Photoshop :: Modify Luminance Level Based On Existing Luminance Level
Oct 29, 2012
Say I have an image where I'm attempting to extract a mask from and I've found that one of the channels will serve as a good starting point. Further suppose that I have found that I want to increase the luminance level of pixels in the range of 60 - 65 by 10 luminance levels each:
i.e. all pixels with luminance values of 60,61,62,63,64,65 would, after the operation have luminance values of 70,71,72,73,74,75. Is such a thing possible with Photoshop?
I am trying to adjust the noise level with the level tool but its not working. I move the arrows every which way see that it changes. I get it to were i want it them press ok and it only changes a little bit.
It become what it was in the preview. The level tool works when I add it as a new adjustment layer but I don't want like that I want to be able to copy the new level of noise I just made and can't if I add new adjustment. what should I do to fix this? O and this is the trial version and It wasn't working earlier with lots of other tool but i uninstalled it and now they are working except the level tool how I want it to.
What can be done to reduce or alter chromatic luminance qualities in photographic subjects of people (skin tones) and liquids (beverages, water, ice, etc.)?
I have 18 pictures that I want to have, for research purposes, EXACTLY the same luminance. The pictures are cut out faces and the background needs to stay white.
What is Purpose or use of families Template <Metric Generic Model two level based>? Do ceilings are used to make Or decorative elements of the ceiling?
I'm working on a chart that displays and names a couple hundred color swatches. I have all of their color data in a table, and I want to arrange them by hue and lightness, so I applied the Rec.709 coefficients to my data. This arranges my colors into a natural gradient--except for the reds, which have some glaring misplacement. why .709 coefficients do this, or what coefficients I should use instead?
Is it possible to extract raw luminance values from raw image files? Actually, a de-Bayerized flat matrix would be ideal but could (? maybe) deal with a 3 layer RGB matrix -- rather like the output from dcraw, only in PS. Preferably without gamma applied.
What I'd like to do: I'd like to use image stacking for exposure accumulation using "summation" but find that highlights blow out readily. Right now the workaround is to let the highlights go and bring them back with HDR from one (or more) of the original frames, but that's seriously clunky. I'd like a "scaled summation" where a luminance-dependent scaling factor is applied in the sum. I don't yet know how to get there from here in PS (there's a megaclunky way involving dcraw, Matlab, and a stacking program ...), but it seems to me that the first step is to get the luminance info.
We're trying to make some visual stimuli for an experiment, and we want to change the hues of the images while keeping the luminance value constant. However, changing the hue always changes the luminance as well. Is there a way to lock the luminance value?
I have a set of 25 images that I need to equate on luminance. That is, I need them to have the same luminance mean and distribution. Is it possible to do this using Photoshop? If so, what are the steps?
I'm trying to get every pixel value in the black square to 000, and all the white pixels to 255,255,255. I've started out with an 800 pixel square solid 255RGB square and then applied a solid 0RGB black square over the top in a new layer, but as can be seen by the color pickers PSCC is doing an unwanted luminance blend around the edges.
Is there anything I can do to stop it and get a solid black square on a solid white one?
I have a series of grayscale images that I'm trying to adjust so that they all have the same--or at least very similar--contrast, luminance, and brightness. When I try to adjust these things, it's always measured relative to the images's starting state rather than to anything objective.
I have a Dell 1907 FP Flat Panel Monitor. The controls include a 'Brightness' adjustment. I am trying to set the monitor so that I have a luminance of between 100 and 120 cd/m2. I am using a Spyder 3 Pro display calibration device to set the luminance but the device does not measure luminance. Can anyone tell me what Brightness level my monitor should be set at to achieve a luminance of 100-120 cd/m2?
The underlay does not show up for Level 1 when I am on Level 2, but it does show up for Level 2 when I am on Level 1. the underlay option is on for Level 1, so I'm not sure why it's not showing up. I am using Revit 2014.
When I try and apply a channel to an adjustment of my choosing, I get a red mask across the whole image and the alteration is global as opposed to the selection of the mask if that makes any sense? [URL] ........
I want to do some Luminance Smoothing on only the sky, in Lightroom 4. I don't think it is possible so would like to know how to do it in Photoshop if it is possible there?
I've occasionally created some tone-mapped pictures from multiple exposure brackets using the Luminance HDR program. But when I import the jpegs exported from Luminance to Xara, their Red and Blue channels appear to get swapped.
I can fix it by using a Live Effect. But why does this happen? Is there a way to losslessly avoid this before importing to Xara? Because Live Effects impose their own resolution limitations on the image.
I use quite heavy Luminance noise reduction on my images as they are shot at very high speed ISO...
I adjust this in L4, picture in preview looks as smooth as a babies bottom and perfect...
I then export as a TIF file at Adobe 1998 and when I open it in Photoshop 5 the image is really noisy like I've not done the adjustments at all...
I use a 17inch Macbook Pro with the lastest operating system, this is the second performace issue over the last few week (problems with LB too)...I export my files manually using a card reader as RAW files, from a Canon 5D Mark 3...
Basically exactly how layer masks behave, except I would like to be able to have full non-destructive editing control over the masking layer (e.g. have it as a smart object). The problem with layer masks is that (AFAIK) only destructive editing is possible.
