Revit :: Creating A Pull Down Menu

Dec 20, 2011

I am trying to create a pull down menu in a door schedule. My goal is that when I load a door family into my model it will generate as much as the required schedule information as possible. Eliminating the need to manually fill out the schedule.

I have already set up shared parameters for typical schedule items; such as door material, door type, frame material, etc. I would like to set up pull down menus for the schedule items that will differ from door to door (fire rating for example), via the door family type parameters. The research I've done seems to point to using nested families. This is something I am not all that familiar with. Do I need to use nested families to do what I'm trying? If so, what would be the best way to do it? How would I create a nested family?

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AutoCAD LT :: Pull Down Menu Customization?

Aug 1, 2013

On older versions of Acad, I was able to go into the .mnu file and do a macro such as follows:

ID_MNLIB2 [&Lib2]
[->Bolt ****'y]

[* 1/4]^C^C-insert;F:/STD/LIBS/BOLT-01/BOLT025A;;;;


And a new pull down menu would be created and my listing of bolts could be inserted from the std libs bolt file as I clicked through the route.  I developed all of this on older versions at a different company.  With 2014, I went to the CUSTOMI ZE under the main Drafting and Annotation / AutoCAD Classic pull down and created a New Menu, renamed to BOLTS and then pulled the INSERT command and dropped it ontp the BOLTS pull down and changed the DISPLAY NAME to 1/4" and edited the MACRO from ^C^C _insert to ^C^C_insert;F:/STD/LIBS/BOLT-01/BOLT025A;;;;  Seemed to work fine....until I added another 10 bolt assemblies and then noticed that they all showed up as whatever the last bolt I had put in the Macro line was.  The display name stayed correct but the insert was gloabally changed on all pull down to whatever the last item was.  I have reset 2014 back to the original settings now to clear out everything I had done.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Layer Pull Down Menu

Mar 21, 2011

why I can't see all the layers in the pull down menu? This doesn't happen with all drawings, but I've noticed this in a recent files.

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AutoCad :: Pull Down Menu Items And Put On Layer 0

Feb 22, 2012

I am wondering if it is possible to have pulldown menus items be brought in on the layer that they were created on versus the layer that your template has current. I created pull down menus and (not thinking ahead) put them all on layer 0. They come in with all the attributes they were created with, but come in on the current layer. Can I change that?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Create Iproperty With Pull Down Menu

Nov 26, 2013

I want to create an iproperty that has a pull down menu where I can make a selection. Can this be done? Can I import this data from a txt, csv, xml file?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Unable To Use Pull Down Menu Commands

Jul 6, 2011

I am unable to use pull down menu commands, for example when I want to save as, I have to type it manually in the command open a file I have to type the file name at command line..

when I click save as or any other command from the pull down menu, it does not work, the command line apprars at the buttom of the drawing asking me to manually make an imput...

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AutoCAD LT :: 2011 - Limit To Items Selected To Use Pull Down Menu?

Sep 25, 2012

I have installed the two service packs hoping to fix this issue.  There appears to be a limit to the quantity of items that can be selected if trying to change a property using a pulldown menu.  For example, if I select all items in a drawing (say 25,000 items, didn't test the limit), using (CTRL+A) or with mouse, and all items are not the same color, the OBJECT COLOR menu should be blank (have not value) because there is not only one color for the objects.  Same would be true of the Layer menu if all objects are not on the same layer.  This does not happen, the current Color or Layer are shown in the menu's.  WIth the objects selected, changing the color (say from red to green) has no effect.  Same is true if trying to assign all selected items to a specific layer.  WIth less items selected (didn't test the limit), things work as expected. 

I tried to see if the problem was with the menu, so I used the command line commands.  Change, Property, Color, with all items selected works fine.  Is there a bug with 2011 LT re this?  I didn't have this issue using ACAD LT 2008 previously.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Press Pull And Solid History From Menu Bar

Jan 4, 2014

Where press pull tools and solid history Menu Bar are?

Not in toolbar and Not Ribbon, from Menu bar.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Pull Down Menu And Click Save As Instead Of Window Opening

Apr 17, 2012

All of the sudden, when I go to the pull down menu and click "Save As", instead of the window opening where I can physically choose where I want to save or save over, I get the file directory in the command line. I even typed in the folder directory and it still doesn't save it there. Why the sudden change?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Creating Corridor - Pull Apart Into Individual Drawing Files

Oct 11, 2012

I mad e the mistake of creating my corridors for a large site in the same drawing, and now I would like to pull them apart into individual drawing files for each corridor.  I thought that last time I tried it, the drawings or data somehow got corrupted.  I am running C3D 2009.

