Revit :: Dividing Projects Into Divisions During IFC Export?
Jan 15, 2014
In AutoCAD Architecture the project can be divided into divisions [URL] ...... Is there anything similar in Revit? Or is there a parameter, that enables dividing the project into divisions during IFC export? The aim is to have an IFC model with divisions, that are visible in a model tree view (for example in Solibri Model Viewer).
I'd like to know if there's a software or plugin that allows you to (semi-) automatically create MEP projects, e.g.:
(Electrical) Once you have the masonry, you position the wall switches and plugs (set the type, wattage, etc), and the program automatically projects the wiring through the shortest route, including the gauge and protection, and possibly even the switchbox.
The same basic concept could be applied for hydraulic and air also, however, depending on the dimensions the program would need you to inform the areas/walls where it can place ducts/plumbs.
I'd like to create a 3D view of an element to be able to use in different projects. The best logical way I can think of would be to create such element in a project just for that purpose, create 3D views with annotation and then somehow import only those 3D views to the project i'm working on...
I think it can't be done this way but it shows what I want to achieve.
What's the best way to reuse a 3D detail with annotations?
I have recently been informed that my Revit 2013 is not compatible with the classes that I am taking. I have installed Revit 2012, but my projects cannot be opened in 2012. Is there a better or a way at all to transfer these projects?
"Can a color scheme be copied between non linked projects or does it have to have existed in the template view or be re-built in the new project view? I am surprised it can't be 'transferred' with other project standards, unless you can tell me different?"
I'm a first time GIMP user. I'm a long-time Adobe PhotoShop user.What is the default ruler units. How can I change the ruler units and divisions to whatever I want?
I have drawn up a roof plan and want to section it off in big areas. Is it possible to draw a rectangle 48'x200' and have that shape fill the entire roof as close as possible. Basically i need my roof hatched w/ a 48'x200' rectangle.
I'm trying to make a perfectly symmetrical hexagon with all six triangular divisions visible. do you need to make it as a path? if so, how do you close the path?
Divide The Tube Part in half its too big for my 8in x 8in 3d printer. The last time i used it was on a dos operating system and it has changed a lot since then. URL....
Is there a way to make a dynamic block where I will insert the total length of this “ panel”. Say 3720mm, and that it will divide the “panel” into equal segments with a maximum segment width of 1240mm. ( so with 3720mm that would make 3x 1240mm segments)
Say it would be a “panel” of 5500mm it would be 5 segments of 1100mm, and a “panel” of lets say 3750mm would make 4 segments of 937,5mm.
I made a drawing to illustrate what I mean, A dynamic block for this will save a lot of time!
I made 3 circles one inside the other. each has a stroke applied. I created 2 triangles and joined them to make an hour glass shape. I placed the hour glass over the circles.
Now i am trying to use the hour glass to cut the 3 circles below. It ends up looking like a spider web. In these photos the antennae is 2 shapes and on top of the layers that hold what i have described.
I have the following image above where I'm trying to add color to different aspects of the drawing. For instance, I'd like to be able to add color to the hair (ie the eyebrows and hair on top of his head) and I'm using live paint to do this. The problem is, some of the live paint areas spill into each other, ie the hair spills into the outline of the head, etc. So I'm wondering, what is the best way to go about dividing these areas so live paint recognizes them as two different entities? What I've been doing currently is drawing a line segment, and then using divide below, however this gives me unpredictable results sometimes and I have a hunch there is a better way.
How to divide an object like a box or a line in to equal segments. AutoCad has "Divide", where you pick how many equal segments and then the object and it puts points or grips at equal distance spots.
The project is to determine to upper 300 acres and 25 square miles of watersheds to determine a point in a stream to comply with a forestry law. The law is explained in the brochure [URL]......... Page two has a simple map explanation. The points to find are the 300 acres & 25 square miles thresh holds in watersheds.
I am working with Map3D 2014. This could be done with drawing polygons, shp, or sdf. The output would be the points in the streams. A stream is from its origin downstream to its mouth at another stream, wetland, lake, pond or ocean. Watersheds smaller than 300 acres get included into the next stream watershed downstream.
dividing a page equally and most importantly accurately in photoshop/illustor/indesign(all CS3) i guess you could think of it as exstablishing a grid.
so to be more specific here are the measurments of my photoshop document:
height: 27.3cm
width: 18.4 cm
so what im trying to do is divde this in to a grid field of 16, ie 4 fields deep and 4 fields high
now what i have tried to do is divide the page in half, so 18.4/2=9.2cm but the rulers on my page go up in halves so 1,1.5,2,2.5cm so how do i indicate the 9.2 mark accurately. is there a way to make the ruler more accurate?
the same problem goes with the height.
hope u guys can help! ive been wrecking my brains with this one!
also i have some really quickfire questions:
1) should i always work in CMYK and print in CMYK?
2) can someone explain spot color and how to take something to print using it.
I created a circle, then drew line segments from the radius to the edge of the circle in 15 degree increments by copying and repeating. Now I'm stumped. Can I somehow divide this to create independent wedges?
I was using PSE6 and just installed PSE12. I work alot with pictures and the option in editor/image to divide multiple photos in one scan does not work. It is pale in print and does not have an arrow like the other choices.
I have a HP PC using Windows 7 and a scanner that worked just fine, Canon LIDE.
I recently downloaded a Trial Version of PSP X5, and one of Adobe PSE11. For my purposes, I find PSP easier to use and therefore preferable. However, in PSE11, a scan of several photos contained in a single file can be "auto" split or divided into individual files, and as such can be edited individually. Try as I have, I have found nothing similar in PSP X5. This could be a deal breaker, as I have numerous old photos to scan and edit, and I find that doing 3 to 5 at a time is a big time saver. Does PSP 5 has this feature?
I need to divide a shape, say ellipse or similar, into 1 or 2 parts and then color the parts different colors and stroke the borders of each part. I don't want to cut the shape up, just keep it as a multi-colored object.I've tried scissors and similar tools but they cut and this is not what I want.
As I’ve only got the free version of Google Sketchup ive had to export an add location terrain via 3ds Max and then into Revit as a DXF and then convert to topo surface. This is laborious but it looks good once imported into Revit. The only problem I now have is that this topo surface could be anywhere in the world? How do I attach its true coordinates so I can link other Revit and CAD files?
I am currently using Revit Architecture 2012 and am trying to export a project file in a .fbx format to start using Autodesk Showcase which I just downloaded a free trial for. For whatever reason, Revit won't let me export any file in a .fbx format. Instead of being able to click on that as an option, it's greyed out. Is there an update I need to download or an fbx plug-in I need to get to utilize the fbx exporting function??
PS: I've put myself in the 3D view which I know can be an issue of why the fbx export function is greyed out.
I am trying to export some Revit models to .nwc for use in navisworks.
I have been getting some odd errors, sometimes I get them, sometimes I don't. Sometimes I will get the error, close the program, re-open, and it will export fine. Other times I try that and still get the same error with no luck.
I need to get these into .NWC files, and doing it from Revit holds more infomation than trying to import them in Navisworks.
Attached is a picture of the error message Revit is giving me...