AutoCAD Architecture :: Do A Door Schedule By Styles Rather Than Individual Door
Apr 29, 2004
--Is there a way to do a door schedule by styles rather than individual door?
--To clarify: I want my door schedule to create a new door number only when one or more of the property sets, classifications, or door styles pertaining to a door are not defined by other doors in the schedule. This would facilitate giving the same door number to multiple doors that have matching schedule information, and cut down on my schedule size.
--how to do this. If I need to create custom tags, schedules, or formula properties.
How can the dimensions for the system family door be shown in the door schedule?
I tried to make a instance paramater, type parameter, both through shared parameter for the doors in the family file, but they are still not showing up.
I am having trouble trying to edit the title fonts in a door schedule. No matter which font I pick under "Edit Schedule Table Style" after a selection of the schedule and right clik, the title font will not change. The listed doors font does change. Is it not poosible to change the title and descriptor font?
I working on a deadline with little sleep, but I cannot believe it is this hard to get an overhead door to look right. All I want is a 1" thick frame, the same depth as the wall AND the door slab to be INSIDE the frame like a real overhead door.
The attached PDF shows the standard OH door on the left with the stupid door centered in the frame. The door on the right is one I created by inserting a cased opening in the wall, then manually drawing a rectangle and dashed line for the OH swing. All I am interested in is getting this right in plan at this point. Using Architecture 64 bit.
I have ACAD Arch 2012 and I am trying to associate my door tags with my door schedule and visa versa. I get as far as creating the Door Schedule with all the doors on it and quantified just the way you would want to see it; however, the "Mark" remains "A" for every door. I discovered that I can change the Mark on the extended properties of each door, but I believe there should be a better (and more linked) way to accomplish this. Since the program already recognizes how many doors there are of a specific style it should be able to put sequential "marks" to each door, for example "A", "B", "C", etc.
what's the difference between Door Tags - Project Based and regular Door Tags?
how to link a door frames width and height to the door schedule? For example if I have a 3'-0" x7'-0" door the frame width would be 3'-4"x7'-2", I would like this to automatically generate in my door schedule when I insert a door without me having to manually put it in. I am using AutoCAD Architecture 2010.
How do I get my dimension styles, door styles, window styles, etc. from Architectural 2011 to 2012? I migrated but I don't see where it brought my styles over.
I am trying to add the typical category of "glazing" to a door schedule, but when I add a door with glass into my project, I cannot make this information show up on my schedule. I need typical information such as "!/4" Temp" and "1" Insul" under the category of glazing. I added the "Door: Glass" heading in the schedule, but nothing appears when I add a glass door into the project. I was able to easily do this in AutoCAD Architecture.
So I've created a door schedule and added all the parameters I needed. But to get the "room name" to list and be associated with the door tags I had to choose either if the doors were going to a room or from a room, so I chose to, however, some of the doors swing are leaving the room so instead of tagging them with the corridor we want them associated with the room. But I can't edit the column the room names are in. If I click on a cell it gives me a drop menu on the side of what I can choose for that cell and it doesn't have the listed room that I need. It does not let me just type in the cell is there a way to fix this?! The blue highlighted name shows my option of what I can list as the room name or I can leave it blank, it lets me click inside the cell as if I could just put text in it but it actually doesn't show anything that I type.
I created a Dr & Wdw Assembly w/ 3 French doors w/ 3 Transoms above. It looks great. However, the door panels in Plan view are closed. Yet the in the properties dialog box it says they're each 90 degrees open. I can change the number, but the door remains closed. What needs to be tweaked?
I made a door tag, tagged all 128 doors and during a check set noticed that the text in the tag is the wrong font. I opened the tag and changed the font, saved and regenerated the drawing. The font in the current door tags did not change. To be sure I changed the correct tag I added a new tag and the font is correct. Why do the current tags not update? Do I need to do something? I do not want to go back and redo all 128 door tags.
In the attached image, the left is my 1st floor RCP, which looks the way I want. The right is my 2nd floor RCP, in which I cannot get the door jambs (orange lines) to turn off. Cut Planes are set identically in the two dwgs. I thought the Display Configuration settings were identical in the 2 dwgs, but clearly they're not.
Currently our door schedule populates when the doors are inserted into the drawing. I would like to know if I can set the schedule up so it populates when the door is tagged. Our doors are inserted into a base plan and that base plan is xrefed into various sheets.
The doors are tagged in one of these sheets and not the base plan. It takes too much time to stop and set up the schedule to schedule the doors across the xref for every project we do. I have read several articles but none of them explain how to schedule from the tag that I can see. I thought this was how the schedule was set up in a previous version.
I am trying to number my doors, and the door tag (AEC6_Door_Tag), won't let me create door numbers with 3 digits. I have never had this problem before. It keeps creating tags with 2 digits.
I have an assebly with the door going down to grade level and the flanking windows 30 inches up. I used a profile to create the assebly shape. In plan you cannot see the brick below though you can see it between the assemblies.
We do residential design, our doors and windows need to read 3068 and 3050 etc. I have tried everything but I cannot simply get it to work.....This is what I have done:
*Insterted a door tag from AA2014 *I exploded the tag twice and deleted the circle around the text *Renamed the nested block and edited to include "OORSIZE" *Went to style manager/the plan/Doc Objects/Door styles/definition/ changed it to read "STD Door Description"...
i have created a door schedule and it seems to be missing the most important part, the sizes! When I go into Style Manager and click on the door shcedule and try to add columns size does NOT come up as a choice. I have added size to the property sets of the doors. I have tried everything I can remember from older versions of Autocad and it just won't put in this bit of information.
ACA 2012: Is it possible to add a column to my door and window schedules that automatically shows the area of the door/window(or area of Glazing) and then have a total area column at the bottom of the column?
We've created our own door tags. Now in ACA 2013 the doors that have sizes that end in zero (like 3'-0") are showing a zero, a decimal and three trailing zeros in the zero value.
how one would go about creating a garage door that slides around a cruved 90 degree track? I.E. has 5 VERTICAL divisions and slides around a curved track to rest flat against an adjacent wall?
I have created custom spaces and I have been able to build room with doors and then add a door tag that updates automatically with the info of the door. But for some reason, I am unable to assign the door to the space. I am not using project and I think that may be my problem. I feel as though I am almost there, but I can't assign the door to the space so that when I add a door tag it recognizes that the door is in a wall in a space and then gives me those numbers. If I click on the tag, I am able to anchor it to the space and then the room number appears in the tag, but I was hopnig to have it do it automatically. I have the door squiggle inside the space but I don't know how to attach it and also the space seems to have a number project based assigned to it, but that is not what I want since the drawing is not project based.
Is it possible to add an architrave to a door opening automatically.
I.e wall is 150mm thick and door is 1010mm wide and 2100 high. can the architrave go round the edge of the opening and adjust if the door shrinks to 910mm
I'm new to Architecture Desktop (especially 2012), I dabbled with it a little bit years ago.
I'm doing a floor plan and I want to change one door to a double door. I changed the style and it changed all the doors. So I did a search and saw something about doing a style override in the "Edit Object Display." So, I checked all the "Object Override" boxes in there. Buuut...when I right click on that door and do "Edit Door Style" it still changes ALL the doors in the drawing to double doors.
Is there any to get the single line display into the medium or medium low rep by object? I see the only place to get it is to use the High Detail rep by object. Normally in a high detail would you not want a double line for doors? and use a single line for concept in the medium low? I would like to see the ability to have the single door in all display reps by object