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Photoshop :: Creating Menu For Encore?

Feb 27, 2013

I'm creating a DVD Menu in Photoshop CS% for use in Encore authoring a DVD.  My question is about workflow...
I've tried creating the elements of my menu in Photoshops "Film?Video" Preset which creates a document 720x480 / 72ppi (This is the NTSC Widescreen selection in the Preset)

The document size is too small to work with... it has to be enlarged to 160% or more... and become terribly pixelated.
Would a better workflow be to creat my menu in a larger Photoshop document with better resolution... and then free-transform it to a new document created at the Fim/Video Preset?
Also... in the Film/Video Preset there is a "Pixel Aspect Ratio Correction" setting that is a preview of the document in Widescreen mode. If I free-transfrom a larger Photoshop document to this Preset should the PAR Correction be turned ON of OFF when I place it?

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VideoStudio :: Creating Menu With All Chapters?

Dec 1, 2010

I upgraded from the old Video Studio 10 Plus to the Corel Pro 3X. I am now in the process of downloading all the Get More updates. While I am doing this, here is my Menu/Chapter problem.

1. I created the first video (part 1). I somehow have a main menu, and the the second menu has my chapters to select. Yay! I saved the menu to My Favorites. The DVD works great, a person can select a chapter to play,etc.

2. Now I am trying to create the second video (part 2). Somehow in My Favorites I have two menu templates from the first DVD I created. I have tried selecting each one and am trying to create a main menu, and then the second menu with 4 chapters. But each time I end up with 4 chapter menus, but I want the second menu to have the 4 chapters on it that you select a chapter thumbnail that your want to view.

I hate to start from scratch because I like the fonts, etc. from the first DVD, which is part 1.

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Photoshop :: Creating Menu Buttons

May 29, 2005

I made some menu buttons and they just don't look that great. They are supposed to be stacked and on the left side-about 6 of them. I want to do some rollover effects and stuff- any tips, examples.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Creating New Customized Menu And Toolbar

May 17, 2011

I am trying to create new custom menu and toolbar in autocad 2010 using VB.NET / C#. I tried the below URL for adding existing toolbar and menu. But i need to create new one.


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AutoCad :: Creating Menu For Pulldowns To Access Often Used Blocks?

Jan 11, 2012

I want to create a menu for pulldowns to access often used blocks. Ive looked at the pallatte ooption but it seems its only for commands ?? Iam correct.

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VideoStudio :: Creating Disc Menu In Pro X4 - Custom Highlight Buttons?

May 29, 2012

I'm working on creating a disc menu in VS Pro X4. I've customized several parts of my menu (background, music, text, etc.), but I can't figure out how to change the little highlight icons that appear next to the selected menu options. Is it even possible to customize these?

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Revit :: Missing Wall Section In Menu?

Oct 18, 2011

I received a Revit file from a client. What may have been purged from the file. When I try to cut a section, I am presented with the choice of a Building Section or a Detail Section. The Wall Section is not available.

How do I get access to the wall sections? These are available as families which could be reinstalled.

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Revit :: Menu Missing And Dialogs Not Drawing?

Jan 13, 2012

I have a installation of Revit 2012 (64bit win7) that some times stops drawing dialogs and Revit menu (the big R-button) in front (or something). If I press open, the dialog only pops up if I press somewhere in the revit window, and windows plays that DING-sound (like when you do something you shouldn't do). It feels like a menu draw issue.. The R-button just never displays a menu when I press it. A restart of Revit fixes the problem, but its annoying and we all know Revit doesn't start very quick...

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Revit :: Contextual Menu - Boundary - Edit Slab

Mar 28, 2013

I was having trouble with the edit sketch options coming up when I initiated a command that needed it. I upgraded to Update 2 and It seemed to fix it. But now it's happening when when I select a floor. I'm not getting the option to edit the floor. The context options don't match what I have selected. What is the problem and how can I fix this? 

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Revit :: How To Insert A Unicode RTL Control Character From The Context Menu

Jun 6, 2013

I am while i am tryng to insert right to left text (hebrew) in to a tag lable.

while I type I use the context manue to change reading order but when i finish typing it changes back.

