can list as the room name or I can leave it blank, it lets me click inside the cell as if I could just put text in it but it actually doesn't show anything that I type.
View 3 Replies View RelatedCan you show the direction of swing in the door schedule?
View 4 Replies View RelatedWhat kind of an instance paramater needs to be implemented in order to account the host wall type in the door schedule?
View 2 Replies View RelatedSay I have an image where I'm attempting to extract a mask from and I've found that one of the channels will serve as a good starting point. Further suppose that I have found that I want to increase the luminance level of pixels in the range of 60 - 65 by 10 luminance levels each:
i.e. all pixels with luminance values of 60,61,62,63,64,65 would, after the operation have luminance values of 70,71,72,73,74,75. Is such a thing possible with Photoshop?
If there is no level 3 in the project browser. How can you add a 3 level to the project.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to copy a phase from one level to the other. For example, on Level 1 I have walls that are Existing, Demo, and New Construction.
If I select the objects and copy to clipboard and paste the objects to another level they will all switch to New Construction. Is there any way we can have the walls remain the same phase when copied to another level?
Is there a way to set the visibility of elements in a 3D view according to the Level they are associated with?
The VG tab which opens the filter dialog provides a check box for the "Levels" category, and the relevant parameters are made available.
But I can not seem to create a filter rule which evaluates any of those parameters (name, elevation, etc...) to then isolate the visibility of those elements in the 3D view that either meet, or do not meet the criteria. Nothing seems to work.
To achieve a "similar" effect in a 3D view, I can use a Section Box, but that is a very clunky and imprecise way.I can also create a Shared Parameter for "Level" and perhaps filter successfully that way, but that seems redundant with the Levels intelligence already established.
It is almost seeming like you should not try to creat these views in templates to get a jump start on projects. but for the life of me I am not understanding how you can get level lines to appear elevations that have already been create. or in new ones?is there away to successfully get these back?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI noticed that Revit likes to show the entire stair going down. This works for me in a lot of cases but I have a project that the second floor is showing the stair all the way down to the first floor, and there is another stair going from the second floor to the third that I really need to see.
Plan regions don't seem to allow me to add a break line below the second floor and see the stair from the second to the third floor. The floors are on and the view is set to hidden.
The attached png shows the up stairs in blue that I would like to see and the Down stairs I would like to cut at the landing.
The “level” indicators are not cropped exactly based on the “crop region”,the “crop view” doesn’t crop the “level” indicators exactly as they extend outside the “crop region”.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI've added some levels that are pretty close together. In elevation and section the labels overlap. How do I bend or crank the elevation line at the end so that the labels don't overlap?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI accidentally deleted the side (left side default) tool bars and how do i get them back?? I cant find the buttons in the main toolbar (top).I got the properties toolbar back but i am still wondering how to get the level toolbar back(that shows you all the different views)
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen I open a number of templates, I will see a Basement Plan, however when I go the the Elevations I do not see a Basement Level.How do I add the Basement Level to the Elevations ?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI've been trying to construct a wal with the start leve being the ground floor and the finishing Level being First floor level. every time i try to do this tho i get this message occur
"Top Constraint is invalid for the Level."
I'm creating a Construction Template in Revit 2014. When I create new levels these appear in Floor Plans and automatically generate a new Structural Floor Plan view with the new levels but the previous levels don't appear (those that come in Revit by default).
I dont want to delete the level 0 which comes by default.
I have an issue where filtering my framing member schedules per Level by, for example, Level equals LEVEL 3 causes the entire schedule to be filtered to empty. We clearly have members constrained to and occuring on LEVEL 3.
The same happens when filtering for, say, at or above LEVEL 3, but interestingly not at or below LEVEL 3, in which case nothing happens -- that is, it still displays members clearly occuring only on and constrained to Reference LEVEL 5.
--Is there a way to do a door schedule by styles rather than individual door?
--To clarify: I want my door schedule to create a new door number only when one or more of the property sets, classifications, or door styles pertaining to a door are not defined by other doors in the schedule. This would facilitate giving the same door number to multiple doors that have matching schedule information, and cut down on my schedule size.
--how to do this. If I need to create custom tags, schedules, or formula properties.
I'm just a novice when it comes to this program, a student in High school so I'm not very familiar with it.
Why is it that when I change one floor's surface (tile,carpet, ect.) and then make a seperate floor on the same floor but with a different surface, it changes BOTH floors like they are instances of each other?
How can I add a surface to individual floors on the same level? Ex. Carpet in living room, Tile in Bathroom.
I created an underground parking level but for some reason, I can't create a Space for it even though it has walls, a ceiling, and a floor.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to create workset by view level , for example I need to assign each floor in the building to separated users and by that way I let more people shares in creating one revit model. I create worksets by views but I notice that I still can open any view level and I can add elements . Is there any way to lock the not editable views from opening and adding a new elements and make it secure ?
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