What I'm after is effectively the same as what a 'luma matte' does in After Effects. Is this at all possible in PS?
I clicked on the leval and clicked on the white and the black and typed 5 on the b and clicked on the white and typed 95 on b . I closed and opened it and changed them back. I tried to save and opened it and it changed it them back. How do I keep them?
I almost print a picture when I saw that the image too large then the paper's printable area some clipping will occur.
I sent the attached PDF print with Sense Creative. The cards were printed and they've turned out quite visibly green on the reverse (where it should be white).
I've printed the artwork on several printers I have access to and it looks as it should, however SC are saying that the issue is with the artwork
"The green tinge you see on the reverse of these cards is prevalent in the artwork. The makeup of the background is approximately c-15 m-11 y-15 k-0. the predominant levels of the yellow and cyan will give you the green tint. Upping the levels of the artwork in or substituting the cyan, magenta and yellow levels with more black in Photoshop will likely give you the result you require. We are satisfied that in both instances, the artwork has printed correctly and the colours are well within tolerance given the nature of the artwork."
So, I'm in a bit of a pickle as the cards are needed for an event next week.How do I change the image levels? Or are they talking nonsense and trying to pass the buck?
Photoshop Lightroom 4.1 and Lightroom 2.0 - on Trial)
For reasons that I cannot fully explain all my images are now opening as "Smart Objects" rather than "Background Layers" in CS3
I have also lost the capacity to "Dodge" (Multiply blend mode) or "Burn" (Screen blend mode)images with empty "Levels" adjustment layers.
I am able to highlight the respective layer and create the empty Levels adjustment layer, change the blend mode to either Multiply or Screen, fill the Layer Mask with Black (Alt & backspace), change the opacity level as desired, select the brush tool and change the foreground colour to white to enable the applicable Dodge or Burn processes.
Unfortunately, it does not function irrespective of the preferred opacity level. The Dodge or Burn feature is static with no effect on the image.
I cannot recall any settings to open all files as Smart Objects in Photoshop CS3 but would welcome some help in identifying such a setting if it exists. Alternatively, I would welcome any other suggested methods of correcting the above difficulties.
Respect to John Beardy for his guidance and suggestions about working differently with the "Smart Objects".
I would, however, welcome some help in regaining the capacity to work effectively with empty "Levels" adjustment layers.
If I copy something from one later and paste it onto another layer, it puts it dead centre and then I have to move it to align it with where it was. This is a bit of a hassle. Is there a way to copy from one level and then paste that item to the exact same place on another level?
My level adjustments have suddenly become grayed out. Why?The 'Auto' button is no longer available to me, noer are any of the drop down menus.I am using CS5
I'm going to be purchasing a new PC computer system in the near future; which will be loaded with 64-bit Windows 8 or 8.1. I'm presently using CS5 & CS6, both 64-bit versions, on existing computers that have Windows 7.My work is photography and I do a LOT of masking. In order to see what I'm doing while creating masks, I typically use CS5/6 image magnifications of 300% & 400% with a monitor that has 1680x1050 resolution. On another monitor with 1920x1080 resolution, I have to increase my working space magnification to 400% & 500% to get the same "view size" of my work. That's because the "view size" decreases as the monitor resolution increases. My main problem is that CS5/6 will not produce "smooth" images at a magnification over 500%; as the image is pixelated to a degree that I can't accurately cut a mask. Therefore I need to do my work at magnifications of 500% or less, but I need a "view size" large enough so that I can comfortably see what I'm doing.
For my new system, I'm considering monitors with 2560 horiz resolution. In order to maintain my on-screen "view size" of the 1680 & 1920 monitors, a 2560 monitor would probably force me to use CS magnifications in excess of 500%.
What can I do such that CS will produce "smooth" (non-pixelated) images at magnifications greater than 500%? Or...what can I do to make the entire CS window appear larger; so the "view size" of the 2560 resolution monitor is comparable to a lower (1920, for example) resolution monitor?
if you have used CS6 you may have noticed the Applications bar was removed. According to Adobe it was removed to make more vertical "real estate" for the workspace which makes no sense. When maximized it uses zero additional vertical space but that's another argument.
As part of the Applications bar, there was a drop down menu for a few preset zoom levels. 25, 50, 100 and 200. I got addicted to using this drop down for the work I do in PS and specifically 100 and 200% as I'm also zoomed in make minor changes and I want to jump to 100 or 200% to see what the changes look like at size or zoomed out.
drop down menu like that for zoom in CS6? I know the original shortcut ctrl-1 was for actual pixels but I have that and all the other keys close to the left ctrl/shift/alt used for other functions. I rarely take my right hand off the mouse as I work and that was the best way for me to zoom quick to 100%.
I'm new to Text Extrusions in Photoshop CC (Ext) as I typically model in a 3D app. I'm modeling text that will merge with a photographic background. All the tools are fairly straightforward, but I keep getting hard edges on the text bevels. I just want a basic smooth rounded bevel (fairly narrow). But the bevel options I choose all tend to create a dark outline at the bevel. Is it possible to edit the bevel options?
Also, even though I have selected soft shadows, the shadows cast by the letter form onto itself have hard edged ray trace shadows. Is there a setting the will soft the shadow edges? I have viewed a couple of useful tutorial videos, but they don't address the issues I'm trying to solve.