I tried to manualy insert a unicode RTL control character from the context manu, but it doesent have any effect.
I hope I am missing somthing and its not a bug( entering long text (in hebrew) is criticle for notes and scheduals)
RAC 2014
win 7 64bit

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Revit :: Creating Objects In Mass?

Jun 7, 2012

Is there any method to create sweep or shaped object in mass (should be in dimension) using Revit 2012.
The creation of sweep/revolve/blend is not available in Mass of Revit 2012.
Because the method of mass is difference comparing to Revit 2008 with Revit 2012.

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Revit :: Creating A Shed Roof?

Nov 25, 2011

I'm trying to create a simple shed roof attached to the sloping walls of a rectangular building.  4 walls, south wall 10' h, north wall 11" h, and the east/west walls joining them are therefore sloped.
I want to attach a simple shed roof to the top.  Here's how I think I should do it:
1. create a new workplane aligned with the top of the walls.
2. switch to that workplane.
3. use "Roof" - Extrude" option to create the roof.
Assuming I'm correct in my steps above, I should be able to create the roof.
QUestion - How do I CREATE a new workplane where there is no object already to choose?  Program won't let me create a workplane in workplane viewer by picking the tops of the four walls (in any of the tiled views). What am I missing?

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Revit :: Creating A Grab Bar Family

May 21, 2013

I downloaded a grab bar family that I thought looked very good.  But then I tried to place it on the toilet stall portion (I also downloaded stall partition families).  When I tried to place the grab bar, it wouldn't place -- I believe because the grab bar is WALL BASED.
So now the question is how do I go about placing a grab bar (or anything else) that is not wall based so that I can use it with the stall portion?  I had tried to use face based but couldn't get that too work. 

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Revit :: Creating Opening For A Window?

Aug 4, 2011

I created this little building with a pitched roof.  at the 1st level I had no problems putting in openings for windows and doors, but now i created the roof and I want to put in window at front and back of the building and the window shows only up when I hold the cursor over it.  what step am i missing?  At one point i also got the message  "rectangular opening does not cut its host" 

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Revit :: Creating Graphic Bar Scale

Jun 3, 2013

Any luck in creating a graphic bar scale to place on your sheets or in your drawings. 

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Revit :: Creating Family From Project?

Jun 10, 2013

I am trying to create a custom planter based off some line work that I did in my project. It has a curve. basically what I have done is created the line work on plan but now I want to use that curved line to create my family. which I am thinking I can create a profile  and then sweep it on those lines. The problem is I can get the line work to the family.

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Revit :: Creating Wall Types

Feb 21, 2012

How do I create simple wall types?  I would like to create 2x6 and 2x4 walls with 7/16" OSB on them.  I would like to see each stud when I going into 3D and I would like the dimensions to be from face of framing; not the OSB or centerline. 

I would like to mimic the plan dimensions when I input the building into Rivet.  Basically, I want to build a stick framed home so I can add the floors, walls and roof and then go into the mechanical and see how it all stacks out and is going to come together. 

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Revit :: Creating 3D Perspective View?

Jan 14, 2012

I want to see my model with perspective, or better yet create a rendered view with perspective, but the instructions given within the program not useful, they run: 'Drag the cursor to the desired target and click. Revit Architecture creates a perspective 3D view and assigns a name to the view: 3D View1, 3D View2, and so on. To rename the view, in the Project Browser right-click it, and select Rename.'
Dragging and clicking like that selects an object, as I expected it would, there is no sign of an sort of perspective or saved image file, so what do I really do?

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Revit :: Creating A Cathedral Ceiling?

May 22, 2012

Basic master bedroom with a view.  roof has a 9 pitch. I cannot figure out how to put a cathedral ceiling in. How do you?

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Revit :: Creating Imperial Library For Server?

May 31, 2013

Our office would like to create a new imperial library with typical families we use on most projects. This library would be located on the server and would be seperate from the Revit standard imperial library. This would allow us to all share family files and only keep ones we use often and ones we have previously edited and customized. Is there a way to link this imperial library to Revit without erasing the standard library, only making our custom library the primary one.

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Revit :: Creating Wall Based Family

Oct 30, 2012

I want to Create a Wall Nitch that will be in a tiled shower we are doing. Best way to create a family that cuts into a wall? I don't want to Create an opening, because I don't want it going all the way through the wall.  

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